James Cameron Diary, 1887


James Cameron Diary, 1887


James Cameron


Courtesy of the Archives of Ontario






19th Century, Glengarry County, McMaster's Island Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1887

Is Part Of

James Cameron Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


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Mr James Cameron Island

January 1st 1887 New Years Day East Wind snowing Fine not cold Kind of warm Bismarck crofsed to Post Office for the Papers Watering the cattle in the swamp Back of the Barn Fox tracks plenty a Big air-hole before the Door a good many shut up with this cold

2nd snowing W Wind got a Live Duck on the ice

3rd Allens Birth Day very Cold and Frosty W Wind put in the Bottom of the 3 Ton stack

4th E Wind Fine some Frosty cutting stove Wood cutting Waterholes cutting Bruch seen a 2 men and a horse and cutter crofsing to Summerstown and they came Back tonight A Great many air-holes shut up with this

5th cold weather 5th a very Fine Day Bushing the Road up the south side of the Island

6th a Fine Day Epiphany old Christmas crofsed to Summerstown Fetterly Thrashing at Hamiltons sent A Letter to Mr James Lee for a Dollars worth of Prizes Heard Laurie was Froze a Fortnight ago Bought of Mr Purcell 1 l of crackers 10 1 Bottle of Pain Killer 25 got a Bottle of cod Liver oil with it as prize paid 3 cents on the Letter

7th cold Frosty a cutter crofsed up the ice to Hamiltons from the south side cleaning the pipes W Wind Frosty to night

8th Bismarck crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward court Plaster 10 E Wind cold

9th Cold Windy

10th cold seen a sleigh coming from Lancaster to Rofs Island cutting Brush EW

11th very windy W Wind Drifting putting in hay not well

8th Hugh Anns B Day 1866

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Mr James Cameron Island

12th of January 1887 New Years Day old style cutting Brush in the upper Field West Wind some snow Fine Kind of soft seen a Fox crofsing from the south side

13th W Wind Kind of Fine Frosty Leander crofsed to Summerstown got the prize from James Lee 3 Lockets and 3 necklaces cork screw combination cutting Brush wind changed to night to East seen 2 Foxes crofsing

14th East Wind a Big Storm snowing Blowing Drifting Great Bankings of snow the cattle did not go to Drink to Day

15th EW Kind of Fine snowing some Bismarck to Summerstown Bought of J Summers Tea 25 Buttons 15 Pain Killer 25 Bought of Mr Ward Tax 5 cents put in a Ton of the 2 Ton stack all in of it shovelling snow as theare is Lots of them Bought of Nicholson 1 Plug of Tobacco 5 cents sweetys 2 cents

16th Cold W Wind Fine

17th East Wind stormy changed to sout and West Blowing very hard to night Digging at snow took a Barrel out of the shed to put ashes on churning to Day not very well

18th W Wind cold and Frosty Frosty Digging at snow Banks cuting stove wood

19th cutting Brush Windy John cut his hand

20th SE Wind snowed Frosty Rained to night Bismarck crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb French Tobacco 13 spool of Thread 5 cakes for Rowena 5 cents

21 St Agnefs Day W Wind Cutting Brush got warmer

22 E Wind hailed Rained Soft cutting alders Broke on 3 1/2 Ton stack

23 Raining Kind of crust icicles on the Trees

24 C Tuppers Birth Day icicles Falling WW

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Mr James Cameron Island

January 25th 1887 Robbie Burns Birth Day East Wind Turned stormy then came Fine crofsed me and Bismarck to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward Oil 25 RRR 25 powders 10 Tax 10 Bought of J Summers 1/2 lb Tea 25 soda crackers 25 Bought of Nicholson 1/2 lb Tea 20 sent for the Witnefs postage Register and picture 1..18 paid all this seen Mr Sheets that got the contract of the Wharf

26th Fine cutting Brush took the handle out of one of the axes Did not smoke to Day

27th E Wind John Hamilton and Charlie Parisha here wanting to trade horse for 2 2 year old heifers Making coats for the Boys

28th cutting Brush

29th Bismarck crofsed heard Jim Aikin was Buried to day Lots of EEl Fishing Broke on West Mow

30th Fine E Wind Nancy Bales Buried to Day

31st Cold Frosty WWind

1st of February East Wind Fine cutting Brush put in the Bottom of the Marsh hay stack about 2 Ton in the East Mow of Marsh hay Lots of EEl Fishers out those Days old Durushie up at Bosells Buying eel

2nd Candlemafs Day E Wind stormy snowing Drifting all Bad with cold the Sun Dont shine to Day the Bear cant see his shadow

3rd Fine Leander to Bosells for Tobacco 20 cents

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Mr James Cameron Island

4th of Feby 1887 cutting alders and Willows Fine Windy cold

5th Fine Went to Mr A Tyos got pay for the Butter {cut off}.25 Took Dinner there and Took my supper with Mr Leslie got a Book from Mr Leslie not very well Charlie Parisha 2 men came with the Mare and took the 2 Heifers Bismarck went for the Papers to Summerstown got a special notice from the Glengarrian Due from 16th of Oct 1886 To 1887 One Dollar

6th Not very well Bad with cold all of us snowing

7th East Wind Drawing alders First Drawing with the Horse Drifting

8th Gordons Birth Day Raining very unwell Bad Bad with colds Eclipse to Day High Wind to night this is the Carnival Week in Montreal Ice Palace

9th not well Kind of Fine Windy ice G{illegible} slippery walking for the cattle the air-hole out Before the Door near shut a Big Bird out on the ice an Eagle I think water coming in the Milkhouse

10th Fine Bismarck went to Summerstown Bought of J Summers Flour 1..25 RRR 25 got a Ride down home with John Hamilton Brought me 2 pair of Boots I told him to buy for me 2..50 gave him 2 hides and 1 sheepskin to sell for me very unwell to Day got a Lot of Papers got the Queen's Picture

11th E Wind stormy Drifting snowing very sick

12th Fine cold Windy very unwell John and Leander got hair cut

13th Gordon here Fine cold Sesagemisa Sunday Purcell stopt his mill

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Mr James Cameron Island

14th of February 1887 St Valentine's Day E Wind Fine very Bad with cold My Head is in an awful pain sent Bismarck to Mr A Tyo with a Tub of Butter 30 lb 7..50 Bought Brandy 1..25 H Wines 40 a Dance to night there went with a Jag of Wool Bull and Oxley a Fight

15th Nomination Day for Members in Alexandria E and W and North Wind snowing hard turned Fine Thawing very unwell to Day got my hair cut

16th Better to Day Breaking a Road Fine turned to snowing Bismarck to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 100 of Flour 2..50 12 lb of Pork 1..20 Lantern 20 Tea 25 at Wards I owe 25 at J Summers on this paid all the Rest Bought of Ward Glass 39 cents E oil 25 Bag of Oats at Hamiltons 40 not cold

17th Fine Day Bismarck cutting Brush my Head commenced again and I am in a Fearful way with it

18th James Hugh's Birth Day Stormy

19th Bismarck crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Nicholson Herring 25 Bought of Ward Herring 10 Worm Powders 25 RRR 25 Killed a Muskrat at the Door Bought 3 Glass 10 snowing

20 Shrove Sunday 2 men crofsed from the south side

21st cutting alders Fine Filled the straw Tick

22nd Shrove Tuesday Election P.P. got in Went to Lancaster got a Ride from Hamiltons to vote coming Back went to Tyos stopt at Hamiltons all night

23rd Ash Wednesday Went to Summers Bought nails 10 came home a Fine Day Drawing snow out of the yard

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Mr James Cameron Island

24 of February 1887 seen a crow Rained cold Windy cutting Brush

25th cold cutting Brush

26th Fine Turned stormy snowing Bismarck to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward Herring 1/2 Doz 37 1/2 cents Window Glass 6 Bought of J Summers lb of Tea 50 Got for the Hides 4..15 and Gordon kept 1..35 .. 5..50

27th Stormy East Wind

28 Stormy snowing

1st of March St Davids Day the Festival of the Welsh E Wind Came in Like a Lamb Warm Leander went to Bosells for Tobacco 20 Brought a Bottle of Milk sent a cup of citron Preserves to Rowena there is something wrong with one of the 2 year old Heifers

2nd skinned the Heifer Fine Bismarck went to Tyos for oil 15 cents Lots of Teams going up the ice from the south side Drew some Wood

3rd Bismarck and I to J McDougalls Fine took Dinner there Mr McDougall bad with cold Dan Cameron there got Wormwood Let my spectacles went to Summerstown got a Letter from Dan from Toronto sent a Dollar to Mr Stillwell Registered postage 8 Buttons 5 John Hamilton in Bed sick Mrs Ward poorly

4th W Wind Fine Bismarck and Hugh Ann went to F Covington Bought Tea Boots 2..50 Calico 50 Dishes 58 crackers 10 Buttons 2 Tyos 20 gave 3 Dollars cash hide 1..40 {cut off}..16 of Hugh Anns took Back 60

5th E Wind Drifting cold stormy Fairy a calf skinned him one of the heifers in the Waterhole stormy to night

6th E Wind Big snow fall hailing to night deep snow

7th Fine Kind of soft putting snow out of the yard Braking Roads taking snow of the sheds the yard all Blocked up some mist of Rain

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Mr James Cameron Island

8th of March 1887 Fine Day warm W Wind Thawing some some crows cutting Brush cutting stove wood shovelling snow Potatoes near Done

9th cutting Brush

10th Bismarck Leander and Hugh Ann went to J McDougall for straw got Books and cards

11th Bismarck went for straw took over 10 lbs of Butter to McDougalls 2..50 got a Bag of Potatoes

12th Fine On This Day of the Month D McMaster Senior First came to the Island crossed to Summerstown Bought of Nicholson pipe 1 cent paid Bought on credit Flour 2..40 pipe 42 Bought of J Summers soap 10 Thread 5 paid 10 on the Parcel Dan sent Dan gone to Florida awful Bad on the ice with the crust Low

13th Fine Day Thawing 2 Lambs to Day Fernandez and John H went to Christees and Alexis Island

14th Stanleys Birth Day 1880 Fine Snowed a Little

15th cold Frosty and Fine cutting stove Wood put up new Bed curtains

16th in the Bush cutting Brouse

17th St Patricks Day Fine snowing Drifting

18th Vicy Rowena Departed about 1/2 past one o clock Fine Day St Josephs Day Bismarck crofsed Met J McDougall got 1..50 I crofsed with horse got a Bag of oats from JS got Mr McPherson to make the coffin went up to Purcells for 2 Boards Bought of J Summers Linen and Muslin paid this Gordon came Down with us Mr McDougall and Annie and Leander came George Bosell and Wife and child here to night got 1 from J McD paid for the Butter

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Mr James Cameron Island

19th of March1887 Rowena Vicky Buried to Day Gordon Dug the Grave Bismarck went for the coffin All those that came J McDougall Mrs McDougall and Alex Randolph George Bosell Charles Craig Charlie Rose Mrs Rose and a Mifs Smith J Summers Mr Ward Mr McPherson Donald McDonald George Renshaw Agnes Nicholson Lewis Henery a very Fine Day Gordon gave me his Rubber coat I Gave him a cap and 50 cents sent a Bottle of Wine to Margaret Hamilton

20th 1st Day of Spring Fine Day Warm Thawing Randolph here

21st Randolph went off Bismarck and Leander went to Bosells for a Load of hay got some Tobacco cant sell

22nd Livinia Birth Day Fine E Wind snowing Drifting J McDougalls Dog here

23rd cutting Brush Fine W Wind Drifting

24th Fine Drifting cold Lewis Bosell crossing to Antwines antwines Dog Followed him Back

25th Lady Day cold Drifting cutting Brush

26th John Hamilton Cameron's Birth Day West Wind Cold Frosty Went to Summerstown paid John McPherson for the Coffin only wanted pay for the Lumber which was 50 I gave him a Dollar got a Letter from Phillip Charon got a Treat of Wine at Mr McPhersons Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb of Tobacco 12 1/2 Box of Matches 10 Mrs Ward Poorly

27th Fine East Wind cold

28th East Wind snowing Drifting Blowing West Mow Done commenced the Peice on the North East side Writing a Letter to send to Phillip Charon cutting Brush for the cows

29th Went to Summerstown Bought of Nicholson 100 of Flour 2..40 paid this got Bag of Oats at Bag of Potatoes can of oil at Hamiltons sent a Letter to Fisherman 3 cents J McDougall here got Ropes WW Drifting cold Fine see the otters Track

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Mr James Cameron Island

30th of March 1887 Fine Cold Killed an otter Bismarck Leander Fernandez John and Myself had a hard chase after him with the 2 Dogs Feine and Rovre Length from Tip to Bend of Tail 3 Feet 8 inches

31st crofsed to Summerstown to Show them all and there was a Lot seen him Bought of J Summers 3 yds Calico 30 Rain Lamb

1st of April All Fools Day Made a Board for the otter to put on Mr Ward and Mr Lincoln here offered 6..50 sold 16 Rats 2..40 Mr J McDougall here at night for Butter

2nd Bismarck got 2 Loads of straw at McDougalls Gordon Boselll for Milk I sent a Letter to Narcisse Charon

3 Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tobbaco 12 Leander took Dinner at Nicholsons ice opening close to shore at the shanty

3rd Palm Sunday Fine 8 Wild Geese on the ice Robins Blackbirds Hawk came

4th Ducks came Grass birds Tom Jack and Gordon here Bismarck Drew 2 Loads of Hay from J McDougalls 1/4 of Ton Good Weight Fine

5th snowing cold Flurries of snow seen 5 cranes

6th Fine W Wind Gale in Cornwall of Tom Summer's Farm to Day Drawing Wood snow Deep in the Bush Some one Drawing Ice out from Tyo's o Day

7th Fine W Wind Maunday Thursday Thawing Freezing cutting Brush Taking snow of the Butternut Log crust 4 Feet of snow in the Bush

8th Good Friday McDougalls Boys came home with the Ram in the Brush for the cows putting Brush on the Fence Pewits came Fan-Tailed Blackbirds came

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Mr James Cameron Island

9th of April 1887 Fine Day Thawing a Few Drops of Rain this morning the Boys Tapped 25 Trees for the first Francis the Indian here came up from Lancaster he sowed Hayseed on the Sturgeon Island and I sowed it Last spring took some of the Sugar Bush Rigging to the Bush tapped 25 Trees

10th Easter Sunday Fine W Wind Bismarck went to Hamiltons for the Papers

11th First Boiling in the Bush 16 Pails 3 or 4 Indians came to Christees to hunt

12th E Wind Fine Bismarck crofsed to Summertown Bought of J Summers 22 yards of Cotton 1..50 Thread 25 Tea 25 Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb of Tobacco 12 1/2 seen a Man crofsing up the ice on Horseback Drew Old Gray Down to the Lower Point on the ice Drawing wood at the Door seen 2 Wild Geese

3rd E Wind Fine but Raw seen a Man coming to Christees Boys in the Bush Boiled what they gathered yesterday {cut off} Gallons of syrup gathered to night 22 pails Taking the Banking out of the cookhouse put one of the sheep in the stall in the stable Quilting to Day water high ice Bad close to shore no Ducks to Day Yellow Hammers came cutting Brush for the Cows Hens commenced to Lay had Last Years Eggs for Easter Sunday and has Last Years syrup yet

14th ice Began to open at Sturgeon Island Drawing Stove Wood to the Door Drew some Manure a Lamb to Day East Wind Fine the {cut off} Boys in the Bush Making Syrup Leander and Bismarck

15th in the Bush Fine E Wind ice opening very slow not much shooting

16 Fernandez and I to the Head of the Island up through the Bush snow Deep came down on the ice Foggy E Wind Rain changed to W Wind took home 2 1/2 Gallons of Syrup John and Fernandez made a cake of sugar a peice Lots of Ducks in at the Little Island a strip opening up

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Mr James Cameron Island

17th of April 1887 Low Sunday Fine made sugar the Boys and Livinia A Lamb with a Black mark around one of his Eyes

18th OUr Duncan's Birth Day Freezing every night ice opening very slow not clearing much cutting Brush for the cows

19th Fine sap runs well cutting Brush on the Pitt Point Loons Came King Birds came Mocking Bird came cows to Pit Point Putting Out Manure Drew the Boat to the Lower Point River all Jammed with ice Stanley not well

20th Fine sap runs well went to the head of the Island Killed a Snake for the First Burnt him Great Jams of ice north side and head of the Island Lots of Jamming put out the Bun Tried for EEls got a Lizard got no EEls piling wood at the Door Left the heifer out to night put a Fence around her Lots of Ducks and Wild Geese water pretty high

21st piling Wood at the Door putting out manure Fine

22nd Done in the sugar Bush Let the cows to the Bush took home the Sugar Bush Rigging made some small cakes of sugar put Italy in the Barn

23rd St George's Day the Festival of the English Rained Foggy Bismarck crofsed for the Mail Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tobacco 12 1/2 2 pipes 2 cents Heard Nicholsons stole Purcells Lumber

24th Windy ice going Down Rained some

25th St Marks Day Fine W Wind E Wind South Wind snowed some all Kinds of Weather Narcisse came Tubica put him acrofs from Lancaster for {illegible} First Trip for the Grenada shoving Big cakes of ice from Before the Door Boys went to Alexis Island Lots of Frost at night First Fish 1 pike and 2 catfish Leander caught

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Mr James Cameron Island

26th of April 1887 Fine and cold Narcifse crofsed for Boards Making and End to the shanty skinned the Jinny's Heifer and calf skinned Minkeys calve Skinned Italys calve Narcifse Found a Bridge with a Great many spikes in it Frosty nights

27th Phillip came Windy West Lily calved Oxly calved Raising Lily and Italy taking Banking from the Milkhouse cutting Brush putting out manure Ticks commenced not much shooting Phillip paid 50 of what he owed Last year Frogs commenced to sing Quilting

28th Lilly Dead and Italy dead skinned the 2 going to Raise Lillys calve Bismarck and Narcifse went to F Covington sold 1 hide 6 Rats 2 calfskins all he got 2..85

29th Raining Blowing an EW Bismarck and Phillip to Summerstown got our Mail Bought 1/2 lb Tea 25 paid a Registered Letter in the Office for me but cannot have it till I go myself Andrew Rose Departed

30th Raining Blowing North Wind high snow on the Mountains Back Bay near all Broke up and Former years it always went off in a Large cacke cake

1st of May P P Birth Day Went to A Roses Funeral had a chat with the Rev Mr Mc{illegible} makes a very good Prayer got my Registered Letter out of the Office in at Fergusons at Summers's

2nd E Wind Phillip went to Lancaster Boys and I taking the stones the old House chimney away and putting them on the Wharf

3rd crofsed to Summerstown Brought 2 hides to Mr Ward 81 lb Bought Mr Ward Boots 75 Broom 25 Tole 25 pens 3 ink on credit paid for 2 pipes 2 Bought of Nicholson 100 of Flour 2..50 paid Bought of J Summers Needles {cut off} cents paid this George Annans child died Mr Hills Light up Alexandra went Down and 2 Ogdensburgh steamers into Dundee

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Mr James Cameron Island

4th of May 1887 Narcifse to Lancaster took up Phillips man Mr Joseph Potva Drawing the stones of the chimney of the old House to the River

5th Fine Day Thinking the Rev Mr McKay was coming did not come to Day working at Fences and stones putting out manure

6th ploughing gathering stones got their Licence

7th Bismarck crofsed to Summerstown at the Court the Boys and Nicholsons Franky Laplante Bought of Nicholsons 1/2 lb Tea 25 Thread 10 Paint Red 14 cents Raining

8th Sunday Fine EW Bohemian came up did not go into Lancaster

9th got Irons from Narcifse for Harrowteeth Harrowed Potato Ground Planted 7 Rows of Potatoes piling stovewood at West end of the House Leander Leg sore at the Banking of the house Foggy this morning Phillip to Lancaster with First Fish

10th Planting Potatoes cutting Potatoes seeds set Leander for Lye taking Banking from the East End of the house water in cellar Mosquitoes a few Toads came

11th First Trip they made with Fish to the Boat Narcifse George and Jo Drew the Frame out of the Garden

12th at the Garden Bismarcks hoed it Fernandez and I at the putting up of the sticks around the potatoe Ground split oar sticks Fernandez and I

13th Stanley and i on the Pitt Point J McDougall Miss Fraser Mifs McDougall here Fernandez went with them at the soap

14th Bismarck crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward RRRelief 25 paid Bought of Nicholson Tea Finished the soap 7 pots Jo Brought me 2 lb Tobacco 25 cents from Montreal

15th Gordon here Bismarck to Alexis Island and Christees

16th sheared sheep setting Fires Fixing Fence planted a Bed of Carrots

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Mr James Cameron Island

17th of May 1887 Smoky Fine E and West Wind went to upper point set some fires went to Christees Island Mr Kelly to see the Fishermen putting manure in the yard in a heap as there is Lots of Frost and snow in the Back Garden under it Francis here cutting Rails on his Island to take to St Regis horse Kind of Lame

18th E Wind changed to West Fine Rained some Went to Summerstown got a Letter from Dan Bought of Mr Ward 12 lbs of Lime 1 lb of sulphur 10 paper of Melons 5 paid this Richard Grant Departed Last Week got cucumbers Potatoes and a Barrel from J Hamilton Paint and Oil Mrs Ward Poorly Mrs Summers Poorly The Garnet went Down to Day to Valleyfield First Trip Franky Laplante was going on Board at Renshaws Wharf got a sturgeon from the Fishermen The Drudge went up to Day Writing a Letter to Dan

19th Ascension Day or Holy Thursday Fine West Wind Smoky weather Plum Trees Began to Blossom Phillips First Trip to Montreal

20th Fine Bismarck crofsed to PO a Letter to Dan Postage Paid got the Witnefs taken out manure its thawing out Piling stones Drew the Boats to the Grove yesterday cinnamon 5 cloves 5 at Mr Wards EW Drawing Pols to slab-Fence Ticks Bad Mosquitoes Beginning

21st Fine E Wind Ploughed the Back Place Took a Large stone out of it Harrowed the Potatoes pathways Oild the Mare with Sturgeon oil and coal oil The Ticks curried the cows Jennie calved a Late Bull Took the Head out of the Kerosene Barrel {cut off}t put poles to the Hops at the Milkhouse

22nd Fine Ionia Hugh Ann Livinia Bismarck John Went to Charles Island Rod Briggs and McDonald or McGregor at the Shanty Treated me.

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Mr James Cameron Island

1st of June 1887 Rowena Victoria's Birth Day 1878 Departed 18th of March 1877 Raining

2nd White Washing

3rd Planted Beans Rodney Briggs and Pete Grant here Gave him the Rifle George Lent to Randolph Narcifse the Fisherman and Son George came up on the cars Fine

4th George the 3rd's Birth Day I Went to Summerstown Bought of Ward 1 lb of Tea 40 on Credit Gave him a Due Bill to put to my acount of 1..50 Bought of Nicholsons Flour 1..25 paid Got a Box of Figs From J Summers Bismarck seen George Ferguson of Williamstown J Hamilton painting his house in the Bush

5th Fine WW

6th Weeding the Potatoes set Line at Sturgeon Island picking Ticks of the Mare

7th Weeding Potatoes Killing Potato Bugs EW Fine Missed the year old Heife she is Fast some place Foggy to night Tug aground through the night

8th Fine Found the Heifer at the head of the Island near shore fast Mr A Tyo's man here for Butter got 1 of his Boxes for Fish from the Fishermen cutting Weeds in the Potatoes put the Three calves in their Pasture to Day Watered some of the Potatoes

9th Our Johns Birth Day 1813 Corpus Christe Day Mr Summer at Douquets {illegible} hime

10th Mr Tyo's man {cut off}ed Douquet found a Tennet for Butter at Weeding Potatoes

11th Bismarck to Summerstown Bought 4 of Tea for Narcise 1 Box of Matches the Glengarrian did not come sent a Letter to J Summers concerning A B

12th Grand Procefsion Day Hugh Ann and Bismarck Hugh Ann a Ried out to Williamstown from E Frasher's Fernandez going to school Livinia Went to see Peggy Bosell and Bismarck

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Mr James Cameron Island

23rd of May 1887 Harrowing Planted a Few Rows of Potatoes at the Barn Feine has 5 Puppies Fixing Fence

24th Queen's Birth Day Fine Fired some Good volleys Bismarck crofsed for Oil 25 starch 10 soda Got a Basket of Potato seeds at Hamiltons Rained Heard this Evening First Thunder and Lightning

25th Fixing Fence Painting the Boat Fine

26th Washing the Wool Plastering Fine

27th Cutting Brush Finished the Boat made holes in the New Oars I have them this 6 years Working at Fence on the Pitt Point

28th East Wind high Narcifse got a Dollar for Making the north shanty Paid to Day Antwine and Edward Bosell at the shanty for the Pay of their Fish Told me that James McDonald Archys son was Killed up West his Body coming Down to Day Bismarck crofsed Bought of Nicholson 50 Weight of Flour 1..25 paid Bought J Summers Tea 25 paid Garnet went up Apple Trees Blossoming this Week oiling the Mare got some Ticks picking Wool

29th Oak Apple Day or Royal Oak Day E Wind got a small sturgeon from Phillip

30th EW Fine cleaning up Brush and setting fires Bismarck and Leander set a sturgeon Line {cut off} Bad Ticks Bad

31st E Wind Bismarck and I to Jo Lemays planted 130 hills of Potatoes where we claned putting ashes on the Potatoe Ground where Rain Lodges making Rows for Beans one of the Ogdensburgh Boats got aground to night going in at the Mouth of Salmon River Ticks Bad Grubs cutting Potatoes and onions Letting the calves out in the yard

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Mr James Cameron Island

June 13th 1887 cleaning Potatoes strawberries getting some Ripe

14th Fine Day East Wind Mr Tuthill and Judge Nortons son here to night him and Bismarck went out to Trowl for Pickerel set some Brush heap afire heard an Indian Killed his squaw at St Regis Mr Mears is Departe Mr Tuthill

15th Fixing E End of the Building putting stones under it Ticks Bad

16th at Potatoes

17th at Potatoes

18th The Ever Memorable Battle of WaterLoo Bismarck got his hat 40 Bismarck crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Ward pepper 1/4 lb 7 Bought of J Summer 2 of Thread 10 all paid Almonds 5

19th Sunday Gordon here Girls and Tonia went to Bosells Mr Jo Douquet's New Boat into Dundee

20th Accesfsion of Queen Victoria Fine Day Bismarck and i to A Tyo's paid 6 Dollars for the Butter Treat 10 Tea 25 Gave Mr Leslie his Book crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward on credit 1 sack of Flour 1..25 Working on the Roads Princess Louise First Trip Mr McKay went to Montreal on the Boat

21st Jubilee Day for the Queen First Day of Summer Mr Hector McRae Buried to Day in Williamstown SW Wind Thunder some Rain Livinia not well at all put out Tobacco on the 17th and cleaned the cellar Chicken out some to Day

22nd Our Dan's Birth Day Fishing at Potatoes Rained Windy at night Bohemian got aground this trip sawing Wood at the River

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Mr James Cameron Island

June 23rd 1887 Fine putting the plough through the Potatoes Leander John and I Bismarck and Hugh Ann Went to F Covington Bought McCartney Tea 3 lb 1 10 1/2 yds of calico 75 10 yds Calico 80 5 yds of Pink 40 1 yds 10 1 yds 12 1/2 Blue 6 Bought of Fay Bismarcks Boots 2..50 Tax 5 1/2 lb Tea 12 1/2 Bought of Parker 2 spoons 19 Lots of Trowlers around here to Day a Raft went Down to night Took the mare out of the Pasture on account of the Ticks Lost of Young Beetles on the Potatoes

24th St John the Baptiste Day Mrs Ward Departed Bismarck Putting the Plough Through the Potatoes Fixing the Logs around the Potatoes

25th Bismarck crofsed Bought of J Summers Thread 5 Sugar 7 lbs 50 Bought for Fishermen Tobacco and Sugar Mrs Ward Buried to Day Mrs McKay got her Leg hurted

26th Fine Day McDougall and Fernandez here gave one of the Puppies to Fernandez and a small sturgeon the Baby Tonia Sissy Leander and Stanley down to the Kit Kit some Rain

27th Fine crofsed to Hamilton went up to Summerstown John Hamilton going to Lancaster for Lumber {cut of}eing Boards on the cracks of the West End of the Barn

28th putting some stones under the Bottom of the East end of the house set a Line out Before the Door Bismarck crofsed to help McDougalls with their Potatoes picking Beetles of the Potatoes their is any Quantity of them cleaning some in the Tobacco Ground put out some plants to night Moved the Black Boat took one of the seats out of her and one of the Rods

29 Bismarck at McDougalls came home

30th Fine Went to A Tyos with Tennet of Butter 30 lb 8 cents a lb went to Summerstown Bought of Nicholson Flour 2..50 paid heard Mr McKay was taken home from Montreal Died yesterday

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Mr James Cameron Island

1st of July 1887 Very Fine and Warm Bismarck and Hugh Ann to Hamiltons Island to a Pick nick a very poor pic nic The Rev Mr McKay Buried to Day Gave Narcisse a Plug of Tobacco

2nd Fine Warm Thunder Lightning Rain Very high North Wind set some Brush heaps a Fire Fixing Rakes Pulling Weeds at Potatoe Bugs cleaning out the Barn Mows Taking Ticks of the Mare

3rd Fine Rained some Leander hurt his Foot Fell through the shed

4th American Independence Fine W Wind high squally winds and Rained hard Thunder and Lightning Bismarck Went with a Puppy to Craigs cutting hay around the Barn for a Road put out some Tobacco Plants Turning some hay

5th at the Potatoe Bugs and they are plenty put in the Barn for the Frist about 6 cocks of hay Boys Fishing very warm a Lot of hay Floating Down the River Our Johns Birth Day 1803 84 Years old to Day

6th Fishing at Potatoe Bugs Windy

7th at Ploughing Potatoes high Wind and Rain hard got Rasberries

8th set a Line at the Pit Point got 2 EEls Fine very warm at the Beans cleaning them Jo Lemays Girls and Trickney from St Annicet here for Butter Bismarck crofsed to Craigs for Johns Pay for the Dog got a Dollar cucumbers put in 4 cocks of hay yesterday

5th Dan takes Steamer to Day for England Bismarck and I to Fort Covington Bought of Long Boots 1.25 Salt Fine 60 RRR 25 Bough of 54 yards of cotton 3.75 Boots 1.50 Boots 50 Tubs 58 cement 20 hat 10 comb 10 {illegible} 8 Brought the Blacksmith Iron got hammer {illegible} handle of the churn Left a File for to make {illegible} very Windy Rained Thunder Lightning Wind got {illegible} plants at Bodways and supper seen Lis

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Mr James Cameron Island

11th of July 1887 Rained some Bismarck crofsed to Summerstown Bough J Summers 5 spools of Thread 25 2 Bars of soap 20 Bought at Wards a Tin Basin for Fishermen 15 all paid Jo came from Montreal had to stay to Burie his child Fine at Bugs

12th of July Orangeman's Day Fired some pretty Good Volleys cutting some hay Bismarck and Leander went to Rofs's Island helped the Indian to Ferry his Horse from Charlies Island as he had no Boat Foggy in the morning very warm got Tobacco and 3 scythes stones that Jo the Fisherman took for me from Montreal at Potato Bugs Mosquitoes Bad Deer Flies Plenty Berries some Barges aground Below the Lighthouse

13th Mowing and put some in Bismarck went of

14th cutting hay and Fixing around Lancaster mills Burnt

15th St Swithen's Day Fine put in some hay Rained in the Evening Mowing some

16th crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Nicholson Flour 1..25 Sack of Salt 80 McArthurs Building Burnt on the 14th

17th Pe Blaise wife Boy and his Father here Fine Rained some

18th Mowing put in a Little Oscar Laflesh and Lis his mother here very warm 2 Indians here for the scow Louis Phillips one of them to come tomorrow for it John H got a nail run in his Foot

19th Fine Warm E Wind Indians came for the scow and took it Back put in a little Hay Mowing cutting a Road on the Hill to the Lower Point cut a Little in the Grove Mosquitoes Fernandez Birth Day 1874

20th putting in hay cutting hay cherries commencing to Turn Thunder Rain

21st Raining some mowing

22nd Rain Mowing Phillip sick Took some wine to him Fine

23rd Fine Bohemian did not come up she is Running in place of the Steamer 3 Rivers Phillip went home sick Garnet a Pleasure Trip up Cutting south side of Potatoes made 35 cocks of hay Potato Bugs plenty Mosquitoes Bad

{page one}

Mr James Cameron Island

July 2{cut off} 1887 Sunday a Fine Day Fernandez here took another of the Puppies for Mrs Ch{cut off} in the Gore J McDougall and Ann{cut off} Mr Genie here E Wind Leander {cut off} to Hamiltons for the Papers H{cut off} Bismarck was at Craigs 3 {cut off} at the Fishermen's after hard F{cut off}

25th St James Day putting in {cut off} Fine Rained a Drop or 2 cloudy and {cut off}

26th cutting Back of the Barn {cut off} Leander and I Gathering the carr{cut off} seed cleaned the Tobacco a Great many Boats a Going to Day and {cut off} Towing Foggy in the Morning a very warm Day

27th Bohemian came up Telegraph at Mr Wards Bought of Ward Flour 1..25 Alum 3 Bought of Nicholsons Flour 1..25 Paid all this Bought of J Summers pipes 2 got a Wr{cut off} from J Hamilton a Pic nic on the Princess Louise to F Covington Sold A Tyo Butter 32 lb warm

28th Mowing Back of the Barn warm some Rain Thunder far off to the south West

29th Hugh Ann not very well Mowing some Back of the Barn and BAck Garden very warm some one pulled some of the Mares Tail out on the Pitt Point

30th Very Warm W Wind Phillip came as he is Better put in over 40 cocks Left 12 out put in to Day First hay in East Mow Fixing some hay on the sticks some Ticks yet Potato Bugs plenty Mosquitoes Bad EEls on Top of the water

31st Fernandez here gave his Mother 50 cents had Dan Frashers {cut off}

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

August 1st 1887 Lammas Day Mowing put in 12 cocks warm {illegible} Narcisse not well Gave him some Alum to tak in Licquor

2nd Minnie's B Day 1864 E Wind Boy here By name Adams from Cornwall camped at Hamiltons enquiring for a Man By the name of {illegible}ight Tried the new Potatoes for the first very warm Randolph came the Boys went Back with McDougalls Boat Randolph crofsed to Summerstown put in 50 cocks mowing some a pic nic or nigh excursion out of Salmon River up to A Tyos and Hamiltons Island the Grenada

4th Mowing above the Lane Fence very warm

5th Randolph went to Salmon River Fine 83 Degrees in the shade Bought coat and vest 6 Dollars cuffs & studs 50 collar 15 hat 18 comb 10 Tea 1 Dollar Grindstone 80 lb 1..20 scythes 1..40 {illegible} 30 Bought for Phillip 3 lb of cheese 36 Rained heavy tonight Thunder Lightning putting i hay in the East Mow set Fire to 3 Brush Heaps to night

6th Randolph's Birth Day 1867 makin a new Rigging for the Grindstone Fine some cool to night Traded whetstones with Narcifse the Fisherman Jo Brought for me 4 lb of Tobacco 60 cents the P Louise went to Valleyfield a Pic nic to night Mowing down near the shanty Randolph Crofsed to Summerstown

7th Fine P Blaw here Gordon Randolph came Randolph {illegible} him acrofs the children to Rofs's Island

8th Mowing very warm Amyot here to see us put in some

9th Livinia very sick Randolph to A Tyo's Kerosene 15 HW cut the oats a Great Row on Francis Island the campers from Valleyfield

10th putting in 60 cocks an Indian Thomas Simons at the Distillery here Fires someplace it is smoky Broke the Jumper Settled with Jo Potva Fisherman {illegible} to night

11th Jo Went off Raining Mowing Leander to {illegible} Island John H Found a {illegible} Mowing Lower Point 3 Men here {illegible} Tyo {illegible} Also 2 Boys here

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{already transcribed on previous page}

Mr James Cameron Island


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{already transcribed on previous page}

Mr James Cameron Island


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Mr James Cameron Island

13th of August 1887 Putting in 80 cocks Randolph Mowing put the Bell on Oxly Fine cold Last night

4th Randolph crofsed to Craigs and McDougalls

15th Mowing put in 3 Loads a steamer Towing Down the very warm Blackbirds at the corn shelling the coloured Beans coll at night Fishing to night got to windy cranes plenty

16th Randolph to Fort Covington to a Pic nic north wind and EW Mowing making coils of hay 70 Indian with Baskets 10 25 gave 2 axe handles to make Randolph Bought 2 pairs of Boots 3.75 Matches 10 Flour 1..15 got 5..40 from

17th A Tyo for Butter Fine Mowing near Back Marsh Narcisse the Fishermans 2 Boys and their Dog went off putting in 60 coils the west end Full up top

18 Eclipse to Day Raining E Wind West Mowing Down in the Lower Field Mowing Mowing in upper Feild Trimmed some of the apple tree Before the Door A Good Lot of shooting on south side Randolph shot a Duck Fixing the hay up on the sticks in the Barn Making Rake Teeth Algerian {illegible} went Down as their was something wrong with her this some time

19th Mowing

20th Dan sails for Canada from England Randolph and Leander to F Covington Windy Bought for Leanders Rubbers 2..75 Randolph B{illegible}2..50 Exchanged Mine for Larger pair Flour 2..20 Tubs Whetstone 10 Simon here with 2 axehandles 30 Gave him 2 old scythes for the Indian on Rosses Island Put in some hay John H and I and Stanley

21st I A Day

22nd putting some hay on Barn Floor Went to upper Point Found 2 Boys and 3 Girls taking Bark the Boat was the Dixie Dickinson & McLennan Rained a Little

23rd cutting in the upper Field all cut Fine Windy Lucia for Potatoes

24th cutting in the oak Field putting covering on the upper stable Raining some put a Handle in the axe {illegible} yellow Birds

25h Cool West Wind got a cha{illegible} from the Fisherman Phillip cutting in Back {illegible} and oakfield turning hay in upper Feild

26th Mowing in Front Marsh

27th put in Last of fine hay the Barn is chuck {illegible} Finished stack in upper shed 1 1/2 Tons

28 Randolph to F{illegible} and Hugh Ann to Mr McDougalls Fisherman {illegible} Bosell stole a channel cat Fish from him {illegible} Lancaster Wharf

29th Mowing Back Marsh Randolph {illegible} at Hamiltons Windy Thunder Rain {illegible} cut 150 more {rest of page illegible}

{second page}

{only transcribing small page, overlaid on larger page for Dec 18th 1887}

JC Island 14th Sept 1887

Holy crop Fine Rain Windy Began a stack on the shed West 77 in it to Day and its not Finished got a channel cat fish from Fishermen gathering Grapes Fixing Fence around the stacks

13th Oxly Lost the Bell Fine Windy Tunder som Rain EW Done Mowing in Front marsh to Day making cocks shelling Beans pressing Wine or Grapes

12th Mowing put out manure 3 Men here from a Barge E Wind

11th Randolph and Leander went home with Tyo's Boat Girls to Francis Island Black Cherries E Wind

10th Drew some wood Finished the West stack Randolph came Leander went for the papers Bought of JS 1 lb of soda 10 cents paid

9th commenced West stack put Rails around it

15th Sept Finished the shed near the Barn 3 1/2 Ton putting some on Big shed Killed the calf 4 weeks old Drew some Drags

16th went to F Covington Bought of Mr Long axe handles shot Glass got a Box Keg oil can Bought 100 of Flour 2.50 Boots 2..50 sugar 1..40 Pepper 10 Blue 12 RRR 50 Sweetys 2 Tin Pails 15 Tax 5 shot powder Boots Fixed Bottle 10 a new man in Tyos Building got a present of Tobacco and Tea From Mr Tuthill got the Knife at the Blacksmiths Tyos Fixing his house 3 lb of Tea 1.

{several numbers added together}

{page one}

17th Sept JC Island

Fine smoky with Fires Burning Brush made a 1/2 stack in Marsh putting more in Big Shed all hay Finished in Marsh Boys crofsed for Mail Cleaned the Double B Gun split some put some Rails around back The Grenada Came out to Day Frost this morning for the first cut Tobacco Bought 2 spools Thread got 2 Gazzetts

18th {illegible} Girls to Francis Island

19th Back marsh smoky

20th Maing in Back marsch Randolph to J Summers Bee drawing stones Leander the Indian on Rofs's Island set Traps in Back marsh all night

21st St Matthew{cut off} making a stack in the {cut off} Bush Randolph went to {cut off} some Drops of Rain Windy {cut off}

Day of Autumn or Fall Windy {cut off} crofsed the Line

22nd at the Potatoes {cut off} smoky

23rd Sun crofses the Line {cut off} Lashey came to the Fishermens at Potatoes 30 Bushells in the {cut off} Randolph working at the {cut off} End Building putting Fire {cut off} the West Place Below the {cut off}


{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

21st of Sept 1887 Lashey here gave him a pair of sox Narcifse the Fisherman caught a Sturgeon this Morning Brought it to the House to show it to us Length 6 Feet 10 inches Girth 372 inches Measured him A Monster at Potatoes hoeing the Rows 33 Bushels in cellar Randolph working at the house and {cut off} crofsed for mail to Summerstown smoky E Wind Fine shot 3 Ducks crows and Blackbirds Plenty

25th Windy some smoke Girls to Hay Island Randolph came

26th Smoky at the Potatoes at the house at the East end setting Fires in oakfield

27th at the Potatoes Fernandez and John McDougall here yesterday windy {cut off}and Randolph and Leander crofsed to Mr McDougall came Back from {cut off} Hug Ann crofsed to the Fair in Williamstown Leander stopt at McDougalls all night smoky Done the Potatoes hoeing them 45 Bushels {cut off} harrowed yet Let the cows out of the yard to night Burning Brush

28th Fine warm smoky Leander came from McDougalls at harrowing ploughing Drew some wood Fixed seats in the Bun sent for {cut off}elt to Montreal with Fisherman {cut off} of Tobacco 2 Line Boats went Down to Day

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Mr James Cameron Island

29th of Sept 1887 St Michael or McIllmass Killed the old sheep very smoky Bohemian Did not come up Fishermen sent their Fish on the cars sold his Big sturgeon on to Jo Lemay for 2..50

30th Ploughing Potato Ground Drew some Drags setting Fires to some Brush heaps Burnt well Began to Rain very smoky Hugh Ann came from the Fair had Hamiltons Boat got astray went near the Black Island Randolph came through the night had Roses Boat E Wind

1st of Oct Tonias Birth Day 1883 Stanly sick Thunder very smoky cleared off some Randolph crofsed with Roses Boat took his Musket to trade Rained hard this Rain will help to put out the Fires cutting stove Wood

2nd Fine Bismarck and Gordon Bosell here Mr Genie here Girls and John H went home with Hamiltons Boat Gave Bismarck a pair of sox Thunder Rained some Genie got a seine from the Fishermen

3rd Leander and I to Hamiltons Fine Mr Charles Craig here Rained some hoops of the churn Busted crows and Blackbird plenty smoke Driving the Birds out of the swamps

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

Oct 4th 1887 Fine Rained E and West Wind John H and I Ploughing put out some Manure sawed some stove Wood Leander and Randolph went to hunt to Christees Island

5 cleaning outht eupper stables put the manure on the Potato Ground 6th W Wind Went to Lancaster with the Wool sold 12 1/2 lb at 18 paid 50 cents on the Wool Bought at McGreggors 1/2 Quire of Paper 8 3 Herrings 35 cents a Dozen 12 Bought of Phillips 2 Pans of Bread 1 Plug of Tobacco Gave Randolph 50 Gave him 1 Dollar to get Double 10 nails Bought a cap 30 someone cut 2 Hicorys on the Pitt Point to Day

7th W Wind Randolph and Leander went to Alexis Island to hunt John and I ploughing the Potato Ground McGreggor and another man Landed at the head of the Island very Drunk came Down in the Evening got a Bite to Eat but could not Find the other man

8th Fixing around the Barnyard Drew a stack of marsh hay from the Bay Drew a short Log of Butternut pulled some Beans and put in some Dry ones taking all the scattered Good Boards to the Back of the Barn Rained to night sawing stove wood Mr Hume and I Mr Burch here for Butter got 4 lbs Phillip and the Dogs after a Mink cut 2 inches of his Tail off Randolph crofsed

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Mr James Cameron Island

9th of October 1887 Amiot and his Little Girl and Jo Lemay Girl here Bismarck came for his shirt Randolph came Williamstown Qa Boats passed up after Dark I think its Genie

10th Hugh Ann McMasters B Day Raining Foggy with some smoke Randolph Went to Williamstown First ice to night

11th Fine A Tyo here Told us his Brother Stephen was Drowned about 6 Weeks ago got a Tennet of Butter got 2 Bags of ashes to make soap putting Manure on the Lower Point Trimmed the appletrees Harrowing Simon the Indian's son here for Matches Leander seen something up in the Bay Like an otter

12th Putting out Manure

13th Thunder Lightning Wind and Rain cutting Wood at the Bea{cut off}

14th putting out Manure Drew some wood

15th Windy cutting Wood Leander crofsed for the Mail Bought Thread 5 cents

16th Windy Randolph came from Williamstown

17th Fine Leander and I went after the Wool to Lancaster Leander went to see the Monument Island 13 lbs of Wool paid 50 cents when I took it there 1..18 to Day paid John G here I went to A Tyos Bought oil 15 3 Quarts of H W 2..40 sending his things up to Dundee on the Grenada

18 Banking the West End of the House John G here shot a Duck St Lukes Day

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

19th of Oct 1887 smoky Foggy Moved the Frame from the End of the House Banking the E End of the house Louis the Indian Girls here with a mat got Potatoes got the Loan of a Tub and Washboard and some Milk Mr McMartin came Tent Mr Bailey and 3 More with Boat Loads got Marsh hay for Beds Taking Manure out of the Big shed Made a cheese

20th E Wind Lewis the Indian here for to make axehandles John Nine here going to Lancaster got the Loan my oars sail and paddle took 2 hours and 20 minutes to go and come Mr Bailey here Lent him the Fishing Lines and hooks Banking E End Broke up an old Bun for the Banking a Lot of Good nails in it a steam Yacht crofsed over to the south side hunting seen Wild Geese yesterday its Jo Douquet steamer

21st Windy Banking the East and North East side of the house Amiot here got 2 lbs of Butter 10 cents John 9 took his scow to Load sand Gave him a paddle he went to St Regis to night Finished the Big shed of the Manure

22nd Fixing the Little shed took in the soft soap one of the Barrels sprung a Leak Banked inside the shed Ploughed a Land of the Potato Ground

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Mr James Cameron Island

23rd of Oct 1887 Livinia Birth Day 1868 The Girls and Leander Went to Hamiltons for the Papers Gordon came got a pipe from him Fernandez came had Bosell Boat Wind changed to East Blowing hard to night

24th Hugh's B Day Blowing hard West Wind hurted my Foot a stone Fell on it cutting Brush in the Oakfield John 9 sand scow Broke and is high and Dry in the Bay Went to see Mr McMartin yesterday and the Treated me to cider and Lunch

25 My Birth Day 1825 St Crispin's Day all Shoemakers Day got Apples from Mr McMartin their Men went and came from Cornwall to Day Pete Bosell here Looking for a Boat of Jo Douquet's got away with the high Wind a Few Grains of Snow Drawing Drags splitting some Rails Lewis the Indian here took home the Tub go the Loan of the Trowel Made a Basket for the spy Glass Told me an Indian was Drowned about 10 Days ago the name of Davis Gave Lewis Butter and Tea

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

Oct 26th 1887 Sent for 100 of Flour with Narcifse to Montreal Gave him 2..25 cutting Brush in the oakfield

27th Banking the Cookhouse crofsed with Bosells Boat and Roses Boat Randolph took it yesterday Working at the stable Door putting out Manure

28th St Simon and St Jude Leander and I to Dundee and F Covington sold Tennet of Butter 6..50 Bought of McCartneys 2 Tubs 40 Calico 50 Tea 1.. Boot {cut off} cents Bought of Smallman Calico {cut off} pipe candy 1 Bought of Minkler 50 of Flour 1..20 Bought of Tyo 10 cents

29th Finished the sheep place Raining commenced to snow put in the mare Narcisse took up the 100 of Flour & Leander and Randolph Fishing and hunting putting manure around the appletrees

30th Fine E Wind snowed a Little Aleck McDougall here for Fernandez he would not go Back Randolph crofsed to go to Milbrook to work West Wind the Boys put him acrofs

31st Holy Eve cold took in the Milk Keeping the Hallow E'en cracking nuts Drew some wood

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Mr James Cameron Island

1st of Nov 1887 The Harvest Month of Death all Saints Day Fixing the Door and Floor Brindle's place a very Fine Day and Great shooting at Ducks Lashey got a Mit made as he lost Began Making a pile of wood at the oaktree the Alexandra went Down early to Day got Papers and 2 Magazines From Mr McMartin Mr Geordy came Down to Day Mr Burly and Mr McMartin went home for a while

2nd All Soul's Day at Wood Fine The Steamer Alert came to the East End of the Island and anchored there they are Hunting Drew some Logs to the Grove I am going to Pile them plastering went Yesterday for our Tub and WashBoard to Lewis the Indian on Christees Island and our Trowel went around the Island stopt at the Tent the Water very Low Drew some Rails to the oakfield not much shooting to Day Mr Dowdy came Down for Milk J Steamer Alert came to the Foot of the Island Hunting

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

3rd of Nov 1887 this Day of the Month Granda Departed Cut Down a Broken Maple Drew some rails to the swamp cut a Birch a good deal of shooting

4th Raining Boat Alert went off

5th Guy Fawks Day the GunPowder plot on this Day of the Month First came in this House Mr McMartin {cut off} went off to Day Taking Manure from the Front Barn Door Drew some sticks to the swamp Fence a Good many Boats a Going to Day Leander not well

6th Fine Windy

7th Helen McMasters B Day Fishermen went of to Day Left 2 Boats here Lashey got a Loaf of Bread putting out Manure W Wind Leander crofsed Bought soap a Prize com Fixing the stables Drew some hay from the Back Marsh stack

9th the Prince of Wales B Day E W Fine the Rofs's Island Indian Down for John 9s scow to take up his oxen 5 of them Fixing the shanty Lashey ewnt off E W set Fire to the Marshes Drew some sticks out of the marsh and Logs at the River

10th set some Fire commenced to Rain went around the Island Indians went up with the oxen Stanley sick took a stack out of the Back Marsh

11th Martinmas snowing Feeding all the cattle in their stalls cracked som nuts

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Mr James Cameron Island

12th of November 1887 Plastering splitting stove Wood Lots of snow on the Mountains Randolph came Leander thinks he seen the otter Track Fine Windy Fixing Bait in a hole up in the Bay Leander and I Water Low Heard Gannets to night going East yellow-Birds plenty no Wind Geese got a Rat

13th Boys Down in the shanty Windy

14th E Wind Fine scow crofsed to Francis Island to Ferry cattle Randolph and Leander crofsed with Tom Roses Boat went to Upper Point set Fire to the Marsh Back of the sugar Bush a Good many going on the water to Day

15th E Wind Raining snowing cut a Basswood on the Pitt Point Plastering and Fixing around the Barn cattle in

16th W Wind Fine Plastering Ploughed Garnet went up Drew some Drags Went Down to the shanty got my square made Balls and Buckshot on this Day of the Month Riel was hung 1885

17th Fine Killed the Bull the Grits of snow a little High West Wind got the sheep in for the First time snow all thawed off Lots of snow on the Mountain Alexandra went up to Day

18th Leander and Randolph Went to Rofs's Island Wind high stopt all night there with the high Wind Fixing around the stables Let out the sheep Alexandra went Down Lots of Boats going to Day a Big scow sailed Down in to Lancaster trying to burn parts of Marsh Froze some to night

19th Boys got Back Shot 3 Ducks Fine wind Raised set Fire to marsh before the Door what was not Burned before all Kinds of wind to Day Began to snow south East Wind

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

20t of Nov 1887 Fine began to snow and Blow W Wind Bismarck came stopt all night told us the {large blank space} in Cornwall was Drowned crofsing from Cornwall Bohemian went Down to night

21st On This Day of the month D McMaster Departed 1846 Drew the But Lot of the Butternut Fixing around the Barn fed and salted the cattle on the Lower Point Took the Marsh hay of the Fine hay on the Barn Floor Turned the Boats Feeding all the cattle no Boats went to Day only the Salmon River Boats

22nd Fine Windy went around the Island Piling the sawlogs in the Grove 6 of them Randolph making a hand sleigh a Tow went Down to Day not many Ducks

23rd E W and N Fine went to Dundee & F C some ice in the salmon River the Boat Grenada Broke it Took the hide sold at Dundee to Mr McCoy 4 cents a lb 70 lbs 2..80 Bought of J Tyo F3..60 Corn Meal 80 Sack of coare salt 80 Fine salt 75 Boots no 5 2..25 Bought of A Tyo starch 10 Mustard 10 Pepper 5 Matches 10 pipes 5 Broom 20 a Bottle of Downs Elixer 25 oil 5 Gallons 63 candy 2 Whisky 20 soap 20 the Massena came in Broke the Ice the Indians at Dundee about their Land

24th E Wind cold Freezing Massena and Granad came out Fixing around the things on the Ground moved the Double Stove Tow went up Bohemian Down

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Mr James Cameron Island

25th of Nov 1887 St Catherines Day Lewis the Indian here with a Broom and 2 axehandles Gave him Tea and Butter and Milk E Wind a Mink around set Traps for him got in and got away Finished the sleigh salted the cattle Melted the Tallow put some hay in the Barn out of the stack a Fishing Light out up the way of h{illegible}

26th E Wind Raining and Fine Lots of Boats a Going to Day cut 2 Basswood Logs Fixed the oil in the cellar put a Log on the Front Door of the Barn seen a House Rat at the Barn cows picking

27th Sunday Leander went for the papers to Hamiltons a Fine Day Randolph crofsed to Hamiltons Lots of shooting at Kit Kit

28th snowing Raining

29th Windy Fine Mr Hume here from Rofs Island stopt all night St Andrews Eve a Tow went up to Day Fixing the stall in the Big Shed put the oak plank in it Fixing around the Back marsh hay stack Done Freezing

30th St Andrew's Day the Festival of the Scotch Fine cold Frosty North W Mr Hume here Lost 50 Found it Lost 2 Decoys Fixing stall in upper shed Mr Hume went off Found his Decoy one of them a Tug went up no Tow

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

1st pf Dec 1887 some cold no Light in Mr Hill's Lighthouse to night Light on the Floating Light to night cannot see Cherry Island Light with Fog put in a Large cock of hay from Back of the Barn

2nd Fixing around the Barn cutting stovewood took home the sheep EW ice made a peice in the Back Bay Took some of the things out of the Milk house took in Water Barrel cut Rushes for Bedding for the cattle snowed to night

3rd soft Thawing cutting stovewood making a pile of stovewood East of the House

4th soft E Wind Randolph came from Hamilton Rained some Mr Genie came had a Lot of Pine

5th Putting his pine in the shanty Windy cut Down a soft maple for Logs

6th The Festival of the Germans cutting sawlogs Drew some Drags Genie and Randolph Fishing EEls Randolph and Mr Genie Fishing tonight got 73 EEls to Day Amiot Fishing EEls Genie Made an oar for his Boat

7th Fine E Wind cutting the Double Butternut cut White Birch hay Done on the Barn Floor and the Back marsh hay stack got a Mole Ground Bare

8th Fine EW Randolph spearing EEls got 1 Leander and i got 3 Drew the stack out Front Marsh commenced the Fine hay on the East Mow

{page one}

Mr James Cameron Island

9th of Dec 1887 E Wind Fine the ground no snow on it The Mare got sick Boys spearing EEls got a Large Crockery crate in the Rushes Broke a prung out of the EEl spear piling stove wood Fixing the crosscut saw the Mare will not Drink cattle all out to night

10th Leander's Birth Day 1872 E wind fine Began to Rain ground slippery the Mare Falling Down and she gets up smart Eats well cutting some Brush Leander got a Rat the old cat got in the Trap

11th Raining E Wind The mare Bad

12th ground sloppy some Drops of Rain Began the oak Log to saw it working at the Mare Died through the night

13th WW Froze some Ground hard Drew the mare out of the stable Finished sawing the oak taking some of it to the house with the Wheelbarrow Lewis the Indian here gave him the Grindstone Fixing the stable some cattle out a picking

14th Fine Randolph Went to Lancaster The Boys Fishing EEls in the Mud got 10 Fixing a stick in the calf stable cutting stovewood snowed some this Evening put in the sheep Fixed the Grindstone carriage ground the axe's

15th Randolph came from Lancaster Fishing EEls

16th Aleck McDougall and Duncan Grant here Randolph went with them cutting Wood Fine

17th Fine Day Boys Fishing EEls got some sheaves of oats from under the hay Bad with my wrist

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

Dec 18th

Dec 18th 1887 North W Wind Snowing

19th cutting Wood at the Door Drew some out of the Marsh snowing heavy not cold Turned the Boats cleaned out the Jenny's Place Took very sick Through the night and was bad with my Feet and Legs with the Flesh cramped up in Lumps

20th a Fortunate Day not very well got up very fine Day cleaning the Partition Boards and upper Floor put out the Lashey Bun to Fish EEls

21st First Day of Winter West Wind some of the Almanacks has it tommorrow Fine EW cutting stove Wood a Boat crofsed with 2 Rowing crofsed to Lemays not smoking Just now a Tail to the sun to night and a Mock sun on the south side of the sun a very Fine Fall this was

22nd West Wind Kind of Fine cutting stove wood a Tail to the sun tonight and Mock sun on the north side made ice out in the Rushes

23rd cutting stove wood set some Traps for House Rats some ice going Down

24th Kind of Fine and Frosty E Wind Fixing the Rake Leander and I put out a Boat and went to the sturgeon Island seen 5 Black Ducks Drew the Boat up at the shanty as its not so much Froze there no Tracks on the sturgeon Island got a House Rat

25th Christmas DAy Sunday a Fine Day East Wind Frosty

26th East Wind Freezing hard ice Making taking to Christees Island but a Lot of air-holes cutting and splitting stove Wood ice will take to night steamboat channel open this Evening

27th E Wind Leander and I crofsed to Hamiltons ice very thin a Lot of airholes got my m{illegible} at Hamiltons put out some Bushes so it would snow we could Find our Roads as Between those airholes is very narrow Fernandez got some EEls spearing in the {illegible}

{page one}

Mr James Cameron Island

Dec 28 1887 Fine East Wind and changed to West commenced to snow Kind of soft water Raising close to the shore Drew up the Buns and turned them Over some Ducks Flying about Large air-hole Before the Door Windy high tonight Drifting and Frosty

29th Our Angus Birth Day Windy Frosty Drifting Reading papers a Mock sun on the East side of the sun

30th splitting stove Wood West Wind Frosty cold Frosty night 2 Mock suns

31st Broke on a 3 Ton stack to Day East Wind Frosty cold sleigh crossing Summerstown Road on the ice Feeding the cattle extra Last Day of the year

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

1st of January 1888 Sunday a Fortunate Day Windy Turned Fine Fernandez went off we did not know he went

2nd cold some Jo Lemay and Amiot here took their Dinner The a Fishing EEls in the mud got 6 FRom them Brought our Lamp home gave him a Key to Fix of my chest

3rd Allen's Birth Day 1853 Leander crofsed to Summers Bought of J Summers Tea 50 Needles 5 Thread 5 Bought of Mr Ward camphor 5 Sweetys 2 heard that Mr Stillwell Left the place Franky Leplante seen Fernandez in the Gore got an almanack got a Letter From Dan 5 in it and Christmas card not very well Bad with Rheumatism Teams crofsing now

4th a Fine Day EW a Great many Fishing EEls Leander and John Fishing EEls got 9

Transcription Progress



James Cameron Diary, 1887 (1).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (2).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (3).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (4).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (5).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (6).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (7).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (8).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (9).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (10).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (11).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (12).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (13).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (14).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (15).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (16).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (17).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (18).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (19).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (20).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (21).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1887 (22).pdf


James Cameron, “James Cameron Diary, 1887,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 13, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/586.
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