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Henry McMahon Diary, 1917-1919


Revision as of Apr 1, 2019, 1:04:03 AM
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Revision as of Apr 1, 2019, 1:07:08 AM
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15: cloudy misley cool: home up at 11. better. I Cable $50<u>00</u> to pte C. McMahon 775536 E. Co. 4th reserve Batt Hauts England today
15: cloudy misley cool: home up at 11. better. I Cable $50<u>00</u> to pte C. McMahon 775536 E. Co. 4th reserve Batt Hauts England today
16: cloudy cool: home: up at 10. Morris Shulman here chat: G.W. Dowson Start line a car Olive help Mary Pack Box with Stuff and Box Christmas Cake for Campbell Send them to him otday:Olive went to Toronto G.T.R. at 6. oclock tonight
16: cloudy cool: home: up at 10. Morris Shulman here chat: G.W. Dowson Start line a car Olive help Mary Pack Box with Stuff and Box Christmas Cake for Campbell Send them to him today: Olive went to Toronto G.T.R. at 6. oclock tonight
17: fine warm: home up at 11. fr dinner for walk to angle crossing today tired old Wm Clarke got Stroke on left side last night: got Shoes removed on horse: 2
17: fine warm: home up at 11. fr dinner for walk to angle crossing today tired old Wm Clarke got Stroke on left side last night: got Shoes removed on horse: 2
18:X: fne cold squaly snow cold: home up at 2 oclock Mother here for tea to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach. to Bed at 9. oclock.
18:X: fine cold squaly snow cold: home up at 2 oclock Mother here for tea to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach. to Bed at 9. oclock.
19: cloudy cold: home up for Dinner G.W. Dowson fix scale at North end 20 old Wm Clarke Died at 4. oclock this morning
19: cloudy cold: home up for Dinner G.W. Dowson fix scale at North end 20 old Wm Clarke Died at 4. oclock this morning
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20. cloudy cool: home up at 10. down town: to Bank after dinner Deposit $108<u>00</u> then to coal & scale: Russell to Toronto in car with Bibles Russell home at 11. oclock from city
20. cloudy cool: home up at 10. down town: to Bank after dinner Deposit $108<u>00</u> then to coal & scale: Russell to Toronto in car with Bibles Russell home at 11. oclock from city
21 {diarist wrties below date} Pearl Baby cow: foggy misty cool: home up for dinner misty rain afternoon & night sleet snow
21 {diarist writes below date} Pearl Baby cow: foggy misty cool: home up for dinner misty rain afternoon & night sleet snow
22: sleet snow rain cold: home up at 10 oclock old Wm Clarke's funeral. today: service in Church then Bury him at Bolton. snow & Blow about 6. or 8. inches cold night.
22: sleet snow rain cold: home up at 10 oclock old Wm Clarke's funeral. today: service in Church then Bury him at Bolton. snow & Blow about 6. or 8. inches cold night.
23: clear cold: home up at 10. Dinner Mary Bake Bred and mend granite dishes. I rock Roy asleep in craddle: cold
23: clear cold: home up at 10. Dinner Mary Bake Bread and mend granite dishes. I rock Roy asleep in craddle: cold
24: clear cold: home up at dinner. I walk up to Floyd Hendeson e cut my hair & Shave me: {diairist writes above text in smaller writing} 35 cts {diarist resumes writing on lines} I pay him for Shaving horese 65 cts Paid
24: clear cold: home up at dinner. I walk up to Floyd Henderson he cut my hair & Shave me: {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 35 cts {diarist resumes writing on lines} I pay him for Shaving horse 65 cts Paid
35:X: clear cold: home up at 11. Mary wash me up STairs: L. Bible in with Russell: No Chuch at 7. Shilah had Anniversary Peter Campbell there: fine moonlight cold
25:X: clear cold: home up at 11. Mary wash me up Stairs: L. Bible in with Russell: No Church at 7. Shilah had Anniversary Peter Campbell there: fine moonlight cold

Revision as of Apr 1, 2019, 1:07:08 AM


Nov 1917

14: fine warm: home up for dinner: got letter from W.G. Steens about 1400 he owes me: our John 8 years old today: I subscribe to Robert Watson $100000 in victory Bonds.

15: cloudy misley cool: home up at 11. better. I Cable $5000 to pte C. McMahon 775536 E. Co. 4th reserve Batt Hauts England today

16: cloudy cool: home: up at 10. Morris Shulman here chat: G.W. Dowson Start line a car Olive help Mary Pack Box with Stuff and Box Christmas Cake for Campbell Send them to him today: Olive went to Toronto G.T.R. at 6. oclock tonight

17: fine warm: home up at 11. fr dinner for walk to angle crossing today tired old Wm Clarke got Stroke on left side last night: got Shoes removed on horse: 2

18:X: fine cold squaly snow cold: home up at 2 oclock Mother here for tea to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach. to Bed at 9. oclock.

19: cloudy cold: home up for Dinner G.W. Dowson fix scale at North end 20 old Wm Clarke Died at 4. oclock this morning

20. cloudy cool: home up at 10. down town: to Bank after dinner Deposit $10800 then to coal & scale: Russell to Toronto in car with Bibles Russell home at 11. oclock from city

21 {diarist writes below date} Pearl Baby cow: foggy misty cool: home up for dinner misty rain afternoon & night sleet snow

22: sleet snow rain cold: home up at 10 oclock old Wm Clarke's funeral. today: service in Church then Bury him at Bolton. snow & Blow about 6. or 8. inches cold night.

23: clear cold: home up at 10. Dinner Mary Bake Bread and mend granite dishes. I rock Roy asleep in craddle: cold

24: clear cold: home up at dinner. I walk up to Floyd Henderson he cut my hair & Shave me: {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 35 cts {diarist resumes writing on lines} I pay him for Shaving horse 65 cts Paid

25:X: clear cold: home up at 11. Mary wash me up Stairs: L. Bible in with Russell: No Church at 7. Shilah had Anniversary Peter Campbell there: fine moonlight cold

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