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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 50.pdf

Revision as of Feb 26, 2024, 1:56:48 PM
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Revision as of Feb 26, 2024, 2:13:18 PM
edited by
Line 169: Line 169:
   <td>cont'd  Wilf'd sold Wheat to Ferrie & Co
25 1/2 Bush'ls @ 5/8 yk . . . 4.10.3 1/2
lefs expenses -- .3.9 r'd </td>
   <td>6 1/2</td>
Line 182: Line 186:
   <td>paid for Rope</td>
   <td>6 1/2</td>
Line 193: Line 197:
   <td>Killd 2 Hogs - old Bob & Short Tail
Isaac & W'd took them in the ev'g to Watsons for Sale
Mrs T accomp'd them as far as Mrs Sargints
ret'd @ 10 1/2  - sold the hogs to Mr Daly
short tail 253 lb
Bob --- 259  }  512 lbs @ 4 cts ---- L5.2.5
to my C'r P Mickles mem.
Got from Watson an order on Dan'd McNab for 10 Kegs Logging Chain (3/8 in)  {line scratched out and indecipherable}
& on Edw'd Adams for Goods & if not enough to fill up with Salt</td>
Line 205: Line 225:
   <td>Wilfred & Mrs T to Stratford (Allan)</td>
Line 217: Line 237:
   <td>receved of Jno Sharman Balance of Acco't  to 1 Jan 7
viz. due to me on acco't 1843  -- 1.8.1
Bal'ce on trading Horses      2.10.~ }  3.18.1
By Acco't for Smiths Work 1844 3.6.11
rec'd  Cash this day  ----  ----- 11.2    3.18.1 </td>
   <td>20 ab.</td>
   <td>20 ab.</td>
Line 229: Line 257:
   <td>paid John Monteith to 31 Dec'r last Ph{illegible}
{line scratched out}
Isaac & W'd to Stratford with both Span & our Sleigh
borrowed another of Wm McDonald & brot from Ashery 8 Barrels Ashes on acco't  G Watson, who is to pay $6
p Load each way, for {illegible} and Load vis. 18th  --
gave Isaac to pay expenses & sundries  $13
Christ'n cleaning stable & pottering.</td>
   <td>3 1/2</td>
Line 240: Line 280:
   <td>Isaac & Wilf'd started for Hamilton with Ashes as above @ 7 am / Dick & Nell Nance & Bell
Christ'n trapd fox No 5 another <u>dog</u>

Revision as of Feb 26, 2024, 2:13:18 PM

1845 January

Thursday 9 Winnowing Wheat - Mr Daly Tom & Jane pafsd down for Hamilton - Tom took letter to John - Herny - vito Mrs B & Emily - viz 6th ins't

Sleighs again but not good said to be better East & even to Toronto
snow show'rs 30
Friday 10 All chopping South - even'g to Stratford cloudy 24
Saturday 11 Preparing Wheat for Market - after'n Isaac in Sleigh to Stratford trying to get a Load from Galt or elsewhere here - nothing sn. show'rs 21 18
Sunday 12 all at home snow even'g 22 19
Monday 13 Wilfred @ 8 1/2 for Ferries & (Nance & Bell) with 13 Sacks Wheat

Z/2 & 6/A

Brownley called to say that Dick had hurt himself or been kickd on the fore leg - is to bring him home tomorrow
3 or 4 in Sn last night & {illegible} snow m'g aft'n fine 20
Tuesday 14 Winnowing Wheat - Wilfred arrived from Galt @ 6 1/4 pm bringing 5 Barrels Salt for Mr Daly - Debit him for Carr'ge @ 2/6= 12/6

1 for Self - pd for same 11/10 1/2 below

sold Wheat at new Mill Galt

21 Bush'ls 45 lbs @ 5/8 yk ... 3.16.10 1/2

lefs road expences ----.4.11
3 11 11 1/2 Snow show'rs afternoon 19
pd for Barrel Salt 19/yk ----- .11.10 1/2

Marvels Almanac ---------~.3 1/2

Tobacco Knife ------- .7 1/2

Dick brought home afternoon by a little Boy
12 9 1/2
Wednesday 15 @9 Isaac to Stratford with Dalys 5 B'ls Sal

has the promise of a Load to Hamilton & another back from Watson beginning next week

Christ'n & W'd winnow'g Wheat & preparing for Market tomorrow

rec'd fm Ann Stewart from Mrs Kirk for 2 1/2 doz. Eggs @ 6d

1 3 day fine, even snow 17 29
Thursday 16 @ 7 3/4 Wilf'd left for a Market with 16 3/4 Sacks Wheat - 4/11 Isaac @ 11 to Sharmans with Dick & got a small Bottle Lotion for his Leg - heavy snow all day 27 23
Friday 17 Christ'n hauling - Isaac chopping firewood

W'd arrivd from Galt about 4 pm bringing a Load fm Mr Daly for which debit his acco't $3 1/2

Isaac & W'd took it up @ 6 - - forward
Showers of sleet morn'g aft'n cloudy 24 17
1845 January
Friday 17 cont'd Wilf'd sold Wheat to Ferrie & Co

25 1/2 Bush'ls @ 5/8 yk . . . 4.10.3 1/2

lefs expenses -- .3.9 r'd
4 6 6 1/2
paid for Rope ~ 1 6 1/2
Saturday 18 Killd 2 Hogs - old Bob & Short Tail

Isaac & W'd took them in the ev'g to Watsons for Sale

Mrs T accomp'd them as far as Mrs Sargints

ret'd @ 10 1/2 - sold the hogs to Mr Daly

short tail 253 lb

Bob --- 259 } 512 lbs @ 4 cts ---- L5.2.5

to my C'r P Mickles mem.

Got from Watson an order on Dan'd McNab for 10 Kegs Logging Chain (3/8 in) {line scratched out and indecipherable}

& on Edw'd Adams for Goods & if not enough to fill up with Salt
beautiful cold day 16 6
Sunday 19 Wilfred & Mrs T to Stratford (Allan) fine Z 18
Monday 20 receved of Jno Sharman Balance of Acco't to 1 Jan 7

viz. due to me on acco't 1843 -- 1.8.1

Bal'ce on trading Horses 2.10.~ } 3.18.1

By Acco't for Smiths Work 1844 3.6.11

rec'd Cash this day ---- ----- 11.2 3.18.1
~ 11 2 fine 20 ab. 26
paid John Monteith to 31 Dec'r last Ph{illegible}

{line scratched out}

Isaac & W'd to Stratford with both Span & our Sleigh

borrowed another of Wm McDonald & brot from Ashery 8 Barrels Ashes on acco't G Watson, who is to pay $6

p Load each way, for {illegible} and Load vis. 18th --

gave Isaac to pay expenses & sundries $13

Christ'n cleaning stable & pottering.
1 9 3 1/2
Tuesday 21 Isaac & Wilf'd started for Hamilton with Ashes as above @ 7 am / Dick & Nell Nance & Bell

Christ'n trapd fox No 5 another dog

snow show'rs 26 29
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