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Lenna Baker Diary & Transcription, 1901

Lenna Baker Diary, 1901.pdf

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{Image of English Flag on the 3rd page}
{Image of English Flag on the 3rd page}
Diary Lenna Baker Jan 23rd, 1901
Diary Lenna Baker Jan 23rd, 1901
Jan. 23rd: Queen Victoria died Jan 22nd, 6.55 in the morning. The Queen is dead. "Long live the king". F.S.d.L.B
Jan. 23rd: Queen Victoria died Jan 22nd, 6.55 in the morning. The Queen is dead. "Long live the king". F.S.d.L.B
Jan. 24<u><u>th</u></u>
Jan. 24<u>th</u>. Report corroborated in all newspapers. M-B.H came.
Jan 25<u>th</u> Stay at school for dinner. Mrs.Law was buried.
Jan 26<u>th</u> Went down to Mr Hare's & to Jarvis in afternoon.
Jan 27<u>th</u>. Went to Jarvis church, decorated with flags reversed, come home.
Mar 4<u>rd</u> School as usual.
Mar 5<u>th</u> Went to the reception. Got-home at 4.30.
MAr 6<u>th</u>. Rather sleepy.
Mar 8<u>th</u> stayed all night with Mamie.
Mar. 9<u>th</u> Went over to the store at Renton. Invested in some hair pins. Went on to Mr. Nixon's for a little while, then home.{piece of bush at the end of page}
Mar 11<u>th</u>. Stayed at home
Mar 13<u>th</u>.The two Miss Shando & Willie in ire the evening. Awfully sleepy.
Mar 15<u>th</u>. Mr. Nixon & Alfred Bauslaugh ire after school. We went down to Shands in Dover at night. Met Presby preacher & his wife. Wilie's birthday.
Mar 16<u>th</u> Finished my violet centrepiece.
Mar 17<u>th</u> St.Patrick's Day. Wore my sprig of green. Went to Dover Church in the morning. Over to J.Shaud's after dinner. {uncertain text} & Bruce Hair & Alfred Bauslaugh came over with us to tea.
Mar 18<u>th</u> Mud & Clay, Clay & Mud. Danced the turkey dauce & bad {unfamiliar text} wrestle before we went to bed.
Mar.19<u>th</u> Wallace came into school for a few minutes on way home from Selkirk & Cheapside.
Mar 20<u>th</u> Rain, snow & mud.
Mar 22<u>th</u> Went home. John Bock died. Only 50 first cousins left.
Mar.23<u>rd</u>. Went to town about 8 o'clock. Heard from V. Lowry. Got a pair of rubber boots. Wrote to B. Reid & B. Austine.
Mar.24<u>th</u>. Went to church Mrs. {uncertain text} came home wiht us. Father & Aunt Ann brought me down Sunday afternoon. Took us two hours.
Mar. 28<u>th</u> Went up to Evan's at night.
Mar.29<u>th</u> Read ' The Chautauqua Girls at home' & 'Judge Burnhaw's daughters'.
Mar.30<u>th</u>. Nothing
Mar 31<u>st</u> Went to woods with Flossie, {uncertain text} & Charlie. Found buds on hepatics and picked the first {uncertain text}. Over at J Shared's for tea. Mr & Mrs J. Hare there.
Apr.1<u>st</u> April Fool's day. Wasn't fooled once. Finished "The Days of Bruce."
Apr.2<u>nd</u> Flossie over with her grandmother to-night. Rennie unusually aggravating. Tired & sleepy.
Apr.4<u>th</u> Last day of school.
Apr.5<u>th</u> Went to church in morning.
Apr.6<u>th</u> Went to town. Saw Aunt Mary. Got several new dresses. Got pictures taken.
Apr.7<u>th</u> Went to church.
Apr.9<u>th</u> Went to Maple Sugar Social at Grinder's. <u>Awfully</u> slow.
Apr.10<u>th</u> Went to town. {uncertain text} {uncertain text} for tea.
Apr.11<u>th</u> Al Bowlby's for tea
Apr.12<u>th</u> Maggie Brown buried.
Apr.13<u>th</u> Went to town
Apr.14<u>th</u> Went to J. Shared's in afternoon
Apr.15<u>th</u> School begins.
Apr.16<u>th</u> Went for flowers found some hepaticas
Apr.19<u>th</u> Walked par of the way home. Went to Bowlby's to church meeting at night. Snowing when we came home.
Apr.20<u>th</u> Snow over a foot deep and still snowing.
Apr.21<u>st</u> Raining. Snow all slush. Drive Kindergartners to church Down to J. Chand's in afternoon.
Apr.22<u>nd</u> Reading the story of an African Farmer. Rather odd book.
Apr.23<u>rd</u> Got a letter from Ida. Willie &  {uncertain text} brought it out at night.
Apr.25<u>th</u> Went to woods for flowers with Clare & Ella Brearley, Charlie & Lot Chaud, Found quite a few hepaticas some blood-root. Awfully tired at night.
Apr.26<u>th</u> Census man came. Miss Thyne sang for us Didn't go home.
Apr.27<u>th</u> Got a ride to {Uncertain text} Hollow with Chuad. Walked rest of way home. Planted a few flowers {Uncertain text}
Apr.28<u>th</u> Lovely day. Went to church this morning. {Luit ?} & Wil came down with me & stayed for tea. We went to woods.{Uncertain text} nearly all gone. adder Tongue, Spring. Beauty and Hearts all out.
Apr.29<u>th</u> Cut a wooden tooth last Friday searching how to read fortunes in a teacup.
Apr.30<u>th</u> Mr. J. Shand very sick {Uncertain text} without may be dangerous slight touch of Typhoid also. Thunder shower, lightning very bright. {Uncertain text} {Uncertain text} over at Harvey Should S. Harvey Shaud here I'm sleeping in {Uncertain text} {Uncertain text}. Everything in a muddle. May-day in England to mothers Reading {Uncertain text}.
May 1<u>st</u> May-day. Slick at H. Shaud. awful thunder. {Uncertain text} at night Eliyah {Uncertain text}'s {Uncertain text} himself.
May 2<u>nd</u> thunder storm while at school. bolt awfully {Uncertain text} like a {Uncertain text}. Am at H. Shaud'n yet
May 3<u>rd</u> Came down to uncle {Uncertain text} & Walked, aunt Liggie wet {Uncertain text} the track. Found some white violets.
May 4<u>th</u> Alice S. came home from (Old her {Uncertain text}). Wore Aunt Liggie's mew print wrapper all day
May 5<u>th</u> Went to church. {Uncertain text} in into {Uncertain text} 2te deep. Choir sung {Uncertain text} {Uncertain text} & going but Very pretty voice. {Uncertain text}. Beautiful to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath. John Rodgers {Uncertain text} afternoon. Went to Shaud's at night.
May 6<u>th</u> Over at Harvey Shaud's till Thursday morning.
May 7<u>th</u> Read "Wife in name only" & felt her face or {Uncertain text}" Went to woods for a few minutes after {Uncertain text} & got any amount of lilises & violets.
May 8<u>th</u> Read "Puzzles"
May 9<u>th</u> {Uncertain text} at John Shaud's again. Started a netted daily. Cut me more wooden Tooth, two others cutting.
May 10<u>th</u> marie & {Uncertain text} his {Uncertain text} went home with me.
May 11<u>th</u> Went to woods in the morning. Got some big violets and a few {Uncertain text}. Went to town in afternoon.
May 12<u>th</u> Went to St. Johns in morning to hear the birds. {Uncertain text} from 14 {Uncertain text} Luke 7-24 verses. Went to H. {Uncertain text}'s woods in afternoon and to {Uncertain text} at night. Saw his {Uncertain text} on sheet. Made me feel blue for a little while.
May 13<u>th</u> Started test examinations.
May 16<u>th</u> Visitors at school. Alina Johnson & Sadie MacPherson & Lee Fick.
May 17<u>th</u> Went home. Went to Choral Concert at night.
May 18<u>th</u> Went to town. Saw Dr.Wadsworth.
May 19<u>th</u> Rainy. Went to church. For {Uncertain text} in afternoon. Got 2 limes {Uncertain text}ful. Down to Shaud's after tea.
May 20<u>th</u> Inspector at school. Not as awfully cross.
May 22<u>th</u> Curious-day. Raining and only two at school. Stopped shortly after recess.
May 23<u>th</u> Swinging in afternoon. Empire Day. Walked 4 miles of the walk home. {Illegible} Petit and I went for morrels after supper
May 24<u>th</u> Went to town {Illegible} à la S. Baud
May 25<u>th</u> Went to Waterford with Clara and father. Saw some fine houses
May 26<u>th</u> Another rainy Sunday and cold, cold. Saw a {Illegible} at night down at Shaud's.
May 27<u>th</u> Housecleaning and raining
May 28<u>th</u> Same story continued
May 29<u>th</u> Went over To H {T or cross} Shaud's at nights. {Illegible} Brearley there too. Went to bed about 12 o' clock
May 30<u>th</u> Still cold and rainy but "Wait till the clouds roll by."
June 7<u>th</u> Clara came down & stay over. I went home & went to town social at Comon Young's at night made <s>50</s> 20 clear.
June 9<u>th</u> Sizzie J. & Walter {Illegible} auntie went home with them. Wallace g found a new road {Illegible}
June 10<u>th</u> Went to {Illegible} monday night.
June 11<u>th</u> Went home Tuesday night.
June 12th<u>th</u> Went to Edna's wedding. {Illegible} Dressed at aunt Lois's and swelled out airy new white organdy. Bride looked sweet. With a veil and had Gladys Hewett as maid of honor & zelwa as bridesmaid. Almost forgot the groom and had to go back & salute him. Surprised him I gues. Went down to station 8 fired nice in all directions. Went to {Illegible} Gill's at night. Put slips In her stockings {Illegible} drew Stranger. Pearl drew Stevenson & I drew f H' Didn't I dream anything {Illegible}
June 13<u>th</u> {Illegible} Gill drove me down early in the morning. Saw {Illegible} Dufton.
June 15<u>th</u> Walked home at night. Awfully tired.
June 17<u>th</u> Went to church & wore my white dress {illegible} church for too Sunday's
June 18<u>th</u> Had a row with Guss as usual. All over it by night. Am wearing my sailor suit.
apr 15th - 10 1.50
apr 22nd - 26th 1.50
apr 30th - may 3d 1.50
may 6th - may 10th 1.50
may 13th - may 18th 1.50
may 20th - may {illegible} 1.50
may 27th - may {illegibke} 1.50
June 2nd - June 7th 1.50
June 10th - June 14th 1.50
June 17th -
aug 19th - aug 23red 1.50
aug 26th - aug 30th 1.50

Revision as of Jul 25, 2022, 8:09:22 PM

                                       Lenna A.M. Baker

{Image of English Flag on the 3rd page}

Diary Lenna Baker Jan 23rd, 1901


Jan. 23rd: Queen Victoria died Jan 22nd, 6.55 in the morning. The Queen is dead. "Long live the king". F.S.d.L.B

Jan. 24th. Report corroborated in all newspapers. M-B.H came.

Jan 25th Stay at school for dinner. Mrs.Law was buried.

Jan 26th Went down to Mr Hare's & to Jarvis in afternoon.

Jan 27th. Went to Jarvis church, decorated with flags reversed, come home.

Mar 4rd School as usual.

Mar 5th Went to the reception. Got-home at 4.30.

MAr 6th. Rather sleepy.

Mar 8th stayed all night with Mamie.

Mar. 9th Went over to the store at Renton. Invested in some hair pins. Went on to Mr. Nixon's for a little while, then home.{piece of bush at the end of page}

Mar 11th. Stayed at home

Mar 13th.The two Miss Shando & Willie in ire the evening. Awfully sleepy.

Mar 15th. Mr. Nixon & Alfred Bauslaugh ire after school. We went down to Shands in Dover at night. Met Presby preacher & his wife. Wilie's birthday.

Mar 16th Finished my violet centrepiece.

Mar 17th St.Patrick's Day. Wore my sprig of green. Went to Dover Church in the morning. Over to J.Shaud's after dinner. {uncertain text} & Bruce Hair & Alfred Bauslaugh came over with us to tea.

Mar 18th Mud & Clay, Clay & Mud. Danced the turkey dauce & bad {unfamiliar text} wrestle before we went to bed.

Mar.19th Wallace came into school for a few minutes on way home from Selkirk & Cheapside.

Mar 20th Rain, snow & mud.

Mar 22th Went home. John Bock died. Only 50 first cousins left.

Mar.23rd. Went to town about 8 o'clock. Heard from V. Lowry. Got a pair of rubber boots. Wrote to B. Reid & B. Austine.

Mar.24th. Went to church Mrs. {uncertain text} came home wiht us. Father & Aunt Ann brought me down Sunday afternoon. Took us two hours.

Mar. 28th Went up to Evan's at night.

Mar.29th Read ' The Chautauqua Girls at home' & 'Judge Burnhaw's daughters'.

Mar.30th. Nothing

Mar 31st Went to woods with Flossie, {uncertain text} & Charlie. Found buds on hepatics and picked the first {uncertain text}. Over at J Shared's for tea. Mr & Mrs J. Hare there.

Apr.1st April Fool's day. Wasn't fooled once. Finished "The Days of Bruce."

Apr.2nd Flossie over with her grandmother to-night. Rennie unusually aggravating. Tired & sleepy.

Apr.4th Last day of school.

Apr.5th Went to church in morning.

Apr.6th Went to town. Saw Aunt Mary. Got several new dresses. Got pictures taken.

Apr.7th Went to church.

Apr.9th Went to Maple Sugar Social at Grinder's. Awfully slow.

Apr.10th Went to town. {uncertain text} {uncertain text} for tea.

Apr.11th Al Bowlby's for tea

Apr.12th Maggie Brown buried.

Apr.13th Went to town

Apr.14th Went to J. Shared's in afternoon

Apr.15th School begins.

Apr.16th Went for flowers found some hepaticas

Apr.19th Walked par of the way home. Went to Bowlby's to church meeting at night. Snowing when we came home.

Apr.20th Snow over a foot deep and still snowing.

Apr.21st Raining. Snow all slush. Drive Kindergartners to church Down to J. Chand's in afternoon.

Apr.22nd Reading the story of an African Farmer. Rather odd book.

Apr.23rd Got a letter from Ida. Willie & {uncertain text} brought it out at night.

Apr.25th Went to woods for flowers with Clare & Ella Brearley, Charlie & Lot Chaud, Found quite a few hepaticas some blood-root. Awfully tired at night.

Apr.26th Census man came. Miss Thyne sang for us Didn't go home.

Apr.27th Got a ride to {Uncertain text} Hollow with Chuad. Walked rest of way home. Planted a few flowers {Uncertain text}

Apr.28th Lovely day. Went to church this morning. {Luit ?} & Wil came down with me & stayed for tea. We went to woods.{Uncertain text} nearly all gone. adder Tongue, Spring. Beauty and Hearts all out.

Apr.29th Cut a wooden tooth last Friday searching how to read fortunes in a teacup.

Apr.30th Mr. J. Shand very sick {Uncertain text} without may be dangerous slight touch of Typhoid also. Thunder shower, lightning very bright. {Uncertain text} {Uncertain text} over at Harvey Should S. Harvey Shaud here I'm sleeping in {Uncertain text} {Uncertain text}. Everything in a muddle. May-day in England to mothers Reading {Uncertain text}.

May 1st May-day. Slick at H. Shaud. awful thunder. {Uncertain text} at night Eliyah {Uncertain text}'s {Uncertain text} himself.

May 2nd thunder storm while at school. bolt awfully {Uncertain text} like a {Uncertain text}. Am at H. Shaud'n yet

May 3rd Came down to uncle {Uncertain text} & Walked, aunt Liggie wet {Uncertain text} the track. Found some white violets.

May 4th Alice S. came home from (Old her {Uncertain text}). Wore Aunt Liggie's mew print wrapper all day

May 5th Went to church. {Uncertain text} in into {Uncertain text} 2te deep. Choir sung {Uncertain text} {Uncertain text} & going but Very pretty voice. {Uncertain text}. Beautiful to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath. John Rodgers {Uncertain text} afternoon. Went to Shaud's at night.

May 6th Over at Harvey Shaud's till Thursday morning.

May 7th Read "Wife in name only" & felt her face or {Uncertain text}" Went to woods for a few minutes after {Uncertain text} & got any amount of lilises & violets.

May 8th Read "Puzzles"

May 9th {Uncertain text} at John Shaud's again. Started a netted daily. Cut me more wooden Tooth, two others cutting.

May 10th marie & {Uncertain text} his {Uncertain text} went home with me.

May 11th Went to woods in the morning. Got some big violets and a few {Uncertain text}. Went to town in afternoon.

May 12th Went to St. Johns in morning to hear the birds. {Uncertain text} from 14 {Uncertain text} Luke 7-24 verses. Went to H. {Uncertain text}'s woods in afternoon and to {Uncertain text} at night. Saw his {Uncertain text} on sheet. Made me feel blue for a little while.

May 13th Started test examinations.

May 16th Visitors at school. Alina Johnson & Sadie MacPherson & Lee Fick.

May 17th Went home. Went to Choral Concert at night.

May 18th Went to town. Saw Dr.Wadsworth.

May 19th Rainy. Went to church. For {Uncertain text} in afternoon. Got 2 limes {Uncertain text}ful. Down to Shaud's after tea.

May 20th Inspector at school. Not as awfully cross.

May 22th Curious-day. Raining and only two at school. Stopped shortly after recess.

May 23th Swinging in afternoon. Empire Day. Walked 4 miles of the walk home. {Illegible} Petit and I went for morrels after supper

May 24th Went to town {Illegible} à la S. Baud

May 25th Went to Waterford with Clara and father. Saw some fine houses

May 26th Another rainy Sunday and cold, cold. Saw a {Illegible} at night down at Shaud's.

May 27th Housecleaning and raining

May 28th Same story continued

May 29th Went over To H {T or cross} Shaud's at nights. {Illegible} Brearley there too. Went to bed about 12 o' clock

May 30th Still cold and rainy but "Wait till the clouds roll by."

June 7th Clara came down & stay over. I went home & went to town social at Comon Young's at night made 50 20 clear.

June 9th Sizzie J. & Walter {Illegible} auntie went home with them. Wallace g found a new road {Illegible}

June 10th Went to {Illegible} monday night.

June 11th Went home Tuesday night.

June 12thth Went to Edna's wedding. {Illegible} Dressed at aunt Lois's and swelled out airy new white organdy. Bride looked sweet. With a veil and had Gladys Hewett as maid of honor & zelwa as bridesmaid. Almost forgot the groom and had to go back & salute him. Surprised him I gues. Went down to station 8 fired nice in all directions. Went to {Illegible} Gill's at night. Put slips In her stockings {Illegible} drew Stranger. Pearl drew Stevenson & I drew f H' Didn't I dream anything {Illegible}

June 13th {Illegible} Gill drove me down early in the morning. Saw {Illegible} Dufton.

June 15th Walked home at night. Awfully tired.

June 17th Went to church & wore my white dress {illegible} church for too Sunday's

June 18th Had a row with Guss as usual. All over it by night. Am wearing my sailor suit.

apr 15th - 10 1.50

apr 22nd - 26th 1.50

apr 30th - may 3d 1.50

may 6th - may 10th 1.50

may 13th - may 18th 1.50

may 20th - may {illegible} 1.50

may 27th - may {illegibke} 1.50

June 2nd - June 7th 1.50

June 10th - June 14th 1.50

June 17th -


aug 19th - aug 23red 1.50

aug 26th - aug 30th 1.50

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