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Henry McMahon Diary, 1917-1919


Revision as of Apr 1, 2019, 8:27:51 PM
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Revision as of Apr 1, 2019, 8:40:06 PM
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Jan 1918
Jan 1918
5: clear fine: home. up at 10. for Breakfast: to Bank at 11. Deposit $25<u>00</u> gave Bank a Cheque for the Balance of Victory Bond $891<u>00</u> got Reciept for $1000<u>00</u> Paid up: to Elevator see Wm Hailton. Pay him up to Date for Feed. chat: Paid Floyd Henderson for shoeing horse $1<u>35</u>: home: Wm McMinn here today get papers signed. Re Earl goods. I in R.J. Lavery's see Mother. to bed at 11.
5: clear fine: home. up at 10. for Breakfast: to Bank at 11. Deposit $25<u>00</u> gave Bank a Cheque for the Balance of Victory Bond $891<u>00</u> got Receipt for $1000<u>00</u> Paid up: to Elevator see Wm Hamilton. Pay him up to Date for Feed. chat: Paid Floyd Henderson for shoeing horse $1<u>35</u>: home: Wm McMinn here today get papers signed. Re Earl goods. I in R.J. Lavery's see Mother. to bed at 11.
6:X: cloudy cold: home up at 10. for Breakfast Leonard Bible in for Russell at 12. oclock children to Churhc at 7. Rev. Bainborough Preach.
6:X: cloudy cold: home up at 10. for Breakfast Leonard Bible in for Russell at 12. oclock children to Church at 7. Rev. Bainborough Preach.
7: cloudy Snow: home up at 10 for Breakfast Albion Election: Dohorty: Taylor: Roe: and Wm Hutchinson run: Hutchinson got beat by 3 votes. our Jim in chat: W.J. Faulkner
7: cloudy Snow: home up at 10 for Breakfast Albion Election: Dohorty: Taylor: Roe: and Wm Hutchinson run: Hutchinson got beat by 3 votes. our Jim in chat: W.J. Faulkner here for tea; snow
8: squaly. clear cold: home: up at 10. for Breakfast read: Jim here for Dinner. got Note for $100<u.00</u> he Pay off Mortgage $500<u>00</u> re Hillard to Imperial Bank: Russell go to Toronto with car f Potatoes for Dowson at 5. oclock Orangemen meet in Hall today: to bed at 10.
9: clear fine: home: up at 10<u>30</u> for Breakfast read at Anne: to bed at 10. cold (1): Russell got home from Toronto C.P.R. train late stop at Humber station:
10: cold Bustry: home: up at 10. for Breakfast read: Wm Lyons in chat: Telephone G. Taylor about Hay. Russell Sleep all day: fine.
11: fine: home: up at 10. Breakfast: Shovel snow: to R.J. Laverys see Mother: home at 4<u>30</u> Russell drive El youngs team haul up Potatoes to Car for Dowson: He fire car all night cold & Stormy: in Home at 4. oclock. cold.
12: stormy very cold: home: up at 10 Breakfast in House finished read Anne of the Island. Russell fire car for Dowson: very cold. no trains Railroad Blocked with snow.
13:X: cold Stormy: home: up at 11. Breakfast: Russell fire car Potatoes all day & all night for Dowson; Jas Burns call on Telephone about 8.
14: clear cold: {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} home {diarist resumes writing on lines} up at 9<u>30</u> for Breakfast: read a little milder tonight: no trains But snow Plow. went up. Russell fire car

Revision as of Apr 1, 2019, 8:40:06 PM


Jan 1918

5: clear fine: home. up at 10. for Breakfast: to Bank at 11. Deposit $2500 gave Bank a Cheque for the Balance of Victory Bond $89100 got Receipt for $100000 Paid up: to Elevator see Wm Hamilton. Pay him up to Date for Feed. chat: Paid Floyd Henderson for shoeing horse $135: home: Wm McMinn here today get papers signed. Re Earl goods. I in R.J. Lavery's see Mother. to bed at 11.

6:X: cloudy cold: home up at 10. for Breakfast Leonard Bible in for Russell at 12. oclock children to Church at 7. Rev. Bainborough Preach.

7: cloudy Snow: home up at 10 for Breakfast Albion Election: Dohorty: Taylor: Roe: and Wm Hutchinson run: Hutchinson got beat by 3 votes. our Jim in chat: W.J. Faulkner here for tea; snow

8: squaly. clear cold: home: up at 10. for Breakfast read: Jim here for Dinner. got Note for $100<u.00 he Pay off Mortgage $50000 re Hillard to Imperial Bank: Russell go to Toronto with car f Potatoes for Dowson at 5. oclock Orangemen meet in Hall today: to bed at 10.

9: clear fine: home: up at 1030 for Breakfast read at Anne: to bed at 10. cold (1): Russell got home from Toronto C.P.R. train late stop at Humber station:

10: cold Bustry: home: up at 10. for Breakfast read: Wm Lyons in chat: Telephone G. Taylor about Hay. Russell Sleep all day: fine.

11: fine: home: up at 10. Breakfast: Shovel snow: to R.J. Laverys see Mother: home at 430 Russell drive El youngs team haul up Potatoes to Car for Dowson: He fire car all night cold & Stormy: in Home at 4. oclock. cold.

12: stormy very cold: home: up at 10 Breakfast in House finished read Anne of the Island. Russell fire car for Dowson: very cold. no trains Railroad Blocked with snow.

13:X: cold Stormy: home: up at 11. Breakfast: Russell fire car Potatoes all day & all night for Dowson; Jas Burns call on Telephone about 8.

14: clear cold: {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} home {diarist resumes writing on lines} up at 930 for Breakfast: read a little milder tonight: no trains But snow Plow. went up. Russell fire car

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