Elizabeth Oliver "Olive" Burgess Diary & Transcription, 1918


Elizabeth Oliver "Olive" Burgess Diary & Transcription, 1918


Elizabeth Oliver Burgess


Courtesy of Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre






20th Century, Bruce County, Arran Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 18, 1918

Access Rights

Copyright Notice: The diaries of Elizabeth Oliver Burgess are subject to copyright and may only be used for personal study, private research, or transcription for the Rural Diary Archive. Reproduction, scanning, or download for any other purpose, including publication, online display, or inclusion in a database other than the Rural Diary Archive will require permission of the copyright holder. Contact the Archives at the Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre to discuss the procedure for permission requests.


Scanned Manuscript


Front Cover

1918 {written in pencil}


[illustration of a boy scout placing a flag on a hilltop]

[Inside Front Cover]

E.{Elizabeth} O.{Oliver} Burgess


Burgoyne Jan. 18 Thuri - 5° Below this morning. 11° Below zero to-night. Bright befor {before} dinner dull after, cold. Papa and Mamma were in town, Noble was at Paisley for chop and Rowand was at the bush after dinner . He was at Geddes's in the morning with their grain-bags. Papa and Mamma were only in in the afternoon. I was at Uncle Alfred's for a little bit. Mrs Buyer's and Isabel came home today. Noble is hard up with the cold to-night.

Sat. 19 - 39° Below zero to-night. 9° Below his morning. It has risen to zero to-night. Cold S. wind changing to North. Dull the most of the day. R {Rowand} & Papa were in town. N. {Noble} was doing chores & odd jobs. We were baking pies, cakes & scrubbing. Agnes was here.

Sun. 20 - zero before breakfast. Stormy.


sometimes. Cold. I was at church in the morning. Uncle A. {Alfred}, Arthur and Edgar were here. Papa was not very well. He felt like taking a fainting spell. Rowand has had a cold for a while and is worse now.

Mon. 21 - Not as cold. 8° This morning. Dull & smoky. Snowing a little. The boys were working at the bush before dinner. They brought home a load of logs from the bush after dinner. M & P & the boys have colds. Arthur was here plowing. I am getting better of my cold. P was doing office w. {work}, chores etc. M & I were sewing & mending.

Tue. 22 - About 6° after breakfast. Bright for a while in the morning Started to snow before dinner & snowed all afternoon. P & M. were in town & N took a load of logs

in R. has a bad cold. He was at Uncle A's & Arthur was here phoning. Gordon Hepner hung himself in his father's cellar in Port Elgin. His father found him last night.

Wed. 23 - 14° in the morning. Snowing through last night and all morning and part of afternoon. Calm. The boys are both hard up with colds. M. & I were baking bread. Agnes was here visiting U. A. was here for some saltpeter for a sick horse. I was at U. A's. Clear & 2° Below zero to-night.

Thurs. 24- Snowing quite a bit of the day. Not very cold. Moon is shining to-night. 18° in the middle of the afternoon. Johnny McIntosh was here in the afternoon. Uncle A. and Arthur were here. The boys were helping Papa & bagging up grain. M. & I were churning.


They have all got colds. P & M. are not coughing very much. M. has rheumatism just now and is not well other ways.

Fri. 25 Snowing quite a bit to-day. Wind in S. turned to W. Stormy some of afternoon and to-night. Mild in the Western Canada. N, R & Edgar were trying to chop but could not get the engine to work. U. A. got the "Bell" telephone put into their hosue to-day. R & I were at the store. M. is not very well. She & I were sweeping & dusting.

Sat. 26 - 12° Below zero this morning, 11° Below to-night. Bright & frosty cold wind. P & R. were in town. The roads weare pretty heavy in the morning, N. was cleaning pig-pens & helping Edgar to try to chop but they did not get any done. M & I were baking pies & cakes pies & cakes & scrubbing & cleaning the stove. The Patriotism Society gave a concert last night at Burgoyne. They made about $30 clear. Agnes was here.

Sun. 27 - 30° Below zero. Bright. P. M & I were at church in the morning. U. A. was

here. N is not very well to-night.

Mon. 28 - 4° Below zero this morning. A cold N. E. wind changing to E. till sometime in the afternoon when the storm stopped though the snow fell. M. is not well. The boys were sawing wood in the woodshed. M. & I were sewing & mending. R. is at Mrs. McAndrew's to-night to practice for the Literary meeting.

Tue. 29 - Cold. N.W. wind. Went down sometime in afternoon. 2° This morning. Clear to-night. Bright some of the day. The boys were at the bush. Papa did a little carpentering etc. We were sewing and mending and melting snow. The barn cistern is getting dry & the creek is nearly all frozen up so the cattle were at Uncle A's. Uncle A. was here.

Wed. 30 - 18° Degrees below zero this morning. Bright & nice though a cold wind though not very much of it. P & R. were in town. Noble took the pigs in in


the afternoon. He got $ 17,50 per.cent. for them. There were 5 of them averaging 200 lbs. a piece. Uncla A. helped h. to load them {illegible}. Aunt Lizzie was here in the after-noon. R. & I were at the Literary meeting at night. M. & I were washing, baking bread and scrubbing.

Thur.31-2° Below 0 this morning, / 2° Below to-night-. Bright-and a little warmer than yes-terday. h took grain to P.E. for making in to chop. He got flour "5 gewels" at $6,20 per cent. 100 "Pastry" at $5,60 per cent. He got feed flour, bran & chops too. He was at the bush, after dinner and brought home a load of logs. He and R. were cutting wood. M & I were washing & ironing a little.

{illegible}. Feb. 1-24° Below 0 this morning. Bright, some of the time at any {illegible}. Cold W. wind. The boys were at the bush. M & I were doing sweeping & dusting & baking. & dusting I cleaned some of the hen-house.

Sat. 2 - 2°, Down to zero before breakfast. P. & R. were in town. Roads better for going in than usual. N. took logs in in the afternoon. We were baking cakes, scrubbing & dusting.

Sun. 3 - About 14° after 8 o'clock. Blue-looking around the bush in the morning. Got stormy. Not very stormy but {kind of - both crossed out} pretty stormy. I was at church in the morning. Papa was dizzy in the morn-ing and M.'s back was sore.

Mon. 4 - 19° Below zero this morning. 5° Below on Uncle A's theromometer at noon. 14° Below on ours to-night. A very odd West wind. R & N. were at the bush. R. got a piece of his ear frozen at noon.They both got their noses frozen to-night when they were coming across the field at the bush. R. has got spots of his face and one ear frozen before this time this Winter. The mail-man did not come around. The train did not come from any further than Palmerston.


The wind is high to-night. There is a shower being giving to {unclear} Gowanlork to-night. M. was not feeling well this morning. This mail-man missed {crossed out} sometime before.

Tues. 5 - 38° Below zero this morning. Bright. The boys did not go to the bush. Oliver Geddes was here. He, N. & R. were ar Uncle Alfred's. N. was there in the forenoon too. O. & F. Geddes got their noses frozen on the 4th and so did Agnes. M & I were baking break.

Wed. 6 - 8°· This morning. A good bit milder. 13° At night. Snowed some last night {crossed out} and drifted. N. took the sleigh to town after dinner. His chop was not done but he got feed at McGillivery's and Papa's papers. We cleaned the hall stove-pipes & We churned. Dull part of the day. The boys had to shovel the snow out of the lane gate.

Thur. 7 - Below this morning. Cold wind. Bright & frosty. 11° at night. N. & R. got the logs from the bush to take to town. N. took them in after dinner. R. & E. were

chopping after dinner. M. & P. were at Geddes's for tea. We were washing & scrubbing. M. Schwass and Ed, Sam & John were here to see Papa {unclear} night.

Fri. 8 - 13° Below this morning. Bright & cold. S. wind. Raining at night. The boys were at the bush getting wood ready for selling. M. & I were sweeping, dusting, ironing & baking pies and cakes.

Sat. 9 - Big flakes of snow falling early in the morning. Drifting a little. Bright the most of the day. 14° Before supper. The boys shovelled a road for the horses to get in to the bush, took a load of grain to U. Alfred to get chopped & brought home 3 loads of wood from the bush to take to Eawald's. P & M. were in town this afternoon. Papa did not light a fire as an order has been issued by the "Fuel Controller" that all business plases with a few exceptions are not to be heated with wood, coal or oil on the {crossed out} 9th, 10th & 11th. M. was at Miss Geddes's. M and I baked bread


cakes & scrubbed & dusted. Mamma had a bad cramp in her leg this evening.

Sun. 9 - Snowed hard for a while. Not cold. Dull the most of the day. Rd. & I were at church in the morning. Drove up. Small congregation. Mr. & Mrs. Keith McDonald were at church. U. Alfred was here in the afternoon.

Mon. 10 - A very nice day. Thawing, Bright some of the day. N. took a load of wood to Harman Eawald's this afternoon. The roads are cutting away to-day. He got off the road at McAnnel's hill and had to take some of the wood off and left it there {then came back} a few sticks fell off before he got to town. The boys brought the wood home from the bush that was left of Eawald's this morn-ing. Johnny McIntosh & Mr. Underwood were here to do business. N. A was here for a few minutes twice. R & Arthur were chopping this afternoon. Mamma & I were washing, baking cakes, sewing. Papa was painting the board he put up in the kitchen for clothes. {crossed out} {illegible} was at the stable to see the boys at night.

Tue. 11 - Raining before we got up and raining for quite a bit of the forenoon

and then snowed the rest of the day. We snow and snowed a lot. Papa & Rd. were in town. Nobel was threshing peas & working at other things around the barn. He has a cold. Mamma & I were ironing & mending {inserted: & sewing}. Mamma was not well. Mrs. D. Stewart's sale was to-day. Nobel was at Uncle Alfred's.

Feb. 13 - Dull, snowing some, 9° this morning. The boys were thrashing peas etc. Mamma & I were churning scrubbing & sewing. Not cold.

Feb. 14 - Dull & thawing. 27° This morning. About 40° This afternoon. High S. wind. A little rain in afternoon. Thunder, lightning & a little rain to-night. Rd. took a load of wood to Mrs. Ewald. Nobel was thresh-ing peas & they were both threshing this afternoon. Rd. was at Uncle Alfred's. Mr. Charles Sam, Ed & John Schwass & John's and Ed's wife


& John's baby were here on business. M. & I were washing & ironing a little, sweeping, mending & sewing.

Fri. 15 - Dull and then bright. A cold wind. Papa & Mamma went to town in the morning. Rd. took a load of wood to Ewald's after dinner. N. was in the house with a cold. Mrs. Henderson's brother died yesterday. His body was taken to the station this afternoon. Service at Mrs. Henderson's at {unclear} o'clock. Darkie got down in the snow on the road out. P. & M. are going to stay at Miss Gaddes's all night. They took the coal-oil stove with them. R. {unclear} to Geddes's at night. I was making pies. 10° Below, A. M. Snowed hard a little while.

Sat. 16 - 4° This morning below zero. Bright this morning. Cold to-night. R. took a load of wood to town this morning. N. was working aroudn the stable. In the afternoon they were at the bush and brough home the chop from Uncle Alfred's. Agnes was here a little

bit I was baking bread & cakes and scrubbing. P. & M. came home to-night.

Sun. 17 - Cold West wind. Bright. Mamma & I were at church. U. A. was here. N. Arthur & E. were away for a walk. A hard crust on the snow in the morning. Softer later on. I got one of my ears touched with the frost on {crossed out} the road to church. 2° between 7 and 8 a. m.

Mon. 18 - Cold Wind. 4° This morning. N. & R. were at the bush cutting logs. Uncle A. brought Papa's typewriter (that he has on trial from a company in Toronto) from Papa's office. Uncle Alfred took the girls in to Port Elgin this morning. Ed. Schwass, Mr. Maxwell, Colin Campbell & Mr. Gregg were here on business. Mamma was washing & sewing. She has a sore back. Papa got the {unclear} on Sat. morning. High wind to-night.

Tue. 19 - Raining a lot through last night & raining some to-day & raining very heavily for a while this evening. Big ponds of water. P & N. were in town. N. went to T loto's sale. R, M. & and I cleaned the kitchen


stove-pipes & R. mended the wheel-barrow. M. was ironing. Edgar was here. Very windy to-night. Quite a bit early in the day too. 40° in evening.

Wed. 20 - Very High W. wind. 7° Below zerio this morning. 11° Below to-night. Very cold. Arthur & our boys killed a pig to-day. {unclear}R. are cutting it up to-night. They were at the bush in the afternoon. A. R. & N. all got a piece of their face frozen on the way home to-night before they got as far as the creek. I was at U. A's this afternoon. M. was sewing & mending.

Thur. 21 - 13 ° Below this morning. Cold high W. wind. Wind down to-night. 7° Below to-night. Bright a good bit of the day. Arthur was here a few minutes & N. was at their place. Uncle {unclear} was here this afternoon. The boys were in the house the most of the time. M. & I were sweeping & dusting salting the meat & churning. Papa has a cold.

Fri. 22 - Kind of stormy a good bit of the day. A high wind. 2° In the morning & warmner at night. Papa & Mamma went to P. E. The boys were at the bush. Arthur was helping them before dinner. I was baking bread & making head-cheese. R. was skating on the creek at Uncle A's at night.

Sat. 23 - 19° In the morning. 30° To-night. Bright & thawing. N. went to {unclear} for chop & R. cleaned pig pens. After dinner they drew logs and logs to saw for wood home from the bush. Agnes & Alice were here. Robbie G. & Clifford Reanney were here for a few minutes. I was baking pies & cakes & scrubbing. R. is away to Cunningham's to skate to-night. Moonlight. P. & M. came home to-night.

Sun. 24 - Mild. Bright part of the day. Raining a little. M, P. & I were at church in the morning. U. A. was here after dinner. Thawing.

Feb. & Mar.

Mon. 25 - Bright partly. Started to Rain this afternoon and rained quite a bit. Roads bad to-night. P. & I were in town. N & R. were at the bush. Came home early this afternoon. M. was washing.

Tue. 26 - A very high cold wind. Calm to-night. 6° This morning. 38° Last night. Noble was at the bush. Rd. & P. were grinding an axe. R. did not go to the bush this after-noon for fear he woudl get his face frozen. He helped us to make sausage. We were irongin some. 12° to-night.

Wed. 27 - Thawing. 26° This morning. 31° Before dark to-night. P. was at the bush. M & I were ironing, scrubbing, sweeping & dusting. R. & Arthur are away to McIvor's to a Social of the Literary Society held at McIvor's {unclar} The boys were working at the bush.

Thur. {crossed out} 28 - Dull. Not very cold. Some snow fell. P. & M went to town. N took

them in. R. was at the bush in the morning. They were both there after dinner. N. brought the saw out that Karcher was sharpening & the boys were sawing in the afternoon. Bessie G. & Ethel Christie were here for dinner. I was at U. Alferd's at night. 26° This morning.

Fri. Mar. 1 - Bright & nice. R. was threshing peas. After dinner N. brought a load of logs home from the bush & they were sawing too. Thawing in the sun. 18° This morning & to-night. Windy to-night.

Sat. 2 - High S. W. wind. Thawing. Bright a good bit of the day. N. took a load of logs to town & brought out the lumber from the logs yesterday. They brought home a load of logs from the bush after dinner & were weigh-ing the pigs. R. {crossed out} was cleaning pig-pens in the morning. N. brought P & M. out to-


-night. P. has been very busy. He was not well to-day. Florence was here for tea. Clear & windy to-night.

Sun. 3 - Bright with a cold wind. P., M., & I were at church in the morning. R. was there at night. The Communion service was held in the morning. P. was at Uncle A's.

Mon. 4 - Bright part of the day. Started to rain late in the afternoon. Did not rain as much as last Monday. P & I were in town, M. was washing & N. took a load of logs to town in the morning & they were at the bush working at the longs after dinne. U. Jandy was here on business. N. saw a robin in town to-day.

Tue. 5 - Misty. Not cold. The boys were threshing peas. M. ironed. (crossed out) I was at U. A. &. E. are visiting the boys at the stable this evening.

Wed. 6 - Dull with a cold wind.

Papa was at the bush. The boys cut a tree down & the boys brought home logs from the bush. M. & I were washing (unclear) clothes & scrubbing & I was at the store. Neil Swinton & Wat McTaggart were here to see Papa. Wat & Maggie McTaggart are going to the West this week. R. is at the L. meeting to-night. Agnes & I were skat-ing near our house. I was at U. A's. 14° This morning.

Thur. 7 - Bright part of the time. 3 or 4 In. of snow fell last night. Calm & then a cold wind. Wind is blowing quite a bit to-night. N. took 2 loads of logs to town. R. was threshing peas & he & I cleaned the hen-house. M. & I were baking bread & ironing. R. went to stake to-night a the creek in Maurice Chappel's place but the wind was too high. Geo. Galconer died from pneumonia.

Fri. 8 - 8° This morning. Bright. (unclear)


thawed the snow some. M. & P. went to P. E. N & R. brought home a load of logs from the bush & N. took them to town after dinner. R. & Arthursawed wood for us to sell to the church. A. was here for tea. N. & Edgar brought home some lumber for N. I was sweeping & dusting & cleaning the (unclear).

Sat. 9 - 12°. cold E. wind. Dull & very stormy in the afternoon & evening. Sleet falling. N. took logs to town & E. took a load for him. They brought home all the lumber & did not get home till after 5 o'clock as they waiting for the lumber. P. & M. came home to-night. Sleeting cutting their face coming out to-night. They thought that they saw lightning. I was scrubbing & baking pies & cakes. Geo. Falconer's funeral was to-day to P. E. cemetary.

Sun. 10 - Stormy the first part of the morning. Bright afterwards. I was at church in the morning & R. was there at night. There were only 14 beside

Mr. Strachan there in the morning. Uncle A. was here & N an R. were at his place. M's leg is sore just now. 2° at night.

Mon. 11 - Dull a good bit of the day. Cold & turned warmer. 3° This morning. Windy the first part of the day. N. & R. took the sleight. N. took 1 pig less than 6 months old to town after dinner. He got $18.75 per cart for it. It weighed 200 lbs. He took the harrows to town to get them sharp-ened & brought home some shingles for the barn. R. & P. were piling lumber. One of Papa's clients was here. Very stormy on Saturday in some other parts of the country. Worse than here.

Tue. 12 - Raining a little & then bright the most of the day. S. wind. Thawing quite a bit. P. & R. were in town. N. was working around the barn. M. & I were churning & ironing. M's leg was sore.

We. 13 - Bright at first but dull the


most of the time. A rather cold wind. The boys were cutting the wood for the church. P. was at the bush. 2 of his clients were here to see him. M. & I were (crossed out) scrubbing & mending. U. A. was here.

Thur. 14 - Very dull. A wet snow all after-noon. Not cold. R. was at U. A. as the clover-thresher came there yesterday. We had part of a load of cloves last year and had seed. U. A. had pretty near 3 loads of clover and they had seed. N. was splitting & piling wood this morning at the bush. M & I were baking bread.

Fri. 15 - 2° This morning. Bright with a cold wind. P. & M. went to town N. & R. were sawing wood before dinne. R. was splitting & piling afterwards & N. went to town for some feed that came in a load that Bob Telfer was getting. We got 25 bags. Arthur was at the door and Agnes

brought some yarn for knitting for the soldiers. I was sweeping & dusting.

Sat. Sat 16 - 12° This morning. A very cold W. wind. Bright. The boys were taking wood to the church. I was bak-ing pies & cakes & scrubbing & doing a rooster. P & M came home to-night.

Sun (Thur. crossed out) 17 - Bright. P. R & I were at church in the morning. Edgar was here.

Mon. 18 - Bright & mild. 21° This morning & 40° in the shade to-day. The boys took the rest of the wood to the {crossed out} church. N. was throwing wood into the wood-shed etc. They brought home a load of poles from the bush. P. was at the bush & felt like taking a faiting-spell. M. & I were washing. I was at Uncle A's & R. & E are away to Geddes's to-night. Edith Buyers is at Uncle Al's just now.

Tue. 19 - Bright & nice all day.


Thawing a lot. P. & M. went to town. N. took 1 1/2 cords of 14 in. wood to Miss Geddes & brought out the rest of the shingles. R. was getting ready to tap this morn-ing. They tapped after dinner & brought home 2 loads of poles. I went to a United Prayer meeting at Burgoyne church. Rev. {unclear} Strachan, Mann, {unclear} Buckborough, Legur, Hallman, McDougall & Scanlon & Mr. Sagles & A. F. George & Uncle Gilbert (who was chairman) took part.

Wed. 20 - Very warm. Bright. 52° This afternoon in the shade. The boys were cleaning grain before dinner & were at the bush after dinner sawing & brought home the sap. There was not very much. Some of the trees did not run. They had to get across the creek at the bridge on the fence. M & I were ironing, churning & scrubbing. H. Crowe & B. Hanbridge

were here to see the cattle. Thawing a lot.

Fri 22 - Bright with a cold wind though it was not very high. 27° This morning. Thawing. The ice on the river is broken up. The boys got the sap from the bush. There was only a little bit. They were cleaning grain. I was sweeping. P. & M. went to town. I was at Geddes's & Alice was here.

Thur. 21 - Bright and thawing. A frost last night though not as {low crossed ou} hard as Fri. morning. The boys were cleaning grain & helping U. A's to saw wood with the engin & getting the sap. Less sap then yesterday. Al Eaton was here and bought the heifer with the queer horns. It was 2 yrs. last summer. We are to get 9 1/2 cts a lb. for it. Agnes were here & P. was at U. A's.


Sat. 23 - 17° or 18° This morning. Bright with a cold wind. Colder than yesterday. Not thawing in the shade. The boys finished cleaning the grain this morning & took some for chopp-ing to U. A's. They were working at the poles this afternoon. Did not get much sap to-day.

Sun. 24 - Bright, warmer than yester-day. P., M, & I were at church in the morn-ing. P. was at U. A's. U. S. has a cold.

Mon. 25 - 22° This morning. A very cold W. wind. Snowed some near night. The boys made chop & porridge. {unclear} split wood & gathered the sap. They got 5 pails-full of sap. M. & I washed. Uncle Sandy was at the door and Papa had 2 other men to see him. Isabel was here at night.

Tue. 26 - 11° This morning. A little snow fell. It all melted. P. & R. went to town

& N. went to the store & Andrew Carr's. He bought a white sow from him for $55 & bu. of turnips at 10 c per bu. & bu. of mangles at 15 per. bu. N. was working at the wood. M. & I were ironing & baking bread. Agnes was here.

Wwed. 27 - Bright with a cold wind. 16° This morning. The boys brought home the pig & the roots. After dinner they helped Ar. & E. to extend the bridge, split wood etc. A man was her to see the cattle. Papa had a client here. Agnes was here to-night. M. & I scrubbed & finished the syrup. We got 2 qts.

Thur. 28 - Bright and rather cold. 11° This morning. The boys were bringing home poles. P. & M. were at Geddes's for tea. Alice was here to-night. Ar. & E. were at the stable. Clem Morton died at South-hampton Mar. 24.

Fri.29 - Bright, cold wind, air

Mar. & A.

warmer than yesterday. A circle round the sun. The boys brought home the rest of the poles {home crossed out} and the most of the afternoon R. helped U A's to finish theirs. Ed went to Tara and met Mr. Sharpe and brought him {home crossed out} back with him. M. & P. took the heifer to A. Eaton. She weighed 660 lbs. M. & I were sweeping dusting & {scrubbing crossed out} churning. This is Good Friday.

Sat 30. Misty at first & dull part of the time afterwards. Warmer than Fri. P. & R. went to town. N & I got over 4 pails of say in the morning & some wood from the bush. N. Helped E. to take away the piece that they put to the bridge & he took the horses to this side of the bridge & brought the say across to it this afternoon. He got 4 pails. I was at U. A's. M & I were scrubbing dusting & baking cakes & a little bread. {I was at U. A's crossed out}

Sun. 31 - Warm & bright. Roads are

getting dry in some places. We were all at church in the morning but Noble. R. was there at night. U. Alfred & Mr. Sharpe were here for tea. Agnes was here but not for tea. A thunder-storm at night. Hail and rain.

Mon. April 1 - Bright part of the day. A cool wind but warm air like Spring. Misty at first. Mist or drizzle to-night. O. & A Geddes were here to-night. Jessie & Alice were here to-day. Mr. Sharpe went away to-day. The boys were splitting wood. They got a little over a churn barrell-full of sap.

Tus. 2 - Bright. Turned colder throughout the day than it was at first. Misty at first. P & I were in town. R & N. were helping Uncle A's to saw poles. Mamma was boiling sap. Robbie G. was here in the afternoon.

A. 1st - M. was boiling sap. Agnes got inot the creek on Satruday when she was crossing it on some rails. She had her feet on the under ice. Edgar lifted her {crossed out} out.

Wed. 3 - A very cold wind in the morning. Wind changed & got some warmer before


noon. 18 {degrees symbol} This morning. M. & P. {Mamma & Papa} were in town. N. {Noble} took the team to town this morning & gort some chop made & brought the harrows, coal-oil, Keith's seed etc. home. N & R. {Noble & Rowand} with Uncle A's boys were sawing wood with the buzz-saw after dinner. Ar {Arthur} & E. {Edgar} were here for tea. Alice & J. McLean were here for a few minutes. R. {Rowand} is away to the Literary meeting & N. to Burgoyne to-night.

Thur. 4 - A cold wind & bright. A hard frost last night. Ar. Ed. & our boys finished sawing the wood about 6 o'clock. They started before nine & were off som time at noon and a little other times. M & I churned, baked bread & ironed. P & M & I carried 4 pails of sap home from the bush. We did not get all of it.

Fri. 5 - A cold wind & bright. N & R. drew 3 loads of manure to the bush field & sawed wood at the bush this afternoon. M & I swept

& dusted. We fried some pork & put it into a crock. I was at U 'A's {Uncle Alfred's} sugar bush & Alice was here for tea & Agnes came up after tea. A man was here on business.

Sat. 6 - Bright & warmer. A S. wind got up. It was pretty high. P & R {Papa & Rowand} were in town. N. {Noble} was away at the bush for sap. He got the churn full & got some wood. He ploughed some of the afternoon & got about 3 pails of sap. We were baking, scrubbing & fring {frying?} pork. We filled a 15lb crock with sides & shoulder. The side of the last pig & the shoulder of the first pig. I was at U. A's {Uncle Alfred's} sugar bush.

Sun. 7 - Bright some & kind of cold. Wind pretty cold. P. {Papa} & I were at church in the morning. Ar. & E. {Arthur & Edgar} were visiting the boys at the barn. S. Schwass was at the door. Dull & like rain. Turned colder. A few drops of rain fell.

Mon. 8 - Dull & turned pretty cold, freying {frying}.


A little snow fell. N. {Noble} has had a sore side at the ribs for about a week. It hurts when he takes a deep breath & when he jerks certain ways. He was at the Doctor to-day: He said it was in the nerves that the trouble was. It was caused by getting wet. He gave him pills & told him to wear a bandage. N & R. {Noble & Rowand} took 3 white pigs to town after dinner. They averaged 200 lbs a piece. They got $19.25 per {illegible?} for them. Mr. & Mrs. Strachan, Neil, Donald & the baby were here to-day. Neil was sick while he was here. U. A. {Uncle Alfred} is here to-night. M's {Mama's} knee was pretty sore yesterday & to-day. We were boiling sap.

Tue 9 - Very cold wind. Bright 12 {degree symbol} In the morning. P. {Papa} & I were in town. The boys were working at the barn some. They were not working very hard. R. {Rowand} has a cold & a sore back. Gladys Buesh & Muriel Reanney were here trying to sell concert tickets. I was at Kennedy's in

town. E. was here. Mamma's leg is sore. She carried water for washing & baked cookies.

Wed. 10 - Cold wind. 16 {degree symbol} This morning. Noble tried ploughing this afternoon but the ground was too much frozen. He & R. {Rowand} were working in the stable this morning. P & R. {Papa & Rowand} were working at the wood this afternoon. M. {Mamma} & I were washing & we ironed some. I was at Mrs. McAndrew's, Jim Ferguson's & the store. Ag. & E. {Agnes & Edgar} were here.

Thurs. 11 - Bright part of the time. Like rain. E. {East} wind. The boys were bringing stones from S. Smith's before dinner. Afterwards N. ploughed & R. split wood. We churned & ironed. I was at Geddes's for tea & U. {Uncle} Alfred is here to-night.

Fri. 12 - Cold wind. 27 {degrees} In the morning. N. was ploughing & R. was working at the wood. P. {Papa} piles wood. They watered the cattle at the creek. We were sweeping, dusting & were baking bread. Agnes was here.

Sat. 13 - Warmer. 20 {degrees} this morning. P & M. {Papa & Mamma} were


in town. N. wheeled to the Town Line hunting for pigs at Grant's. R. was ploughing this morning & was at a bee at D. Dick's this afternoon. They were sawing wood for him as he is not well. N. Ploughed this afternoon. The boys got some sap. Alice was here.

Sun. 14 - Warm & bright. P. & R & I were at church in the morning & R. was there at night. Mamma's knee is pretty sore.

Mon. 15 - A frost. Warm & bright. R. went to town & brought another "Royal" typewriter our that the Co. sent to P. instead of the old one. R. brought out Eatons' things too. N. finished ploughing in the back field & started to plough. R. was splitting wood & he & P. plugged the sap trees up. P & I were pruning trees. Agnes & U. A {Alfred} were here.

Tue. 16 - Warmer still. A white frost last night. Dull a good bit. 2 or 3 drops of rain dropped to-night. P & R. were in town. N. was ploughing. M. {Mamma} & I were washing & started to clean out drawers. R. is at Geddes' to-night.

Wed. 17 - Dull quite a bit of the day. A heavy

rain fell this evening. It started before 5 o'clock. Warm. N. finished ploughing the ground for the buck-what, harrowed it, disked the orchard and started to disk in the field S. {South} of the back lane from the house. R. & P. were splitting & piling wood. We got rhubarb roots from Uncle Alfred's and planted them where the rhubarb used to be. M. & I were cleaning drawers & ironing. We made 15 qts of syrup this year.

Thur 18 - Snowing quite a bit of the day. Cold. We were cleaning a little in the {N?} room. Agnes, Jessie McLean & I were at a Lecture at the church by Mr. Wilson from Walkerton. It was illustrated. We were fring {frying} pork. We have 3 hams & 3 shoulders un-{illegible}

Fri. 19 - Quite a bit of frost last night. Bright & cold. N. drove to Wm. Grant's at the town line & got 4 little pigs at $6.25 a piece. R. went to Greathead's and got 5 cedar posts. We were sweeping, dusting, churning & baking bread. Papa fainted at the stable to-day. I was there


but not hear him at the time. Al. & Ag. {Alice & Agnes} were here to-night. N. is at D. Dick's.

Sat. 20 - Bright at first & then dull. Wind blowing like rain. P & R. were in town. N. was splitting wood, drawing rails to the orchard & working around the barn. M's knee was some better the last 2 days but was wose to-day. We were baking, scrubbing, etc. 20 {degrees} This morning & warmer than yesterday. The cat had 4 kittens this week.

Sun. 21 - Raining when we got up. Rained quite a bit in the morning. Dull all day. I was at church in the morning. Arthur was at the barn & R. went with him to A.Ca when he went to do the chores.

Mon. 22 - Raining some in the morning & dull. Bright part of the afternoon and not cold. Like rain. The boys were splitting wood in the afternoon. R. & M. were mending the buggy-top. M. & I finished the print patch quilt ready for quilting.

Tue. 23 - A very high W {West} wind till it started

to rain in the afternoon but very soon turned to snow. The ground looks white. Some wind again. Bright part of the time. P. & R. were in town. N. was splitting & piling wood & M. & I washed & ironed some.

Wed. 24 - Cold & bright. The boys & P. split & piled wood. M & I ironed. M. was puting {putting} hot-poultices on her leg. R & I went to a Social at Mr. Strachan's. Agnes was here.

Thur. 25 - Warmer & bright. A white frost last night. The men were working at the wood & the boys were drawing rails for the calf fence. A man was here to see Papa. Uncle A. was here & the boys were here at the stable. We were cleaning the pantries & baking bread. P. was at Uncle A's. M's knee is some better.

Fri 26 - Cooler than yesterday & bright. The men were working at the wood. We were sweeping, dusting, churning & cleaning drawers.

Sat. 27 - Wind like rain. A white frost. Cool in early part & pretty

April & May

warm afterwards. Dull. A few drops of rain fell this morning. The boys were working at the wood & putting up the calf fence. They finished splitting the wood except P & M. were in town. I was baking some bread etc. Agnes was here.

Sun. 28 - Rained a little in the morning. A high S. {South} wind. Raining some in the evening thunder & lightening too. We were all at church in the morning but N. He & R. were at P.E. {Port Elgin} Presbyterian church at night. A Salvation Army man was speaking. M. has a cold.

Mon A. 29 - A very high S. wind. A storm this afternoon. Quite a lot of rain fell altogether with this evening too. Raining bery heavily in the afternoon & the wind was very high too. N. was disking in the field on this side

of the creek on the S. {South} side of the back lane fence. R. was trimming trees putting up fences etc. He & N. are at U. A's to-night.

Tue. May 1 A. {April} 30 - Cold. P & M. were in town. I was cleaning shelves in the back kitchen. The boys fixed the fence at the road & started to make post-holes for the fence accross the creek. Bert Struthers was here.

Wed. May 1 - A very cold wind & bright. M. & I were sowing flower seeds in boxes & putting a few into the ground & raking around the house. We were baking bread too. R & P were working at the fence. N. was getting the land ready for sowing. The boys were at the store. Ed. {Edgar} was here {illegible} and P. had clients here. The boys got a load of stones from W{Illegible}.

Thur. May 2 - N was working on the land. R. & P were working at the fence. M. & I were churning & washing & ironing, U. A. {Uncle Albert} was here.

Fri. M. {May} 3 - The boys took 3 red & white steers & 1 black one to P.E. {Port Elgin} in the morning. They were the ones they sold to Bert Struthers.


1 Red one weighed 1230 lbs at 12 c {cents} per lb. The black one weighed {blank space} & the other 2 averaged {blank space} apiece. We got 11 3/4 c cents for the 2 & 11 1/2 c for the black one. P. & M. went to town & the boys came out with the horse & buggy. N. sowed some barley on part of the Fall what & some oats & some peas in the ten-acre field. R. sowed grass-seed on the ground with the barley & disked harrowed with Fred. They were rolling before dinner. I was sweeping & dusting. Agnes was here in the evening & I was at their place for a little while. Warmer than yesterday. Some showers of rain fell in the afternoon but not enough to stop the boys from working. A white frost last night. R. & Edgar went to town to see moving pictures but they were not given.

Sat. 4 - Dull & cold this morning. Bright & warmer this afternoon. N. harrowed & worked the orchard & all of another piece of wheat. He sowed & harrowed them both. They have

6 or 7 acres sowed now. R brought P & M out to-night. R. was doing odd jobs. I was baking, scrubbing etc.

Sun. 5 - Pretty warm. P. R & I were at church in the morning. I was at SS. & R was at church in the evening. Aunt Lizzie was here for dinner.

Mon 6 - Warm. 7 In the shade. N. was sowing etc. R & P were working at the fence. P. M. & I were at Uncle A's We cleaned the boys bedroom.

Tue. 7 - Raining a little before morning. Cooler than yesterday. In the afternoon a little mist came and it was cooler after. A little sprinkle of rain fell. N. was sowing etc. R & P were working at the fence & M. & I put pale blue muresco on the big bedroom walls and ceiling. Oliver G. {Geddes} is here to-night.

Wed. 8 - A cold wind. Bright, calm this evening. R. was disking & P. was working


at the fence. N. wheeled to town to get part of the disk mended & a man came with his auto & took Papa to town this afternoon. He brought him back near 6 o'clock. We were baking bread & washing. Agnes was here & Edgar was at the barn. N. is away to Burgoyne to-night.

Thursday 9 - Some little showers. Bright part of the day. Cooler near night. M & I were cleaning the parlor & sowing onions, radishes, beets carrots & lettuce. N & P were working at fences. R. was working on the land A show

Fri. 10 - A thunder storm through the night. Showers of fine rain falling Stopped & then a shower of rain fell late in the afternoon in the morning. Turned cold. The men were seeding & working at the fences. We were sweeping, churning & ironing. Uncle A. {Alfred} was here.

Sat. 11 A hard white frost last night. Cool Cool & bright. N & R. were working at the fence

& the seeding & cleaning pig-pens. 19 acres {of corn?} now. I was baking scrubbing etc. P & M. were in town.

Sun. 12 - Raining nearly all day. R. was at church in the evenining. Mr. Mann was preaching.

Mon. 13 - Dull quite a bit of the day. A few drops of rain fell. M & I washed & ironed some. N was in town for wire. He was drawing rails & they & P. were working at fences. B & O. {Bessie & Oliver} Geddes were here to-night.

Tue. 14 - Windy. The men were working at the fences. M & I were baking bread & cleaning the library. Agnes & {E - Edgar?} were here & P was at U. A's. The boys caught an animal at the bush that they thought was a coon. They let it away again.

Wed. 15 - A good bit of wind. Pretty bright. Like rain. Ice this moing {morning}. Ed. was helping N. They disked the back field & part of


the 10 acre field. They harrowed some & sowed some in the 10 acre field. R. & P. {Rowand and Papa} were working at fences. M. {Mamma} painted the bedroom. R is away to the {CE.?} meeting.

Thur. M. 16 - Pretty warm. Bright. The men sowed & harrowed the field over the creek & were working at fences. We churned, stitched curtains, etc. N. {Noble} got his ankle hurt with the horse stepping on it yesterday. Papa has a touch of lumbago. Ed. {Edgar} was here to-night. The young attle went to the bush yesterday. Six of them. The cows were in the lane to-day.

Fri. M. 17 - Warmer than yesterday. R. took P & M. to town. I was at the Burgoyne cemetary at Mrs. Rt. Esplen's funeral. I was at Uncle A's {Alfred's} on the way to the funeral & Jessie here. Ar. & Ed {Arthur & Edgar} were here. U. A's finished sowing to-day. The boys were working at fences & getting the root ground ready. Windy.

Sat. M. 18 - Very warm & windy. The boys sowed the mangle seed & finished sowing the grain & harrowed some grass seed ground. N. {Noble} brought P & M. {Papa & Mamma} out to-night. I was baking bread, pies & cakes, scrubbing, etc. Alice was here. The blossoms & trees are coming out. Uncle Johnny {Gowanlock?}, Aunt Janet & Besie came home from the West on Thursday night.

Sun. M. 19 - Hot. 80 {degrees symbol} In the shade in the afternoon. I was at S.S. {Sunday or Sabbath School} we were all at church in the morning. R. {Rowand} was at church in the evening. Uncle A. {Alfred} was here. O. {Oliver} Geddes was at the house for a few minutes & N & R were at U. A's. Thundered in the afternoon.

Mon. M. 20 - it rained & thundrered through last night. Only a little rain. A drizzle this morning for a little while. Cooler. Bright in the afternoon. The boys were disking & drawing out manure. The


The boys helped U. A's the to raise their slaughter house to day.

Tue. M. {May} 21 - Bright a good bit of the day. Cool this morning. Papa & I were drawing out & in town, the boys were drawing out manure and spreading it. They got a load of stone for the fence. M. {Mamma} was churning & ironing. I got a new hat at Miss Robertson's for $4. and a pair of good boots at Geddes for $3.40. R. {Rowand} was at Uncle A's tonight.

Wed. M. {May} 22 - Warm & bright. The boys cleaned some the stove-pipes & went spearing & fishing with Ar. & Ed. {Arthur & Edgar} to Snake creek but they did not get any fish. We were ironing & cleaning the store room. A thunder storm through last night. Some rain.

Thur. M. {May} 23 - A cold wind & bright. R. {Rowand} was getting the potato ground ready. P & N {Papa & Noble} were cutting potatos etc.

We were cleaning my bedroom.

Fri. M. {May} 24 - not very cold or hot. We planted 1/2 of an acre of potatoes in the field at the line fence next the road. N {Noble} was working at the buck-wheat ground & {illegible/crossed out} {illegible/crossed out} sowing flaxweed. We were cleaning the halls. Aunt Lizzie & {illegible/crossed out} were here.

Sat. M. 25 - Rained quite a lot. Thundering. The red {illegible/crossed out} heifer was sick to-night. N. was helping U A with the roof clening pig-pens etc. We were churning baking etc.

Sun. M. 26 - A little warm. Raining & misty in the morning. I was at S.S. {Sunday School} & P {Papa} & I were at church. R. {Rowand} was at church at night. Ed. & U.A. {Edgar & Uncle Alfred} were here. M's {Mamma's} knee is sore just now.

Mon. M. 27 - Raining & thundering

May to June

some. Warm. The boys were working at the fence across the creek. N., P, M & I were painting the kitchen. Cream ceiling & light blue grey walls. U. A. was here.

Tue. M 28 - Cool. Misty some of the morn-ing. P. & M. were ion town in the morning. N. & R. were putting the wires on the fence. We were painting. Agnes was here to-night. J. Lynes was here gathering money for wrist-watches for the drafted soldiers.

Wed. 28 - Warm & dull the most of the day. Some rain fell this afternoon. R. & P. were finishing the fence & N. was disking the summer fallow. In the after-noon they were doing add jobs & R. was working at the fence for a while. P. helped us to paint. A man was here on business. R. is away to the presentation to-night. 2 kittens are missing.

Thur. 29 - We finished painting the

kitchen except the window sashes. N. {Noble} sowed corn & beans. P & M. {Papa & Mamma} put 8 tomato plants outside. We churned. 2 kittens killed last night.

Fri. 30 - Very hot. P. & M. were in town. N. was preparing the turnip ground & R. {Rowand} was digging & doing other things. Uncle A. {Alfred} was here. I swept, baked bread, etc. Alice was here. A little rain & thunder at noon.

Sat. June 1 - Hot with a very high wind which kept it cooler than Fri though it was still bery hot. 72 {degrees symbol}. Before breakfast I baked cakes etc. scrubbed, washed a little & ironed a little. N. sowed the turnips in the field next the road. R. drew rails for the pig fence & they put part of it up in the clover-field S {south} of the front lane. R. brought P & M. home. Cooler in the evening.

Sun. J. 2 - Cooler. P. R. & I were at church in the m {morning}. I was at B.C. R. was at church at night.

Mon. J. 3 - Cool & windy. Warmer later. The boys finished the pig-fence, brought home


a pole from the bush for the scaffold & R was cultivating the ground the twitch grass is on. N. & R. are away to a muscale at the church to-night. Jessie & Onna McLean & Agnes were here for a kitten for McLean's. We were washing.

Tue. 4 - Dull. Raining a little. P. & M. were in town in the norming. N. was working the buck-wheat ground. R was away to spear fish but they did not get any. E. {Edgar} was with him. In the afternoon they did odd jobs. U.A. {Uncle Alfred} was here & N. was at their place. We ironed, churched & sowed some flower & v. {vegetable?} seeds.

Wed. 5 - A lovely day. Dull late in the day & cool. Hot in the sun. We were washing some old clothes, sowed some seeds & ironed. N. helped U. A's to plough the buck-wheat ground at Carr's. R. cut thistle. P. helped him. R got his identification card. He registered a while ago.

Thur. 6 - Fine & warm though not as warm as yesterday. N. was in town R. brought cut thistles they

took out some manure. P. was cutting thistles. M. went away to Meaford in Christie's auto with Aunt Lizzie & Aunt Jeannie, Uncle Gilbert & Donnie.

Fri. J. 7 - A cold wind, very cold. Bright. N. got some gravel from Miller's. P & R. fixed the front fence. I baked bread, cleaned the stove & swept & dusted. M. came home from Meaford to-night.

Sat. 8 - A white frost last night. Very dull this afternoon. A few drops of rain fell to-night. P & M. were in town. N. R. & A {Arthur} put up a scaffold at the barn. A was here for dinner. N. & R. took out some manure. I was baking pies, cakes etc. scrubbing etc. The white pig had 11 little pigs to-day. This is N's birthday. There was to be an eclipse of the sun to-day but it was dull at the time.

Sun. 9 - Cool. A nice rain in the morning & a little sprinkle in the afternoon. The boys were not at church. I was at S. S. too. Uncle A. {Alfred} was here. 1 little pig died.


Mon. 10 - Misty at first. Nice after. N. R. & A. {Arthur} were working at the barn roof. E {Edgar} helped them in the afternoon. We washed & ironed some planted tomatoes, etc. P. helped us. He was painting the window sashes. R. is away to Buyer's with Ar. {Arthur} to-night.

Tue. 11 - A very high wind. A thunderstorm in the evening. P & M. were in town in the morning. N. R. A. & E. were working at the barn. P. was at U. A's.

Wed. 12 - Mist & Raining in the morning. A little cold. Dull. N. & R. were at U. A's. Ar & Ag. {Arthur & Agnes} were here. O. {Oliver} Geddes was at the door. R. & Ar. were in town in the afternoon with the waggon. We churned & whitewashed the cellar.

Thur. 13 - Some wind & bright. We were washing blankets & baking bread. N, R, A. & E. were shingling.

Fri. 14 - Cool & bright. I was 22 to-day. Papa, Mamma, Noble & Rowand gave me a

watch. It is a gold one with a hunting case. We were sweeping - dusting scrubbing & doing other things. Alice was here. Ar. brought out the steel track from P.E. {Port Elgin}.

Sat. 15 - Bright & rather warm for a while in the afternoon. P & M. were in town. Our boys and Ed. finished the shingling & started to put up the track. Alice & Agnes were here. A frost last night.

Sun. 16 - Bright. P, M, & I were at church in the morning, R. was there at night & I was at S. S. {Sunday School}. Uncle A. was here.

Mon. 17 - Pretty windy. Papa has not been well to-day. Some men were here to see him. U. A, Ar. & Georgina were here. R. is at Geddes's. The boys were working at the barn, drawing out manure etc. We were washing & painting.

Tue. 18 - Warmer & bright. P. & U. A. were in town this morning. The boys were drawing out & spreading manure. We


were ironing etc. Some men were here to see Papa.

Wed. 19 - We baked bread, carried shingles, painted, scrubbed. N. was getting the buck-wheat ground ready, R. was scuffling etc.

Thur. 20 - Sun warm & some wind. P. was cutting thistles, N. sowed the buckwhat and harrowed it, R. carried shingles, M weeded the garden & we carried shingles. R, N, & Ar. made lightning rods. Agnes was here & I was at their place. P & M. were at Geddes's.

Fri. 21 - Rained quite a bit. P was not well. The boys & P. were working around the barn. N. was cutting thistles. M. & R. were wasing the buggy. We were sweeping & dusting etc. A frost on Tue. or Wed night. Alice & Ed. were here.

Sat. 22 - Pretty cold. Drizzly some of the day. P. M & I were at the school-house

registering then P & N. went to town. R. registered in the afternoon. R. was cutting thistles, doing odd jobs. We were baking, scrubbing etc. Ed. was here to see R. but was not in the house.

Sun. 23 - Pretty cold. P., M & I were at church in the morning. It was Sacrament Sunday. Uncle A was here.

Mon. 24 - Warmer. Dull this afternoon. A few drops of rain fell. The boys were taking down part of the scaffold & weeding mangles. Alice & Ar. were here. Papa was cutting thistles etc. we were washing & weeding.

Tue. 25 - Hot. P. & M. were in town. R. was helping U. A's. N. was disking the Summer fallow & weeding mangles. I was ironing. R. & I were at an illustrated Bible Society meeting. Threatening rain.

Wed. 26 - Hot. Threatening rain. N. was

June & July

doing road-work & R. was weeding. P. was weeding & doing office work. M. was baking bread & doing other things. I was weeding currant-bushes & mangles. R. & Ed. are away to Southampton. N. is away to Burgoyne. The road-work is being done on a different system this year. It is being paid for in takes & then teams hired to do the work.

Thur June 29 - Hot. R., P. & N. were working at the hen house. R. was weeding. We were weeding, cleaning outside etc. Thunder storm.

Fri. 30 - Cooler. The boys were working at the hen-house. We were ironing, sweeping, scrubbing & dusting. P, and I were away for a drive along the B line. P. fainted a while after we came home. Uncle Sandy & Florence were here.

Sat. 31 - Cooler than Fri. P. & M. were in town. n. was in for cement & other things. The boys were working at the henhouse and other things. R. is away to a concert in P.E. {Port Elgin}. Agnes was here.

Sun. 30 - A thunder storm, quite a lot of rain. Rained heavily. P, M & I were at church & I was at S.S. Mr. Strachan gave a special sermon as it was Patriotic Sunday. U. A. {Uncle Alfred} was here.

Mon. July 1 - Very cold day. High wind & drizzling rain. The men were working at the hen-house etc. R. got his thumb hurt quite a bit while they were working with the hay-fork track. The thumb was crushed. We were doing sitting work. M has had the tooth-ache yesterday afternoon & to-day. Al. & Ar. & Ed. {Alice & Arthur & Edgar} were here. N. & Ed. are away to P.E. to see the moving pictures, Snow at Walkerton.

Tue. July 2 - A lot nicer than Mon. Quite a bit of wind. We were washing, scrubbing, weeding, planting & sowing onions & radishes. The men were working at the hen-house. Some people were here to see Papa. Ar, Al & Ag {Arthur, Alfred & Agnes}


were at our place. Thunder lightning & rain in the evening.

Wed. 3 - Warmer than yesterday. Rained some through last night. The men were working at the hen-house. P. does office work every day. A man was here to see him to-day. We ironed, baked bread & weeded & transplanted some pink asters. Ar. Al. {Alice} & U.A. were here. The boys are away to Burgoyne to-night.

Thurs 4 - Cool in the morning & evening hot in the middle of the day. P., M., & I were at Christie's & I went with Ethel to the Red Cross meeting at Archie Bryce's. The boys were cementing & weeding. Florence came to stay.

Fri. 5 - Kind of hot. The boys were cutting hay in the field next Dick's, cutting weeds & scuffling. Papa was helping to cut weeds & helping with the mower. We were sweeping, dusting, baking & other things. Al. & Ag. {Alice & Agnes} were here. Cool generally in the evening.

Sat. 6 - Cold rather. Windy. Dull partly. The boys finished cutting that field, raked & colied some & did other things. i cooked & cleaned. Ag. was here for tea. She & I planted out some cauliflower. Florence went away this morning.

Sun. 7 - Cold wind & bright. We were all at church in the morning & the boys were there at night. I was at S.S.

Mon. 8 - Cold wind & bright part of the time. Rained in the evening & at night. The boys were cutting hay in the fence-corners, raking & coiling & singling turnips. Papa was cutting weeds, we were washing, weeding & M. was picking wild strawberries. She just got a few. N. got $1 dollars worth of strawberries from W. Cheesman, 8 boxes. R. & N. were at Geddes's.

Tue. 9 - Raining a good bit of the day. Rost one morning this month.


R. & P. were in town. N. was working around the barn. We were ironing. Uncle Johnny & Aunt Janet Gowanlock were here for tea.

Wed. 10 - Bright with a cool wind. The boys & Ar. & Ed. put up lightning rods on the barn. They twisted the wire themselves a while ago. Ar. was here for dinner. P. was weeding etc. We were baking, churning & doing garden-work. I was at Geddes's for tea. uncle A. was here.

Thur. 11 - Warmer & a little thunder and bright. N. cut the front field of clover. They were coiling in the back field & hoeing. We were working at garden work. P. was doing office work (he works at it every day) & weeding. Uncle Sandy was here.

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Transcription Progress



Elizabeth Oliver Burgess Diary 1918 Part 1.pdf
Elizabeth Oliver Burgess Diary 1918 Part 2.pdf
Elizabeth Oliver Burgess Diary Transcripts 1918.pdf


Elizabeth Oliver Burgess, “Elizabeth Oliver "Olive" Burgess Diary & Transcription, 1918,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 6, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/423.
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