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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 40.pdf

Revision as of Feb 18, 2024, 11:41:29 PM
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Revision as of Feb 19, 2024, 12:08:16 AM
edited by
Line 153: Line 153:
  <td>Phelan & the Boys carpentering - the former home in the evening
Dr Moore paid William a visit - dined with us -
pd Mrs T for Chas expences to Hamilton & back
for Wm & Isaac 1st @ 6th all :  18.1 1/2  0.00.9
pd Do so much borrowed 10 all. (sheep 1 -.- </td>
   <td>1 1/2</td>
Line 165: Line 173:
   <td>Chas to Stratford morning - afterwards to Orrville - where Emily joined him after Dinner - Alex & Watson to Strills' on their way Alexs mare reared & fell backwards upon him - he is a good deal hurt & under Dr Moores care -  </td>
Line 177: Line 185:
   <td>Chas to Village to borrow Spikes Afternoon @ 4 had a Bee raising the frame of Addition to house - Ia's  McWilliams - D'd Stewart Runkin - Gad Curtis - Jno Fraser Lewis Reynolds Peter Crerar Damian Fisher W Anglin Ia's an Bishop ----  Coffee &c @ 6
Whaley began Logging North - Killd 5th Sheep</td>
Line 189: Line 199:
   <td>Phelan & the Boys putting up Rafters &c &c
Phelan left @ 8 pm - paid him for 8 days @ $1 pr day
Chas to Stratford morn'g for Nails &c - Isaac in the even'g with unsalted Butter for Wm & ointment
transplanted Malta Lettuces</td>
Line 201: Line 217:
  <td>Dr Moore pd Wm a visit - dined & after a round in Brocksien took tea here
Is Ch'r & Chas making rakes preparing Scythes &c  Gathered REd Currants
Wilfred to Wilmot - brot from Nafseger 600 feet rough boards @ 3/yk 11/31/2 d
pd him to this time L2.4.7 up disio! 2/1 ----</td>
  <td>fine </td>
  <td>pd Scott  ( Hamburg / for 5 Gall's Whiskey @ 3/yk</td>
  <td>4 1/2</td>
  <td>fine </td>
   <td>Began mowing Hemlock field - Sowd Bed Radishes
Martha to P. Office with letters W.T. to Aunt Jane Mrs T to Ellen Toronto
&  brot a Bottle Beer from Mrs Daly & a Bottle Ginger Beer for McCarthy </td>
Line 225: Line 263:
   <td>Friday </td>
   <td>Friday </td>
   <td>finished mowing Hemlock field & began South side East end</td>
Line 237: Line 275:
   <td>Is Ch'r & W'd mowing  - Ch'r obligd to quit by headache - Chas to Wilmot  - brot from Homeker 200 fett of Siding G/3  100 feet flooring 5/.
pd for Do  -- 11.3
& for 900 feet Frame Timber  - vide 3d inst'l  1.8.1 1/2 </td>
   <td>4 1/2</td>

Revision as of Feb 19, 2024, 12:08:16 AM

1844 July

Friday 5 cont'd I C.C. Phelan Alex & Bishop cutting & hewing Timber on Wms Lt & hauling to front of Barn - left off @ 3 pm all soakd rain nearly all day 47 68
Saturday 6 Phelan Alex. Bishop & the Boys chopping hewing & hauling Timber Alex & Bishop left soon after dinner Phelan after supper

Dr Moore pd a visit to William @ 11 - he & I fishing from 11 ocl till 3 dined & had tea. Martha to P. Office (brot letter) from Mr Ewarts sent not pd

Whaley calld about Lot 24 - asked 50$ for Improvements - to call on Monday

Alex Maid{illegible} from Toronto calld in the even'g leaves on Monday
fine 66 57
Sunday 7 all at home fine
Monday 8 Whaleys calld - took their Bond for L25 1 & 4 Curr'ly to log 1 burn & prepare for Crop 5 Acres by 1st Sept'r - & to chop 4 Acres by 1st April next. & gave up our Improvements on Lot 24 North Easthope - to call at Dalys to sign something

All engaged with Mr Phelan carpentering

IC.Phelan has left for another job, for 2 or 3 days
{ink blot}
Tuesday 9 Christ . at Alexs for the day logging - the rest hoeing Potatoes

Jackson Mrs Sargint Watson &c calld on their way to Hamilton

sent by Mrs L letter M Jun: to for inclosing $2

pd Washers

- 3 - fine 56 72
Isaac to Stratford even'g pd Subscription to Agricultural Society 1 to Shars ----- - 10 -
Wednesday 10 Charles to Wilmot - brot 538 Lumber - making in all 1068 feet from Napperger @ 5/yk = L1.13.4 Cr

Christ'n ploughing - Wilf'd repairing Plough

Isaac at Alexs for the day logging -- transplanted Capsiums
a few drops of rain 70 60
Thursday 11 Phelan came this morning before breakfast - Boys working with him Charles to P.Office for morning letter Ellen with proceeds of letter of Creditor Can'a Comp'y {illegible} P L20 {illegible} vides to inst which produced @ Ex 9 3/4 pC' & Int L24.9.2 - rec'd L 24.10 in $98 - President Smith dined with us -- fine 52 53
Friday 12 All carpentering as yesterday - pd Wolfe in full for Beef {illegible} 1 11 fine 48 72
pd Mrs Wolfe for 2 lbs Butter 7 1/2
1844 July
Saturday 13 Phelan & the Boys carpentering - the former home in the evening

Dr Moore paid William a visit - dined with us -

pd Mrs T for Chas expences to Hamilton & back

for Wm & Isaac 1st @ 6th all : 18.1 1/2 0.00.9

pd Do so much borrowed 10 all. (sheep 1 -.-
18 1 1/2 fine 48 76
Sunday 14 Chas to Stratford morning - afterwards to Orrville - where Emily joined him after Dinner - Alex & Watson to Strills' on their way Alexs mare reared & fell backwards upon him - he is a good deal hurt & under Dr Moores care - fine 70 64
Monday 15 Chas to Village to borrow Spikes Afternoon @ 4 had a Bee raising the frame of Addition to house - Ia's McWilliams - D'd Stewart Runkin - Gad Curtis - Jno Fraser Lewis Reynolds Peter Crerar Damian Fisher W Anglin Ia's an Bishop ---- Coffee &c @ 6 Whaley began Logging North - Killd 5th Sheep showers - ev'g set'd rain 60
Tuesday 16 Phelan & the Boys putting up Rafters &c &c

Phelan left @ 8 pm - paid him for 8 days @ $1 pr day

Chas to Stratford morn'g for Nails &c - Isaac in the even'g with unsalted Butter for Wm & ointment

transplanted Malta Lettuces
2 ~ ~ fine 57
Wednesday 17 Dr Moore pd Wm a visit - dined & after a round in Brocksien took tea here

Is Ch'r & Chas making rakes preparing Scythes &c Gathered REd Currants

Wilfred to Wilmot - brot from Nafseger 600 feet rough boards @ 3/yk 11/31/2 d

pd him to this time L2.4.7 up disio! 2/1 ----
2 2 6 fine 51 60
pd Scott ( Hamburg / for 5 Gall's Whiskey @ 3/yk 9 4 1/2
Thursday 18 Began mowing Hemlock field - Sowd Bed Radishes

Martha to P. Office with letters W.T. to Aunt Jane Mrs T to Ellen Toronto

& brot a Bottle Beer from Mrs Daly & a Bottle Ginger Beer for McCarthy
fine 48 71
Friday 19 finished mowing Hemlock field & began South side East end showers forenoon 65 60
Saturday 20 Is Ch'r & W'd mowing - Ch'r obligd to quit by headache - Chas to Wilmot - brot from Homeker 200 fett of Siding G/3 100 feet flooring 5/.

pd for Do -- 11.3

& for 900 feet Frame Timber - vide 3d inst'l 1.8.1 1/2
1 19 4 1/2 50 57
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