John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1870


John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1870


John Ferguson


Courtesy of the Archives of Ontario


19th Century, Peel County, Chinguacousy Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

John Ferguson Diary Collection


Scanned Microfilm of Manuscript & Typed Transcription







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Hilary, 1st Monady in February to Saturday of ensuing week.

Easter, 3rd Monday in May to Saturday of 2nd week thereafter

Michelmas. 3rd Monday in November to Saturday of 2nd week thereafter.

County Courts - Sittings for the trial of issues of fact and assessments of damages are held semi annually, to commence on the Second Tuesday in the months of June and December; except the County Court of the County of York, which holds three sittings each year, commencing respectively on the second Tuesday in the months of March, July and December.

The several courts of general sessions of the Peace are held at the same time as the several County Courts.

Assizes - Courts of Assize and Nisi Prius are held twice a year in every county or union of counties in Ontario, between Hilary and Easter Terms, and between the end of long vacation and Michelmas term, except the County of York, where there are held three in each year, commencing on Thursday next after the Municipal elections in January the Second Monday in April and the Secont Monday in October each year.

Long vacation from 1st July to 21st August.


ONTARIO - New Years Day; Ash Wednesday (March 2); Good Friday (April 15); Easter Monday; Queens Birth Day; Christmas Day.

QUEBEC - New Years Day; Epiphany; Anunciation; Good Friday; Ascension; Corpus Christi; St Peters; St Pauls; All Saints; Conception; Christmas and Queens Birthday; also, any day appointed by Proclamation for a General Fast or Thanksgiving.


There will be six eclipses this year, four of the sun, and two of the moon.
I. - A total eclipse of the moon January 17 in Asia and America, invisible in Canada.
II. - A partial eclipse of the sun January 31, invisible in Canada.
III - A partial eclipse of the sun June 28, invisible in Canada
IV - A total eclipse of the moon, July 12, invisible in Canada, ending just before the moon rises.
V. - a partial eclipse of the sun, July 28, invisible in Canada
VI. - A total eclipse of the sun December 22, invisible in Canada

Morning and evening stars -

Venus will be evening star until Feb. 23, then morning star until December 8. Mars will be the evening star until March 12, then morning star to December 16. Jupiter will be evening star until May 24, then morning star to September 18, then evening star for the rest of the year. Saturn will be the morning star until March 18, then evening star to Dec. 22.


JANUARY - 2 - 9 - 16 - 23 - 30
FEBRUARY = 6 - 13 - 20 - 27
MARCH - 6 - 13 - 20 - 27
APRIL - 3 - 10 - 17 - 24
MAY - 1 - 8 - 15 - 22 - 29
JUNE 5-12-19-26
JULY 3-10-17-24-31
AUGUST 7-14-21-28
SEPTEMBER 4-11-18-25
OCTOBER 2-9-6-23-30
NOVEMBER 6-13-20-27
DECEMBER 4-11-18-25
=== JANUARY 1870 ===

Moons Phases:

Moons Phase. D. H. M..
New Moon. 1 6 48.
First Quarter 9. 3.. 44.
Full Moon 17 9. 27
Last Quarter 24 5 5
D. D.W. S.R. S. S. M.S. D. D.W. S.R. S.S.. M.S.
1 S 7. 35 4. 33 4 18 7. 17 5. 11.
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Jan, Saurday, 1. 1870

It has been a dull, cold day. I drove over to Mr Isaac Modeland's in the cutter and took dinner then Uncle Taylor and family came to our place from Oakville J. E Snell, Uncle T, and I drove to Brampton this evening and took tea with Martin Shipley & wife, they were married on the 23rd of Decem 1869

Sunday 2

Mr & Mrs J C Snell spent yesterday and last evening at our place. Aunt M Peacock and her daughter Sarah have been with us for a week. About 6 or 8 inches of snow fell last night, but it has rained heavily nearly all day New E Spent the day at home, which is a bad commencement for the New Year

Monday 3

Very stormy day with a cold west wind, Finished threshing our clover. We have 75 bush of red clover and 64 {(644} bush of Alsike it was hardly dry enought to thresh clean. The threshers charge $18 for 3 days work Spent the evening at home in pleasant chat with friends

Jan. Tuesday, 4 1870

Was helping J. Learment thresh clover seed today it did not yield well. Uncle Taylor and family left here this forenoon for Oakville they took Sarah Peacock with them Aunt Mary went to Toronto on the cars. I spent the evening at home being very tired went to bed early.

Wednesday, 5

Went to Brampton this forenoon and bought some fresh fish for my father to eat as he has been sick with a cold. Was at J. C. Snell's this afternoon he is away to Toronto. I put up the Mission bill in Zion the Meetings are hard work spent the evening at home.

Thursday, 6

Was helping Erastus {Buntings?} thrash clover for seed it turns out very well he will have about 20 bush. Spent the evening at Ambrose Woodhall's It has been a cold day. This is good sleighing now and a great deal of cordwood going into Brampton

Jan. Friday, 7 1870

Ambrose Woodhall and I drove down to Meadowvale this morning to attend the C.P.S.S. Convention. It was on the whole an interesting meeting and largely attended. I took dinner and tea at Mrs. Samuel Brown's and spent the time pleasantly with some very intelligent young people. Got home at 12 oclock.

Saturday, 8

Spent the forenoon in slaughtering a fat 2 year old steer for beef. Edwin Dixon and his sister Janie came here today from Amaranth, he has a small load of spring wheat Spent the evening at J.C. Snells and hour or too at his fathers pleasantly chatting with friends. Got home about 10 oclock.

Sunday, 9. Rev. D.G. Sutherland preached a Missionary sermon in Zion at 10.30 oclock this morning text - John VIII 12. Went to Brampton Church to night and heard Rev. Alex Sutherland preach a powerful sermon. Text Isaiah XXXIII 21, 22. It has been a very cold day There is good sleighing

Jan. Monday, 10 1870

Drove over to Stuart's saw mill in the Esquesing township (about 11 miles) and brought home one thousand feet of lumber. Went to Brampton this evening and mailed 3 letters. I spent the evening in the W.M. Missionary meeting Rev. W.M. {Punshon?} was powerful speaker, he made an excellent speech.

Tuesday, 11

Recieved a copy of the Carthage Runner from Uncle Thomas Harrington yesterday it is a weekly paper of six pages Was engaged in hauling fire wood from the lower brush The weather has been somewhat milder the past 2 days and to night it is raining quite smartly from the south.

Wednesday, 12

Was a very wet day raining from N.E. Was engaged in hauling firewood from lower brush. I went up to Zion about 5 oclock this evening put on a fire and lit the lamps for the Missionary Meeting, a very small attendance, but we raised $30 by subscription.

Jan. Thursday, 13 1870

Rev J. Howard stayed all night with us he being the only one on the {deputation?} he lives in Orangeville. A very stormy cold day. Sold a fat cow for $30. It is a very frosty night Spent the evening at home in sifting Alsike clover seed. It is a slow job, all done with a hand seive.

Friday, 14

Was a very cold day. Drove over to the Gore Mills with 12 bush of wheat and 20 bush of oats and peas for meal. It was very slow work grinding because of the ice backing up the water Got home about 6.30 this eveing It was the coldest ride I have had this season. Spent the evening reading the newspapers.

Saturday, 15

Recieved yesterday a pamphlet from Uncle Adam {Tualing?} on the American {unclear, sar?}. Went to Brampton this afternooon to the C.P.A.S. Meeting for the election of officers for this year. it was a stormy meeting nearly all officers elect are Long's. It was quite a warm day and rained heavily from S.W. J.C.S. spent the afternoon and worked with us

Jan. Sunday, 16 1870

Went to S.S. this morning quite a large attendance our Supt. present - lesson Matt II 13 to the end. Heard Rev D.G. Sutherland preach in Zion at 2 PM Text John XXI - 17th verse. Heard him preach the same sermon in Brampton to night. I saw Miss M.J. Thayne from Orangeville

Monday, 17 A very wet day and warm, thawing very fast. Drove my sister Lavina over to school this morning in the cutter. Spent most of the day at the blacksmith's shop getting horses shod. Spent the evening at home playing the melodeon and reading.

Tuesday, 18

Great change in the weather since yesterday, it being a very cold day, and some of the fields are almost a sheet of ice. Spent the day in sifting Alsika clover seed which is a very tedious job on account of the smallness of the seed. Heard Dr Osniston lecture in W. M. Church Brampton on "Everybody's school" it was an excellent lecture and well recieved

Jan. Wednesday, 19 1870

Father and Mother went to Mr. J. W. Main's on a visit and was there all day. I was at J.C. Snell's this afternoon about half an hour This has been a nice mild day but the Etobicoke is so high with the late rains that the sideroad is impassible the water being over the road about 2 feet.

Thursday, 20

Went over to Mr. Stuarts sawmill (Esquesing) and brought home one thousand feet of 3rd quality lumber worth $3.50. The road is very icy, but good sleighing Spent the evening pleasantly at J.C. Snell's with some young folks Misses R. Carter and Emma Nickols the chief game was {Quintettes?} Got home at 10.40 oclock.

Friday, 21

Was out early this morning and went to Caledon for fence-posts and brought home 40 posts they were very large and paid 6 cents a piece for them being drawed out of the swamps for the road. The road is very icy and renders travelling difficult. Spent the evening at home.

Jan. Saturday, 22 1870

Went to Caledodn again today and brought home 85 rails getting them out of Mr. Bells swamp. it is a very rough road. Got home about half past four Mr. J.C. & Mrs. J.C. Snell spent the evening at our place. Aleck came up to day, he drove up with his pony and cutter. Spent the evening pleasantly.

Sunday, 23

Slept late this morning and did not get to S. School. Aleck and I drove up to J.C. Snell's and took dinner. Was at Zion this afternoon but the preacher dissappointed the audience by his absence. Heard Rev D.G. Sutherland preach in Brampton tonight. Spent rest of evening at Uncle William Ferguson's, he is now very sick

Monday, 24

A very cold day. Went to Caledon for cedar rails brought home 85. Spent the evening very pleasantly at a social meeting of the S. School on Ebenezer some of the teachers gave short speeches and we had cakes and tea. I was presented by Miss Sarah Snell with her photograph which is an excellent one.

Jan. Tuesday, 25 1870

There fell 2 or 3 inches of snow to day. Was hauling firewood from the lower brush the creek being just frozen hard enough to bear the team. Father went to Brampton to day to see Uncle William he is a great deal worse Protracted meetings commenced to night in Zion, there were only 10 present. Rev D.G. Sutherland was there.

Wednesday, 26

Was at the same work as yesterday this forenoon and finished hauling firewood having enough to last until next winter. Was hauling elm and hemlock rails for the live fence between Erastus Banting and I spent the evening at the meeting. 21 present. The young minister from Georgetown preached text - II Corinthians V 18

Thursday, 27

A nice clear day. Went to Mr. Stuarts Sawmill (Esquesing) and brought home 6.72 feet of lumber. Got home at 4 o'clock Spent the eveneing at the protracted meeting in Zion there were about 30 present. Rev D.G. Sutherland preached text - Psalm XI from 3rd verse

Jan. Friday, 28 1870

Finished hauling firewood having enough to burn a year. Was hauling elm rails and stakes also, have the lower brush cleared out. Spent the evening at the protracted meeting there were nearly 40 present Rev W. McFadden preached a good sermon

Saturday, 29

{Avid?} staid over night at our place. A nice mild day Spent the forenoon in writing a letter to Uncle Adam sending him a cheque for $45. Went to Brampton this afternoon and done some little shopping visited Uncle William who is no better. Spent the evening reading the newspapers.

Sunday, 30

Was at S.School this morning and had a short school our Supt. absent - lesson Matt II last 5 verses. Heard Rev DGS preach at Zion at 2 PM. Text Romans I 16th verse Quarterly Tickets renewed. Took tea and spent the evening at J.C.S. pleasantly in company with Miss S. W. Snell. Got home at 9 PM

Jan. Monday, 31 1870

Went to Mr. Stuarts sawmill and brought home 9.50 feet of lumber. Came home by the Naval station. Spent the evening at the protracted meeting Rev. Mr. Mitchell preached (from Petrolia)Text Matt XVI - 26 verse Two book pedlars from Muskoka staid here all night. They have a large stock of books.

Feb. Tuesday, 1

Which are published at the Wesleyan Book Room. I bought a copy of Wesleys Hymns for $1 and a Temperance tale called "Rachael's Soble's experience" @ 30 cents. The weather during the past month has been fine for winter, steady sleighing although quite a quantity of rain fell. Went to Zion at 3 o'clock afternoon for to split wood. Rev D.G. Sutherland preached text Revelations III 20th verse

Wednesday, 2

Went to Stewarts sawmill to day for the last time and brought 1500 feet of green pine lumber. There fell 3 or 4 inches of snow which has improved the sleighing Spent the evening at the protracted meeting, a larger attendance both ministers. Revs W.L. Mcfadden preached(text Luke XV Prodigal Son. One came forward to the altar.

Feb. Thursday, 3 1870

Went to Brampton to day with a load of oats 52 bush @ 26 cents per bush sold to K. Chisholm & Co. I saw a span of ponies belonging to K. Chisholm had all their hair closely clipped off leaving them a mouse color. Spent the evening at the protracted meeting. Rev. D.G.S preached. Two were forward to the alter.

Friday, 4

A cold stormy day wind from the N.E. Commenced hauling soft wood to Haggert's Foundry Brampton, took down 3 cords @ $2.00 per cord. Spent the evening at the protracted meeting Rev W.L. Mcfadden preached text Roman's VI 23rd verse. Three were forward to the alter Go to bed at 10.30 these nights.

Saturday, 5

Hauled 4 cords of wood to Brampton to day which makes 6 3/4 cords worth $13.50 {smudge makes words unclear} The sleighting {smudge} wards the {smudge} Spent the evening at home and finished reading Rachaels Noble's Experience

Feb. Sunday, 6 1870

Went to S. School this morning there was a large attendance our Supt. present lesson Psalm IV. We had no preaching in Lion this afternoon but Rev. A Fletcher preached at 6 oclock this evening text - Acts XIII 40, 41. Quite a large congregation. J.C. Snell & wife to tea at our place.

Monday, 7

Went to Caledon to day for fence posts and brought 43 and two large gate posts worth 5 cents and 20 cents a piece, had a good deal of trouble in getting them out as the swamp is rough, Got home about six oclock. Rev D.G. Sutherland preached in Zion to night text Matt XV 23rd verse One more forward to the altar.

Tuesday, 8

Miss Lizzie Burnett has spent 2 days with us in serving, she is a clever and pleasant girl Rev D.G.S. preached again to nights text. "I am almost persuaded to be a Christian." There was a very fair attendance. Was brisking a colt by hauling firewood which job is now done for this season

Feb. Wednesday, 9 1870

Brought a load of lime from Mr. Townsend's lime kiln on the 5th line road - ro 30 - 26 bush worth 12 1/2 cents per bush. Rev W.L. McF. preached to night text - "Create in one a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me" Psalm II - There were two more forward to night to the alter Kezia Sr. and W. Aindle making 7 in all.

Thursday, 10

Spent the afternoon in Brampt getting the newspapers, "Banner Guardian" and "Messenger" also bought a box of paper collars Rev D.G. Sutherland preached to night text John IV 13th & 14 a very good sermon three more came forward to the altar and we had a good meeting. A collect for word did {ill?} amount: $2.33.

Friday, 11

Was engaged in clearing up a load of barley, and farming peas of which we have threshed already {unclear} 20 bush. Rev W.L. McFadden preached to night text "Turn ye for why will you die Oh house of Isreal - Ezekiel - Rev A. Fletcher assisted him there were two more forward. A very good attendance and good order.

Feb. Saturday, 12 1870

Spent the day in sawing firewood with the bucksaw a choring around at other jobs. Father went to Brampton to the official Quarterly meeting. Quite a cold stormy day wind in the West Spent the evening at home preparing for Sunday, and reading the life and doings of Richard Heaver the Great English Revivalist.

Sunday, 13

Went to Quarterly meeting at Brampton this morning Rev W. McCoullough from Oakville preached text - Ephesians III 14 to 21st verses Rev Flitcher preached in Zion this evening text John III 16th There was quite a large attendance but rather a dull meeting, there was no fresh seekers forward Not a very large attendance at Q. Meeting.

Monday, 14

We had 2 or 3 inches of snow to day but is mild this evening like a {unsure}. Spent the day shaving firewood with bucksaw. {Unclear} horses one being very sick with distemper Rev W. L. McFadden preached text Peter IV 18th a very good sermon an average attendance but no fresh souls forwards

Feb. Tuesday, 15 1870

A very fine day and thawing fast Uncle George Burke and wife came to our place this evening from Pickering. Went up to the Church at 4 o'clock for to split wood. Rev W. McFadden preached text Prov III 35th A very good preached sermon. Another penitent forward, Sarah Snell, making 10 throughout the meeting.

Wednesday, 16

Another fine day and cast such beautiful moon light. Uncle William visited J.C. Snell's today perhaps for the last time as he is growing worse all the time. Spent the day at spliting stove wood. Rev D.G.S. preached to night text II Kings V. 12th No fresh penitents forward but we had a good meeting. Recieved a Valentine from Aunt Jennie Barthay.

Thursday, 17

A wet stormy day. We had a visit from Old Mr. and Mrs. Burke from Scarborough also Mr. John Snell and Mrs. J.C. Snell spent the afternoon with us. Had a very good meeting to night in Zion Lovefeast and sacrament and all were blessed in their soulds while listening to Christian experiences.

Feb. Friday, 18 1870

Our visitors from Pickering and Scarborough started for home to day it being very cold again. Spent the evening pleasantly at the Anniversary of Brampton Baptist School not a very large attendance but they realized $20. Mr. A. Dicks presided and several interesting speakers addressed the meeting.

Saturday, 19

The straw stack in our farmyard slipped over during the night and completley buried a pig (Berkshire) we had great difficulty on getting her out alive and is now only a little lame. Was engagged in building the stack again. Sold 10 bush of red clover seed @ $6.25 per bush to K. Chisholm Brampton. Spent evening at home

Sunday, 20

One of the coldest days this winter Went to S.S. this morning small attendance Supt absent Text Psalm I - John Taylor preached at Zion this afternoon text Genesis VI 3rd 20 members in the class to day how glad I felt to see some of the backsliders returned to meeting. I spent the evening practising on the Melodeon

Feb. Monday, 21. 1870

If it is possible colder than it was yesterday and then are getting some huge snow drifts in the lanes and on the roads. Drove my sister over to day school this morning and went to Brampton and visited Uncle William who is growing gradually worse and suffering a good deal. Spent the evenin at home in music and reading.

Tuesday, 22.

Cold and blistering. Drove Lavina over to school in the cutter. Misses Elizabeth and Esther Burnett spent the after noon at our place. I drove them up to Campbelle's this evening and spent it at J.C.S. pleasantly in chat, and a game of Quintettes, "Familiar Quotations" Got home at 10 oclock.

Wedensday, 23.

Was engaged in fanning up peas and feedingthe stock. Wrote a letter to Uncle John Ferguson in St. Joe yesterday. J.C. Snell and wife took tea with us this evening. Spent the evening at the prayer meeting in Zion there were only ten present so that our meeting was short. Sister Jennie received a letter from Aunt Jennie.

Feb. Thursday, 24, 1870.

Father and J.C. Snell went to Toronto this morning on the {unclear}. Came home this evening. Father bought a box of raisins (28 lbs) for $2.00 and 7 lbs of tea @ 48 cents and registered our heifer calf Carrie i the Herd Book, she is the first Pure Bred Durham we have bred. Sister Jennie spent the day at our place also her daughter Mary Ellen.

Friday, 25.

Father sold 3 bush of {unclear} Clover seed to R. Chisholm @ $9 per bush. The weather is a good deal milder to day being clear and bright with warm sunshine. Went to Brampton to night and heard Prof. Wild give his great lecture "What will the world come to" he is a good speaker and reasons well. Not a very large attendance.

Saturday, 26.

Went to the Grove Mills this forenoon with 10 bags of peas and oats for chopping. Spent the afternoon in Brampton at Uncle William's he is growing worse every day and the lump is now a fearful size. Spent the evening at home preparing for Sunday and reading the newspapers.

Feb. Sunday, 27. 1870

A very stormy day, snowing from the East all the time. Went to S.S. this morning about 24 present and our Supt. Lesson, Luke II 40th to 52nd he stated that our school had given $20 during the year for the S.S. Missionary Cause. Rev. D.G. Sutherland preached at Zion this afternoon text Revelations II and latter clause of 10th verse, it was a good sermon. 16 present.

Monday, 28.

Good sleighing all through this month and during the last two weeks very cold weather and blustering. Drove up to J.C. Snell's this afternoon and brought a "Church Harmonist" from there for to practice the tunes on the melodeon. John Learmont spent the evening at our place in social chat.

March. Tuesday, 1.

Spent the forenoon in going over to the Gore {?} Mills for the 20 bush of chopped grain. Spent the afternoon in docking the sheelp and doctoring a sick ram. The weather was mild with frequent westerly snow showers. Spent the evening pleasantly at J.C. Snell's in reading "Ladies Repository" and in conversation. Got home at 10:30 P.M.

March. Wednesday, 2. 1870.

A pretty cold day. Father and mother went to Brampton to see Uncle William who is radually getting worse. Bought a rat trap as the rats and mice are very plenty around the barn. Went up to Zion about 3'oclok for to practice on the melodeon before the commencement of the prayer meeting. There were 13 present.

Thursday, 3.

A fine clear day. Went to Henry {unclear}'s swamp at got a cedar pole 23 feet long for to make a ladder. Joshua Modeland with his wife and mother spent the afternoon at our place. Also Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Modeland from Elora, the latter intend staying all night and drive home tomorrow a distance of 45 miles.

Friday, 4.

Father and I drove over to Mr. Cook's sawmill in the Esquesing and purchased 9360 shingles at $2.08 per thousand. Mrs. {unclear} spent part of the day at our place she intends going to her husband in Kansas. To day is the fifth anniversary of my conversion. Miss Elizabeth Burnett was sewing to day at our place and will for a few days.

March. Saturday, 5. 1870.

Another fine warm day and thawing quite fast. Finished threshing our peas by fanning up another 80 bush making nearly over 200 bush off about 7 acres. George Modeland called here this afternoon and took his mother home I drove Lizzie Burnett over home this evening, she is clever young woman

Sunday, 6.

Went to S School this morning our Sup present and a large attendance Lesson Psalms II - 12th verse. Mr J. Holtby preached at Zion this afternoon text Proverbs XXII 3rd verse. Kezia Snell came down and took tea at our place, we drove up to meeting at Edmonton {Lodge} and heard Mr Torrance preach. Drove Kezia home and spent the rest of the evning at J.C.S.'s.

Monday, 7.

Was engaged to day in making a ladder. Father went to Brampton to see Uncle William he is getting worse all the time. I drove up to J.C. Snell's this evening and brought mother home where she had been spending the day. Spent the rest of evening at home playing the melodeon. Jo. Learment came in for a social chit-chat.

March. Tuesday, 8. 1870

J.C. Snell drove father and I over in the sleigh to Mr Ackrow's Auction sale of partly Pure Bred and highly graded stock they were in good condition and brought high prices. Durham Cows @ 130 to $140, Grade Cows $75 to 90 sheep from $30 to 40 per pair He lives 4 or 5 miles below Malton in town'p of Etobicoke. Got home at 7 o'cl being gone nearly 12 hours

Wednesday, 9.

Drove down to Brampton this morning and brought up Mr George Armstrong and Mrs Trueman who spent the day at our place. Spent the evening at Mr {Tuflery's?} social given for the relief of Mrs Barnard, they realized $35 There was a great crowd of people from all parts of the township Got home shortly after 11 oclock.

Thursday, 10.

Was engaged to day in making a shaving horse. J.C. Snell and wife spent most of the day with us. Mr and Mrs Smith spent the afternoon here also. Spent the evening at the prayer meeting in Zion there were only 10 present but we had a very good meeting We had 3 inches more snow

March. Friday, 11. 1870

Went to Norval Mills with 35 bush of peas and oats for chopping, had to wait until 5 o'clock for it but it was well ground Spent the evening at Zion practicing with Mr Snell's young folks the tunes for singing in the Church.

Saturday, 12

A very cold day for the season. Went to Brampton this afternoon and bought a "Canadian Church Harmonist" for $1.00 at Meguire and Bannisters Drug and Book store and a bottle of hair Oil for 25 cents also a bottle of Mucillage. Spent the evening at home preparing for Sunday, shaving etc etc

Sunday, 13

A very stormy Sunday, I think over a foot of snow fell. Went to S.S. supt absent - lesson - Matt III. Miss Nellie Snell was present from Cheltenham. Rev W. McFadden preach at Zion text - Timothy II 15th. Heard of the death of Mr James McGuire S.S. Missionary on Friday last. Spent the evening at home playing the Melodeon

March. Monday, 14. 1870.

A fine day after the storm Finished making a ladder 22 feet long. Spent the evening at Uncle William's and my father with some friends, he is very weak and suffers a great deal in body and mind.

Tuesday, 15.

Drove down to Mr Chisholm's Mills with a grist of nearly 24 bush. Was at the Spring Assizes for the county about 2 hours listening to lawyers and the judge, it is quite interesting to hear them. I rode up with J.C.S. to his place and staid all night.

Wednesday 16.

A very stormy day, commenced snowing about 9 oclock last night and continued all day. Spent most of the day at J.C. Snell's reading and playing the melodeon Went up to Mr John Snell's in the evening and staid all night spent the evening pleasantly with the young folks playing Quintettes and on singing

March. Thursday, 17. 1870.

The storm has abated this morning leaving about 2 feet more snow which is badly drifted. J.C. Snell drove me home in the sleigh and had great difficulty in travelling having to shovel part of the road I enjoyed my visit to Mr Snell's very well being well entertained by all. Was at Brampton this afternoon and received the C. Messenger {The Canadian Messenger, a periodical publication} for 15th March

Friday, 18.

A fine clear day. Drove father and mother down to Uncle William's this morning in the sleigh he is a great deal worse Went to the Post Office and got the Globe and the Banner Had a drive this afternoon around a 1000 acres. John {Hindle?} started for Missouri on Wednesday Morning last.

Saturday, 19.

Went to Chisholm's Mills this morning and brought home the grist. It is a fine warm day. J.C. Snell and wife took tea at our place to night on their way to Edmonton. Spent the evening at home and took a full bath the first for two months for fear of taking cold

March. Sunday, 20. 1870.

Drove father down to Brampton early this morning. came back and went to S.S. our supt pres - lesson, Psalm III. I played the melodeon in S.S. for the first time, also played it at Zion this afternoon, but had no preacher spent the evening at Uncle William's and father intends sitting up with him all night.

Monday, 21.

It's thawing a good deal and the snow is quite soft. Had a visit from Mrs Joseph Bauer and her son Jonathan. Was down to Uncle William's this afternoon Mr and Mrs Robert Gardiner were there and she is going to stay all week. Spent the evening at home playing on the melodeon out of the "Gem".

Tuesday, 22.

Went to Brampton this morning with my father, he has to be at Uncle William's nearly all the time. Received all the back numbers of "Country Gentleman" from Jan 1st and will take the remainder of the volumes. Spent the evening at J.C. Snell's in pleasant conversation. Got home at 10-20 oclock. It is quite cold and freezing hard to night.

March. Wednesday, 23. 1870.

A fine clear day but a cold North wind. Spent the evening at Uncle Williams and sat up with him all night, Mr Perry sat up also, he takes a great deal of care and attention and eats a great quantity of ice. It is a tiresome job to keep awake all night

Thursday, 24.

Came home at noon to day. Mrs John Snell and June spent all afternoon at our place they were at the funeral of Mrs Christopher Cheyne who died on Tuesday last. Drove father down to Brampton this evening he is going to stay all night. Rev W.L. McFadden preached the finest sermon in Cheyne's Church T. Township

Friday, 25.

Spent the day in feeding stock and sawing stovewood. John Simpson {illegible word} died last night he has been sick most of the winter was quite an old man age 75 Spent the evening practicing {illegible word} tunes at J.C. Snell's with Kezia and Emma Snell and Lavina, it will take a good deal of practice to sing well.

March. Saturday, 26. 1870.

Was engaged this forenoon in feeding and taking care of stock. We have 18 young lambs they are growing fast and are strong and healthy. Went to Brampton this afternoon Mr and Mrs Robert Gardiner were at Uncle Williams. Received a copy of "Country Gentleman" from Albany New York

Sunday, 27.

A very stormy day, it snowed quite fast all day from the East with a strong wind piling it into great heaps. Spent the day entirely at home. Mrs J.C. Snell was here all day being storm-staid she came here last night. J.C.S. went down to Uncle Williams to sit up with him all night.

Monday, 28.

The storm has eased leaving nearly all the lanes and roads impassable with snow drifts Spent the forenoon in shovelling out our lane and off the roofs of buildings as the snow is very wet and soft. It is quite mild to day and thawing fast Drove to Brampton this afternoon with the sleigh.

March. Tuesday, 29. 1870.

A fine warm day and thawing very fast had no frost last night at all. Was engaged in making a gate for the head of the lane next the road. J.C.S. came here this afternoon in the cutter for his family who have been storm staid since saturday. J. Learment was over and spent the evening. Little Mary E. Snell was

Wednesday, 30.

1 year old to day Spent the afternoon and evening pleasantly at Mr Jordan's School Examination at No 16 he appears to be a thorough teacher and well liked by the scholar The evening meeting was enlivened with short addresses and songs with violin, flute and melodeon Went down to Uncle Williams and sat up the rest of the night.

Thursday, 31.

The good sleighing has continued all through this month. There has fallen fully 4 feet of snow coming in 3 big storms and drifting up the roads badly making travelling disagreeable. The weather has been tolerably mild on an average. Father and Mother spent the day at J.C.S's and at Brampton all night. I was working at a gate.

April. Friday, 1. 1870.

A fine day and thawing fast there is yet 2 or 3 feet of snow Spent the day making gates and other carpenter work. Willy the hired boy is sawing stovewood Father and mother came home this evening from Brampton. Spent the evening practising at J.C.S. with his sisters, Miss Maggie Gordon was there from Churchville

Saturday, 2.

I think the warmest day we have had this year. Was at the same work as yesterday. J.C. Snell and family called this afternoon they are going to spend the night at Uncle William's. Was at Brampton getting my watch chain repaired Spent the evening at home playing the melodeon.

Sunday, 3.

Father and mother went to Brampton this morning and staid all day. Drove the sleigh up to S.S. our Supt was present and gave us a good talk on the lesson Psalm IV. Went to Zion this afternoon but we had no preacher Rev A. Fletcher being planned. Spent evening at home.

April. Monday, 4. 1870

A fine warm day, quite a hard frost last night. We have 25 young lambs, they are doing well and strong and healthy. Father is at Brampton all day. Two men here this evening from above Guelph forto buy our bull "Clifton". Was at the same work as Saturday.

Tuesday, 5.

Sold a grade cow this morning at $50 to a man from Guelph I went down to Uncle William this morning and staid with him all day. The snow is fast disappearing and the roads are quite muddy. Mr William Newhouse is sitting up with to night, it is a tirsom and sleepy job.

Wednesday, 6.

Got very little sleep last night Was engaged in assorting the turnips which are growing fast on account of warm weather. Drove over to Matt {Cation's?} for a swarm of bees but they were all dead having died through the winter. Spent the evening at home practicing.

April. Thursday, 7. 1870.

Discovered that several of our young apple trees are girdled with the mice. Was grafting them to day by inserting the ends of the graft one below and the other above the wound. I think the warmest day of the season. Spent the evening at J. Learments in social chat about things in general

Friday, 8.

Spent the most of the day in feeding stock. Went to Brampton this afternoon and staid down all night. E. Bunting sat up with me, he is a good hand to keep awake and in nursing. Uncle William was very bad to day being delirious nearly all the time. He rested well all night.

Saturday, 9.

Came home this morning at 10 A.M. Before coming visited J.E. Wood's Barber shop. Was at J.C. Snell's this afternoon rode on 'Pollie' the first time with the saddle. The roads are in a bad state, the mud being quite deep. Spent evening at home.

April. Sunday, 10. 1870.

J.C. Snell called here early this morning from Brampton for breakfast. Went to S.S. at 9 1/2 AM Supt. pres. lesson John I 35 to 37th. the roads are very muddy Went to Uncle William's this afternoon and staid all night with him. Mr J. Pickard sat up with me. He was very restless all night and is sinking fast

Monday, 11.

Came home early this morning being relieved of my charge by my father. Went to Mr David Cations and bought 2 pigs 3 months old @ $4 a piece Drove mother down to Brampton this afternoon. Uncle William Ferguson died to night about 8.30 o'clock aged 36 years He died very easy and was quite conscious

Tuesday, 12.

Though unable to speak or to open his eyes. Spent the forenoon in Brampton making preparations for the funeral. Bo't {short for bought} a jack nife for 65 cents. Rode up to J.C.S this afternoon to inform them of the death. Mrs J.C.S staid all night with us Spent the evening at home

April. Wednesday, 13. 1870.

A nice warm day. Went to Uncle William's funeral there was quite a large attendance most of the stores and shop's were closed, Rev McFadden preached text I Thessalonians IV 13 and 14th; it was a good sermon, plain and practical He was buried in the new cemetry beside little Herman. Spent the evening writing a letter to Uncle John

Thursday, 14.

A very warm close day and thawing very fast the roads are still very muddy though they are some drier, the gravel road below No 10 is as hard and dry as summer Went to Brampton this afternoon and mailed two letters one to Amaranth and the other to Missouri. Spent the evening playing the melodeon.

Friday, 15.

Weather similar to yesterday. Was engaged in making gates and seeing to the stock gnerally. Was trimming appletrees and waxing them where they were girdled by the mice. Spent the evening pleasantly at J.C.S. in reading and social chat. Was at blacksmiths to day and got "Jessie" shod on fore feet to help her lameness

April. Saturday, 16. 1870.

Yesterday was kept as a holiday by the shopkeepers of Brampton Spent the day at {Jabeza} Heath's in helping to remove a couple of frame buildings one a hog pen and a back kitchen. Spent the evening at home preparing for tomorrow and reading the Country Gentleman and the Globe

Sunday, 17.

Walked up to S. School this morning, the attendance was small Supt. was absent lesson Psalm V. I lead the singing by playing the melodeon. It has threatened rain for 2 or 3 days and is raining slowly from the East all day with a strong wind. Spent the rest of the day at home because of the weather. Was reading "Four years in the Old World"

Monday, 18.

It is raining still though heavier than yesterday. Went to Brampton this afternoon on foot and mailed 4 copies of "Peel Banner" to Carthage, Claremont, Coleridge and Oakville Got measured for a suit of grey tweed to $15. Dawson Modeland has been sick with measles {letter stroked out} had a chat to Georgie Armstrong, first time this winter.

April. Tuesday, 19. 1870.

The rain has continued all day with a sort of mizzle and fog, it is a warm rain and the grass is beginning to look green once more. The fall wheat looks unusually well this spring. Was engaged in fixing up the railroad for {hors} fork in the old barn. Was also at blacksmiths getting the plow ready for spring work Spent the evening playing the melodeon.

Wednesday, 20.

It rained quite fast until noon when it partially cleared up having rained almost without cessation since Sunday morning Was engaged in picking over the potatoes quite a few have rotted since storing them but we have plenty for summer use. Went to Brampton on horseback, the roads are very muddy. J.C.S. took tea here on his way home from London

Thursday, 21.

It is very dull and cloudy but quite warm and pleasant but for the superabundance of mud! mud! Was putting up the railroad for the horse fork in the old barn there is considerable work about it and will need to work well or will not pay for the trouble and expense. Spent the evening at home performing on the Melodeon

April. Friday, 22. 1870.

Was at the same work as yesterday and nearly finished the job. Went up to J.C. Snell's this evening and staid all night. The young folks were down from the old places and we spent the evening in practising tunes for to sing in the Church Sat up late reading newspaper now full of Red River News.

Saturday, 23.

A very warm day. Spent the forenoon in sowing clover seed a mixture of red and alsike on the flats of the Etobicoke and in the bush, was also building fence, blown over by the wind Was grafting some of the young apple trees with scions from a Siberian Crab tree. Spent the evening in reading.

Sunday, 24.

Went to S. School this morning Supt absent - lesson - John II 11th verse there was a good attendance, Mr {A?} Woodhill was Vice Supt. Rev Mr. Sutherland preach at Zion at 2 1/2 PM text John III 3rd verse. It was a warm day but there was a heavy shower this afternoon and is still raining after dark. The roads are fearful.

April. Monday, 25. 1870.

Another fine warm day. Was engaged in hewing cedar sleepers for the old barn. Got my foot badly bruised by a horse stepping on the instep and was laid up for half a day and could scarcely walk. Spent the evening at home in reading the Country Gentleman which is one of the best agricultural papers published in America.

Tuesday, 26.

Was at the same work this forenoon as yesterday. Went to Mr Simpon's Sale of farm stock and household furniture this afternoon most of the articles brought high prices especially the cows and pigs A few of the neighbours started plowing yesterday but the ground is very wet. Mrs J.C.S. {walked?} down this afternoon. Spent evening in writing to Uncle Adam.

Wednesday, 27.

A very warm day. Spent all day in Brampton at the C.P.A.S. Spring Fair, there was an unusually large attendance and the show of horse very fine and a great many of them. The show of bulls was very fair, we took the second prize in the 2 yr old class {with?} Clifton $4 the other bull was a son of "{Louder?} Duke" and hard to beat.

April. Thursday, 28. 1870.

Commenced plowing sod to day for the first this season, the ground is quite wet, but will be in good order in 2-3 days plowed nearly 1/4 acre. Spent the evening in reading the Globe and Banner and in practising on the melodeon the tunes of the C.C. Harmonist for Chapell singing on a Sunday

Friday, 29.

Was at the same work as yesterday. Father was sowing clover seed, timothy, and Alsike on the fall wheat, the prospect for wheat is not promising, it being very thin on the ground Spent the evening at J.C. Snells drove up in the buggie, the roads are rough, was practising drove the girls home

Saturday, 30.

Was at the same work again, we had two teams plowing which makes the work go on faster, have nearly 5 acres plowed. The weather during the month has been fine and warm and very little frost for the season, we have had a good deal of rain, the ground being quite soft and wet yet and no seeding done.

May. Sunday, 1. 1870.

Went to S.School at 9.30 A.M. our Supt. abs. Rev Mr Brooks was there from Etobicoke Tp. - lesson - Psalm VI. Took dinner at J.C.S. and was at Zion at 2 1/2 P.M. and lead the singing by the melodeon Mr T. Holtby preached text Matt XXV and last verse. Spent the evening in reading "Katie Johnstone's Cross" a prize Canadian Tale for S.S.

Monday, 2.

Was plowing sod with two teams on the other places we have about 7 acres plowed Willy was making flower beds in front of the house and digging in the garden. Mother walked up to J.C. Snell's across the fields and spent the day. Spent the evening at home at the same as last night.

Tuesday, 3.

A very warm day almost as hot as any day in summer. Was plowing fall wheat stubble ground and sowing oats it being the first seeding we have done this season, sowed about six acres. Spent the evening the same way as the last one

May, Wednesday, 4. 1870.

Finished putting in 6 acres of oats and commenced plowing up the turnip ground for barley. Our new neighbors arrived to day, Mr and Mrs Jonas from Bowmanville, they have bought the Simpon farm they staid all night at our place. they are very friendly free and social.

Thursday, 5.

Was sowing barley on fall plowing the ground is got almost too hard and does not work well. Was plowing across the creek in the old turnip ground and nearly finished. Planted a few early potatoes in the garden.

Friday, 6.

Was at the same work as yesterday and have that field about half done. Went to blacksmiths at noon to get plow shares sharpened. Lent the cultivator to Mr H. Jonas, he has done no seeding yet. Set in a wet night and rained a good deal

May. Saturday, 7. Sunday's Programme {handwritten in place of date} 1870.

Went to Quarterly Meeting at Brampton this morning. Rev Mr McFadden preached text I Peter I latter clause of 12th verse Took dinner at Mrs Trueman's The young folks all drove down to Chisholm's Mills and visited Mr Maine's and spent the time pleasantly until about 8 oclock. Got home about 9 oclock

Sunday, 8. Saturday's Programme {handwritten in place of date}

Finished a ten acre field of barley and seeded it with cover and tomothy about 14 pound to the acre. Father spent the afternoon in Brampton at the Official Quarterly Meeting and at George Armstrong's Sale of house furniture, they are going to remove to New York. Spent the evening reading the newspaper.

Monday, 9.

The weather continues quite warm with occasional showers the trees in the woods are fast getting green as well as the fruit trees, the rhubarb is fit for use. We are still feeding all our stock but the sheep Was plowing all day. Spent the evening reading the Guardian

May. Tuesday, 10. 1870.

There was considerable rain to day and a thunder shower this evening. Was plowing sod on the other place with two teams. George Armstrong {jnr? short form for junior} spent the afternoon at our place as a farewell visit before he leaves the country. Spent the evening at home It is now splendid moonlight.

Wednesday, 11.

Was sowing spring wheat and barley across the creek. The land is very soft and seems full of water. Another thunder shower with some hail. Spent the evening in Brampton at Mrs Trueman's with the Armstrong's they start early to morrow morn for New York City, where they are going to live. Got home about 12 oclock

Thursday, 12.

Finished the field we were at yesterday and seeded it down with Alsike clover, 4 lbs to the acre. Was sowing peas this afternoon on the other place on sod. Father spent part of the evening at Harry Jonas's This is J.F. Dyer's birthday aged 27 years. Spent the evening playing the melodeon

May. Friday, 13. 1870.

Was sowing peas and harrowing with both teams, the ground is rather hard from being plowed when wet. Sister Lavina has been sick all week with the measles which disease is in nearly every family. Spent the evening at J.C. Snell's, they are very little more than half through seeding Little is also sick with measles.

Saturday, 14.

Finished seeding this evening except the rolling the oats and barley are nicely two inches Father went to Brampton and bought 12 lbs of fresh beef and got the newspapers and some oranges and lemons for the sick folks. Put out the young calfes on the grass. Was repairing {letter stroked out} line fences across the creek next to {word or name illegible}

Sunday, 15.

The weather is very warm and dry. J.C.S. and wife spent the day at our place yesterday being the second anniversary of their wedding. Went to S.S. this morning Supt pres. lesson Psalm VII the library was distributed on a new {plan?} avoiding confusion during school hours. A disappoint numb at Zion this afternoon

May. Monday, 16. 1870.

Was engaged in rolling the spring grain with two rollers and two teams. Washed the sheep (31) in the Etobicoke this afternoon the water was quite warm. Turned out the cows on the grass to day for the first, there is very good pasture and nearly two weeks earlier in the season than usual.

Tuesday, 17.

Finished rolling so that we are now quite through seeding Was plowing a small field behind the shed for Hungarian grass. Father went to the funeral of Old Mrs John Watson aged 85 years, Rev W. Millard preached. Sister Emma is very sick with the measles.

Wednesday, 18.

Was engaged in hauling the stones off the meadow, the grass does not look very well in pastures. Was plowing ground for potato planting. Mr and Mrs Harry Joness spent the evening and staid all night at our place, they have given up the Simpon farm after living on it two weeks

May. Thursday, 19. 1870.

{Written at top of page above title} Received a letter from Mrs. A Ferguson

Was at the same work as yesterday afternoon but gave up work this afternooon on account of blistered feet. Harry Joness moved all his furniture down to our place and stowed it away in the driving house until he gets a house for to live in. They are rather a nice young couple and are free and easy in their manner

Friday, 20.

Was engaged all day in hauling manure on the potato ground putting it in the open drills hauled 13 loads. Mrs H Joness staid all last night with us she went to Brampton this afternoon, her husband and father in law are away trying to buy a farm. Spent the evening at home practising on the melodeon

Saturday, 21.

Finished planting the potatoes put in fully 3/4 of an acre, planted a few drills of corn (sweet) which came from Missouri. Am nearly laid up with blistered feet. Went to Brampton this evening and bought a pair of shoes for every day wear @ $2.25. The Weekly Globe is enlarged and improved in appearance.

May. Sunday, 22. 1870.

Dawson Modeland came up early this morning and staid all day at our place. Spent the day entirely at home. Father and mother went to Zion this afternoon and Rev Mr. Johnston P.M. Minister preach They drove over to J.C. Snell's he being quite sick with a bad cold. The weather is quite chilly tonight

Monday, 23.

Commenced shearing the sheep this morning. Harry Jonas was helping us, we sheared 19 and then gave up, the wool being rather damp. Was engaged this afternoon in fanning up a load of barley for market Mr H. Jonas has bought John Woodhall's farm @ $5000

Tuesday, 24.

Went to Brampton this morning and started at 9 a.m. for Toronto, staid there two hours then started for Oakville via the G.W.R. and arrived at 1.30 P.M. Spent the afternoon pleasantly looking at the boat races. Had a 2 1/2 mile trip in a row boat on the lake of Ontario.

May. Wednesday, 25. 1870.

Oakville is rather a nice village the streets are lined with maple trees, grapes and strawberries are largely cultivated. Staid last night at Uncle Taylor's he is doing a good business (saddler and the family are in good health Left here at 4 P.M. and spent two hours in Toronto. Took tea at Mrs {Beeb's?}, No 10 King St. West. Got to Brampton at 8 P.M.

Thursday, 26

Great excitement about the Fenian's they have crossed over below Montreal but were driven back with slaughter Hauled two loads of barley to Brampton containing 135 bush at 50 cents per bush. The weather this week is quite cool but no frost, so far, being very favourable for fruit of all kinds

Friday, 27.

Sold another load of barley 66 bushels at the same price Was engaged in finishing the Simpson line fence Aunt Mary Peacock came out from Toronto yesterday and we drove up and spent the evening at J.C. Snell's in social chat and arrived home at 11 oclock P.M.

May. Saturday, 28. 1870.

Was plowing turnip ground all day it was plowed last fall but it has baked and is very hard in the hollows, there is about 3 1/2 acres in the peice Spent the evening at home preparing for Sunday and reading the Con {Country} Gentleman

Sunday, 29.

Went to S School this morn our Supt pres - lesson - Psalm VIII - it was an interesting lesson J.G. Watson preached at Zion at 3 P.M. - text - Hebrews XII 14th verse. J.C. Snell and family came down and spent the evening at our place. M. Jane Peacock spent the afternoon here It has been a warm day.

Monday, 30.

Finished plowing the turnip land the first time. Sowed half an acre of Hungarian grass seed and rolled the potatoes, they are not up yet Sold a Berkshire sow 3 mo's old for $12 to J.C. Snell Spent the evening reading a day school library.

May. Tuesday, 31. 1870.

Was hauling manure on the turnip ground, hauled 25 loads. Samuel Bunting sen. {senior?} was digging post holes for us in the front lane, he dug 10 the ground is very hard. The weather is warm and dry, no rain for more than a week Spent the evening the same manner as last.

June. Wednesday, 1.

The weather during the first half of May was showery and warm during the latter end of the month it was very warm and no rain. Was engaged today in digging post holes dug 14 but it was hard work. Miss E. Burnett commenced work at our place A.F. Campbell will be married to morrow to Miss E. {Baldrek?} of Toronto Township

Thursday, 2.

Was nailing on the boards to the posts and some digging It has been a very warm day but is quite cool in the evening Sister Emma was at Brampton and bought off Mr Dale some very nice house flowers. Mr and Mrs H. Joness gave us a short call this afternoon. A.F.C married to day by Rev R. Arnold

June. Friday, 3. 1870.

Was at the same work as yesterday also hung a new gate at the road and made a curved board fence on either side, the gate posts are round cedar and planed and look very well. There is a great quantity of wheat going to Brampton and is worth $100 per bush. Spent the

Saturday, 4.

evening at J.C. Snell's practicing with Kezia and Sarah, had a nice time. Was engaged in hauling away the old rails out of the the lane and finishing it up, it is a great improvement Received a copy of "Carthage Patriot" from Uncle Thomas Bought some articles of furniture at Baird's store Brampton (Sec Cash Acc)

Sunday, 5.

Drove the buggy to S.School Supt pres. lesson John III 28 to 30th. We had some light showers to day, a thunder storm last night. Was at Zion at 2 P.M. had no minister. J.C. Snell and wife went to Toronto yesterday to hear Mr {Punshon?} preach to day

June. Monday, 6. 1870.

Commenced doing the statute labour of working on the roads, was filling gravel waggons for mending the gravel road below No 10 Mr. Mrs J.C. Snell came from Toronto to day, I drove her up home this evening It is a warm moonlight night. Father took a load of peas & oats to Norval for chopping

Tuesday, 7.

Was hauling the old log hog pen out in the turnip field and burning it, was also burning 2 loads of oat straw in the same field. Commenced taking the floor out of the old barn. Bought and set out 50 cabbage plants. Had a light shower this afternoon.

Wednesday, 8.

Was working at the old barn cleared out the sleepers, which were quite rotten and hauled 5 loads of manure out of the inside. Miss E. Burnett took sick with the measles. Mother and Viney with the help of Mrs J. Snell scrubed and cleaned out the Church at lot 15.

June. Thursday, 9. 1870.

Commenced cross plowing turnip ground it being 2nd time this spring and once last fall. It has been quite showery from South and is raining some to night Spent the afternoon repairing the Church Melodeon it will soon be worn out. Spent evening reading, life of Joshua Poole.

Friday, 10.

It rained steady all forenoon from the East. Was digging a trench for the stone foundation under barn. Was in Brampton this afternoon selling butter and buying groceries. Aunt Lizzie got a letter from the Missouri friends. Spent the evening pleasantly at Mr John Snell's with Miss S.W. Snell Staid all night at J.C.S

Saturday, 11.

Was hauling stone and sand from the banks of the Etobicoke. Father went over to J.P. Hutton's for a screw jack to raise our barn There has been a slight drizzle all day and a very heavy thunder storm about 4 oclock this afternoon Received a letter from John Tribble in Amaranth. Spent the evening reading the newspapers.

June. Sunday, 12. 1870.

Went to S.S. this morning on foot the roads quite muddy Supt absent. Presided at the Melodeon - lesson - Psalm XI - 5 & 6th. Mr T. Walker preached at Zion this afternoon - text - Acts X 43rd verse, a small audience. Father and mother spent the day at J.C. Snell's Was reading Conference Proceedings in the C. Guardian {A Wesleyan Methodist conference}

Monday, 13.

Was raising the barn with a screwjack, it having settled through the rotten sills, also dug a trench for the foundation of the outside walls. A Mr Collins a painter from Caledon commenced painting our house on the outside woodwork. A good deal of rain through last night, but fine today. Planted 25 Cauliflowers

Tuesday, 14.

Commenced building the stone foundation with the help of Mr G. Adams. There was some light showers this afternoon. The roads are very bad for the season. The potatoes in the garden are over a foot high

June. Wednesday, 15. 1870.

Mr Archibald Bunting started work this afternoon by getting up scaffold's behind the barn for to shingle it Had a call from Mr W. Elliot of lot 5 first line east. Jo. Learment spent the evening at our place

Thursday, 16.

Commenced shingling the barn it was pretty warm on the roof, it is rather nice work but one has to be careful as the shingles are quite slippery. Father went to Brampton this evening for more paint, got the Guardian it has a list of the Stations of the ministers of W.M. Church {Wesleyan Methodist}

Friday, 17.

Finished shingling half {written in above} the barn roof, it took 10 squares of shingles. Finished the stone work and put on the sills. Paid George Adams and son $6.20 for {3/2?} days work. Walked up to J.C. Snell's this evening and on to John Snell's and chatted with the young folks. Staid all night at J.C.S.

June. Saturday, 18. 1870.

Finished the statute labour of road work, had 7/2 days Was putting in the sleepers under the old barn and paid Mr H Bunting $3.50 for his work. It was a very warm day. Finished cross plowing the turnip land the second time. Spent the evening at home reading newspapers

Sunday, 19.

Drove up to S.School this morning our Supt. absent lesson - John IV 37 to 42. Rev D.G. Sutherland M.A. preached his farewell sermon in Zion this afternoon text - John XVII 18th verse, he is going to preach in Kingston City. It was a very warm day Spent the evening reading a library

Monday, 20.

Commenced drilling the ground for turnips drilled over 2 acres. It was been a fine clear day with a strong north wind very cool tonight. Father painted the road gate white Spent the evening at home reading and listening to W Collins adventures in S America

June. Tuesday, 21. 1870.

Finished drilling and sowing turnips having over 3 acres Was rolling the drills this afternoon with J. Learments roller. The painter got through with outside painting it looks very well. Sold to J. Campbell 8 bush of lime

Wednesday, 22.

Was engaged to day in building a cedar fence across the meadow making a 4 acre field for pasture the clover is pretty long and in full bloom. Have a pint of ripe cherries on a small tree in the young orchard

Thursday, 23.

A very warm day Was cutting thistles and helping to paint the inside work of the kitchen are now nearly through it is a dirty unhealthy work. Sold 230 lbs of wool at 29 cts our flock averaged 8 lbs wool per sheep

June. Friday, 24. 1870.

Mrs J.C. Snell and Lizzie Campbell came down this morning and spent the day Lizzie has been at J.C.S. a week Commenced cutting hay this morning, it is not a very heavy crop. Drove up to J.C.S. this evening to practice music with Misses Sarah and Kevia Snell Gave them a drive home afterwards

Saturday, 25.

Cut some more clover have six or seven acres mowed, hauled in 2 small loads this evening it's good hay having lost scarcely any of its green color. It has been a very warm day. The strawberries are coming in fast have gathered half a gallon. Spent the evening at home reading the newspapers.

Sunday, 26.

Went to SS this morning our Supt pres. lesson Psalm XII Mr Millard gave some account of his recent trip to the Western States he was at the Illinois S.S Convention it was a great sucess Heard Mr Henderson preach at Zion at 2 1/2 P.M. text Hebrews XIII12th verse Took dinner and tea at J.C. Snells.

June. Monday, 27. 1870.

Was cutting more clover this forenoon. Was hauling in hay this afternoon with two teams, one being J. Learments Hauled 4 loads when a thunder shower stopped us, unloaded with the new car for the horse fork it works tolerably well. It was a very warm day

Tuesday, 28.

Finished mowing a 11 acre field of clover. Was hauling in hay with two teams hauled 6 loads and a heavy thunder storm again stopped the work. The weather is warmer than yesterday, being as high as 112 agrees in the shade

Wednesday, 29.

Was engaged this forenoon in laying barn floor and fixing our approach thereto. Father was cutting clover for J. Learment with our mower. Hauled in another load of hay making 13 loads under cover. Had a visit from Mrs Trueman, is staying all night

June. Thursday, 30. 1870

Hauled in 6 loads of hay. Went this afternoon to Mr R. Rossiter's raising of a shed and sheep pen. Had another heavy thunder storm this evening and likely to be wet all night. The weather during the month has been very warm, but not so much rain as last year June.

July. Friday, 1.

A nice cool day after the heavy rain. Spent the afternoon at Brampton seeing the Lacrosse Match between the Six Nation Indians and Ontario Club (White) of Toronto It is a very exciting and interesting game the former were victorious Took tea at Mrs Truemans. There was a large crowd.

Saturday, 2.

Finished hauling in one field of hay this being 21 loads about 2 loads to the acre. Was cutting thistle with the scythe over the tops of the Alsike clover. Spent the evening at home reading the Co. {Country} Gentleman

July. Sunday, 3. 1870.

Miss E. Campbell, Lavina and {me'sen} drove down to Mr Charles this morning and spent the day, went to "Trinity Church" at 2 1/2 PM and heard Rev Mr Galbraith Clement preach text XV Psalm. Alick has rather a nice little wife. Spent the evening and staid all night at J.C. Snell's.

Monday, 4.

Was engaged to day in cutting grass along the fences around the wheat and barley field Commenced mowing a field of timothy. Was scuffling and plowing the potatoes Our old horse "Frank" died on Saturnday and we burnt him today, think he was 17 year old. The oats are coming out in head.

Tuesday, 5.

Finished cutting the thistles in the Alsike, was also mowing with the scythe around the hay field and horse raking some of the grass cut this morning. The peas are in blossom and are a promising crop.

July. Wednesday, 6. 1870.

Finished mowing the 8 acre field of timothy on the "other place" it is a very good crop It was warm and cloudy and threatened rain all day J.C. Smith was up awhile this evening, he is still at the same business - telegraph operator at the G.T.R. depot Brampton.

Thursday, 7.

It rained very fast all forenoon, making the ground very soft, the heaviest rain this season. Was engaged in fanning up a small load of peas and laying the old barn floor. Spent the evening at home in pleasant chat with Lizzie Burnett, she is a right sensible girl.

Friday, 8.

Walked up to Mr Snell's lake with my sisters to pick berries this morning brought home 16 lbs raspberries, they are quite plentiful this year Spent the evening at J.C.S. practising, drove the girls home, got home at 10.20 P.M.

July. Saturday, 9. 1870.

Sold 28 bush of peas yesterday to K. Chisholm at 68 cents per bush. Was hauling in hay this afternoon got in 4 loads of timothy, worked until dark cocking up the remainder of the field Spent evening reading the Globe.

Sunday, 10.

Went to S.S. this morning Supt pres. lesson Psalm XIV. Heard Rev. A. Russel preach at Zion this afternoon text - Acts {large space where JF would normally record the number of verses} Went to Brampton this evening to P.M. Church and heard the young minister text Psalm {large space} It is a fine moonlight night and quite cool

Monday, 11.

Finished haying to day by drawing in 7 loads making 16 loads off 8 acres and a total of 38 loads of hay for this season. Started raining at noon from East and kept on steadily all afternoon and evening. Was building up the bins in the granary in old barn

July. Tuesday, 12. 1870.

We have had a great quantity of rain and is still showing today. Was working all day in the barn and have it nearly finished, put a plank floor in the hay mow. Spent the evening at John Learments picking and eating cherries, they are a plentiful crop this year.

Wednesday, 12.

Commenced hauling manuer to the "other place" for the pea ground, hauled 16 loads Was helping J. Learment finish haying with team and two hands. Aunt Lizzie Ferguson came up to day and her family on a visit.

Thursday, 14.

Went to Brampton with 62 bush of barley at 60 cts per bush, it is the last load of old barley. Was also hauling manuer. Visited J.E Wood's Barber shop.

July. Friday, 15. 1870.

Cut with the reaper for 3 or 4 acres of fall wheat for J. Learment, it is badly rusted, but a fair crop of straw. Drove the buggy up to J.C. Snell's to night, and broke the buggy shaft, had to ride home horse back

Saturday, 16.

Drove the waggon up to J.C.S. early this morning and brought home the buggy. Had some heavy showers to day and rain nearly every day this week. Drawed 56 loads of manure to "other place this week. Spent the evening reading newspapers.

Sunday, 17.

Went to S.S. this morning Supt ab. - presided at the melodeon - lesson - Luke V 1 to 11. Was at Zion at 2 1/2 PM. had no preacher Took tea at John Woodhalls Went to Edmonton {Lodge} this evening and saw Mr. James Westervelt {immersed?} by Rev J. Torrance. C.C. Baptist.

July. Monday, 18. 1870.

Was scuffling and thinning out turnips with the hoe Hired an man named Patterson for 2 mo's at $20 per month Father went to Chisholm's Mills with a grist of 16 bush Rev. A Russell came here to night and stayed all night. It has been a very warm day.

Tuesday, 19.

Reaped about six acres of Diehl wheat, bound and shocked it, it is a very fair crop. It was a warmer day than yesterday. Rev. A. Russell left at noon, he is visiting among the members of the church. Spent the evening picking cherries at J. Learments.

Wednesday, 20.

Finished cutting J. Learments wheat. Reaped an acre more of ours this evening after tea. A terrible thunderstorm with very strong wind passed over about 8 oclock to night. Spent the evening at home reading Canadian Messenger

July. Thursday, 21. 1870.

Was cutting wheat with the reaper, also with the cradle in the orchard, the wheat is very thin among the apple trees. The storm last evening done a great deal of damage in unroofing barns and blowing down fences. Spent the evening at No 10 looking at the Lacrosse Club practice.

Friday, 22.

Finished reaping our wheat this forenoon. Drawed in 4 loads this afternoon. Spent the evening at J.C. Snell's reading the European War news.

Saturday, 23.

Was cutting the Alsike clover with the mower it is not so heavy a crop as last year. Hauled in 6 more loads of wheat. The harvest apples are nearly ripe Spent evening at home reading newspapers.

July. Sunday, 24. 1870.

Had quite a heavy thunder shower this forenoon so that did not get to S.S. Went to Zion at 2 1/2 P.M Rev W. McFadden preached text Revelations IV 3rd verse the Quarterly Tickets were renewed for the Quarterly Meeting at Harrison's 3 weeks from to day.

Monday, 25.

Finished hauling in the fall wheat with the help of J. Learment's team. Commenced cutting the barley with the mower, it is badly knocked down with the storm, it is not nearly so heavy as last year's crop. Had three loads of rakings off the fall wheat stubble

Tuesday, 26.

Spent the forenoon in cutting barley. Had another thunder shower at noon There has been a great many accidents this season by lightening. Father and mother spent the evening at Harry Joness's on the first line east.

July, Wednesday, 27. 1870.

Was mowing barley this forenoon, but was stopped by another shower. Was throwing slacked lime on the roofs of all the farm buildings and house to preserve the shingles. Bought of Robert Nickols four window sashes to put in the barn for light

Thursday, 28.

Spent the forenoon cross-plowing summer fallow for J. Learment. Hauled in two loads of barley. Spent the evening at home reading the Christian Guardian and in practising Lacrosse.

Friday, 29.

Was digging the foundation ditch for the wall of the hog pen that is to be built Drawed in 4 loads of barley this afternoon. It has been so showery all week that it is difficult to get it dry. Spent the evening at J.C. Snell's practicing.

July. Saturday, 30. 1870.

Was engaged in drawing barley all day and finished the ten acre field had 17 loads. It is badly coloured with the wet weather. Spent the evening at home reading the newspapers also a copy of Daily Leader. It has been a fine bright cool day.

Sunday, 31.

Drove my sisters up to S.School this morning our Supt. absent lesson Luke V. from 12th to 26th. Was at Zion at 2 1/2 P.M. had a dissappointment, Rev A. Fletcher was planned. J.C. Snell and family were here for tea this evening, and Mr & Mrs J. Learment spent the evening here also. The weather during the past month

August. Monday, 1

Has been unusually wet and very warm. Cut with the mower 3 acres of barley across the Etobicoke. The hired men mowed with the scythes 1/2 acre of Hungarian Grass. Drawed in the Alsike Clover only had 2 1/2 loads off 3 acres.

August. Tuesday, 2. 1870.

Divided the lambs from the old sheep, there is 22 lambs, 12 ewes and 10 rams they are large for their age. Was drawing in barley this afternoon it is a very good crop, hauled 4 loads. It has been a fine clear day, like September weather.

Wednesday, 3.

A wet forenoon raining from the South, stopped all harvest operations. Was trimming the young shoots off the old appletrees, and picking harvest apples. Scuffed the turnips for the third time. The first threshing in the neighbourhood was to day at Simpson's.

Thursday, 4.

Commenced pulling peas this forenoon they are a very good crop. Finished drawing in the barley, had 25 loads off 13 acres. It was a fine clear day. Had 2 big loads of Hungarian. Had ripe tomatoes on the 1st of this month. Aunt Lizzie Ferguson spent the day here.

August. Friday, 5. 1870.

Cut all the oats (6 acres) with the reaper in about six hours, there is very heavy crop of straw on the ground but is badly rusted, making the grain light. Spent the evening at J.C.S. mother went up with me. Had another heavy shower.

Saturday, 6.

Messrs Peter Smith and Josiah Hunter threshed for us with their new machine, have about 300 bush of barley got 70 bush of wheat threshed, they only done a small day's work on account of the boxing of the machine heating. It was a fine clear day

Sunday, 7.

Went to S.S. this morning our Supt pres. lesson Psalm XV. Took dinner at J.C. Snell's Heard Rev AL. Russell preach at Zion text Matt VI 19th. Went to Brampton this evening to Baptist Church Rev W. Millard preached text "Forasmuch as ye know", only a small congregation

August. Monday, 8. 1870.

Had a heavy rain last night Father and mother spent the af day at Brampton, they went to Mr Cole's for to get their photograph's. Was engaged this afternoon in binding oats. Spent the evening at home reading the "Canadian Messenger".

Tuesday, 9.

Was helping John Learment thresh fall wheat and barley got through in good time and spent the evening {large ink blob obscuring the word "in"?} playing Lacrosse.

Wednesday, 10.

Was helping Erastus Bunting thresh his wheat and barley. Hauled in a load of oats after coming from the threshing. Spent the evening at No 12, chatting with some young folks It has been a very warm day

August. Thursday, 11. 1870.

Was pulling peas this forenoon and drawing in oats this afternoon, hauled 9 loads

Friday, 12.

Was cutting with our reaper J. Learment's spring wheat. Mrs J.C.Snell and Miss Sarah Snell spent the day at our place. Finished drawing in the oats also brought in the first load of peas.

Saturday, 13.

Had a drizzling rain from the West this forenoon. Spent the afternoon pulling peas have 5 acres pulled Mr and Mrs A.F. Campbell came up this evening and staid all night.

August, Sunday, 14. 1870.

A fine clear day, quite a cool north wind. Spent the forepart of the day at home with our visitors. Rode up with them to J.C.S. this afternoon. All of Mr Snell's family were over to Quarterly Meeting at Harrisons Church.

Monday, 15.

Reaped and bound up 2 1/2 acres of Glasgow spring wheat, a very good crop of straw but the heads did not fill well. Was pulling peas this afternoon and drew in 2 loads of them.

Tuesday, 16.

Spent the forenoon pulling peas, have them all cut but about an acre. Drew in 6 loads of peas this afternoon. Spent the evening at home reading the history of Christopher Columbus.

August Wednesday, 17. 1870.

Hauled in 6 more loads of peas today, also drew in 4 loads of spring wheat from the field on the other side of Etobicoke {creek} The weather today was clear and very windy so much so that we stopped drawing peas, the wind piling them up in great heaps through the field.

Thursday, 18.

Was hauling peas all day and built a stack with them containing 8 loads. The weather was very warm Spent the evening reading the July Number of The Ladies Repository.

Friday, 19.

Finished harvest today by hauling 3 loads of peas making 27 large loads off 10 acres. Father cut J. Learment's oats with the reaper. Commenced raining just as we finished harvest and is a wet night. Was reading the life and adventures of Captain Cook.

August. Saturday, 20. 1870.

J. Learment was helping to cross plow pea ground all day, have over 4 acres plowed, the ground is in good condition. Spent the forenoon in Brampton bought a photographic album holding 100 portraits for $1.75 also a thermometer @ 30 cents.

Sunday, 21.

Drove up to S.School this morning, Supt abs - lesson Psalm XX. Heard Rev W.L. McFadden preach at Zion at 2 1/2 PM text Matt V, 33rd verse. Took tea at Ambrose Woodhal and spent part of the evening there. Sarah Peacock was at our place this afternoon

Monday, 22.

Father and J.C. Snell started this morning on the G.T. Railroad for New York state they are going to visit some of the large stock breeders. The weather was very calm scarcely any wind all day Was digging potato ground in the garden for to plant strawberries.

August. Tuesday, 23. 1870.

Spent part of forenoon in putting Scotch snuff on the lambs to destroy the ticks. Drove mother up to J.C.S. to stay a couple of days It was close and warm with a drizzling rain from the East.

Wednesday, 24.

Cross plowed more than an acre of pea land the rain has made the ground very mellow. Spent the evening reading Leisure Hour Stories

Thursday, 25.

Had a heavy thunder shower at noon to day. Drove up to J.C. Snell's this morning and brought home mother. Father and J.C.S. came home this evening from New York state, they had a nice trip, they saw the largest herd and best of Short Horns on the continent

August. Friday, 26. 1870.

Finished cross plowing pea ground. The hired boys are splitting elm and basswood rails in the lower bush. It was a fine clear day with a cool north wind. The blue and red plums are ripe also a great many tomatoes.

Saturday, 27.

Was harrowing the pea land. Father, mother and three sisters, Viney Emma and Ella went to Brampton for their photographs. Spent the evening at home reading newspapers.

Sunday, 28.

Went to S.S. this morning supt pres. lesson - Matt IX - 1-20. was practising some tunes for the coming anniversary Heard Mr. T. Holtby preach at Zion - text - John XVII - 24th verse The evening was rainy.

August. Monday, 29. 1870.

Was hauling manure on the pea ground hauled 33 loads. Had another thunder shower this afternoon.

Tuesday, 30

Finished hauling manure hauled 44 loads. Was marking out the ridges for ridging up, they are 21 feet wide.

Wednesday, 31.

Commenced ridging up this morning plowed 2 1/2 acres to day. The weather during the month has been pretty warm with frequent thunder showers the harvest is nearly all in being fully 2 weeks earlier than last year

Sept. Thursday, 1. 1870.

Was at the same work as yesterday, have plowed nearly 5 acres in two days, several farmers are through seeding already. J.C.Snell and family called here this evening. It was a warm day

Friday, 2.

Commenced sowing fall wheat to day, sowed Diehl the Diehl wheat pure on 7 acres, Diehl and "Soules" mixed on 2 acres and pure Soules on a little over an acre. It was a very warm day plowed 2 1/4 acres.

Saturday, 3.

Finished sowing wheat. J. Learment helped to finish the plowing this afternoon, excepting that, plowed the ten acres in 4 days. It rained all afternoon and is a wet night.

Sept. Sunday, 4. 1870.

Went to S.S. this morning Supt abs. lesson Psalm XXII. Heard Rev Mr. Russell preach at Zion text John III 16th verse, Mr. Ralph Crawford was with him they took tea at our place. Kezia Snell spent the day J.C. Snell and family were also here this evening.

Monday, 5.

Was hauling building stones with the waggon for the foundation of a hog pen Sold 3 ram lambs to Mr. John Snell at $15 each. Spent the evening at home reading a book called "Priest and Nun" a story of convent life, bought it at $1.60.

Tuesday, 6.

Was hauling sand from the Etobicoke, and started to build the foundation the size of the building is 14 x 16. The weather is very pleasant three days Spent the evening the same manner as last one.

Sept. Wednesday, 7. 1870.

Had another heavy dash of rain from the South early this morning. Went down with plow and team to Mr. H. Joness' and helped him 1/2 day to crossplow pea ground Spent the evening pleasantly with Mr and Mrs Joness in singing and chat.

Thursday, 8.

Was engaged to day in building the stone foundation for hog pen. Spent evening at home reading (and finished) the story of convent life. It is a very interesting book according to facts stated therein the convent is a horrid system.

Friday, 9.

Finished building the foundation. It was a very warm day had a light thunder shower. Spent evening at Mr William Carter's social, pleasantly not a large attendance but proceeds were $33.25

Sept. Saturday, 10. 1870.

A fine clear day. Was engaged in paving with stone a floor for piggery. The fall wheat is {ripe?} green and looks well. Father and mother went to DE Fife's sale of furniture. Spent evening reading newspapers

Sunday, 11.

Went to S.S. this morning Supt pres. we practised several new tunes lesson John V. Father and mother drove to Brampton at 10 AM. and heard Rev Mr Clement preach from Streetsville Circuit. E. Burnett, Lavina and I drove over to Henry Modeland's this afternoon on a visit

Monday, 12.

Commenced cutting the second crop of clover with the mower, it is a very heavy crop nearly as much on the ground as the first cutting.

Sept. Tuesday, 13. 1870.

Was at the same work as yesterday cut 5 acres to day. Drove up to J.C.S. to night and brought down mother and Mrs. J.C.S. The weather is very fine this week quite warm in the middle of the day and slight frost at night

Wednesday, 14.

Was hauling manure out of sheep-house on the turnip ground for next year Finished mowing the clover 11 acre. Drawed in 2 loads of it this afternoon J.C.S was here this evening.

Thursday, 15.

Finished the job of hauling manure, it has been a heavy one, nearly 250 loads Drew in 4 loads of clover this afternoon. Commenced raining this evening and is a wet night

Sept. Friday, 16. 1870

Had a very heavy rain last night. Spent the forenoon in Brampton Was at J. Learment's this afternoon helping to thresh oats and spring wheat. Our hired man Patterson time is out tonight having been here 2 months.

Saturday, 17.

Was building the hog house putting on the outside boards. Spent the evening at home reading the newspapers.

Sunday, 18.

Went to S.S. this morning Supt pres. lesson Psalm XXVII. Heard Rev Mr McFadden preach at Zion text Romans VIII 1st verse Was at J.C. Snell's for dinner. Went to Brampton this evening heard Rev Mr Carson preach text Acts II 2nd. He is from Streetsville

{outside cover or divider?}

Sept. Monday, 19. 1870.

Drew 2 more loads of clover in today, but gave the job up, hardly {dry?}. Commenced plowing the oat stubble. Father and mother drove over to a tea meeting at Harrison's Church. It was a fine clear day.

Tuesday, 20.

Was mowing J. Learment clover this forenoon. Drew 5 loads of clover Spent the evening at Ebenezer practising for music the anniversary The weather is fine and warm.

Wednesday, 21.

Finished hauling the clover had 16 loads Father went to Guelph this morning on the cars to Mr. F.W. Stone's auction sale of Cotswold sheep. Spent the evening peeling apples with machine for drying

Sept. Thursday, 22. 1870.

Bought at F.W. Stone's sale yesterday 1 pair of Cotswold Ewes 4 year old Mrs. Isaac A Modeland was here this afternoon on a visit. Was engaged to day in working at the new piggery.

Friday, 23.

Was at the same work as yesterday, a warm day had some rain this afternoon. Spent the evening at Ebenezer practising music, had a good attendance have 6 nice tunes for the anniversary.

Saturday, 24.

A drizzling rain from N.E. Went to Brampton this afternoon and received from Guelph at the depot the pair of ewes. Aunt Mary Peacock came here from Toronto and intends spendin a week with us

Sept. Sunday, 25. 1870.

Rained very heavy early this morning, cleared off at 10 oclock. Went to S.S, Supt absent, only a small attendance - lesson - Luke VI 12 to 17th and Mark III 12 to 19. Spent remainder of the day at J.C. Snell's helping to count up the attendance at S.S. during the year and number of verses recited

Monday, 26.

Was engaged this forenoon in washing sheep for the Fair. Spent the afternoon and evening at the 17th Anniversary of E.U.S.S. None of the speakers invited were present, the singing went off very well and all seemed to enjoy themselves. The sum realized was {$20,000 or $20.00?}

Tuesday, 27.

Spent the forenoon in helping to clear out the churches after last nights party. Was shingling the pig pen. Spent the evening at home paring apples for drying purposes. It was a warm day.

Sept. Wednesday, 28. 1870.

Spent most of the day at Erastus Bunting's helping to thresh grain. This is the first day of the Peel County Fair at Brampton father and mother went down. Uncle Taylor came this evening from Oakville on a visit but goes home again tomorrow.

Thursday, 29.

Was at the Fair all day It was lovely the wind from the East commenced raining about 3 oclock. There was a large crowd and the show in every department very good. Got the 2nd Prize on Ewe lamb and on Berkshire Sow. Had 11 sheep down

Friday, 30.

7 ram lambs, 1 Pair of shearling ewes and " " lambs sold 4 rams at an averge $10.00 each. Raining all day from the East. Was white washing the inside of horse stable. Spent the evening reading {William} Cowper's Poems.

October Saturday, 1. 1870

The weather has cleaned uo leaving the roads very bad. Went to Noral Mills with a grist and some rats and peas for chopping. Sold 3 aged Matthew Leatron at- $13.

Sunday, 2.

Went to S.S this morning Supt [unledgiable]. Mr. [last name] Diamond from Bellervile was there. Heard Rev mr. Russel preach at lion text= II Corinthianes XII, 9,. Edwin Dixon and ms. Banfes came here from Anaranth they hinted going to the Exhibition.

Monday, 3.

Rained heavily early all day. Went to Brampton This afternoon, ____. thee York the won plow to [place] for to get [unledgiable] a new land slide.

October. Tuesday, 4. 1870.

Got up this morning at 3 oclock and went to the G.T.R depot for the early train, arrived in Toronto at 7.30. Spent the day on the show ground helping to care of John Shells stock this have Is head of cattle, Sheep and [type of animal].

October. Friday, 7. 1870.

Was up early this morning and drove to Brampton with a ram lamb to send by Railway to Goderich to Mr. West for the sum of $11. Spent the after part of the day in picking apples. Father went to Toronto again today to see the Exhibition.

Saturday, 8.

Finished crossplowing the oat stubble land. Commenced the potato harvest today, the early {Illegible} about one half rotten. Finished {pathering?} apples of which there is a good crop. Had a sharp frost last night.

Sunday, 9.

Went to SS. this morning {sukt abs.?} Lesson, Luke VI 20 to 21. Went to Lion this afternoon, John Taylor was planned but did not come, had a short prayer meeting. Father and mother went to Brampton tonight heard Rev Mr Jones from Godrich preach.

October. Monday 10. 1870.

Was busy all day, digging and picking potatoes. Rode horse back up to John Snellie this evening, borrowed {J.C.?} new buggy and brought {?} Snell down to our place to stay all night.

Tuesday, 11.

Had considerable rain before daylight but it has cleared up. {Name?} and I drove over to Milton to the Country Halton Fair, on the whole {?} there was a good show. It is rather a nice town, very pleasantly situated. got home about 7:30 P.M. having spent the day pleasantly.

Wednesday, 12.

Was plowing sod today. It is a clover field, been seeded down 3 years, the ground is quite mellow and in {good order?}. Had some showers through the day. Sold a ram to Mr. McL{name?} at $6.50

October. Thursday, 13. 1870.

Was at the same work as yesterday. Also brought in the pumpkins nearly a waggon load Picked up 10 bags of diseased potatoes for to feed the hogs. Spent the evening at home reading the September number of Ladies' Repository.

Friday, 14.

Finished the potato harvest have about {not sure if 10 or 70} bushels of Garnet Chili they are a large size. Sold 3-9 bush of barley to K. {name} {@?} .62. Mrs {name} of a son. His name is John Ferguson Snell.

Saturday, 15.

Went to Brampton with 61 bush of barley @ .62 cents. Spent afternoon at {name} Auction Sale of stock and implements. Mrs Jas Taylor from {place} came to Brampton last night and came home with us this evening.

October. Sunday, 16, 1870.

Went to S.S. this morning. {?} he and J. {name} gave a short account of it proceedings of the S.S. Convention in Galt on 11th 12th a. a 13th inst. Lesson Psalms XXVII {Name} preach at {?} text Matt XXV 2nd. Spent the evening at {Name} they named the young son John Ferguson.

Monday, 17.

Was engaged today in marking out the stubble ground for ridging up. Mrs S. W. Snell called here for mother, she is going to stay a week at J. C. Snell's. Spent the evening at {name of place} at the S.S. teacher's meeting to appropriate the tea party fund which amount to $21.50

Tuesday, 18.

Had more rain last night with a very high wind, it is quite cold today. Was plowing sod all day. Father completed the piggery it is a very neat little building.

October. Wednesday, 19. 1870.

Was engaged in ridging all day. Father drove up to Charleston to {?} of Caledon Fall Fair, he was one of the judge's on cattle. They get up a good show and have a large attendance. Spent the evening peeling apples.

Thursday, 20.

Spent the forenoon at Mr. Emmersons making cider with his cider press. Made 36 gals of good cider. Was plowing this afternoon. Had a visit from {Name} from engineering.

Friday, 21.

Was engaged in plowing up the sod in the young orchard, there is a good deal of clover on it yet, but there is some wire worm in it which will be killed by plowing. Had a heavy thunder shower this evening.

October. Saturday, 22. 1870.

Was plowing sof again today Went to Brampton this afternoon and got my hair barbered at J.E. Wood's Shop spent the evening at home reading the newspapers. Mother came home this evening from J.C.S. has been there all week.

Sunday, 23.

Went to S.S. this morning {?}. Lesson Luke VI 40th to 45th, Was at {place name?} this afternoon had no precher Mr. Henderson disappointed Went to P.M. Church in Brampton this evening and heard Mr. Rev. Oakley preach text Rev XXI {symbol?}

Monday, 24.

Was ridging in the front field all day. Had a visit from Mr. Thompson {4th live?} East, he intends starting to Missouri tomorrow on a visit to the {Friends?}. Had mother Shorthorn {symbol} calf from "Coral" today. It was a warm day.

October. Tuesday, 25. 1870.

Went to Brampton early this morning and {recieved?} from Mr. W. Broddy $47 and a note {belonging} to {name}. {?} up to Edmonton this forenoon to the township Plowing Match there were 40 teams plowing and made capital work, the Silver Cup was given to {name} Drinkwater. It was a cold wet day.

Wednesday, 26.

Was rebuilding the line {?} with help of {Erastus Bunting} between him and us, there is a good fence all the way. Spent the evening in reading the Country Gentleman a New York agricultural journal. Sold 2 ram lambs to {name} for $8.75, making $99.75 for 11 ram lambs of the season.

Thursday, 27.

Rained all forenoon. {Comm?} {?} pulling turnips by hand, it is hard work the ground is soft that the plow will not work right. pulled nearly one fifth, Edwin {name} is staying all night with us brought down a load of wheat for sale.

October. Friday, 28. 1870.

Was at the same work as yesterday. Drew in with waggon to driving house root cellar 8 loads of turnips, they are in fine order. Mr. James {name} was married this evening to Miss Susan {name}, at residence of brides father Lot 22 Centre Road.

Saturday, 29.

Had additional help of one hand at the turnip harvest (little) Jim Bunting. Have nearly 2/3rds of them pulled. Hauled 12 more loads in: J.C. Snell spent part of the evening here in social chat.

Sunday, 30.

Went to S.S. this morning on foot, {??}. Lesson Luke - VI '46 to 48'. the {???} tributed a copy of "British {Workem?} for each family represented at the school. Heard Rev A.L. Russel preach at Lion this afternoon {text-} John XIV 21st. A cold east wind all day set in a heavy rain storm this evening.

October. Monday, 31. 1870.

A cold disagreeable day with frequent showers of rain With the help of two extra hands making 4 of us pulled over an {???} of turnipe this afternoon the ground is very soft and wet. There has been a great deal of rain during the past month, had very

Nov. Tuesday, 1.

little frost for the season. Hauled in 11 loads of turnips this afternoon. Killed a ewe lamb for mutton. Paid Ms. W. Campbell $18.88 being the amount of blacksmiths bill.

Wednesday, 2.

Was at the same work as yesterday. Drew in 5 loads of turnips this forenoon Mr. and Mrs. H. Joness {???} him at noon and staid till night. Harry helping us with his team, hauled in 18 loads this after noon. Aunt Catherine Ferguson came to day from Missouri.

Nov. Thursday, 3. 1870.

Finished the turnip harvest to day. Jr Learment helping us to finish. Drew in 16 loads today, making 70 loads of turnips, about 2000 bushels the cellar is not quite full. Spent the evening at Aunt Lizzies in Brampton.

Friday, 4.

Hauled 2 loads of barley to Brampton today, 1st load 50 bush 2nd 62 bush 112 bush at .61 cents, it is not a good sample and did not get the highest price Aunt Catherine came up with is tonight and we spent the evening listening {??} Missouri yarns.

Saturday, 5.

Had splendid weather this week like Indian summer. Was engaged today in plowing up the turnip ground. Went to Brampton this evening and bought a pair of long boots from J. Coynes at $4.50, also bought 2 Bibles (pocket) at 30 cents a piece.

Nov. Sunday, 6. 1870.

Went to S S. this morning, Supt Pres. leason - Matt - VIII 1st to 13th he gave to each member of infant classes a look in a present. Took dinner at J.L.S. Nanny Joness and wife spent the afternoon there. Went to Brampton this evening and heard Rev W Riough preach text (agriled?) XXXIII - 11th

Monday, 7.

(Two words that faded away) ground plowed 1/2 acre. Mrs J.C. Snell and children spent part of the day here. Father and Mother spent the evening (araiting?) at (?) Smith. Sold a 9 Benkshine pigs 2 m 1/2 old at $10 each to John Snell

Tuesday, 8.

Frequent southerly showers this afternoon which stopped the plow at noon. Spent the afternoon at W.M Mackenzie's auction sale of their farm and stock, on the whole it was successful sal the team was bought by David Wiggins Den for $5975.

Nov. Wednesday, 9. 1870.

A rough squally day. Turning quite cold towards night Father and Mother drove down to Robert Gardener's and paid a with $32.00 Mr. Ganderer is very sick with typhoid fever.

Thursday, 10.

Commenced the plowing again this afternoon it is very meed dry work. Spent this evening pleasantly at Mr. E. Bunting's with U very. E. Burnett and some going folks had some lively games and tit a tat.

Friday, 11.

Was (word is faded) this forenoon in building a new Fence on the Wiggin's (??). I sold & bough 7 barley to John (???)for seed. Plowed 3/4 of an acre this afternoon. Spent the evening at J.C. Snell's in serial talk. The nights are very bright moon light.

Nov. Sunday, 6. 1870.

Went to S.S. this morning, Supt Pres. Lesson - Matt - VIII 1st to 13th, he gave to each member of infant claases a took for a payment. Took dinner at J.L.S. Danny Joness and wife spent the afternoon there. Went to Brampton this evening and heard Rev Mr. Riougle preach texted agriled XXXIII - 11th

Monday, 7.

Was (faded word) up turnip ground plowed 1/2 acre Mr J.C. Snell and children part of the day here. Father and Mother spent the evening (arailing?) at Ms. Rhent Smiths. Sold 7 Benkshine pigs 2 m 1/2 old at $10 each to John Snell

Tuesday, 8.

Frequent southernly shower this forenoon which (slogged?) the plow at noon. Spent the afternoon at W.M Mackenzie's auction sale of their farm and stock, on the whole it was successful sale the farm was bought by David Wiggins Dem for $5975.

Nov. Wednesday, 9. 1870.

A rough squally day. Turning quite cold towards night Father and mother drove down to Robert Landers and paid a whole $32.50 Mr Landers is very sick with typhoid fever.

Thursday, 10.

Commenced the plowing again this afternoon it is very much dry work. Spent the evening pleasantly at the Mr. E. Bunking's with U very E. Burnett and some young folks had some lively games and chit chat.

Friday, 11.

Was engaged this forenoon in building a new fence on the Wiggins line. I sold 6 (???) 7 barley to John Wordhall for seed. Plowed 3/4 of an acre this afternoon. Spent the evening at J.C. Snell's in social talk. The (mights?) are very bright noon light.

Nov. Saturday, 12. 1870.

Was plowing all day on the turnip ground plowed 1 1/2 acres Willie Leament felt us this morning this morning his time being out, paid him $59.. J.L.S. and J.C. Snell called him this evening and took the 9 young Bukahines away.

Sunday, 13.

Went to Brampton this morning to the Quarterly Meeting Rev W.L. McFadder preached text I (leaningthis?) XIII 12th vense Bishop Richardson of C.M. Chunels was (laurent?). Took dinner at Ms. Janemanie and tea, also Aeand Rev A Russel preach this evening test - John XVII 17th He in giving a counsel session how that text

Monday, 14.

Was plowing again today until noon but gave it up for this fall it being as wet. Received from Ms. Jansen $6 for half hogen over to my (yarn?). James Chiaholm died yesterday 28 years of age

Nov. Tuesday, 15. 1870.

Was engaged today in drawing building stone from E. Bumptings gravel pit down to Brampton for the foundation od the new steam guist mill which Mr. J.W. Maine is putting up. J. Leanmont spent the evening here, had some snow showers today.

Wednesday, 16.

Was engaged this fornoon in mulching the young apple trees with the slope and nwr was of the Riteher. Father and mother went to the funnel & Janice Chrisholn. Rev James Pringle preached a sermon at the house of deceased.

Thursday, 17.

Was building fence on the Wiggins line with part cedar and the best of the old nails stacked and galvanized (wire?) at the corners. J.C. Snell called here for Tea this evening on his home from John Miller's sale of Sorthomas which place yesterday in Pickering

Nov. Monday, 21. 1870.

Spent the fornoon in picking stones off the meadows for next season. Was plowing again this afternoon the turning land and finished it except one ridge. There is an inch or two of frost making it hard plowing. Spent the evening at home reading the Bounty Gentleman.

Tuesday, 22.

Was engaged in digging out holes and setting gate post and hanging a new gatebetween the house and born next to new hog-pen. Mowed in the cattle and sheept tonight for the first time this afternoon A snow storm set in this evening from the N.E.

Wednesday, 23.

Nearly a foot of snow this morning marking everything of a (cannot figure out next two words) continues pretty throughout the day. Went to Brampton this afternoon with the outter bought a Daily (??) and a copy of (??) Illustrated Weekly which is very (cannot figure out the rest of this sentence)

Nov. Thursday, 24. 1870.

A fine day snow thawing slowly. Head a visit from Mr and Mrs Joness this afternoon and evening they are lively oompany, many sang some songs and accompanoed with the melodeon

Friday, 25.

Was thrashing peas with flail and (??) spent the evening at home in chat- with J Leanment the Brampton Markets are wheat - $1.18. Barley 55 peas 65 Pork $5.00 6 per cut. Butter 20 eggs 20 cents per day.

Saturday, 26.

J.C. Snell called here this morning telling us of the death of Robert Landers, died yesterday morning - aged - 63 Father and Mother went to Brampton and bought some old cloth carpet for the hall and and bars wire nods for stan carpet.

Nov. Sunday, 27. 1870.

Went to S.S. this morning Supt Pres. leason Luke VII - 19 to 23, the school keeps up a good average attendance Mr. Robert Burnett spent the afternoon at our place. Rev A.L. Busoel preached - Zion heard him preach in Brampton this evening text Mark I - 80,31. The roads are very muddy.

Monday, 28.

A dense fog provided all day. Father and mother drove down Robert Lander's funeral. Rev Eroch Wood of Toronto preached the sermon, this was a large attendance.

Tuesday, 29.

Spent the forenoon at Mr. John Snells was thrashing peas with flail this afternoon. Wrote a letter this evening to C (crimmats?) to (Measse's?) (??) 8 Walden premium member of golden some"

Nov. Wednesday, 30. 1870.

A beautfully warm day. (??) Jonah Hunter and Peter Smith came at noon today with washing machine During the past month there has been considerable rain making plowing disagreeable but very little frost for the season.

Dec. Thursday, 1.

Spent the afternoon at Mr. Henry Meodeland's auction sale of farm stock and implements it was pretty largely attened and the stock brought very very fair prices the farm was not sold, No 13 2ns line east. Mrs Joel Hemph's was waiting at our place.

Friday, 2.

Was engaged today in thrashing fall and calping wheat, the fall turned out well and a good smaple but the other is poor setup A very fun day - very little frost east night Saved all the chaff (paeking?) it in the barn floor, and more than half of the show.

Dec. Saturday, 3. 1870

FInished checking rate today at noon they yielded very well, will have about 258 (??) of 6 acres. Movd the (??) up to Ambrose Woodhall and thrashed this afternoon. Miss Elizabeth Burnett felt here today here time being out she is going to (??) yarn at John Campbells.

Saturday, 4.

Went to S.S. this morning Supt Pres. Leason Luke VII 36 to 50th had a disapointment at Zion today. Ms. Walker (local ??) being appointed - only 10 present, heard Rev W (??) preach in Brampton tonight too - Mark XIII 3 & 4th It was a nice mild day, like (??) summer

Monday, 5. Was engaged this afternoon in splitting white bark stakes for fencing out of old logs, having laid in the bark about years and are yet quite sound. Very dark and foggy all day with strong east wind, rainded heavily this evening

Dec. Tuesday, 6. 1870.

At the same work as yesterday. Walked across the fields to J.C. Snells and brought home my niece 'Rilly', J.C.S. was at Robert Smiths at a committee meeting appointed the county S.S. (Caledon?) for first week in January next the young fol from E. Buntings & A. Buntings was up this evening

Wednesday, 7.

Had a pleasant time in chat and music and games. Was engaged in splitting black ash nails and chopping cord-wood All the timber we are cutting has been blown down through the summer by wind storms

Thursday, 8.

Spent the forenoon at J. Leanments helping to kill and dress his hogs. J.C. Snell called and paid up $100 for the ten young Bukshives which were shown at Brampton Fair. Spent the afternoon in Brampton, bought a copy of Daily Telegraph and other articles

Dec. Friday, 9. 1870.

(???) pretty hard last night. Was very calm and cloudy all day. Was engaged in killing 6 hogs, 4 of which was 9 months old, & 2 eleven months they averaged when weighed with the stellyards 200 (cross that) lbs each, the eightieth 113 lbs. The average 224 lbs each, eightieth 197, (??) 260,

Saturday, 10.

Was engaged this forenoon in cutting up and salting down the pork, packed it on a tale in the cellar Went to Brampton this after noon and sold me of the hogs at $6.08 per each, it weighed 227 lbs, the (stulyarde?) making it 24 lbs lighter than its real weight.

Sunday, 11.

Went to S. School this morning Supt pres. Leason Palmer XXXIV. John R. Craig acted as superintendent. Had sermon in Zion this after noon in account of Church cleaning at Campbell's cross Aunt Catherine came up last night and spent the day here. A cold frosty day.

Dec. Monday, 12. 1870.

Head another east now snow storm last night. 8 or 10 inches of snow. Spent most of the day in cleaning and ruling the team and carriage Lanmess with coal oil and lamp black. Num and thawing frost, most of the snow has disappeared

Tuesday, 13.

Drove our Folks and Aunt Catherine to Brampton this morning in the sleigh. father is on the grand jury. Was the only person around home today, which very (nicely?) (reeurs?). Mr. Leonard of Brampton and his were here, His son Robert is going to stay all winter and go to school

Wednesday, 14.

Down mother in the sleigh up to J.C. Snell's, Mr. J.C.S is sick. It is very rough sleighing was sawing old nails into stove word with the bucksaw this is sister Miller's sixth birthdat. Father was on the jury again today, received $1.252 per day and 10 cents per mile to Brampton. Received(???) of 60 cent (??) from Albany N. York

Dec. Thursday, 15. 1870.

Was engaged today in chopping beach cord wood at the other place bush. It is cold freezing weather, the roads are wearng down some smoother.

Friday, 16.

Was at the same (??) as yesterday. Drove to Brampton this morning in the buggy, bought various little artilces, received at the Post office, oor four newspapers, it is a bad plan they all come on the last 3 days of the week, throwing the evening entertainment in a heap

Saturday, 17.

Was hauling into the barn 1/2 of the (??) this forenoon, 4 small loads, they have stood the weather well only on the lots of stack being damp had a (???) (??). Was shopping maple cold wood this afternoon. Took home 7 1/2 buck of cols borrowed from J. Leamment.

Dec. Sunday, 18. 1870.

Went to S. School this morning Supt abs (on account of the death of Rev Joe Brook's eldest son he was drowned Muskoka) - leason - Luke VIII - J.C.S. and I drove to Brampton this afternoon called J.R. (Grimehaus?) house/ Heard Rev Mr McFadder preach at 6 velvek - text I (Leorimthiane?)

Monday, 19.

Our folks went to Brampton this morning and bought a green colored spring longer @ $7.00 also a nice table lamp @ $2.85, a new iron tea kettle $1.12 received my watch from W.A. Mitchell's had put in a new (zap spring?), price $1.00. Rode in horse back this afternoon down to Palestine to visit Alicia

Tuesday, 20.

Spent last evening pleasantly & profitably at a tea meeting at Blistine in the new P.M. Church dedicated on Sabath last. Rev Joe Edgar declined (??) on "the greatest wonder in the physi world" which was man's body Mr Ailtim's Choir made excellent music Spent today on the 3rd time east at Ms Cheslea at A. 7. Campbell's (??)

Dec. Wednesday, 21. 1870.

Took breakfast this morning at Alicia's (came home about noon today), he intends to Malton next week, which school for a year at $400 salary. He had about 6 inches of snow on Monday night and today it has been very and freezing hard. Received on 19th a copy of "Golden (Home?)" from (??) 'tis a nice montly for boys and girls

Thursday, 22.

A britle cold day, the theomometer about down to sero. Spent the day thrashing peas. Went this evening to Mr Jordan's day school exhibition held in the school house at No 16 the entertainment consisted of tea & cakes, dialogue and hesitation by the schools and music.

Friday, 23. Was chopping maple cord-wood all day in the lower bush, the bees are foregone quite through making it did (fading word) to drive wedges. Father went to Brampton with some bowls - 2 years weighing 12 lbs each @ (??) lb. - $168 60 cents for pair of ducks, and 35 per pair for 4 pr of chicken

Dec. Sunday, 18. 1870.

Went to S. School this morning supt abs. (on account of the death of Rev Jas Brook's eldest son he was drowned in Muskoka) - Lesson - Luke VIII - J.C.S. and I drove to Brampton this afternoon called at J.B. (??) house. Heard Rev Mr. McFadder preach at Evelvek - text I (??)

Monday, 19.

Our folks went to Brampton this morning and bought a green colored spring lounge @ $7.00 also a nice table Lamp @ $2.85, a new iron tead kettle $1.12, received my watch from W.A. Mitchell's had put in a new (??)spring price $1.00. Rode on a horse back this afternoon down to Palestine to vist Alick

Tuesday, 20.

Spent last evening pleasantly 8 profitably at a tea meeting at Palestine in the new P.M. Church dedicated on Sabbath last. Rev Joe Edgar declined afecting on "the greatest wonder in the physical world" which was man's body Mr. R (Ailtren's?) choir made excellent music. Spent today on the 3rd line east at Ms. Cheslea at A.7. Campbell's (?)

Dec. Wednesday, 21. 1870.

Took breakfast this morning at Alick's (came home about noon today), he intends moving to Malton next week, which school he will teach for a year at $400 salary. We had about 6 inches of snow on Monday night and today it has been very cold and freezing hard. Received on 19th a copy of "Golden House" from (??) it is a nice monthly for boys and girls

Thursday, 22.

A little cold day, the thermometer about down to zero. Spent the day thrasing peas. Went this evening up to Mr. Jordan's day school exhibition held in the school house at No 16 the entertainment consisted of tea & coffee, dialogues and hesitations by the scholars and music.

Friday, 23.

Was chopping maple cord - wood all day in the lower bush, the bees are (??) quite through making it did (faded word) to drive wedges. Father went to Brampton qirh some folks - 2 geiss weighing 12 Lbs each @ 7 cents per Lb - $168 60 cents for pair of ducks, and 35' per pair for 4 pr of chicken

Dec. Saturday, 24. 1870.

Was at the same work as yesterday. Got the working team of horses shod at Edmonton today at R. Quins shape Drove to Brampton this afternoon in the sleigh and Christmas presents and (candhie?) for the children. Spent the evening at home (einging?)and playing one order. The cold weather continues.

Christmas - Sunday, 25. - Day - Day --

Went to S. School this morning Supt pres, - Lesson - Luke - VIII - 22 to 25th. The supt gave each child a Christmas box in the shape of a handful of candy. Heard Rev James Raven preach this afternoon text - II Corinthian - IV - 7th verse He took tea at our place - heard him preach in Brampton text Matt IV, 1 to 10

Monday, 26.

J.C. Snell and family staid all last night here. Drove to Brampton this morning with the sleigh and brought up Aunt Lizzie and family and Aunt Catherine to spend the day and eat Christmas dinner at our place. Spent the evening at Robert Nichols at No 10. A cold day and good sleighing

Dec. Tuesday, 27. 1870.

Was chopping cord wood all day in the lower bush. Father drove Jane and family home in the cutter. Mother bought a new black silk dress of 13 yards at 95 cents per 7 c.

Wednseday, 28.

The cold weather continues. Father drove up to Mr. John Snell's and bought a shearling we (bred by Robert Gardiner) at $7. Was farming up year stored in the driving house 14 bush. Mr. Crawford from Brampton spent the evening here in social chat.

Thursday, 29.

Had the present frost last night and this morning of the season. The thermometer fell 6 or 8 degrees below zero. Was hauling a pea stock into the barn and killing rats. Sister Uney & Jennie Freeman were collecting for the Bible Society. Miss Squiman staid here all night.

Dec. Friday, 30. 1870

Very stormy all day snowing that from the south. Was engaged this forenoon in driving the B.S. Collection around in the cutter they collected over $8 out the (Buntri?) Road from Brampton to Edmonton. Mr Mrs John (Trilfle?) drove down from Amanenth in a one horse sleigh. Drove to Brampton

Saturday, 31.

This evening 2 and brought Aunty Peacock Many up here. Was engaged this forenoon in killing and dicing a fat 2 year old heifer with the help of J. Leanment. it suceed (??) of beef the hide weighted 13 lbs sold at 7 cents per lb. Spent the afternoon in hauling cordwood from the lower bush. John Tribelle and wife the evening here refined to meet at the close of the year which has just rotted away. It was a mild day with frequen t snow showers

<tbody> </tbody>













Mailed 3 letter



To Mr. A Woodhall for the S.S. Missionary




From John Lindsay being am’t of note Adam Ferguson holds against him





For Wesley’s Hymns “Rachael Noble’s Experience” a Temperance Tale

Debtor to





















Sold 10 bush and 15 lbs of Clover seed @ $6.26 per bush




Sold 2 bush of Alsike Clover seed @$9.00





Sent by J. Campbell to Levi Cosailt Guelph for Fanning Mill





Bought in Toronto

1 box of raisins 28 lbs

7 lbs tea @.48cts

1 pair Sheep shears









Sold 3 bush and 10lbs Alsike @$9.00





Received from J.C. Snell for ½ bush of Alsike










Balance on hand
















13 squares of shingles @ $1.50 per square A square containing 720





For “Canadian Church Kearniorist”





To Collectors for the Bibl Society




Debtor to












Sold a Grade Cow for -








Bought 2 pigs 3 mos old @ $ 4 each





Bough a jack- knife @ - --




Bought a horse curry comb @




Paid for a suit of Grey Tweed Check - -





Received form Mrs. John Newhouse the amt and interest of Adam Ferguson’s note against W. Vernon












Balance on hand















Paid to Miss Sarah W. Snell, {illegible}, for the W. Mr. M Society - -





Bought a straw hat and a silk necktie @





Sold a white steer 2 years old @





Sold roan steer same age as the white one @





To 12 lbs of beef





Sold fat calf





Bot pair of shoes





Spent on Oakville trip





Sold 56 bush of barley @ 50 cens






“ 135 bush





“ 66 “





“ Berkshire sow 3 months old





Sold a fat sheep




Balance on hand $19650















French Bedstead




Iron Chair




Cane seated Rocking Chair





Bought some Stationery and Tooth Powder




Bought a 2 inch Chisel




Paid for Paint





“ “ “





“ G. Adams for masoning





“ A. Bunting for Carpenting





Sold to {illegible} Campbell 8 bush of lime





Sold 230 lbs wool @ .29





Paid to W. Collins for painting





Paid for 2 pr of Pants













Balance on hand





“ at end of half year















Sold 28 bush peas .68





Sold 62 bush barley at 60 cents





Paid to Nathan Patterson for wages





To R. Nichols for window sash



























Paid for a Photographic Album




“ Thermometer


















Paid hired man’s wages





“ to F.W. Stonett for pair of ewes



















Sold to K. Chisholm & Co. 59 bush barley at .62 cts





“ “ 62 bush “





Received for the last two ram lambs $8.75 making a total for r. lambs


















Paid blacksmith bill





Paid to J. Coyne for long Boots





Paid for pair of Kid Gloves





Sold to K. Chisholm and Co 112 bush barley at 61 cents





Paid Robert Gardiner’s note





“ Willie Learment for wages/ year





Received from Mr. Fraser


























Received from M Cation for one ewes





Received from J. {illegible} Snell for Berkshires





Paid Peter Smith for 2 ½ days threshing -




“ E. Burnett balance of wages





Received for pork 225 at {illegible} 6.00 per cent





Received for sundries





“ from J. Woodhall





Paid for sundry articles of house furniture and groceries





Received for fowls





Bot a Diary for 1871

A box of Collars

Paid to B. Society

















Balance for first six months $203.70 Balance for last six months $215.71 Balance on hand at the close of the year $409.41

Amount of Money Received during the year from various sources $1000. nearly

Transcription Progress



John Ferguson Diary, 1870.pdf
John Ferguson Diary Transcription, 1870.pdf


John Ferguson, “John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1870,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,
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