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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 47.pdf

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1844 November

Friday 1 Christ'n at Camerons raising - Isaac to Stratford on Dick had shoe altered Reynolds had 200 ft Lumber from Mill @ 7/yk pL00 - pd 23 Sep 7 46 1 or 2 showers 40
Saturday 2 Is & Ch'n mudding front of House - aft'n on Bell to Stratford - brot from P. Office letter from Henry to Mrs T. 9d pd by 47 - & 2 Inquirers & a Canadian Planted {illegible} Nar & Int 1 or 2 Do ev'g 33
Sunday 3 rain 9 am till night - all at home 9 pm no Wilf'd yet rain all day 42
Monday 4 getting Sand & mudding except from 11 till 3 1/2 when Is was exercising Dick down the road - pd Is. for postage 2d inst -- 9 tolerable 39 38
Tuesday 5 Is & Christ'n earthing up Potatoe Hills - mudding & repairing siding of backroom. Wilfred arrived @ 2 1/2 with Load for Macullock & Linton @ 3 pm with oxen took the Load to Stratford & delivered amount to debit of M. & L. pd for 2 Seives for Fanning Mill $17 10 - fine 32
Wednesday 6 Is & Christ'n mudding House &c Wilfred with Mares & Waggon a Load for Macullock to his new Store at Big Thames

put on Stye to fatten Bob young white Sow 4 - 2 yr old Hogs

& 1 1/2 yr old Hog - pitted 48 Drumhead Cabbages in garden

W'd calld at P. Office & sent by John Stewart a letter from Em'y {illegible} Jr pd by W'd
9 tol. 30
Thursday 7 Paid James Izard - collector the following Taxes viz.

on 2 Horses value L 8 ----- 1.4

2 Oxen ----- 4 .8

2 Cows ----- 3 .6

1 Do under 4 yrs 1 .1

200 Acres Land --- or 1d ------16.8

Asylum 1/8 on afsefsd Property 1.2 ~. 1.--.5

Williams Land & Clearance ~.8.8

1 9 1 38 33
rec'd from Mrs T of Wm property (sent up by Ellen's $2/- Wms 10
paid -- Do -- Mr Jno & Mrs Roy Stewart 3 --
Friday 8 Isaac & Christ'n mudding & repairing House - Wilf'd struck

pd Wilfred's expences to Hamilton & back 31 Octo @ 5th inst

1 14 3 snow showr afternoon 30
Saturday 9 Wilfred at Jno Stewarts raising a Shed for Sheep

Isaac on Dick at Stratford - brot Hines here for Grave fence L3.16.~ Sm

Christ'n hunting after oxen & hauling firewood
Sunday 10 Mrs T & Martha to Mrs Meanys after dinner with letters

Mrs T to Mrs Jos. W. T. to WWT with Seeds - to be conveyed by Mrs Reilly

Do to Elle Emily & to Henry Do by Annie
showers thunder & lightning 43
1844 November
Monday 11 Ch'r Mudding House - W'd & Is'c thrashing oats rain
Tuesday 12 Mr Meany Annie Mrs Reilly Child'n & Mary in Reynolds Waggon started for Hamilton - raining pretty fast Isaac at Curtis' Bee - came home after dinner - Christ'n & W'd winnowing oats & plastering H'e Rain
Wednesday 13 Isaac at Stratford on Nell - brot letter from Chas to Christ'n B Canadian & Cultivator - Chirst'n hauling firewood - repairing Chimney &c - W'd thrashing Peas Nance & Dick snow showers
Thursday 14 Wilfred at Curtis' Bee (2nd) - Is & Christ'n thrashing & winnowing Peas Sold 2 Sheep Skins to a Pedlar (one very bad) - 3/yk - tol. 38 30
Friday 15 Cleaning out Sheds & going over to Pines back lot - Wilfred making a Neck yoke for John Stewart fine 28 29
Saturday 16 Preparing East Shed for Oxen - Mr Meany returned @ 9 pm fm Hamilton

Wilfred to P Office aft'n brot letters from Emily & Henry - pd post'ge

announcing the arrival of William Henry Barron on Sunday last the 10th inst

1 4 fine
Sunday 17 again at East Shed all at home heavy snow showers
Monday 18 again at East Shed - Christ'n at Donald Stewarts
Tuesday 19 Christ'n at Donald Stewarts - Wilf'd at Jno Stewarts 2 hours aft'n Is'c & W'd at Shed morn'g - Is'c to Stratford aft'n 17 31
Wednesday 20 Is & W'd thrashing Wheat with Horses - Christ'n at Don'd Stewarts the day fine 28
Thursday 21 ret'd to Mr Daly trasfer of Lot 37 N Easthope, having inserted the namd of James (the Father) in the place of William Samuel Whaley a Minor - Thrashing Wheat W'd to P. Office - brot letter Chas to Isaac. pd 7d & Inq'r 1d 7 1/2 fine 26 28
Friday 22 at East Shed - making Cutter &c. cloudy 32 38
Saturday 23 at Sheds - Whaley Sen'r brot an Inquirer & Canadian fm Stratford - signed Bond little snow mo. & eve'g 33 morning 27
Sunday 24 all at home snow all day 18 19
Monday 25 Isaac at Mr Meanys butchering a Sheep - Christ'n & W'd again at Sheds hauling firewood &c. tol 18 19
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