Deborah Bowerman Diary, 1887-1892


Deborah Bowerman Diary, 1887-1892

Date Created

May 7, 1887

Is Part Of

Deborah Bowerman Diary Collection


Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

Deborah (Mullett) Haight Bowerman
Diary #2,1887 -1892
This is the second Deborah Mullett Bowerman Diary dated 1887- 1892: It is held at
the Prince Edward County Archives and has the accession number A2001.016.096a -
labelled Journal 2. Click here to see the first diary. Transcribed by Lydia Wytenbroek,
history student at Trinity Western University, Langley, British Columbia and posted
here with her permission. Pam Noxon, archivist at the PEC Archives, also grants
permission for this posting. Thanks to Dr. Robynne Rogers Healey, Associate Professor
at Trinity Western University, for her role in this effort.
Copyright: © Lydia Wytenbroek and Randy Saylor, 2008
1. Many of the dates on the left hand sides of the pages were cut off. i.e. see page 3
-the entry before the 5th-the actual month is cut off. So for many of these (if I
couldn’t figure out the month) I put “[?]mo, 6th” etc. Also on one page there was a
line at the top cut off so I think I made a note to you in the diary with square
brackets. I made a few notes for you in the diary in square brackets.
2. Whoever numbered these pages, numbered them differently. Every two pages
only has one number (i.e one of your photocopied pages has one number, but there
are two pages of her diary to each photocopied sheet)/ So I put an “a” and a “b”
after the page numbers, but there was no a or b in the actual numbering.
3. There were more words I couldn’t figure out in this one. Her writing was worse
by the end and harder to read. These certain flowers she’s always talking about -
looks like its spelt “cerus” -I’m wondering if she means cherries! (at first I thought
she meant crocuses or something). See what you think.
4 .1tried to put in a [sic] when she missed her apostrophe...
5. On one of the pages there was an envelope and then the next few pages were not
pages from her diary just loose leaf papers. So I typed them up. Were they what
was in the envelope?
[Page la]
[Page lb]
Diary of Deborah Mullett Bowerman
written in and near
Bloomfield 1887-1892
[pg 2a]
[pg 2b]
1887 5mo7th
Lydias [sic] Birth day [sic] 49, At home
bakeing [sic] & churning, Mary on the Market
with the Butter & Eggs, [Fowels?] 60 cents a pair
then went too Carries [sic], The above written
by my Mother most 83, writeing [sic] without
glasses. ____
_18thSallie [Ellicotts?] daughter married
to a young man by the name of Thomas
of Baltimore,
_19 Our monthly meeting, E Varney got
home, Discovered buds on the Night,
Blooming [Cerus?],_ Mary Jane Williams
here to see Rachel, Willie got here from
_21stVincent Bowerman’s birth day [sic],
would have been 95 years Old.
[pg 3a]
[88?]/5/23rdJane Cronk called on us,
Stephen & Lydia in the afternoon
fixed my dress sleevs [sic] for me.
24thLydia came home, Carrie went
to John William’s, _
26 Our quarterly meeting began, Levi
went to the boat to meet some of the
friends, _ Sarah Wood from the States,
Mary Jones, Johan Ward & [Aize?] Willsey,
27 Uncle Arthur here William Robnson
& wife here also Levina [Merills], R Sills
& Carrie,____
mo 2ndMaturah Bowerman here for a short
visit, then went to Stephen Hubbs,
4thAnnie Mullett & Katie Impey here.
WmHenry & Judith here also, _ Alfred
Mullett & his Sister, stoped [sic] one night
with us _ 5thNellie Fox here for dinner
[pg 3b]
_11thMary Elizabeth & Merton went over
to see Mary Levens, _
_12 E Cadman went to the fast friends
meeting, in the morning, then started for
home, going to Picton over night,____
Stanley & Rachel went to the Sematry [sic]
_13thJane Cronk & Lena called in the evening
to pay for some butter & Molasses,____
Found our first Night blooming [Cerus?] in
[blossing?], which had been 24 days in comeing [sic]
out, the largest one we have had at all
measuring ten inches across,____
_2othThe second blossom came out as large
as the first No person in to see it but
ourselves, Henry Hubbs in the morning,
_27thThe third blossom came out several
came in to see it, Johnson Brewer
spent the day with us,____
[pg 4a]
1887 6mo28thStanley & Rachel gone out
on a fishing partey [sic]. 6/24 Discoverd [sic]
some more buds on the Night blooming
[Cerus?], ____
[7? I think this is the last number of the year? but it got cut off when
7mo lstDominon [sic] day, took Levi over to the
little lot, then we went on to S Hubbs,
where I had not been for seven years,
neither on the road since last summer
2ndA very hot day, Mary very buisy [sic] in the kitchen
3rdSixty six years ago to day [sic] my Grandfather
& Grandmother Mullett landed in Quebeck [sic]
with eleven Children, six sons & five daughters
in the year 1821. Levi & Mary gone
down to Carries [sic] this afternoon. _
Brought Lydia back, & left Mary there for
one week,____
[pg 4b]
1887 7mo25thEdith died 15 years ago
to day [sic], Deborah Sills here sewing for
Mary, Edwin Williams unwell with a
Sun-stroke, Mary down there after
buries [sic], did not get home till ten oclock [sic],
all alone with Merton.
8mo20thLevi & Mary went to Belleville
with the horse & Buggy, [Anthoey?] Haight
& his Nephew Henry Niles called in.
_21st First day a dark cloudy day, Sarah
Foster & Walter called on me.
_30 George Browning the Butter maker cam [sic]
here, talk of putting up a Creemer [sic] in
9mo / 2 & 3rdMary Richie here plealing [sic]
pares [sic] for Mary.____
_4thLevi & Mary down to Carries [sic].
[pg 5a]
1887 9mo[3rdor 5th? it’s cut off] Stanley Rachel & Lydia gone
to Belleville takeing [sic] Merton with them,
very much against our wishes, I hope
nothing will happen to him before he gets
back, A beautiful day, Mary washing
Very, very lonesome day without our little
boy. And Rachel gone also,____
Returned the 7thall right & well,
8thCarrie and her Motherinlaw [sic] started for
[Kinden?] Carrie to see Mary Elizabeth Garrett
the latter to see her Sister,
20, Our travelers returned from [Kinden?] all
well & found all well at home,____
mo 14thFrank & Mary Wareing came down
for a visit. Left for home on the 20,____
21stNelson & Rachel called on us, on
[on?] their way from Huntingdon, took
[R: perhaps a word is cut off here?] with us, also there [sic] daughter Mary,
[pg 5b]
9mo 19thLevi begun to dig the fundation [sic]
for the buttry [sic] factory in Picton.____
lOmo 19th
Uncle John came down on the boat
alone, to make us a visit for the last
time most likely, spent three nights
with us, Levi took him to the boat,
he was 85 years old born in 1802,
lOmo 31st Grandfather Mullett died 22
years ago this evening Aged 97, years,
1lmo 29thMy Birth day [sic] 83 years old, not a
very pleasant day sitting alone most of
the day, while the folks were putting up
stoves & cleaning the pipes, mailed a letter
to my brother James. _
[pg 6a]
1887 12mo25thChristmas day, also first
day, A goose roasted, Edwin & Carrie here
& their boys, also Stanley & Rachel,
26thThe above ones went to Samuel
Yerwoods [sic], left the Children here
Ryerson & Levi Sills, spent the afternoon
with us, _ Mary down with Carrie.
28thJane Cronk & Leana here for a
visit, _ Some Cards received from Annie
who is in England, also one from
Rachel Sills.
1888, lmo 1stFirst day raining Levi & Mary
went too [sic] meeting Lydia Merton and
myself all alone.____
_8thDaniel & Deborah here for a evening
visit also Walter & Mary, _ Stanley & Rachel
& Carried here for dinner, _ Johnson Brewer
came & stoped [sic] four days with us. _
[pg 6b]
12thof lmoth_ A letter from Jeramiah Lapp
Abbie Ellsworth & E Cadman.
_22 First day Quick silver 31 degrees
below zero, _ 19thRachel Sills here for a visit
2mo4thOur Quarterly meeting a very good
one, came & had a little meeting in
our house one evening, _ Did not have
much company, WmRobinson & wife
Thomas Robinson & wife Chester Yerks &
wife, & Justine Robinson from Leeds.
_6thVincent Bowerman died about
one oclock [sic] in the day, buried on the
8thof 2ndmonth 1885, Aged 93 years,
_19thRobert & Elizabeth Came up for a
visit stoped [sic] two nights with us,
29thUncle Benjamin & Maria came
stoped [sic] three nights with us, had a very
good visit with them,____*
[R: there is a funny symbol here she makes that I’ve marked with an asterisk like I
did on the other journals. In the otherjournals she used it to then continue writing
about the same entry but in a later place. Anyway, here there is no other asterisk
and I’m wondering if maybe the bottom of the page got cut off and so we don’t
have that?]
[pg 7a]
1888 3mo4thCarrie & Rachel here for
their dinner on there [sic] way to the Yerwood
10thElizabeth Cadmans [sic] Birth day [sic]
58 years old, does not seem posuble [sic]
11thJohnson Brewer passed away to his
long home about five oclock [sic] in the
morning, of a first day of the week
mo22ndAunt Hannah Mullett died,
mo 2ndMoved into our new home again
up in Bloomfield, Levi in Picton,
11thJane & Lena here for an afternoons [sic]
9thAbbie Ellsworth here sewing for
Lydia, here three weeks.____
[pg 7b]
5mo 3rdNancy Anderson Died at Lewis
Levens [sic], aged 73. _
_6 Nelson & Rachel here also Walter &
_7thLydias [sic] Birth day [sic], 50 years old.
_24 The Queens [sic] Birth-day [sic] a fine day,
WmValentine called on us looking very
feeble, Mary Richie also called on us.
Lydia & myself all alone, been so all the
week, Mary down with Carrie, Levi in
Picton makeing [sic] butter.____
6mo 2ndOur quarterly meeting began,
no strangers here only Sarah Wood from
Laree, _ Elizabeth came up stoped [sic] with
us through quarterly meeting then went
to Napanee with Lydia to have her teeth
drawn, William Henry brought Aunt Eliza
down to see us once more, stoped [sic] two
[pg 8]
nights with us, in her 81 year,
1888 6mo 10thRachels [sic] birth day [sic] 20 years
old, took dinner with us also Stanley
The first day of the week, the Hickete
Yearly meeting, a great many folks here
from the States. Caleb Gibson died,
buried tomorrow in Picton. _
mo 2 Uncle James here for a visit, went
to the Sand-banks haveing [sic] never been
there, spent his birth-day [sic] with us, 80
years old.____
3rdMy father & mother landed in
Quebec with eleven children. Also
Joseph Sivetman with his family.
22 Went down to Edwins & Stanleys [sic]
stoped [sic] there one week, locking up the
house, takeing [sic] the Cats Dog & fish.
[pg 8b]
This refers to Consider M. Haight’s [daughter? it’s cut off]
1888, 8mo5thFifty years ago to day [sic], my
father died, on first day evening about
ten oclock [sic] in the evening Aged 38 years.
_6thMargaret Jane Sivetman died Aged,
nine Night blooming [Cereas?] blossemd [sic], _
a number of people into [sic] see them.
_19 First day, Fevi Mary & Merton gone
up to call on Eliza Varney, leaveing [sic]
me alone not very pleasant, got a
beautifull [sic] bunch of flowers sent
me from the Cematry [sic].
24, Uncle Arthur & Aunt Jane came
down for a visit, stoped [soc] three nights
with us.
_26thWillie Mullett wife here with her
babie [sic], also Abie Ellsworth called on us,
[pg 9a]
1888 9mo 1st Elizabeth Cadman
came up for a visit on the Cars from
Picton, stoped [sic] with us till the fifth, went
down to see Carrie & Rachel, also
Mary Levens.__The third Rachel
Sills came up & spent two days with
us, _ The fifth of the month Anne
Mullett & Nellie Fox came here spent
two days with us.____
[?]mo 8th
Uncle Henry came here on his
way to the States, _ left on the 17thfor
18thDebie Brown buried at Hillier.
21_ Levi & Mary gone down to see Amey
Leer. _
[?] mo 21stMarys [sic] Birth day [sic] 53 years old, a dark
gloomy day, Lydia & myself here alone,
Levi & Mary down to Carries [sic]. _
[pg 9b]
1lmo22ndVery cold quick-silver down
to ten, Mary Richie called on us,
1888, 29thof 1lmoMy birth day [sic] 84 years, old
A roast goose for dinner Plumb pudding
& a very nice lemmon-pie [sic], got up by
Carrie_ Edwin & Carrie & the Children
here, Stanley & Rachel, _ Walter Levens and
wife and son, & Eliza Varney, besides our
own family. _ a fine winters [sic] day _
A letter from Belleville & a small Birth
day [sic] Card from Cousin Mary. _
12m° 2nd_ First day Levi & Mary gone to
meeting, Lydia down to Carries [sic], _
_25thChristmas day, Lydia & myself here
all alone, not a very pleasant day,
hope it may be better next time
Mary Richie sitting with us part of the time.
_27thCards from England from
[pg 10a]
1888 12/28th
Lydia got her pictures from the
little boy Eaton _ Grandmother Mullett
died 43 years ago to day [sic], Aged 72, _
[?] _ Lydia down to Carries [sic], Mary Richard’s [sic]
called on us.__
[1 presumably, but cut off?] mo 1st 1889 New years day Lydia at Edds
Mary home, Lewis Levens called in for the first
[?]th A very heavy wind from the South such a on [sic]
that had not been known for years, unroofing
houses & blowing down trees & fences, but
the worst of all killing my Grandson by
the falling of the barn-door on his head, _
living but three or four hours after, _ [R: “Edwin Williams” is written up the side of
the page here so I don’t know which line it should go on. I guess that was her
[?]mo 24thOur wedding day 38 years ago.
Taken with a very bad Direah [sic] in bed five
days, _
[pg 10b]
1889 2mo 1st Our Quarterly began not very
large but good, No strangers not many
friends called on us, knowing our situation
Justice Robinson took dinner with us
one day, _ Carrie was with us and
her three little fatherless boys. _
_6thThree years ago To day [sic] Vincent Bowerman
Died aged 93 years. Susan Dorland died
about seven in the evening Aged 78, 1889
3m°2ndMy Brother John died aged 86 years
buried in Bloomfield, by the side of
Aunt Bathsheba,____
_3rdI was taken sick & kept my bed for
six weeks, with a bad cold, _ Elizabeth
& Rachel up to see me,____
4mo 11 Mary Waring came down for a visit
went back into Huntingdon,____
[pg 11a]
1889 4mo28th
Levis [sic] Birth day [sic] 57 years
old. Spent the day over to the Lott all
alone, makeing [sic] his family feel very
uneasy. _
In the year 1819, My sister Mary
carried our Queen Victoria about the
room, at the George Inn (Hotel)
in [Llminster?] Somersetshire
Old England. _ DB Aged 84 years,
7 Lydias [sic] Birth day [sic] 50, born in 1838,
Not much of a Hollowday [sic], washing
Annie Mullett came from Belleville,
Lewis Levens [sic] birth day [sic] yesterday
_24 Amis Weaver here for a visit _
no other person, rather lonely, hope it
will be better before long____
[pg lib]
_29 Carrie makeing [sic] tea cake _ Lydia
picking up in the Cellar,
A very cold day for the time of the year
^ m o j st
Our quarterly meeting Uncle
James & Uncle Arthur down,
no strangers here, but they had a good
meeting, & an excellent sermon
from Eliza Varney. _ Samuel &
Jane Bonestill here.
6_9 First day a wet day, none of our
family at meeting, no person called on
us but Mary Richards, _ the last first
day we spend in Bloomfield,
_10 Rachels [sic] Birth day [sic] 21, years old, Thought
we were going to have a good visit
with her, but had none, we moved
over to the [left?] Lot, It does not seem
much like home, hope it will better
[pg 12a]
1889 6/10 _ after we have been here
longer Its [sic] not a very pleasant feeling
for an Old person 84 years old to be move-
-ing I did not think it would have
[affected?] my mind so much, been
thinking about it ever since four
oclock [sic] this morning.____
21st Merons [sic] Birth day [sic] 6 years old,
out in a boat with Grandfather Williams
& caught a small fish, _ Stanley &
Rachel up in the evening after nine oclock [sic]
[most likely 27. cut off] Mary Richards came home from
meeting with them spent two days
with us, _ 28thWilliam & Mary Ann
came over to see us, _
29 Our folks went to the Sand Banks
30_ Levi & Mary went to meeting, &
then over to Levens for their dinner. _
[pg 12b]
1889,7mo3rdSixty eight years ago this
morning, My father & mother Landed in
Quebec with eleven Children 6 sons & five
daughters, _ Also Jospeh Sivetman &
his family. Mary & Carrie gone to Picton
& then on to Stanleys & Rachels [sic].____
_7thRachel Sills came here for a
visit, left on the 10th_ Little Daniel
Dye here stoped [sic] one night with us. _
_13thElizabeth Cadman came up for a
visit, went home on the 15, First day
evening spent in singing hyms [sic] with
_25_ Seventen [sic] years to day [sic] Edith
died about three in the morning. _
_27thCarrie Lydia & the two boys went
down to see Rachel, stoped [sic] one night
with her, Aunt Amey here for a visit
[pg 13a]
1889 8mo 1st Consider Haight died
51 years ago the 5thof this month,
at Fredericksburg, _ Lydia being
three months old the day he [sic] was buried
Code [sic] weather a fire in Stove,
10 Stanley & Rachel went down to the
thousand Islands, returned on the 12th
Lydia kept house for them.____
16 Walter Levens & Levi Sills
called on us in the evening, sent
Rachel a bundle of letters.
20thIsabela Peterson here stoped [sic] all
night with us, Mary took her back
to Bloomfield this afternoon, _
[?]mo 4thLydia went a fishing brought
a fine black Bass enough for all our
dinner.____15thpealing pares [sic] yet.
[pg 13b]
1889 9mo[?] Benjamin & his grandaughter [sic]
[Mimie?] came up for a visit
stoped [sic] two nights with us,
_13thCarrie started for Toronto, with several
others _ [Mimie?] here serving for Lydia
goes home tomorrow, Mary takeing [sic] her to
the boat.____
Lydia gone to meeting also Levi, _
took dinner with Jane Cronk, Mary
Richards came back with her, to spend
a few days with us, Our Rachel and
Stanley came up in the afternoon, _
_23, Carrie came from Toronto, saw a great
many sights brought the Children a
watch cack [sic], ____
lOmo 23rdMary Richards came here from
Andrew Clarks, not very well, Stanley
& Rachel here in the evening,__
[pg 14a]
1889 10mo23rdMary & Carrie gone too
Bloomfield to paint the floar [sic], _
27thCarries [sic] little boy Birth day [sic] five
years old, Thomas, turkey for dinner,
Stanley & Rachel came in, Gilbert Jones
& wife called on us, Mary Richards
here sick, first day no person went
to meeting. Our meeting got very
small only two men at meeting to day [sic],
1lmo 12 Levi and Mary brought [away?] the
last board from Bloomfield, got here
about seven oclock [sic],
14 Elizabeth came up for a visit, Eliza
Varney brought her from the Sation [sic]
went down to see Rachel, went
home on the 18th, _ !7thMary Levens
& Lydia Sills here for a visit, _
[pg 14b]
1889 1lmo20,thMarys [sic] Birth day [sic] 55 years
not a very pleasant day, a girl here
sewing for Lydia, Manley Yerwood
here on bussiniss [sic] with Carrie,
Stanley & Rachel here for dinner,
a wet day.____
My Birth day [sic] 85 years, not a very
pleasant day had three Ducks for dinner,
Stanley & Rachel here for dinner, myself
not very well, a girl here sewing,
for Carrie.____
12mo8thNathaniel & Isabela here for dinner
Levi Mary Lydia & Merton went down to
see Rachel. _
_9thWashing two weeks wash, myself
fixing up an Old Sampler for Lydia
marked in the year 1873,____
[pg 15a]
12/ 20th 1889 Carrie & Lydia went
to Picton, had to borrow a lantern
to get home, A very dark day & night
22ndFirst day a heavy wind, no one
person went to meeting, raining _
25thChristmas day Stanley & Rachel
here for dinner, A large goose for dinner
26thAndrew Whycott died about ten in
the morning.__ Aged 83 years.
28thLevi & Mary went to the funeral
to the house over night. _
1890, lmo 1st_ Walter & Mary Levens here
for dinner, no sleiging [sic] raining hard
most of the day.____
[pg 15b]
1890 lmo14thLydia married to John
Williams in Picton at the age of fifty one
years, started for Whitby next morning
and so on to Toronto, was gone four
weeks, had a nice time with her friends
I hope it may prove a happy union for
it has been a heavy trial for her [poor?]
Old mother, now in her 86 year.____
_2mo 13thOur Bride folks returned home
to John Williams house, took dinner with
us the next day. _
_17 Charles Gidion very low, died a
few days after
3mo 2ndJane Cronk & Lena here for
a short visit took tea with us.
_7thDr Nash called here to see Carrie
Reuben Branscom & Sarah here for a
[pg 16a]
1890,3mo9thDeborah Sills that was
once, & Mary Levens here for a
visit took dinner with us, no
_10, Elizabeth Cadmans [sic] Birth-day [sic]
sixty years old, Levi in the
Swamph [sic] choping [sic], saw a robin
for the first time, very early we think
8thLydia came home & stoped [sic] all
night with us, a great treet [sic], for the
little boy, as well as for her poor old
mother, who had lived with her
over fifty years.____
_24 Carries [sic] Birth day [sic], Aged 35 years
_26 Samuel Yerwood died Aged
27 Lydia spent the day with us brought
her ironing over with her. _
mo 11th
I.yclia came across the feilds [sic] and
stoped [sic] all night with us, a grate [sic] treet [sic]
[pg 16b]
1890 4mo 13thA most beautifull [sic] bright
warm day, the first day of the week,
Levi went to meeting alone Mary
down with Rachel for a visit gone
two nights, have not seen Lydia
to day [sic] _ pretty lonesome for an Old woman, or
rather her poor Old mother, who lived
with her most 52 years.
_22ndRachel Sills up for a visit over
with, Mary Levens,____
Went to John Williams the 21st while she was
here for dinner, also Nelson & Rachel
Walter & Mary, Mary Bowerman & self _
the first time I have been on the road
since I came here ten months ago. _
[pg 17a]
1890 5mo7th
Lydias [sic] Birth day [sic] fifty two
years old, Spent the day with us
& fixed my flannel dress. _
_14 How strange we should keep
the wrong day for Lydias [sic] birth-day [sic]
the sixth instead of the seventh. _
21st Vincent Bowermans [sic] Birth-day [sic]
would have been 99, Lydia spent
the day with us, helping Mary & Carrie
clearn out my room, or their front
24thStanley & Rachel here also Lydia
Carrie & her two boys went home with
them, stoping [sic] there till Second day the 26,
[pg 17b]
1890, 5/25, First day no person went
to meeting, Levi tired out, wet day
all alone, _
_28_ John Williams & Lydia went to
Belleville, returned on the first of 6mo
6mo5thPrepartive meeting Mary & Lydia
went, came back here & spent the day
with us, a heavy thunder storm, Levi
took her home in the evening.
_10 Rachels [sic] Birth day [sic] 22 years old
expected to have spent a pleasant day
with her, but other company comeing [sic]
in, broke it all up, we are all liable
to disappointments. _ Thomas Stinson
& his two daughters came in. also
John Williams [sic] Sister & daughter
[pg 18a]
1890 6mo 14thMary on the Market with
potatoes & eggs, 11 & 12 ctsa dozen,
potatoes seventy five cents a bag _
_15thFirst day _ Levi went meeting alone
Rachel Sills here & Lydia also Isabela
Peterson, I forgot John Williams. _
Mary Carrie & the Children took Rachel
back to Levens in the evening. _
6_22_ I went to stop with Lydia one
week, _ Mary Levens little boy born, our
Mary being with her, _ Carrie & Lydia
went for her, First day afternoon, _
8thFox & Mary Mullett came here, spent
a week with us,____
29_ First day two men friends from the States
at our meeting, Benjamin Brown &
Thomas Hogue, _ was at John Williams
on the 26th, Gilbert Jones bringing
them there,____
[pg 18b]
7mo 1stDominon [sic] day _ Mary Bowerman
& Mary Mullett, gone up to see Lydia,
Levi in Picton makeing [sic] butter. _
_2ndMary Mullett here yet, Carrie has
taken her to Andrew Haights to day [sic]
Lydia going also,____
3_ Sixty nine years ago this morning
we landed in Quebec father mother
& eleven children, _ Also Joseph Sivetman
with his family in the year 1821, _
_5thMary Mullett left for horn [sic], going
to Picton with M Bowerman on
the Market _ then on to the Steem-boat [sic]
Our Rachel here for a short visit. _
_6, Levi & Mary went to meeting, but
few there,____
Carrie & the children gone over to
Levens for a ride, & to see how
Mary is, _
[pg 19a]
1890 7mo8thCarrie & Lydia gone to
Picton, to get trimmings for a dress
caught in a heavy thunder-shower.
9thA great change in the weather
[Geeat?] coats wanted this morning
And a fire in my stove, also a
brick under my feet.____
17_ William Valentine died aged 84
years Buried the 19, at the Semetry [sic]
at Picton, *
6_ Rachel Sills here to spend the day
with her Mother, also Lydia,
continued cold yet, a fire in my
Stove, a brick under my feet,
mufflers on my wrist,__
* The meeting held at the Methodist
meeting house, James M [Lauling?]
had a great Sermon for the
inhabitants, _
[pg 19b]
1890 7mo20thFirst day our folks
gone to Wellington, to attend a
four oclock [sic] meeting appointed
by James M Laughin.____
_21stJames M Laughlin & two
other friends took dinner & tea
with us, then went on to Picton
to have a meeting in the Methodist
meeting-house, Levi takeing [sic]
them down.____
23rdI was up to John Williams [sic] to spend
the day to meet James M Laughlin
& two women friends from the
States, had quite a nice visit, _
24_ Carrie up to J Williams [sic] picking
berries, _ Stanley & Rachel here in the
afternoon, for a short time.
[pg 20a]
1890 7mo25th
Eighteen years ago this
morning about three oclock [sic] in the
morning, Edith died Aged fifteen
years, at the brick house back in
the Concession.____
26_ Lydia came down & stoped [sic] all
night with us, & all first day, also
John Williams took dinner with
us, _ Stanley & Rachel here a little
while in the afternoon, Rachel
in a peck of trouble, on account of
some person breaking into their house
while they were at meeting, takeing [sic]
away all her little trinkets. _
Mary & Carrie up / John [Wille?]
picking berries,
[pg 20b]
1890 7mo31st Carrie gone down to
Stanleys [sic] with Flora Williams [that?]
was once.____
gm o
Lydia Emaley [Harzard?] died
about six in the morning, buried
the 4th_ Flora Mullett here all night
and starded [sic] for home,
8mo 1st__
_ Lydia & Mary & the Children went
down to the Semetry [sic] to a [flareupt?] or
a something else. Lydia lost her gold
Spectacls [sic], so much for these [spreas?].
[1838?] _
8/5thConsider [Merritt?] Haight died
52 years ago about three oclock [sic] in
the morning _ Fhorty [sic] six years old,
Lydia was three months old the
day her father was buried.
Mary down to Stanleys [sic] picking
berries, a very wet day a thunder shower
[pg 21a]
1890, 8mo7th 1838 Consider Haight
buried, in Adolphus town, _
A very unpleasant day Mary & Carrie
doing up berries.____
Carrie picking berries all day at L W
11thQuite cold fire in my room Levi
with his overcoat on in the morning
12_ Went to Jane Cronks for dinner,
Mary Lydia & John Williams, eleven
of us sat down to [dine? din?] _
20, _ Rachel came up to see us, went up
for Lydia, so we had pretty good
time, Levi went to Kingston, to sell
butter, _ 16thThe teacher came here
to board, _21st Monthly meeting at
Hillier, none of our folks there
a wet day.____
[pg 21b]
8mo 24 Consider here also Walter
Levens, Mary Levens Lydia Sills
& Libey Dimond, _ Levi & Mary
Went over to Stephen Hubbs, _
Lydia & Ellen Williams down here
to spend the day. _
28thSanley [sic] sick sent up for Mary,
but Carrie went, _
30 A cold day fire in my room all
glad to get under the blankets,
a letter from [C?] M Collins.
The teacher gone to see her sister. _
9mo7thFirst day a very warm day
quicksilver up to 82, in my room
Levi went to meeting alone, Stanly
been very sick for the last week,
John Williams & Lydia went down
Stanley better____
[pg 22a]
1890, 9mo9thRachel Sills [sic] Birth day [sic]
59 years old is it posabel [sic], And
there yet, _ John Williams and
Mary Richards took tea with us.
17, Elizabeth went home to day [sic], spent
a week with us, Mary took her Picton
took dinner with Levi at the Creamry [sic]
also John Williams & Lydia, then
down to see Cemetry [sic]. _
Mary Richards spent two days with us
last week.
10 12thFirst day Levi & Mary gone
to meeting, then down to see Rachel,
I have been looking for Lydia, yesterday
& to day [sic] up till three oclock [sic], then she
came also John Willaims _ how little
they know a mothers [sic] feelings, especialy [sic]
after living with a child fifty two years,
Patience it will all be over soon, _
[pg 22b]
10mo 13thCarrie gone up to help Lydia
about her Carpet, _ her three Boys
with the Hooping-cough, _
Lydia lost her gold Spectacls [sic] on the
Decoration-day in the Cematry [sic], got
them again about six weeks after
being picked up by an honest woman
_14 Went up to see Lydia or rather
to stay with her while J. Williams
went a Duck shooting, a great job
to get me off, but was glad I went
poor Lydia I think she has got out
of the frying-pan into the fire. _
1lmo 2ndLevi & Mary went too [sic] meeting
then to Jane Cronks [sic] for dinner,
John Williams & Lydia here for dinner
John Garrett & wife called on us last
[pg 23a]
1lmo4th 1890, Would have been my
fathers [sic] birth-day [sic] had he been
living, _ Snow last night for the
first__A letter from Mary Mullett
saw Uncle Henry at WmHenrys
_8thLevi & Mary on the market
with Fowels [sic] & Butter, 40ctfor fowels [sic]
a pair, butter 20cta pound, _ *
9thFirst day a very wet day no person
went to meeting, very unpleasant
day very lonely, miss Lydias very much
* 8thBought four & a half of flannel for
my shimeys, seventeen pounds of
sughar [sic].____
[pg 23b]
1890 1lmo 16thFirst day Levi & Carrie
went too [sic] meeting, rather a lonesome
day. 12thof this month Lena Robinson
married to James Sivetman,__
17_ Nelson & Rachel here for a visit,
brought me a new apron & made it
for me, brought me a nice bar of
Sented [sic] soap.__Our little boy
Merton sick, better to day [sic]. ____
_20thof 1lmoMarys [sic] Birth-day [sic], fifty five
years old, Not a very pleasant day,
Rachel up with Lydia, _ goes home
the 22nd_ Levi & Carrie gone up to
Monthly meeting at Wellington.
23_ John Williams [sic] & Lydia here for
dinner, First day Levi & Mary
went to meeting. _
[pg 24a]
24th 1890_
Carrie went up to help
Lydia wash with her new machine
26 Sarah Foster & Walter here
for dinner,
,29thof 1lmoMy Birth day [sic] 86 years old
Lydia & her husband here for dinner
also Rachel & her husband, not
feeling very well myself
1lmo30thof 1lmoFirst day dark & cloudy
Levi & Carrie gone to meeting. _
Lewis Levens [sic] barn burnt down
that evening.____
1 2 _ 1 st
Jane Cronk here for a visit, had
not seen her for some time, had a
first rate visit with her. _
[pg 24b]
12mo8thNathaniel Sivetman and
Isabel here for a call to see
their Old Aunt once more, had
not been here for a twelvemonth.
_16thWent out in the kitchen & took my
dinner with Carrie & her two children
Thomas & John, Merton being up with
Lydia, I had not been to the dinner
table in eight weeks before, being on
my bed complaining of great weekness [sic],
or rather Old Age, being now in my
87 year. _ Mary up with Lydia,
Levi at Picton,____
26thLevi & Mary gone down to Stanleys
to see Rachel not being very well,
Carrie over to Hubbs last evening for a
visit also the teacher, _ Sarah Kingston
married, & starts for the West this morning
a widdoer [sic] [with?] seven children. _
[pg 25a]
91 2mo28thLevi & Mary gone up to John
Williams, as he is not well, I think
its [sic] conclueded [sic] at last for Levi to go
to Picton again this summer to make
butter, & I do not know but what
Mary is going with him, _ I wonder
what they will do with the poor Old
woman, it does seem as tho [sic] she
outlived her usefullness [sic]. _
I have been complaining for the six
weeks, not well yet. what a
blessing to have your health.__
a Postal Card from Uncle Arthur this
Snowing fast a Card from
Elizabeth. _ myself being in bed
ten weeks to day [sic]. _ not able to do
much of any thing yet.____
[pg 25b]
1891 3mo8thLevi & Carrie gone to
meeting, _ After dinner Levi & Mary went
down to Stanleys. _ Mary stoping [sic] all
night, Rachel not very well. _
Raining Levi going down for
Mary, Lydia down there yesterday
myself far from well, Sent
Mary Richards a letter yesterday, _
I doubt if I ever write her another
_10thElizabeth Cadmans [sic] Birth-day [sic].
Sixty one years old, it does not
seem possable [sic], _ Lydia here this
afternoon, _ Mary & Merton down with
First day Walter & Mary Levens here
also Lydia for dinner, brought the
baby nine months old, a cold day
[pg 26a]
91 3/ 19th_ Monthly meeting to day [sic]
Mary stoped [sic] at John Williams [sic]
after meeting. _
24_ Carries [sic] Birth-day [sic] down
to Stanleys [sic] with the two children
myself with a very lame back
4mo 1stLydia here for supper,
had some sausage meet [sic] for supper
[cut off?] Levi gone to Picton, with butter eggs
[R: there is a thing in brackets here that says “J. F. Mullett was 52” but it’s
someone else’s writing I think]
4mo2ndJohn Fry Mullett Died aged 42,
Sophia Mulletts [sic] husband in England
9thprepartive [sic] meeting Levi went alone,
Amos Bowerman here for dinner. _
9thEdith Birth-day [sic], 34 years old, _
a bright sunney [sic] day _ A letter from
Sallie Ellicott with a photograph
[pg 26b]
4m11thFirst day Levi & Carrie
went to meeting, brought Mary Ann
Richardson back with them,__
15th_ Stanley & Rachel here in the
afternoon eating sugar, eat [sic] our last
sausage-meet [sic], __ Resewed [sic] John Frys
[H unaoral?] Card from England
20_ Lydia & Rachel here for dinner
looking for a boy to work for
21stWriteing [sic] to Mary Elizabeth
Garrett, _ Our Mary killed
the first flie [sic]. _ my sight failing
fast _ scarsely [sic] read what
I have wrote,____
[pg 27a]
1891_ 4mo28thLevis [sic] Birth day [sic] 59 years
old _ A very cold day, plowing in [he]
garden. Four months a go [sic] the
23rdof this month I came down
stairs [sic], burnt a light every night
since most, And had my
breakfast in bed ever since.
28thConsiders [sic] Birth day [sic] born in
1802, At Adolphus town____
30, Jane Cronk & Lena here for
a call, also Lydia & her girl
Mary cutting my toe-nails,
made a great fuss about it
[?]mo3rdWalter & Mary Levens here
Carrie Lydia & the Children went
over to Stephen Hubbs, found them
all gone.__
[pg 27b]
1891 5mo7thLydias [sic] Birth day [sic]
53, years old, spent the afternoon
at home with her Mother, the last
one very likely _ As I am feeling
very far from well but will it
not be a happy exchange, from all
our trials, _ Edmond Richardson
died the day before yesterday.____
11_ Mary gone down to Stanleys [sic] he being
sick _ Mary Richards going to the
States, wanting to give her a book
but our Mary refuseing [sic] to let her have
it, makes me feel very uncomfortable
But suppose I shall have to put up
with it.
12 A fine day Stanley better Mary
comeing [sic] home to night [sic] _
Sarah Foster & Walter gone up to
Edmond Richardsons [sic] funeral
[pg 28a]
1891 5mo 12th_ Mary Richards here
stoped [sic] all night with us, going
to Oregan [sic] starts tomorrow with
her brother Edward, has a daughter
living there,____
16_ Carrie Lydia went onto the Market
with butter & Eggs got 16ctof butter &
12ctsfor eggs a dozen, let one basket
of eggs out of the wagon breaking 8 dozen
Lydia got herself a new dress, cloth
for a new jacket, [looks like “ttr rung” possibly tire rung?] for the
21st Vincent Bowermans [sic] Birth day [sic]
would have been one hundred
years old if he had lived, Born in
seventeen hundred and ninety one
93 when he died at 13 Bloomfield
in 1885, _ Levi & Mary at Hillier
[pg 28b]
1891 5mo22ndElizabeth Cadman
came up on the boat,
24 Henry Haight here for dinner
the first day of the week Levi &
Mary went too [sic] meeting. Elizabeth
at John Williams.__
25, Elizabeth here & Lydia also
Rachel & Stanley,__
26, The folks got me up to John
Williams to spend the afternoon
with Elizabeth,____
28, Elizabeth going home, Carrie &
two of the Children gone with her,
Lydia takeing [sic] them down to Picton
30, Mary planting potatoes or rather
helping Levi,____
[pg 29a]
1891 5mo31, _ My brother James came
here with his son Edmond started
for home again the next day,
6mo2stNelson & Rachel came she stoped [sic]
one night with us. _ Carrie came
home, after haveing [sic] a good visit
5thMary Waring came here, stoped [sic] with
us three days, through Quarterly meeting
My brother Arthur came to attend
the Quarterly meeting, also Stephen
Robertson and wife.
Uncle Arthur going home,
Mary takeing [sic] him to Picton,
I am going up to spend the day
with Lydia, Our Rachel is to be
there, her Birth day, 23 years old.
[pg 29b]
12thWell I went but did not find my
little Granddaughter there, so I spent
three days with Lydia _ Nathaniel
Sivetman & his daughter came in
while I was gone, for which I
was sorry.____
14 First day Levi & Carrie went to meet
ing _ Levi & Mary went down to see
Rachel in the afternoon, takeing [sic] the little
boy with them__Carrie gone out for a
walk with the Children, _ We here [sic] that
Samuel Naish is very unwell,____
19 _ Carrie & Lydia went to Picton
got me some letter paper, Lydia
lost her veil, _ the second one within
a few months.
20 Carrie gone again to day [sic] takeing [sic]
all the Children with her, for a ride,
[pg 30a]
1891_ 6mo21stMertons [sic] Birth-day [sic]
eight years old, First day of the
week, Levi Mary & Carrie went
to meeting, But few there most all
gone to Yearly-meeting, Mary Ann
gave them a good sermon, from
the Text,, _ “ They that hunger and
thirst after Rightesness [sic] shall be saved”
Carrie cleaning out the little parlor.
Rachel came up for her Mother to go
down & spend three or four days
with her.____
23rdJohn Williams gone to a funeral
Daniel Youngs [sic], Lydia came this far
with him, helped Carrie a little,
25thLevi went to meeting found
some friends there from the States
going to have a meeting here tomor-
-row, at half past three.____
[pg 30b]
1891 6mo28, Mary Mullett & Ellen Fox
came here from Belleville, stoped [sic] all
night with us, also Mary Levens, took
dinner with us,____
29thOur folks gone to the Sand-Banks
Four friends called on us from the
States, _ Barckley Straton & wife, Elizabeth
Rusel, & her Nephew Robert Rusel.
Elizabeth had a few words of encourage­
ment for me.____
7mo 1stDominon [sic] day raining most
all the day. _ Libbie went home
for the Hollow days [sic] wrote too [sic]
Sophia & Annie,__
3rdSeventy years ago to day [sic] my father
And mother landed in Quebec with
eleven children after a passage of seven
weeks, also Joseph Sivetman and
his family in the 1821, _ A bright
sunny day. _ Deborah Bowerman
[pg 31a]
1891 7mo3rdWent up to see Lydia spent
two days with her, _ 4thA very heavy
thunder shower, hail stones an inch
round, _ Stanley & Rachel up in the
evening for potatoes, mailed a letter
for Uncle Arthur.
4thWith Lydia, Mary Levens and
her Sister May with her,__
5thFirst day John & Lydia went
to our meeting, Levi & Mary came
to J Williams for dinner, Carrie & her
two boys, went to dinner with E Varney
I came home found a cold house,
6thCold weather a fire in the Stove
Brick under my feet, quite unwell
[pg 31b]
9thLevi & Mary went to meeting
left Carrie up with Lydia to help
her about moveing [sic] some things.
Thomas Robinson to be buried tomorrow
Cold weather yet.____
12thWent to meeting were [sic] I had
not been for three or four years,
A friend from the States there, gave
us an excellent sermon, on the
subject of prayer & faith, after meeting
sent to J Williams & got our supper,
also Silvanus [Outwaters?] & his wife
14thOur Rachel here drove herself up
the little girl comeing [sic] with her.
15thArchebald Crosbie & his Sister here
for dinner, Attended our Monthly meeting
his sister Isabela Henderson, from
[pg 32a]
1891 7mo 16, Young potatoes for dinner
the first time__
_17 Carrie & Lydia went on the market
with Butter Eggs & hog-fat 1lcta pound
a wet day, got very wet, _ Nettie Cronk
went home, Carrie takeing [sic] her to the
19 First day Carrie & the Children
went to meeting _ after down to
see Rachel _ In the evening
Jane Cronk, Lena & James Sivetman
made us a call in the evening.
20thA cold morning, glad to put on
on [sic] my winter dress again, & get
round the stove, warmer in the
21st Cold morning again a winter
dress comfortable again.____
[pg 32b]
1891 7mo22nd
Another cold morning fire feels
21st Sarah Whycot & her daughter
here for a visit had not seen her
before in seven years, had to be
lifted in & out of the buggye [sic], walk
with Crutches, made my apron
for or in part, seventy seven years
24thLydia here geting [sic] her jacket
made by Nettie Cronk, stoped [sic]
all night with us, & the next day
fixed my dress for me, spent some
time up stairs with her mother
reading over some memorandiums [sic] about
Edith, made by her Grandmother, during
her last sickness
[pg 33a]
1891 7mo23rd, Lydia came home from
meeting with them, We had five
Night blooming [Cereses?] out in blosom [sic]
no stranger into [sic] see them _
Nettie sewing yet. leavs [sic] to day [sic]
or tomorrow.____
Mattie Richardson came for a
visit also her little boy gone up to
see Lydia, _ Mary & the Children
gone up to Wellington to take Nettie
Cronk home, _
26, Lydia & Mattie went to Nathaniel
27th_ Daniel Mullett & wife called
on us. _ Mattie started for
home, Mary takeing [sic] her to Picton.
30thLydia down here helping Carrie
Mary down with Rachel, Sallie
Mallory here for a visit____
[pg 33b]
1891,7mo30thMary down with
Rachel picking berries, Levi and
Merton gone also.____
31_ A very cold day for the time of
the year glad to sit round the
Stove, & a brick under my feet
boiling up the berries that Mary got
gmo jst Levj gQne down to help Stanley
raining again__ three barns burnt
day before yesterday with lightening.
A very cold day glad to get round
the stove to warm my hands,
Mattie went home____
_2ndFirst day Levi & Mary went
to meeting _ Lydia went to stop
a few days with Rachel, Levi
& Mary went down to see
Stephen Hubbs
[pg 34a]
1891 [8mo ?] Consider Haight died
in the year 1838, Aged 36 years,
Lydia was three months old the
day her father was buried. _
Was buried the seventh in
Adolphustown [sic].____
_8thMary went on to the Market
with butter Eggs, & fowel [sic], butter 18cts
Eggs 13ctsa dozen fowels [sic] or rather
Chicken 55ctsa pair, _ Lydia
down here with her Mother. _
9thFirst day Levi went to meeting
alone one little boy. _ Carrie down
with Rachel.____
10 & 11thVery hot weather, quick silver
up to 84 in my room so warm
could not do any thing [sic], _
13thPrepartive [sic] meeting not one man
there, a sad job our meeting going
down so____
[pg 34b]
1891 [date and first line cut off?]
And than to Stanleys. Myself
feeling quite unwell.
20thMary just gust [sic] got home from
Rachels [sic], been gone five days.
Levi gone too [sic] Kingston looking after
the butter makeing [sic], poor man I hope
he will not miss it [?] leavs [sic] his family
in a very unpleasant situation. _
Monthly meeting to day [sic] at Wellington
no person gone from here.____
23 First day a wet day Levi and
Mary went to meeting, in the evening
went down to Stanleys, Levi stoped [sic]
all night.____
25thThirty eight years ago to day [sic]
Levi & Mary married, this day cold
glad to put on an extra shawl, and
a brick under my feet.____
[pg 35a]
1891 8/28thA very heavy wind rather
cold, Amey Lear here came over a
foot, Levi takes her home to night [sic], _
29 Seventh day of the week, Mary down
with Rachel, her baby born about
ten in the morning, _ Merton got
kicked in his face by one of Shannons [sic]
colts, _ Heard that Sallie Mallory
was buried on the 27thalso that
Elizabeth Comstock was dead, died
a few weeks ago,____
30thFirst day _ Mary Levens & her sister
Lydia called here, also Mary Jane
Bowerman & Sarah Ann Derbeyshire
Eliza Varney & Willie Richardson took tea
with us, Lydia getting supper Carrie
gone down to see Rachel.____
27 of 8thmonth Sallie Mallory buried.
[pg 35b]
1891 9mo4thLydia And Ella Williams
down for a visit, Lent Ella the
Diary men daughter.____
6thLydia And Merton & Thomas gone
down to see Rachel.____
5thCarrie & Lydia gone on the Market
then back to see Rachel, Mary came
home with them.____
9 I went up to spend the day with Lydia
while the folks went to the Picton show
10thFrederick Richardson & Hannah here
for dinner also Stephen & Lydia John
Williams & Lydia, _ Levi Mary & Carrie
going up there to spend the evening.
[pg 36a]
1891 9mo 11thMary gone back to Stanelys
again, will be very glad when
Rachel gets well.____
[2?] _ Aunt Rachel came here,
[3?] _ Daniel Mullett & Deb called on us in
the afternoon, then Rachel Lydia & John
Williams went down to Stanleys, then
back to stop all night, next day I went
up there to spend the day, with Rachel _
[5?] Rachel came back here, Walter comeing [sic]
for her in the evening.____
[?] 3rdWarm weather yet Mary Levens
& Mary here for a visit.
20thCarrie Lydia & the Children went
down to the Sematry [sic] Levi and
Mother at at [sic] home, did not get home
till dark.
[pg 36b]
1891 9mo29thAnd 30th,
Quite a change in the weather
not very pleasant for Old people,
no Stove in their room, _
Lydia went up to Wellington
for her Carpet, got very cold,
next day came down here & spent
a few hours with her Mother.
Elizabeth came up, left for home
again on the 5th_ the sixth was her
wedding day 45 years ago,____
6thUncle Arthur came on his way
way [sic] from Quarterly meeting at Leeds,
stoped [sic] all night with [Aichelans Suthard?]
19thArnold Haight & wife came here, took
dinner with us,____
[pg 37a]
1891 10/12 _ Uncle Arthur left here for
home, _ Lydia came down to help
Carrie, so as to let Mary stop with
[?] 2mo
Stanley & Rachel here stoped [sic] all
night with us, _
Mary Ann Valentine sold all her
things off _ going up to Pickering to live
27 Uncle Henry came here Sarah
Foster bringing him here, _ Lydia
also came down, & took dinner with us
mo10 30thCoppied [sic] a verse for S A Derbeshire
And Mary Jane Bowerman,
[11/12?] Dominon [sic] day, Lydia here fixing
of her little girl, send her home
[pg 37b]
13thStephen & Lydia called on us,
also Walter & Mary. _ Our Mary
went down to stop a few days
with Rachel.
29thMy Birth day [sic] 87 years old born in
the year 1804, in England _
Nathaniel & Isabela Sivetman,
happend [sic] in here, after meeting first
day also our Lydia, Mary went
down to Stanleys _ Nettie Cronk
here sewing.____
6thI went up to John Williams,
to see Lydia spent two days with her
10_ Rachel came up to see us, to spend
a few days, _
16thRachel went home,
18thMary up helping J Williams clean
a lot of flowels [sic] for Toronto market.
[pg 38a]
12mo23rd 1891 Levi took Libbie
home, a wet day _ Mary took on
the market, with two geese four
turkeys & four fowels [sic] _ Lydia
here looking after work & the Children
myself feeling quite unwell.____
A new teacher comeing [sic] on after the
Holadays [sic].____
1892 first month first, so unwell
cannot think of any thing. _
Stanley & Rachel here, the former on
his way from Belleville____My eyesight
& memory getting worse____
19thLevi & Mary went to Picton
a very cold day quicksilver down
to 24 below zero _
22 Abigale Garret & Mary Elizabeth
here for dinner went to J Williams,
and stoped [sic] all night _
[pg 38b]
1892 lmo23 _ Stanley & Rachel here
24 Walter & Mary Levens here first day
heard that Joseph Baker in England
was dead
26thLydia [re?] helping Rahcel
about [tucking?] up the babys [sic] cloths [sic]
a very cold day, the Children
not at school
26, Had my hair cut did not
seem like the right time for
27, Got word that Elizabeth was
sick, Levi & Mary gone down
Stanley & Rachel gone over to see
Mary Levens, for a visit. _
[pg 39a]
1892 2mo2ndA rough day Our folks
gone down to look at the Creamy [sic] _
Stanley & Rachel here yet.____
[?] 131stFirst day A fine day none of our
folks at meeting, Levi & Mary got
home in the evening, left Elizabeth
quite unwell,
2/5 Silvanus Outwaters here for dinner
& Ephafram Robinson also from Leeds,
_6 Our quarterly meeting began,
Thomas Robinson & wife here stayed
all night with us. _
3mo24_ Carries birth day [sic] _ 37 years old,
Levi walked to meeting _
25thRobert Cadman here for a call
up for wheat at [Labon?] Williams
[pg 39b]
26 A fine day the Children gone up to
J Williams.____
27 First day Levi & Mary gone to meeting
in the buggy _ very bad roads, John
Williams & Lydia down here for dinner,
made a mistake & did not have the goose
4mo3 Lydia got her dinner with us
Levi & Mary gone over to see Mary
Levens little boy quite sick,
Lydia set up her stocking
4/4 1892____
[pg 40a]
1892,4mo 10th____
Walter & Mary Levens here for a visit
_11thSecond day washing two weeks
12 _ Lydia all day, _ Libbie Vincent
here in the afternoon.
13_ Deborah Dans wife from Belleville
also Maud & Mary Levens for a call
Carrie gone to Picton with Levi. _
22 Rachel Gone home, been here
the last week__
[pg 40b]
1892 4mo 23rd
Levi sawing wood with his
mitts on all day, very cold.
24 first day Levi & Carrie went
to meeting only two men there
Carrie went up to John Williams,
after dinner.
28thLevis [sic] Birth day [sic] 32 years old
down to Picton with Rachel,
Ella Williams here sewing for Carrie
5mo7thLydias [sic] Birth day [sic] 54 years old
All of us up to John Williams to spend
the day a fine day, Ella Wiliams there also,
Oh what writeing [sic] do not think I will try
[cut off!! any more, right seems to ? all?]
[pg 41a]
1892 5mo 15thRachel Sills came up
for a visit, _ Came to our place
the 18th_ next day up to John
Williams, with Mother, the eighteenth
Henry Mullett came here from the
States, stoped [sic] with us five days, then
went on to Belleville to W Henry Mulletts
21st of 5moElizabeth Cadman came up,
gone over to see Mary Levens to day [sic] with
Mary Bowerman, this 29thof this month.
Yester day [sic] last evening Lydia called me
out to see a rain-bow [sic], most likely the
last I shall ever see.
6/2ndElizabeth started for home yes­
terday, went as far as Picton stoped [sic] all
[pg 41b]
1892 6/2 _ night with Stephen &
Lydia, went to the Sematry [sic] with
Mary & Rachel.____
4thStill at John Williams
Mary Jones & [Aize?] Willse here
to see Mother, gone up to see Hillier to
attend the quarterly meeting,
5thQuarterly meeting at Hillier our folks
all gone, I am still with Lydia.
Got a bit of Aspargrass [sic] for dinner that
Eliza Varney sent me, _ so cold I want
a brick under my feet,____
8thMary gone down to stop with
Rachel a few days, sush [sic] cold weather
I have a brick under my feet. _
[pg 42a]
1892 6mo10th
Our Rachels [sic] Birth day [sic]
her Mother & Carries two little boys with
And Carrie _ Carrie getting the
childrens [sic] pictures taken, _
So cold to day [sic] glad to put on another
shawl And a brick under my feet.
A woman papering the kitchen for
Lydia _ My head feeling very light,
not much to be wonderd [sic] at, _now most
88 years, _ John Williams brought me in
a sprig of the Bay berie [sic] tree, A beautiful
bright day. going out to take my [bitters?],
and get my lunch, _ expect to go home
on first day the 12thof this month.
1 2 th
Came away from John Williams
Frank Waring died last week__
berried [sic] last seventh day the 10th
16 _ Carrie started for Yearly meeting
Amey Leer here for dinner. Rachel
gone to Picton with Lydia.)
[pg 42b]
1892 6mo23
Lydia down here, als [sic] three friends
from the States, Samuel Moon and
his wife, als [sic], Rachel Price, who
gave us some good advise. _
26_ Libbie here with her husband
took tea with us, the three friends
at our meeting, John Williams and
Lydia was there also, Levi & Mary also
leaveing [sic] me at home with the children
Carrie not got home yet.____
23rdRachel Price & Samuel Moon
& his wife was [sic] here, gave me a nice
little bit of good advise. _
[pg 43a]
20_ Eliza Clark, and Alace
Gregory here, the farmer from
England, _ Laura Phelps bringing
them here for a call took tea with us.
[?]mo 1stDominion day Eliza Maria Phelphs
And Abby Ellsworth here, also Thomas
Clark, _28thGeorge Grubb here an
Irish Friend, a minister. _ Robert
Taylor brought him here, gave us a
good sermon.
5thMy father & Mother landed in Quebec
70, years ago to day [sic] with eleven children
Also Josephs Silvetmans family
Mary up to John Williams makeing [sic] soap,
Rachel here again,____
Rachel gone home, & down to see
Elizabeth, _ I am going up to stop
a few days with Lydia _
[pg 43b]
1892_ 7mo 15thStill up with Lydia
very hot weather, John Williams came
home last evening _ not feeling much
better, complaining of his head a good deal,
myself copping [sic] a peice [sic] of poetary [sic] for
Phebe Jane Levens. _ Lydia fixing
my old dress,__Levi hived a swarm
of bees. _ Mary at Lredericksburg yet.
A heavy thunder shower about five
oclock [sic] in the afternoon.
_18 Our folks got home from Napanee
& Lredericksburgh. _ Rachel comeing [sic]
with them,
22 A very heavy thunder shower, killed
a horse a short ways from our house
writeing [sic] to Uncle James, _ mail it the 25th 1892
[pg 44a]
1892 7mo29thMary Waring came
down t omake us a visit
went over to Nathaniels after meeting
Mary takeing [sic] of her
8mo 2ndGone up to see Lydia
Mary Bowerman cutting my toe
nailes [sic] not at all ready to do it,
Mary & Carrie up to John Williams
picking berries picked most a hun-
-dred boxes, Mary Waring stoping [sic] with
me, _ Levi helping George Hubbs, _
4 Mary waring went home, _
12thColumbus Clothier & Katie came
14 Went up to John Williams to tea
went to meeting in the morning _
[pg 44b]
1892 8mo28th____
Lydia here looking over some old
20thColumbus & Katie left here for
Bellville, And so back to [Hauntingdon?]
Went down to see Uncle Benjamin
30thCarrie up to J Williams picking
[loose piece paper 1]
Life! we have been long togather;
Through pleasant & Cloudy weather,
Tis hard to part, when friends are dear
Perhaps, twill cost a sigh, a tear;
Then steal away, give little warming,
Choose thine own time,
Say not, good-night,
But in some brighter clime,
Bid me good morning.
Vincent Bowerman
[loose paper 2]
My Grandfather Bowerman
Died at Bloomfield
On the 6thof 2ndmonth 1885
Aged 93 years & 8 months
Found a Memorandum of Grandfathers
this morning, which I coppie
for Carrie,____
“lmo24th 1882 Is the 32ndyear
me and my wife was [sic] married
32 years ago this day we were
married, in the Friends
Meeting-house in Bloomfield.”
Deborah Bowerman Aged 80
The above was written without
Spectacls [sic]
Vincent Bowerman
Died at Bloomfield
On the sixth of 2mo 1885
[pg 45a]
[pg 45b]
Deborah Bowerman died near Bloomfield
Tenth month 24th 1892 aged 87 years and
11 months
[pg 46a]
[pg 46b]
For Those Grown Old
By Wilhelmina Stitch
I pray you be not angry, hard or cold
With those grown old
Two things there be that torture me
(How shall such pain in rhyming lines be [told)?]
The sound of children crying bitterly,
And words like spears, hurled at the
[maimed?] old.
They are so tired; no longer are they girls
with youths brave armour warding off
Life’s blows,
They are defenceless; very swiftly hurt;
One sharp word hurled, and lo? the hearts
blood flows.
They are so very tired; one never knows
When they may slip into the arms of Death
And sob like children lost and found again
And with this hurt, tear-laden breath
Till Death, the friend, how they’ve escaped
from pain.
[pg 47a]
Oh, sin indeed to make the old weary of life;
They who have had their share of misery & strife
Oh, wrap your tenderness about them like a shawl
To comfort them and keep them from the cold
And let your love build up so high a wall _
The spears of life find not the [maimed? unarmed?] old
Copied by Carrie E. Williams
July 1928
[pg 47b]
[pg 48a]
[pg 48b]
[Newspaper Clippings]
“I COMPARE,” says John Newton,
“the troubles which we have to undergo
in the course of the year to a great bun­
dle of fagots, far too large for us to lift.
But God does not require us to carry the
whole at once. He mercifully unties the
bundle, and gives us first one stick, which
we are to carry today, and then another
which we are to carry to-morrow, and so
on. This we might easily manage if we
would only take the burden appointed for
us each day; but we choose to increase
our troubles by carrying yesterday’s stick
over again to-day, and adding tomorrow’s
burden to our load before we are required
to bear it.”
Sweet friend, when thou and I are gone
Beyond earth’s weary labor,
When small shall be our need of grace
From comrade or from neighbour,
Passed all the strife, the toil, the care,
And done with all the sighing,
What tender truth shall we have gained,
Alas ! by simply dying?
Then lips to chary of their praise
Will tell our merits ever,
And eyes too swift our faults to see
Shall no defect discover
Then hands that would not lift a stone
Where stones were thick to cumber
One steep hill, path, will scatter flowers
Above our pillowed slumber.
Sweet friend, perchance both thou and I,
Ere love is past forgiving,
Should take the earnest lesson home-
Be patient with the living !
To-day’s repressed rebuke may save
Our blinding tears to-morrow
Then patience-e’en when keenest edge
May what a nameless sorrow
Tis easy to be gentle when
Death’s silence shames our clamour,
And easy to discern the best
Through memory’s mystic glamour;
But wise it were for thee and me
Ere love [is?] past forgiving
To take the tender lesson to be-
Be patient with the living!
world wants more sunshine in its dispo­
sition, in its business, in its charities, in
its theology. For ten thousands of the
aches and pains and irritations of men and
women we commend sunshine. It soothes
better than morphine; it stimulates better
than champagne; it is the best plaster for
a wound. The Good Samaritan poured
out into the fallen traveller’s gash more of
this than of wine, and oil. Florence
Nightingale used it on Crimean battle
fields. Take it into all, the alleys, on
board all the ships, by all the sick-beds,
-not a phial full but a soul full. It is
good for spleen, for liver complaint, for
neuralgia, for rheumatism, for falling
fortunes, for melancholy. We suspect
that heaven itself is only more sunshine.

Transcription Progress



Deborah Bowerman 1.pdf
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Deborah Bowerman 19.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 20.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 21.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 22.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 23.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 24.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 25.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 26.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 27.pdf
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Deborah Bowerman 29.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 30.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 31.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 32.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 33.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 34.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 35.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 36.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 37.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 38.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 39.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 40.pdf
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Deborah Bowerman 49.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 50.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 51.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 52.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 53.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 54.pdf
Deborah Bowerman 55.pdf


“Deborah Bowerman Diary, 1887-1892,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,
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