James Cameron Diary, 1885


James Cameron Diary, 1885


James Cameron


Courtesy of the Archives of Ontario






19th Century, Glengarry County, McMaster's Island Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1885

Is Part Of

James Cameron Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


Mr James Cameron Island

Dec 26th 1884 Randolph and I crofsed to Hamiltons Randolph to the PO got a Letter from Dan got the Papers and a Record from the Rev Mr Cameron Bought of J Summers lb of Tea and Four plates the Prize Tea a Great many Dying with Diphtera Hamiltons cutting on Duncan G's Bush Timber for a Building Bought RRR 25 and Eclectrick oil 25 Kerosene oil very Frosty E Wind Mr Harpers 2 Girls and Mrs Laird came to Hamiltons seen George Annan at Hamiltons

27th Frosty E W Drawing Wood

28 Holy Innocents Fine Thawing

29 Our Angus B Day Fine E Wind Thawing Killed Buckley

30th Fine Thawing Drew some Wood put out Manure put in the rest of the Fine hay stack put the sawlogs on a Roleway

31st Last Day of the year Fine Thawing Raining E Wind now near all gone seen a Man crofsing summers Road My wrist very sore ice getting Bad Randolph put bushes on Bay

1st of January New Years Day 1885 Fine Freezing snowing a Little Windy Firing some Volleys Fields Bare of snow a Good many holes opened in the ice water the ice water high Freezing hard to night Burning the Front Marsh cut a Load of Wood alders and Willows John H and I on the Pitt Point

2nd cutting alders and Willows clearing in the oakfield Cold Windy Frosty Randolph got a Mink Drew some wood set Fire to part of the Back Marsh

3rd Allen's Birth Day 1853 Tried to go Acrofs too slippery for my Boots Randolph crofsed Bought of Ward a Darning needle got papers from OUr Mail Windy the crack in the ice Bursting open Heard Sandy Alec Departed

4th Fine Thawing

5th Windy crofsed to Hamiltons Meeting of Councillor to Day Kind of soft snowed a Little Randolph Bought of J Summers 1 of Tea Prize a Pitcher Thread 4 spools needles ice Breaking at airholes Broke in a Marsh hay stack

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Mr James Cameron Island

6th of January 1885 Raining put in some Marsh hay went tothe Pitt Point Reading the Mail no snow on the Ground East Wind Foggy some Epiphany

7th cutting Brush in the Oakfield ice cracking and Bursting

8th Hugh Ann's Birth Day 1866 a Fine Day cutting Brush in Oakfiled

9th Soft slushy no snow in the Fields Brushing

10th cutting Brush

11th Fine E Wind no snow on the Ground ice cracking seen 2 men Fishing EEls on the North side above the squaw Island Gordon here

12th Plough Monday got a Muskrat and a Weasel seen the Fox crofsing Soft Rained very hard W Wind Turned Fine cutting Brush on the Lower Point

13th cutting in the oak-field Fine Freezing Ground hard ice cracking

14th W Wind Began to snow cutting Brush in oakfield Drifting Randolph making a chair slippery for the cattle Watering them at the Wet Place East of the House Freezing to night not much snow

15th in the oakfield clearing Leander and I E Wind snowing some

16th Big E Wind to night Drifting Blowing hard hailed through the night New Moon

16th Windy changed to snow Drifting Blew hard all Day did not Water the the Blew hard all from the East Leander and I in the Oakfield Randolph Drew some wood

17th stormy West Wind Drifted did not water the cattle to Day as they would not drink

18th Fine to Day but cold

19th cold Drifting W Wind Stanleys sick with cold Leander and I in the oakfield Brushing

20th Randolph John H Livinia all sick Windy Drifting seen a Rabbits Track

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Mr James Cameron Island

January 21st 1885 St Agnefs Day put in the Bottom of the stack about 1 1/2 Tons of Marsh hay all got the cold

22nd A very Frosty Frosty Cold Day windy all of us Bad with the cold

23rd Fine calm for a while Blowing some Drew some Loads of Alders put them at the West End of the House Bad with the cold coughing and Barking enough Livinia making a pair of Pants for Randolph

24th Charles Tuppers Birth Day E Wind snowing Drifting some cold Kind of soft this Evening not very well

25th Kind of Fine

26th cold snowning Drifting took the 2 sugar pots from under a Banking of snow

27th Frosty Blowing Drifting

28th E Wind Blowing Drifting Frosty

29th Frost West Wind Drifting cold Bad with my Feet cannot stand the cold

30th Kind of soft Randolph went to Summerstown Bought 2 Packages of the Prize Tea 1 Dollar got Butter Dish glass and 2 cups and saucers Thread 5 Darning Needle 1 cent J Summers in Montreal got the Mail 4 papers

31st Randolph went to Fort Covington Fine Frosty sold his mink 50 cents Bought oil 11 matches 10 hairpins 5 Essence of Peppermint 15 got his watch Fixed 25 Jo Duckett cutting ice for the icehouse John H and I Drawing Wood

1st of February Sunday snowing Drifting Blowing East and North W Wind

2nd Candlemafs Day seen 2 Foxes crofsing from Christees to here the sun shines to Day the Bear if he comes out he will see his shadow or the Raccoon Frosty Frosty windy cold Finished the Hay on the sticks above the Floor

3rd Mr James McDougall here came to see if one of the Boys would go and stop for a while gave the Baby 5 cents told me he paid 75 cents for the Globe cold Frosty Fine commenced the North side of the East mow J McDougall told me a {illegible cut off}

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Mr James Cameron Island

February 4th 1885 Coild Drifting Windy

5th Cold Frosty Windy

6th Cold Windy Frosty

7th Fair Frosty W Wind Randolph crofsed for the Mail Bought of John Summer 1 Bottle of Radways R Relief 25 Eclectric oil 25 John H and I went to the Head of the Island to meet Randolph

8th Gordon's Birth Day Fine Fair E Wind Snowing Seen the Fox crofsing to the Kit Kit A Good Deal of crofsing on the Summerstown Road

9th E Wind Randolph went to help Hamiltons as they have the Thrashing Mill Turned stormy put the Fishermens Ropes on the sticks in the Barn Began to Rain and Rained hard Blew hard our stove something wrong as it Began to smoking and it did not used to and the pipes and chimney is clean

10th Fine in Morning turned Stormy snowing Drifting West Wind Freezing some crust icicles on Trees putting handles in Knives

11th Cold Frosty Windy Leander and John H got a Muskrat in the Barn killed him

12th Randolph came from Hamiltons Drew some wood

13th Put in a stack of Marsh hay 3 Tons Fine Day

14th St Valentine's Day Fine E Wind cold crust icicles Frist time to crofs with the Horse Randolph went for the Mail Bought of Mr Purcell 50 Wt of Flour 1..50 gave 2 Dollars

15th E W Fine but Raw the wind Drifting

16th Fine Warm Drifting Snowing E Wind high Hailing Working at shafts for the sleigh Left the Jenny out to night put 2 of the calves in her place

17th Shrove Tuesday West Wind Drifting snowing stormy working at the shafts

18th James Hugh's 1855 Birth Day Ash Wednesday Mr J McDougall came with the Bull Took my Ashes 35 Bushels 1..75 paid him 75 cents for the Globe Told me Campbell the Weaver was found Froze last Week and 3 or 4 of Larue's Departed with Dyptheria Randolph crofsed with J McDougall

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Mr James Cameron Island

18th of Feby 1885 Randolph to the Store Bought of mr Ward 1 Doz of screws cents soap 12 nails 4 Bit 1/4 inch 20 Boots paid 1 Doallar on them a Dollar to be paid

19th Cold went for Cedar make a car for the sleigh Randolph crofsed to PO got a Bunch of Papers from Dan got our First Weekly Witnefs came Wednesday and the Globe returned the Bit to Mr Ward and took another 35 Bought of J Summers prize Tea 50 got a china cup and saucer

22nd Washingtons Birth Day Fine snowed some

23rd Commenced the West Mow Windy Cold Done of the Fine hay on the East Mow working at the car for the sleigh cold

24th St Matthias putting the Rack on the sleigh Fine Frosty Ground the Axes Drew a car Load of Wood West Wind

25th a Fine Day crofsed to Summerstown

26th Crofsed to Summerstown settled with J Summers the old account 15..70 got a Receipt Bought on Credit a 4 hundred weight of Flour at 2..75 $11 a pair of Boots for Leander 2 Dollars Bought a Jacket 75 paid this a pair of small shoes 30 cents paid this Bought of Mr Ward a pair of Boots on credit 1..25 Settled with him Gave him a hide 80 lbs at 5 cents 4 Dollars Flour Boots Lock Bit their is a Balance coming to me 1..75 only got the Boots on this Day which will leave coming to me 50 cents

27th Fine Day putting manure on the Lower Point seen EEl Fishers over at Christees had a horse and cutter Randolph crofsed to PO Bought of John Summers 1 Doz of Herrings 20 paid this Got a Bag of Oats and pease from Hamiltons

28th Fine Day putting stones on the wharf from the old chimney

1st of March St Davids Day The Festival of the Welsh Raining Snowing soft

2nd went to P Point cutting Basswoods on the Bank snowing Blowing

3rd Cutting Stove Wood Races on the ice cleaning the ice Races on the ice at Jo Douquets.

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Mr James Cameron Island

4th March 1885 chopping Wood Fine

5th cut 2 Basswoods on the Bank on the Pit Point Drew some Wood Fine

6th Randolph Went to Fort Covington to get his Boot Fixed the Old Sheep had 2 Lambs to Day Fine Day E Wind Randolph got a Ride From J. McDougall going and coming crofsed From McDougalls Found a Muskrat on the ice Froze Paid for the Fixing of his Boot 45 cents Bought of Mr Long 3 yds of Calico 15 a yard 45 cents

7th Crofsed To PO Bought 2 Packages of Prize Tea paid all But 25 cents E Wind Fine Frosty got 2 Papers from Dan

8th Fine Cold Randolph crofsed to Mr McDougalls

9th cold Drifting Money's Horn Broke By someone very Windy to night I took an awful turn of Deafness could hardly hear but all right in the Morning

10th chopping Stove Wood stormy Drifting snowing West Wind young sheep 2 Lambs Oxley's Leg hurt by some way or other

11th Cold W Wind cutting hay

12th On This Day of the Month D Mc First came to the Island Cold some cutting Stove Wood

13th E Wind Drifting Cold cutting hay cutting stove Wood

14th Stanley's Birth Day 1880 Fine W Wind cutting hay commenced a Beetle to Make snow Birds plenty Drifting

15th Sunday Stormy cold

16th Eclipse the sun seen First Crows Randolph came from Mr McDougalls

17th St Patrick's Day Fine Cold Day Drew some Wood

18th Fine Day E Wind Randolph crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 1 Bar of soap Bought of J Summers 2 Bars 20 2 Bars credit 10 Spool 5 35 cents got our 2 Papers at Hamiltons Worm Candy paid this 12 Cut sumac for spoils A Man Passed up Before the Door on the ice

19th Lamb Dead E Wind cold sawing spoils Reading Papers Last Day of Winter cutting the Last Quarter of Beef

20th !st Day of Spring Money calved cold squally Drifting put the 6 heifers calves in the upper stable

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Mr James Cameron Island

21st of March 1885 Wind cold squally Drifting the Bung of the water-Barrell came out made a furore surprize chopping Stove wood Made a Few spoils put Minkey in the Big stable

22nd Livinia Birth Day senior Gordon here a Fine Day West Wind

23rd Fine Day warm crofsed to Summerstown with Butter 54 lbs did not sell it Bought of Mr Purcell sack of salt 90 2 Caps 80 Bought of J Summers Mollasses 1..75 on Credit Worm Candy 10 paid this stopt at Hamiltons got the Witnefs Heard a curious kind of a noise like a Busting of ice or Thunder or Earthquake But the Ground did not Quake it was Kind of in the air

24th Frosty in the Morning turned Windy Turned Fine W Wind got some Brush for the cows Looking for Hoop to get the Pot fixed

25th Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Went to Hamilton Brought the Pot to Tom Kenneday to put on a Hoop Drifting Blowing Fine *

26th Fine Races in Dundee Randolph went to Fort Covington Bought 4 1/2 yds of Overallstuff {cut off} cent Pocket Book 25 Brass Rivets 5 2 sugar spouts 10 Got a Ride Down from Hamiltons cutting Brush on the oakfield

27th Raining turned Fine Randolph went for the sugar Pot to Tom Kennedys Bought paid this cutting Stove Wood Weaning Moneys Calf Randolph went to Mr McDougalls for the sugar Pot

28th Fine Oxley Calved Randolph in the Sugar Bush Cutting Firewood the air-hole opened out Before the Door only shut Last Week with snow searching up the sugar Bush Digging chains Barrels and so on

  • 26th John Hamilton Cameron's Birth Day 1876

29th Palm Sunday Fine

30th in sugar Bush cutting Fire Wood

31st Seen 2 cranes for the First and they Look Like as if they were lost no ice open

1st of April all Fools Day seen Wild Geese for the First Fine Tapt 40 Trees to Day not running lots of snow Birds Minkey Calved cutting {cut off}

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Mr James Cameron Island

2nd of April 1885 East Wind Turned stormy snowing hailing Drifting Blustery had 15 pails of sap about 5 Quarts of Syrup Froze hard Last night Teams crofsing the 2 Roads ice seems to be good yet stormy to night

3rd Good Friday High E Wind snowing Blowing drifting Great Banks of snow

4th Lily Calved Stormy E Wind hailing snowing Drifting shovelling snow every place Blocked with Banks of snow Kind of soft

5th Easter Sunday wamr sun shining sap run some snow Deep

6th Tapping some

7th Boiling

8th made 3 1/2 Gallons of Syrup Hot sun Robins Pewit Blackbirds Grass Bird Rained heavy Put out some Manure and some Loads of snow out of the yard

9th 23 Years Married to Day Randolph crofsed to PO got a Lot of Papers from Dan Bought 2 Packages of Prize Tea he got 2 Pitchers with them 2 spools of Thread 10 paid all this Breaking the Roads as they are Blocked up Boiled 1/2 Gallon of syrup

10th Fine cutting sumacks for sugar Bush Wood on the P Point

11th one of the yearling calves Dead got Fast in the stall Fine crust good boiling 40 pails of sap E Wind cutting Brush for the cows

12th Low Sunday in the Bush Made Syrup

13th Boiling in the Bush

14 made 40 lbs

15 made 30 lbs seen 2 Indians crofsed from Chrisitees Island over to the north shore

16th Randolph sick Leander and I in the Bush Boiling the Girls gathered sap

17th Mr J McDougall here and Alexander Lissy and Lissy Rose The Teacher he found the ice over 3 Foot Thick in the channel he went Back and Set the Team after the Girls as there was a Good deal of water on the ice Got the Globe of the 20th Sent Mrs McDougall a 2 lb cake and Bottle of Syrup Stanley in the Bush

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Mr James Cameron Island

18th of April 1885 Our Duncan's Birth Day 2 cows calved to Day Spotty and Jennie seen First Black Ducks a Flock made 46 lbs of sugar Rowena in the Bush to Day E Wind Fine Let out the Lambs and sheep for the First Time holes coming in the ice close to shore cattle out Picking

19th Boiling

20th sugared and made syrup

21st sugared and made syrup

22nd stump of Basswood cut a Lower Point put out manure

23rd put out the Banking in the Cookhouse Spotty Died Boiling in the Bush

24th Quit the sugar Bush took home the Rigging Drew some sticks of the Ice on the Pit Point

25th St Marks Day ice opened here and opening very slow Randolph shot a Rat the First ever he shot spreading manure a Fine Day a Few Grains of snow this Morning

26th Raining hard

27th ice Jamming Fine Took away West Banking

28th Frost Last night taken away E Banking but its Froze so hard we will leave it alone for a While Froze hard last E Wind snowing to Day and Fine shot a Duck ice Jamming before the Door

29th Grenada's First Trip to Summerstown Drew the saw Logs to the Bank Lots of snow and ice around the house

30th Randolph crofsed to Summerstown Bought of John Summers Tea 50 Goblet prize Lamp chimney 10 Laces 5 paid this Bought of Mr Ward Tax 5 cents on Credit Leander JH and I to head of Island seen the Fox the Grenada's First Trip to Cornwall

1st of May Fine North East Wind high shot a yellow hammer Fixing Fences piling wood

2nd of North E Wind Randolph to F Covington Bought of McCartney 2 Dollars of Calico Boots 1..25 handerchief pants paid Bought Collar 1 Dollar paid Bought of Long Box of Matches 12 1/2 on Credit sold Rats 1..75 putting out manure went to Sturgeon Island Leander and I got a Duck

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Mr James Cameron Island

3rd of May 1885 Fine cold North Wind got a Pike and catFish

4th Randolph to Christees putting out manure Charlotte came to Lancaster Fixing the Leech for the soap Fine Rained some Froze hard last night piling stones Cherry Island Lit

5th Made a Box for the rat taken stones out of the Garden Mr Hill Lit putting out Manure Randolph to Charles Island Found 2 Decoys Fernandez and I seen the Fox

6th at the Lane Fence Randolph crofsed for the Witnefs Bought of J Summers 2 Bottles of oil RRR 50 on Credit 2 spools of Thread 10 cents paid Thread went with J Hamilton to Jo Ducketts

7th Randolph went to Hamilton Bee putting up the shed got Rats J Hamilton Lit making soap I Turned very very sick First Raft went Down to night towed by the John A Paul Gray here

8th Randolph came from Hamiltons got a Book from Dan Alexandra went up propeller went Down

9th Ploughed the Bean place piling Wood cultivator came up 2 Propellers went Down Ogdensburgh Boat came in to Dundee Foggy E W Rain Fine wind changed West took out Big Flat stone in garden

10th Hailing Rained

11th Working at the Lane Fence took out

12th Planted Potatoes in the Bean Place Ploughing at the Fence shot a chicken Hawk Alexandra went Down at soap some one cut 2 Hickory Trees 3 Fishing Lights out shot at an Eagle wounded him

13th Fishermen Came a Man from Malone Looking for fish to Buy Donald J McDougall and Willie Chisholm here Pete Bodwa putting a Passenger acrofs 4 Propellers went up Jennys calf went to the Bush and had hard work to get her Back Randolph shot at the Fox Finished the soap Fixing hoops on Barrels setting Fires in the Potato Feild ice going Down

14th setting {cut off}s Burning Back of the sugar Bush

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Mr James Cameron Island

May 15th 1885 Working at the Fences

16th Riel captured Brindle calved Randolph crofsed for the Mail Bought of J Summers Tea 50 paid Picture Frame Prize Bought of Ward nails 2 lbs 8 1 lb 5 cent paid {illegible}at 10 not paid

17th Tommy Rose and Gordon here Brought the Big Boat from Hamiltons Fine

18th Ploughed the Garden Raising Stones Harrowing went to the Head of the Island cleaning Milkhouse Leander Bad with his foot Fisherman to Lancaster with Fish to the Boat put the yoke on the Bulls Gordon in Lancaster ice Going Down

19th at Fences

20th John Rose here and John Bone and a Man from Malone to Buy Fish

21st at Fences and Burning Brush

22nd Harrowing

23rd Took home J Hamiltons Ram (4 yds overalls at 16 64 2 yds at 20 40 Hats 40 Broom 15 pork paid 18 pins 5 Bought off J Summers

24th Queens Birth Day Fine

25 Keeping Queens Birth Day a Pic Nic sheared the sheep Planted Potatoes

23 Took Bought of Mr Ward 2 pair of Boots Returned 1 pair and paid for the other 1..50 on the 25th

26th Working at Lane Fence Burning Brush ice going Down

27th Drew out Drills for Potatoes (25th) Randolph crofsed Bought of J Summers Tea 45 Eggs 10 1 lb Raisins 10 paid this

28th Went to Dundee Randolph took 2 Hides to Mr Long to my axe High Wines 35 2 Handkerchiefs 13 Kerosene oil 13 Boots mended 60 RRR on credit from Mr Long 25 Planted from the appletree Potatoes the peice Finished

29th Royal Oak Day or Oak Apple Day Randolph crofsed to Summerstown got the Witnefs no Globe Bought of J Summers oil on credit 25 spool 5 3 lb Paint 20 2 yds of overalls 32 paid this

30th setting Fires planted up at the Cherry Tree Potatoes

1st of June Rowena's Birth Day Windy Raw spreading Manure

2nd Tied the 2 Bulls

3rd Ploughed in the Brush

4th old George the 3rds Birth Day McDougalls 3 of Them Mifs Fraser Mifs McGregor here Gave them a Jar of Maple Syrup set a Line Algerian went Down Hoeing Potatoes in Bean Place {bottom line illegible} Raining EW {illegible} Corpus Christee

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Mr James Cameron Island

6th of June 1885 Randolph crofsed got 2 Large Parcels of Newspapers from Dan Bought of J Summers 4 yds of Calico 40 1 lb of Prize Tea 50 got a Lamp 1 lb of Raisins 10 Paid this 4 yds of Cotton 7 cents 28 paid all this Bought of mr Ward on credit 1 paint Brush 45 Bought 2 hats 20 paid this

7th Fine cold RW Killig Blowing Grand Procefsion

8th Fine Killed a calf 23 Days old weight of hide10 lbs painting the Boat Working at Pitt Point Fence

9th our Marys Birth Day 1813 Working at the Fence

10th Working at Fence Brushing Painting McDougalls and Frashers Boys over to see the Fish

11th Harrowing the Potatoes harrowed the Peice at the Barn Fixed the fence at the Barn keeping in the 3 Bulls Trowlers over the way of Christee's Island Randolph and Leander got a stick of Timber Mowing Weeds gave Narcifse a stick to make a Pole

12th got the Eagle or Fish Hawk in a Trap Planted Beans in place at Barn

13th put the Calves in their Pasture at the River

14th Windy

15th Randolph to Summerstown Bought of J Summers Prize Tea 50 Pitcher pid Buttons 2 Doz 20 paid Paint 1 lb 5 paid soap 5 paid Lamp Wick 3 pd Trimmed the Trees Got the Trunk from Gordon 1 Dollar

16th Went to Salmon River with calve skin got 50 cash Paid for Braces 35 Bought for Narcifse Tobacco Sugar and Bread Fixed the cook house

17th White Washed the outside of the house and cookhouse and the appletrees Weeding the Garden cutting Grass for the 3 Bulls Lent Narcifse a Dollar

18th The ever Memorable Battle of Waterloo Fernandez and I to Christees Island not Very well

19th Fine Windy something wrong with the Grenada the Princefs Louise came and the Bohemian and Cultivater went to Kingston with Load of Passengers to take Down for for John the Baptiste Day Randolph to Summerstown to 3 lb of Paint 12 went {illegible} this Let out the 3 Bulls {bottom line illegible}

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Mr James Cameron Island

21st of June 1885 First Day of Summer Fine W Wind Rained hard Willie Rose and Gordon here The Bohemian Cultivature Corinthian and Algerian all went Down with Passengers

22nd Our Dan's Birth Day cut a Tree for to make a Jumper Fine Raining Windy Bohemian came up and Went Down on her usual Trip

23rd Windy showery Fine working at the Jumper Livinia not very well to Day Phillip the Fisherman caught a Bun

24th St John the Baptiste Day Fine

25th Randolph Crofsed Bought of J Summers {cut off} of Flour 1..25 on Credit Tea 1 lb Prize Cup & saucer paid this 50 Narcifse Making a shave horse Block Working at the Jumper

26th Went to Dundee owed Mr Long 5..14 1/2 Brought 2 Tennets of Butter and 2 hides to my account Bought of Mr Long 51 1/4 yds of Cotton at 6..3.. 6 2 yds of Winery 20 1 pair of Towels 25 pens 3 Dipper 18 File 10 Lamp Burner 13 chimney 5 3 spools of Thread 15 3 lb of nails 12 1/2 lb 10 1 package of yeast 15 1/2 lb of Pepper 13 2 lb of Tea 50 to 3..50 Cash I owe him 1..48 Bought Flour of Mill to 2 Tennets to 2 yds 1/4 of overalls Tape 5 Jo Lemay Lanched hs propeller Boat Mr Smith Jo Lemay and Moses Jesema here got sturgeon oil to oil their Engine the Boys caught a crane in a Trap Fine

27th Working at the Jumper Finished it Fine hot sultry The Bohemian From Cornwall to Lancaster with Pic Nic Mr Durushie the Fisherman here with D Frasher and 2 Mifs Frasers and Mr Falconer here

28th Fine very warm high Wind Thunder Lightning heavy Rain Rained all night

29th St Peter St Paul Day Raining Fixing Elm Bark for chairs

30th Dull rain Fixing the Big stable Door Windy

1st of July Dominion Day a Pic Nic From Lancaster Fine Dull Cool Rain Weeding the Potatoes a Great many Potatoes mifsed the Fishermen a Big Lot of Fish to night

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Mr James Cameron Island

5th July 1885 Our John's Birth Day 1803 Did not write any Till now

11th Pic Nic at Hamiltons Island Hugh Anne and Randolph went Gordon here

12th Orange Man's Day Fine

13th Swarm of Bees came Lodged in the oak Tree East end of Big cellar Put hay in the West Mow hoeing Tooth Ache

14th Raining E Wind Mowed at the End of the Potatoes Put Plough Through the Potatoes Mowing around the Grindstone hill

15 Fine another of Bees came we did not get them they went off

16 17 18th

19th Fernandez Birth Day 1874

in Salmon River 1..Bill 11..28

1..Do.. 11..8

1st of August or Lammas Day

2nd Minnie's Birth Day 1864 Fine

6th Randolph's Birth Day 1867

11th Allen Cameron Departed

12th crofsed to Summerstown Paid J Summers 5 Dollars to my Acc Bought of J Summers ham on credit 15 lb 1..80 2 Rakes paid this Bought and paid for RRR 2 castor oil 15 soap 13 Flour 2..50 paid this Bought of Raisins 1/2 lb of Tea Mowing at hay

19th Bismarck's Birth Day 1870 Heard Catherine McDougall was married to Day

20th Mrs Burton and Reuben here they were at a Pic Nic at Hamiltons

22nd Mowing

23rd Fine

24th putting in hay

25th Done of Mowing the Lower Point

26th Mowing

27th Mowing in the Upper Field

28 Mowing

29 Done Mowing the Upper Field

30th Rained got 2 Whet stones 10 cents from Montreal

31st Went to Summerstown Bought of Nichol 100 Wt of Flour 2..50 Bought of J Summers 2 lbs of s{cut off} 12 cents 1/2 lb Tea 20 paid this got Papers from {missing}

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Mr James Cameron Island

1st of September 1885 Raining Thunder West Wind Fine

2nd Taking in hay putting on the Barn Floor

2nd putting in hay Mowing in the oak Field

3rd D McMaster's Birth Day 1846 Went to Salmon River 2 Tennets of Butter to Mr McC settled all I owed him up to this Date and Took more on credit 5 Dollars Cash 2 yds of Tweed cottonade 40 20 yds of Cottoan 1..52 1 pair of Boots 85 & 1 pair 1..25 and & 1 8/- & 18p 6 Tubs 60 1 Tub 25 Comes To 11..85 1..37 out of this Butter it and call this 9..60 Tubs Bought of F Snaith 75 Bought of J oil 15 Bought of Mr G Long Sack of Salt 80 Tea 13 Tea 20 Soda 9 2 lbs of Shingle nails 8 Broom 25 shot 10 Bought of Smallman Buttons 5 Bought of Tom Fraser 50 lbs of Flour {cut off}.50 pan of Bread 25 Bought of Tyo 1/2 pint of HW 20 paid all this

4th Took in some hay commenced to rain putting Hay of the Barn Floor up on the sticks making room for more hay on the Barn Floor

5th John Angus B Day 1850 Mowing Leander and Randolph to Christees Island Making Cocks in the oak Field Windy A Big Lot came up on the Bohemian to Pick Hops at St Annicett shot a Duck Ducks not Plenty Lots of Boats a going Dog Days End

6th Randolph to Alexis Island for Plums cut the calfs pasture Lucys for Butter Fine Found a Barrel at the Head of the Island Cows Lost Bell

7th Began the stack of Marsh hay 100 cocks put 40 in the Barn

8th Eclipse to Day Fine Finished the stack cutting Marsh hay Making cocks commenced to Rain to night and High East Wind Taking in sunflowerseeds put 2 Loads of Marsh hay in stable loft got the cows in to Lower Point Hawkds plenty New Moon Day some Mosquitoes commence Quilt

9th High East Wind Raining water Raised Butternuts Fell with wind Took the apples of the Grove Trees yesterday water over the wharf Finished the Quilt one of the axes Lost

10th Mowing some Randolph to Summerstown Bought of J Summers spools 35 2 Darnin needles 2 Paid this Bought of Mr Ward 3 spool sweetys 2 Paid this

11th Found a Boat Down at Rofs Island 2 Trowling spoons Glass cork or stopper Bow Broke cutting hay in Front Marsh Making Cocks Fine Picking the Hops

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Mr James Cameron Island

19th of September 1885 Made a stack of 2 Tons put in some 2nd Growth from the Calf Pasture Boys a Fishing Fine

13th Fine Randolph went to Mr McDougalls Rained some

14th Mowing in the Marsh 15 Mowing and Making cocks

16th Fine Windy Fishing Perch cutting Marsh hay Parisha here Looking for Lost timber

17th Fine Taking up Onions commenced West stack put 120 cocks in it to Day not Finished yet France and Barnhart Parisha for the oak timber Fine West Wind making Quilts

18th The Day Riel is to be hung did not here aout him yet Thunder Lightning this Morning Dan Cameron From Chicago came to see me James Y Cameron with him and a Lincoln with them Mowing in the Marsh Fine

19th Topping of the stack 140 Cocks in good measure Drew some wood Trimmed the apple Tree up at the Wet Place

20th Fine Gordon and Tommy Rose here Snider and McDougall and one of Frashers Girls here Lewis Bosell for the Boat but did not get it heard about those 3 Men that were drowned McCrimmon Dixon and Woods the Girls and Randolph went over to Hamiltons for the Papers

21st Last Day of Summer St Matthew's Day Randolph to Charlie's Island and to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb of Tea 25 Fine Comb 15 Win{illegible} John Summers in Montreal Carpenter and Louis Bosell came for the Boat I Found Gave a Dollar for catching it

22nd Autumn commences Fine Thunder and Lightning Went around the Island Trimming the Tobacco Rain Taking up Potatoes in upper Field

23rd Snow on the Mountains to Day Windy north Wind Fine Cold some Grains of snow

24th Drawing Rails out of the oak field

25th cut the Tobacco south West Wind some Frost last night put Tobacco in the stable

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Mr James Cameron Island

26 Sept 1885 Windy cutting hay Randolph crofsed for mail Bought of Nic 1/2 lb of Tea 20 Fine night

27th a very Fine Day Randolph crofsed to Mr McDougalls

28th Foggy Crofsed to Hamiltons Fine Went to Summerstown got a Ride up From the Rev Mr Cameron as he was out with his sone to Williamstown to school Mrs McPhee Died Last night got some apples at Hamiltons heard Dan was going to Buy out PP 20,000 surveying on Bank for to Dredge it next year made a stack of 15 cocks on Bank

29th St Michaelmafs Foggy Went to Dundee settled with Mr Long to this Date and took up 7..96 cents on credit to Day 2 pair of Boots 3. X2..50 5..50 2 Tin Pails 45 90 1 Box of Matches 12 salts 8 1 Demijohn 50 Gal of Vinegar 50 4 lb of nails 16 Package of condition Powders 20 which comes to 7..97 cents Bought of F Frasher 100 of Flour 2..75 Bought of McC 2 Tubs 40 X 28 yds of Cotton at 7 - 1.96 owe 91 cents Bought of Mr K 10 yds of Cloth 2..50 1 3/4 of Lining 17 2 yds of Cambreck 12 Buttons 15 Thread & Twist 8 Braid 5 suspenders 17 suspenders 20 3 lb of Tea 1 Dollar 4..44 cents Paid this got 2SSs made 10 Bought Tyo HW 20 Randolph a Pocket Book 25 Brought the Wool to Davidsons Mill 15 lbs at 15 cents a lb to be Done week after next Fair in Malone

30th Taking up Potatoes Randolph and Hugh Ann crofsed to Mr McDougalls Brought a Cake sugar to Mrs McDougall

1st of October Tonia Birth Day 1883 Randolph went to Williamstown the Roman Church Pic Nic Taking up Potatoes heard Yorkey Baker was Married to Day

2nd at Potatoes Randolph and Hugh Ann came home

3rd Windy Raining Randolph crofsed for the Mail Alexander McLaughlin Died Bought a pipe 1 Narcifse Bought only 1 shirt in Montreal for me 75 cents

4th Raining Blowing

5th went to upper Point

6th Frost and First ice this Morning took in some Grapes Taking up Beans squash cucumbers Melons

{first page}

Mr James Cameron Island

7th of October 1885 Fine North West Wind mr Hill's Lighthouse Burnt to Day at Potatoes and Beans seen Wild Geese

8th Julia Summers Married to Day Windy the Eagle went off but we got him at Potatoes speaking to Henery Bosell and Lewis Burdo the Fisherman went off got a stick of Basswood for the stable

9th at the West Stable put a stick on the top and covered it with Marsh hay at Potatoes

10th Hugh Ann McMasters Birth Day 1844 Fine Windy Taking up Potatoes shelling Beans Randolph to Summerstown

11th Windy E Wind Round some

12th E Wind Ploughed up the Last Rows of the Potatoes and taking up Potatoes the Potatoes Rotting Bad no crop at all of them

13th E Wind at the Potatoes and Beans Lily hurted Put in some Potatoes to Day

14th High E Wind Raining Thunder and Lightning Fine changed to West Wind shot 2 Ducks Randolph shot one of them Mr Joseph Duckett here sold him wood for 10 Dollars He will buy the Manure if I take 65 But I want 100 had a Flask I told him I would split the Difference that would be 82..50 Hunters came From Ogdensburgh to Charlies Island sent with the Fishermen for another of the Flannel shirts and a Pair of Leather mits

15th Francis here and a Boat Load of Raftmen took the oak gave only 2 Dollars sent a Line to Mr MArthur Frances Left his Canoe here Killed one of the sheep and she is good

16th Jo Duckett came for the wood Mr MLennan gave me 35 Down the other 1/2 when he takes it away in the Winter Fine Day Warners Boat aground

17th Took all the Wood got 8 Dollars to Day got a shirt 75 Flannel from Montreal Fine Randolph to Summerstown Bought 2 Bottles RRR 50 Matches {illegible} 2 {illegible} 2

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

18th of October 1885 Luke's Day Fine

19th Ploughing Potato ground the Potatoes in Fine the Eagle Broke his Rope Flew to the clear Place in the Rushes fanned a Pail of Beans Rained some

20th south Wind Went around the Island Found a small Little Bag not knowing what was in it I went Down for Narcifse the Fisherman before I would open it in case it might be something so we went over where it was we opened and Behold it was 7 Beautiful pups Wind high Rained this Evening took in the last of the Beans Fanned a Pail of them Prefsing the Grapes not Much this year The Alexandra went Down Made a Few Plugs of Tobacco

21st Raining all Day W Wind

22nd Fine Drawing wood Finished the Beans

23rd Livinia Birth Day 1868 Raining Fine Wind Randolph went to Seine with Narcifse got 12 suckers for his share crofsed to Summerstown Gave John Summers 5 Dollars to my account got a Receipt Bought a Platter 7 cr spool of Thread 5 paid this Bought of Nicholsons 100 of Flour 1..50 Thread 6 cents Bought 1 lb of Tea for Hamiltons 40 Bought of Mr Ward 1 pan of Bread for Narcifse 22 and a cow eat 1/2 and I Bought another 1/2 11 cents seen Julia Summers at Hamiltons or Mrs Ritchie Heard Maggie Jack Died of smallpox in the Hospital got some apples J Hamilton and Mr McPherson clabboarding the Lighthouse Water very high with the Rain heard Riel is to be Hung on the 10th of Nov E Wind

24th Our Hugh's Birth Day Banking East End of the House Fine W Wind

25 James Birth Day Fine Warm Day

26th Went to Fort Covington 4 Tennets of Butter settled with Mr Long Dundee 7..96 bought of H K 1/2 Doz Knives Forks 55 Calico 28 Calico 50 Thread 3 Buttons 10 Lining 18 Lining 15 Drefs 75 cloth 7....4..41 Bought of McA 2 Tennets 40 2 Boxes of soap 14 sugar 70 {cut off}t 35 cash 3 owes 90 Bought of Mr Long shawl 3..75 oil {cut off}ot 20 starch 15 Tea spoons 50 sugar 35 on credit Jar 25 paid

5 Dollars owe

{first page}

Mr James Cameron Island

26th October 1885 Went to Mr Davidson or Davison paid 2..25 Bought of J. 7 1/2 Gal HW 1..50 10 Bought JC Cloth 50 13 yds 75 a Fine Day

27 Banking West side of house

28th at Banking Raining

29th Raining

30th Windy snowed some

31st Halloween Tracking nuts Randolph crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Nicholson 2 lbs of Putty 10 caps 10 Bought a pan 22 at Wards Buttons 3 cents at J Summers got our mail Witnefs and Globe Fine

1st of November The Harvest Month of Death All Saints Day Cold Eagle went to the Bush

2nd All Souls Day Rained snowed plugging Tobacco Made a cheese Straining the Wine

3rd On this Day of the Month Granda Departed 1857 Fisherman went of to night snowed hard this Evening and Rained hard to night took all the snow away Phillip the Fisherman Gave me his Big Knife

4th Fine Banking and covering the shed Let water Run out of the Wet place Below the house water coming in to the cellar

5th Guy Fawks Day Gunpowder Plot Raining Bottling Grapejuice 5 Gallons & 3 Gallons shot a Duck set Decoys at the shanty Bohemian came up to Day Canal Broke E Wind Lots of Boats a going to Day water high made a cheese to Day

6th Fisherman came Back as the Boat is not going Down till Sunday Began to Fish East Wind Rained some Antwine Bosell here

7th Helen McMasters Birth Day (Mrs Burton) Randolph went Down to Tuppers Island E Wind Foggy Fine some Rain Tollman went off from Charlies Island the Boat and Ba{cut off} for him

8th Fishermen went off to Cornwall to take the Bohemian Rained E Wind Rained hard to night wind changed to West a Raft or 2 or 3 peices went Down

9th Prince of Wales Birth Day 1841 Fine Day Joseph Douquett and Brother and John Bone here for Manure Fixing the calf stable gave John Hamilton 5 cents Cameron

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

10th of Nov 1885 Fixing around the sheds

11th Fixing around the yard Taking out stones putting manure around the apple trees

12th Mr Buttler and George Grant came this Evening E Wind Raining some Mr Leslie came Down with Mr Douquett and Brother Ducks Plenty out before the Door Mr Leslie out shooting Martinmas

13th Mr Luke Bowen Drowned in Salmon River Hard West Wind

14th Randolph to Summerstown Bought of Nicholson 1/2 lb Tea 40 heard Luke was Drowned but not sure Mr Buttler and George Grant had a squabble with a Man by the name Lerwet about a Blind J Summers and Geordie Annan Down here hunting Seen Mr John McLean's Death in a Fort Covington Paper

15th Windy

16th Mr Buttler and George went off for Cornwall Let a Rifle with Randolph Gave the Boy a Knife and Gave 2.15 cents Windy Gave George a Live Owl that Randolph wounded

17th Shot an Owl

18th Raining Francis here Left his canoe Left hay seed

19th John Nine here Let him have Frances Canoe

20th John G Bought an {cut off}gr 15 cents 1 lb of Butter 25 Jo Duckett and Brother here Finished the Manure Brought 1 1/2 Doz of Herring and a Basket of Apples and a viol putting the ashed out of the Barrels into a Big Box E and West Wind

21st On this Day of the Month D Master Departed 1846 Freezing at nights E Wind Fine Cool put the Jars in the cellar a Day or 2 ago Keeping in the Horse but cattle out Feeding Lots of Rain Randolph and Leander to Christees Randolph crofsed to Post Office 3 Boats went up and 3 went Down to Day

22nd not Well E Wind

23rd E Wind not very well put some of the Preserves in the cellar and Bottles out of the Milkhouse

24th E Wind Freezing some a Propellar went up Began to snow to night taking in irons and Lifting up things scattered on the Ground

{first page}

Mr James Cameron Island

25th of Nov 1885 St Catherine's Day stormy E Wind snowing Blowing Feeding the Cattle

26th E Wind snowing Stormy Froze hard Last Trip of the Granada shot an owl

27th Fine Day Taking home Wood shovelling snow Leander Found a Decoy Indians to be hung to Day stars shooting

28th E Wind Randolph to Summerstown Bought of J Summers Prize Tea 50 got a Glafs Pitcher paid this Bought of Nicholsons oil 20 Worm Candy at Mr Wards 15 paid all this heard Gordon was at Mr Purcells mill Steamer Bohemian came up and went Down to night for the Last Trip

29th W Wind some Rain warm

30th St Andrew's Day The Festival of the Scotch Keeping our Patron Saints Day E Wind Foggy Randolph Shooting got 2 Rats no Boats a going to Day Lights up to night

1st of December East Wind got 2 Ducks Fine Leander and I to the Kit Kit Island Tried for EEls got none seen a Minks Track on the Sturgeon Island cutting Brush in the West Field set 2 Traps for the Mink no Lights up to night in the Lighthouses East

2nd a Tug with 2 Barges went Down Johnston and Cherry Island Lights were up to night

3rd W Wind Went to Summerstown Bought of J Summers Salt 25 paid Herrings 2..75 on credit 50 wt of Flour on my Account its in the acc at 3 25th of June Gave him 5 Dollars to my account Settled with Mr Ward Paid all 5 cents Settled with Tom Kennedy 25 cents for Fixing the Pot Bought of Nicholson 2 pair of Boots 3..50 nails 100 Wt of Flour 2.50 Rope 45 Thread 12 Matches 10 Broom 20 Bought a Bag of Grain at Hamiltons 60 Lost my mit at the shore or in the Rushes Frank Laplante stopt here as he is all Wet with the spray coming Heard Mr Purcell was going to Run for member of Parliament Some one hurted one of the Bulls to night put 2 cuts in him

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

December 4th 1885 Cutting an old oak on the Lower Point went around the Island Fine Day East Wind to night snowing Blowing Drifting Looking for my mit opened the Barrel of Herring

5th East Wind Blowing Drifting not cold changed to West

6th cold West Wind Freezing

7th Went to the Pitt Point opened the Fence at the Back Garden Broke on a 2 Ton stack shovlling snow

8th W Wind cutting Trees the Wind Broke down Drew some Wood

9th E Wind Raining Killed the White Bull

10th Leander's Birth Day 1872 Windy Fixing stalls in the Horse stable cutting stove Wood Went to Pitt Point for the sheep did not get them

11th Mr J McDougall here for Randolph to help them thrashing

12th Fine Windy snowed Rained

13th turned soft Looks like a snow storm put in the Bottom of the stack

14th cleaning the stove pipes cutting the ice from around the Big Boat Raised it up on Rollers turned the Bun

15th Windy Frosty Fine snowed shot a Duck Broke on the pile of Wood at the Door piled some cord Wood opened the Fence at the apple Tree took the sleigh out of a Banking of snow milking the cows once a Day

16th Frosty got Kind of soft

17th cold Frosty Fixing around the cattle

18th Cold Drew some wood Eagle Died Whitewashing Lots of ice making

19th Drew some Wood Drew up the 2 Boats W Wind Fine

20th Fine cold Drifting and Freezing Leander set Trap

21st First Day of Winter E Wind North Wind South Wind Wind all round the compass Leander got a Rat stormy snowing hard

22nd E Wind ice Made a Good Bit Last night got home the sheep from the Bush Fine

23rd Fine turned soft Raining Windy West Drew some Drags the 2 Ton stack Finished water high Lots of sea-gulls ice Breaking

Mr James Cameron Island

Dec 24th 1885 Broke on Stack of 3 Tons Fine E Wind

25th Christmas Day Fine not much snow in the Feilds ice Pretty well Broke up Freezing to night E Wind and the ice a making some ice took near morning in some places a good many air holes

26th open up from the Foot of Francis Island the steamboat channel Frosty Fine Livinia Turned very sudden sick E W changed to West

27th Fine ice making some and took through to night Leander got a Rat St John the Evangelist Day

28th First crofsing on the ice Leander and I the ice thin First time Leander to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward sweetys 2 cents Bought of Nicholson Raisins 10 axe handle 10 Bought of J Summers 1 lb of Tea 45 paid Raisins 10 paid Raffle 50 paid got a Ride Down from J Hamilton

29th Our Angus Birth Day crofsed got a Ride up From J Hamilton Bought 15 Dollars of Flour From J Summers Tom Jack to take it Down to Hamiltons Bought of Nicholsons 1 pair of overshoes 1.75 Brought home Nicholsons Bag Oil 35 ice Busting side of shore

30th Fixing a place for the sheep in the shed 2 men crofsing over to salmon River Fine ice Breaking some to night

31st Last Day of the Year E Wind Fine commenced to Rain ice Breaking all up put in all of the Rest of the 3 Ton stack Leander and I Tried for EEls got none Leander got a Rat

1st of January 1886 Firing in the New Year the Boys all shooting shot a Duck Leander a Rat took in the Honey Bees in then put them out West Wind snowed a little

2nd chopping in the oak Field Leander got a House-Rat in his Trap ice going Down seen a Boat Fishing EEls

Transcription Progress



James Cameron Diary, 1885 (1).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1885 (2).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1885 (3).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1885 (4).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1885 (5).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1885 (6).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1885 (7).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1885 (8).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1885 (9).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1885 (10).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1885 (11).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1885 (12).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1885 (13).pdf


James Cameron, “James Cameron Diary, 1885,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 13, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/582.
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