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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 22.pdf

Revision as of Jun 25, 2023, 1:42:35 PM
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Revision as of Feb 26, 2024, 2:02:51 AM
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Line 5: Line 5:
   <td>Is. & Cha.s Cradling Wheat - Mr. Stewart & McWilliams raking Chr.r & W.d binding.
   <td>Is. & Chas Cradling Wheat - Mr. Stewart & McWilliams raking Chr'r {short for Christian or Christopher? Ch'n and its variations are the more consistent spelling?} & W'd binding.
Mrs. T. & M. calld on Mrs. Meany by whom she (Mrs. T.) rec.d a parcel f.m Dublin in which was £1 . 1 . - for me from Eliz.h {Elizabeth} Thompson for a {p.n?} {Cambrie?} sent to her for sale some years ago - rec.d £1. 1 Stirlg C.y {below this line reads: Jar.n & Shillg} </td>
Mrs. T. & M. calld on Mrs. Meany by whom she (Mrs. T.) rec.d a parcel f'm Dublin in which was £1 . 1 . - for me from Eliz'h {Elizabeth} Thompson for a {p.n?} Cambric sent to her for sale some years ago - rec'd £1. 1 Stirlg C.y {Below this line reads: Sar'n & Shill'g} </td>
Line 22: Line 22:
   <td>morning threatening rain but got out fine - hauld 3 Waggon & 3 Cart Loads of Wheat - aftern'n Cradling &c. &c. </td>
Line 34: Line 34:
   <td>Cradling &c morning - @ 11 threatening rain hauld in 1 Waggon & 1 Cart Load Wheat - which had the benefit of a Shower - aftern'n again fair - proceeded evening in Waggon some to Alex's & some to Stratford for our Cask Whiskey from Kostner - again none ready - bro! from P. Office Letter Ellen & Emily to Mrs. T. & M. - paid -</td>
Line 46: Line 46:
  <td>finishd hauling Spring Wheat Waggon & Cart Loads all in good condition
Mrs. Meany & Annie took tea with us - Mrs Sargint & Mrs. Jackson {illegible}.</td>
wW wind
Line 58: Line 63:
  <td>Mrs. T. M & Chas to Stratford - Mr. Allan - took tea at Mrs Meanys
Macculloch {McCulloch} Alex Risk & Watson calld - G. Gournlock Do -</td>
Line 70: Line 78:
  <td>a Sharp frost - Squash - Manures - Cucumbers &c. Potatoe tops in field & Garden & Beans. Tomatoes Capsicums. Balsams. M. Convolvus. Delichor - all destroyd
M at Alex's Cradling &c Oats</td>
Line 82: Line 93:
  <td>Killd a yearling Sheep W T - at 12 Cha.s Rumball came on horseback & remains till tomorrow - @ 3 McCulloch came with his Gun - Isaac & he went out till dusk & bro! in 8 Pheasants each 4 -
Chas ploughing South aft.n - ret'd Hind Qu'r {quarter} Mutton to Raukin</td>
Line 94: Line 107:
   <td>Charles ploughing - W'd hauling firewood - Is'c & Chr'n rep'g fences &c.
C{harles} Rumball left @ 3 with a small pailfull of Cranberries</td>
Line 106: Line 121:
   <td>Rain from morning till night - Nil. - -- - -</td>
   <td>rain all day</td>
Line 118: Line 133:
  <td>{--p.n?} in Stable - &Harness - aft.n Cha.s ploughing - puttering
Mrs. T sold 2 yearling Sheep to Ja.s Thompson @ $2 <sup>1/4</sup> & rec'd paym't sold him also 2 y.r old Steer (Mrs. T & {Hy?}) for $10 to be taken & p.d for on Monday next - P.d J Thompson for 13 <sup>1/2</sup> lbs Beef @ 5 <s>e</s>C {Beneath this it reads: had 30 ull:}
bro! a Letter pd from Aunt Jane to self & 3 Inquirers</td>
  <td>Rain till noon & Show'r aft'n</td>
Line 130: Line 150:
  <td>Wilf'd ploughing - the rest cleaning shed & pottering</td>
Line 142: Line 162:
  <td>Chas to P. Office with letter Mrs T - M. T & Marthas to Aunt Jane</td>
Line 159: Line 179:
  <td>Chas & Wilf'd ploughing - Is & Ch'r pottering - Ring for Bull - Gatepost &c. {Below this it reads:} cleaning near shed
Put up <u>Big Bess</u> to fatten -</td>
Line 171: Line 193:
  <td>Chas ploughing with oxen - Is & Ch.<s>r</s>n thrashing Peas with Mares & Colts
Wilf'd repairing his Plough - Ch'n & W'd gatherd Hops - even'g Isaac to Wm Smiths - no money to be had - </td>
Line 183: Line 207:
  <td>Chas & Wilf'd ploughing - Is & Christ'n winnowing Peas - cleaning near Shed
& assisting Jas Thompson to butcher the Steer sold to him (-pd for it $10)
Martha walkd to Stratford - no Letters - Annie one from Emily - Sn - 9d
Christian Summers (French) & his companion Dutch requested a Bed Con. North of Fryfogel</td>
a few drops rain about 11
Line 195: Line 232:
  <td>Chas & Wilf'd ploughing - add.l {additional} fence to Hay Stack, trench - emptying Shed.
gatherd apples from Tree So East corner 11 doz: {dozen}</td>
   <td>smart show.r 2 @ 3</td>
Line 207: Line 246:
  <td>Wilf'd ploughing morning - the rest putting up a new fence round Garden
the Bull & oxen having broken in last night & eaten nearly all the Cabbages & made sad destruction among the Currant bushes - Lilacs Tarnaracs Spruce - Beets Parsnips Carrots &c &c &c - W'd assisted afternoon</td>
  <td>a few drops rain aft.n</td>
Line 219: Line 261:
  <td>Chas to P. Office before breakfast - bro! letter from William to Mrs. T. dated Staten Island 11 ins't --------- pd f'm Queenston  9
putting up Garden fence finishd West & South sides
Gatherd apples from Tree on West side: 3d from entrance - about 3<sup>1/2</sup> doz:
Mrs. T walkd to Stratford - & bk {back} - dined at Mr. Maccullochs {McCulloch}
Alex took his Colts to Reynolds - having traded them for a yoke of Steers 3 yr old & 15$ in Cash.</td>
Line 231: Line 282:
  <td>Chas to Stratford</td>
   <td>Rain ev.g</td>
Line 243: Line 294:
  <td>Putting up new fence front of Garden - Removing dung &c from East Shed</td>
   <td>misty rain all day & {Word is cut off by page}</td>
Line 255: Line 306:
   <td>Do ----------------- Do ----------------- Do ------- Do {Meaning, doing the same as yesterday}
McCarthy pd $5. on acco't of his Vendue Note, for which gave him my rec! - pd the above to Mrs. T. -
pd Mrs. Roy Stewart & Ann Crerar -------
p.d Mrs. T. for a Butter Tub bo! {bought} of Trom ----</td>
very cold
Line 267: Line 333:
  <td>Hauling Manure from East Shed & Barn yard to field behind Garden
Annie had a letter from Wm & bro! {illegible?} Ellen to Mrs. T. ~ {A word is scratched out and cannot be deciphered} postage due Mr. Daly {G.d?}
Dr. Mott of N. York has rather an unfavorable opinion of W's Cast
Rankin borrowd <u>Whiskey</u> a large trench Bottle - ret'd 4th Dec'r</td>

Revision as of Feb 26, 2024, 2:02:51 AM

1843 September

Wednesday 6 Is. & Chas Cradling Wheat - Mr. Stewart & McWilliams raking Chr'r {short for Christian or Christopher? Ch'n and its variations are the more consistent spelling?} & W'd binding.

Mrs. T. & M. calld on Mrs. Meany by whom she (Mrs. T.) rec.d a parcel f'm Dublin in which was £1 . 1 . - for me from Eliz'h {Elizabeth} Thompson for a {p.n?} Cambric sent to her for sale some years ago - rec'd £1. 1 Stirlg C.y {Below this line reads: Sar'n & Shill'g}
1 5 7 fine 0


Thursday 7 morning threatening rain but got out fine - hauld 3 Waggon & 3 Cart Loads of Wheat - aftern'n Cradling &c. &c. - fine 60 60
Friday 8 Cradling &c morning - @ 11 threatening rain hauld in 1 Waggon & 1 Cart Load Wheat - which had the benefit of a Shower - aftern'n again fair - proceeded evening in Waggon some to Alex's & some to Stratford for our Cask Whiskey from Kostner - again none ready - bro! from P. Office Letter Ellen & Emily to Mrs. T. & M. - paid - Showers 11 @ 1 or 2 59 50
Saturday 9 finishd hauling Spring Wheat Waggon & Cart Loads all in good condition

Mrs. Meany & Annie took tea with us - Mrs Sargint & Mrs. Jackson {illegible}.

wW wind

Sunday 10 Mrs. T. M & Chas to Stratford - Mr. Allan - took tea at Mrs Meanys

Macculloch {McCulloch} Alex Risk & Watson calld - G. Gournlock Do -
fine 45 40
Monday 11 a Sharp frost - Squash - Manures - Cucumbers &c. Potatoe tops in field & Garden & Beans. Tomatoes Capsicums. Balsams. M. Convolvus. Delichor - all destroyd

M at Alex's Cradling &c Oats
fine 31 42
Tuesday 12 Killd a yearling Sheep W T - at 12 Cha.s Rumball came on horseback & remains till tomorrow - @ 3 McCulloch came with his Gun - Isaac & he went out till dusk & bro! in 8 Pheasants each 4 - Chas ploughing South aft.n - ret'd Hind Qu'r {quarter} Mutton to Raukin dull 42 56
Wednesday 13 Charles ploughing - W'd hauling firewood - Is'c & Chr'n rep'g fences &c. C{harles} Rumball left @ 3 with a small pailfull of Cranberries
Thursday 14 Rain from morning till night - Nil. - -- - - - - - rain all day 54 54
Friday 15 {--p.n?} in Stable - &Harness - aft.n Cha.s ploughing - puttering

Mrs. T sold 2 yearling Sheep to Ja.s Thompson @ $2 1/4 & rec'd paym't sold him also 2 y.r old Steer (Mrs. T & {Hy?}) for $10 to be taken & p.d for on Monday next - P.d J Thompson for 13 1/2 lbs Beef @ 5 eC {Beneath this it reads: had 30 ull:}

bro! a Letter pd from Aunt Jane to self & 3 Inquirers
3 4Yn Rain till noon & Show'r aft'n 57
Saturday 16 Wilf'd ploughing - the rest cleaning shed & pottering fine 54
Sunday 17 Chas to P. Office with letter Mrs T - M. T & Marthas to Aunt Jane fine 73
1843 September
Monday 18 Chas & Wilf'd ploughing - Is & Ch'r pottering - Ring for Bull - Gatepost &c. {Below this it reads:} cleaning near shed Put up Big Bess to fatten - fine 68 54
Tuesday 19 Chas ploughing with oxen - Is & Ch.rn thrashing Peas with Mares & Colts Wilf'd repairing his Plough - Ch'n & W'd gatherd Hops - even'g Isaac to Wm Smiths - no money to be had - fine 41 57
Wednesday 20 Chas & Wilf'd ploughing - Is & Christ'n winnowing Peas - cleaning near Shed

& assisting Jas Thompson to butcher the Steer sold to him (-pd for it $10)

Martha walkd to Stratford - no Letters - Annie one from Emily - Sn - 9d

Christian Summers (French) & his companion Dutch requested a Bed Con. North of Fryfogel

a few drops rain about 11





Thursday 21 Chas & Wilf'd ploughing - add.l {additional} fence to Hay Stack, trench - emptying Shed. gatherd apples from Tree So East corner 11 doz: {dozen} smart show.r 2 @ 3 68 58
Friday 22 Wilf'd ploughing morning - the rest putting up a new fence round Garden

the Bull & oxen having broken in last night & eaten nearly all the Cabbages & made sad destruction among the Currant bushes - Lilacs Tarnaracs Spruce - Beets Parsnips Carrots &c &c &c - W'd assisted afternoon
a few drops rain aft.n 52
Saturday 23 Chas to P. Office before breakfast - bro! letter from William to Mrs. T. dated Staten Island 11 ins't --------- pd f'm Queenston 9

putting up Garden fence finishd West & South sides

Gatherd apples from Tree on West side: 3d from entrance - about 31/2 doz:

Mrs. T walkd to Stratford - & bk {back} - dined at Mr. Maccullochs {McCulloch}

Alex took his Colts to Reynolds - having traded them for a yoke of Steers 3 yr old & 15$ in Cash.
9 fine 56 72
Sunday 24 Chas to Stratford Rain ev.g 66
Monday 25 Putting up new fence front of Garden - Removing dung &c from East Shed misty rain all day & {Word is cut off by page}
Tuesday 26 Do ----------------- Do ----------------- Do ------- Do {Meaning, doing the same as yesterday}

McCarthy pd $5. on acco't of his Vendue Note, for which gave him my rec! - pd the above to Mrs. T. -

pd Mrs. Roy Stewart & Ann Crerar -------

p.d Mrs. T. for a Butter Tub bo! {bought} of Trom ----







very cold

43 37
Wednesday 27 Hauling Manure from East Shed & Barn yard to field behind Garden

Annie had a letter from Wm & bro! {illegible?} Ellen to Mrs. T. ~ {A word is scratched out and cannot be deciphered} postage due Mr. Daly {G.d?}

Dr. Mott of N. York has rather an unfavorable opinion of W's Cast

Rankin borrowd Whiskey a large trench Bottle - ret'd 4th Dec'r
fine 30
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