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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 63.pdf

Revision as of Mar 12, 2024, 11:32:43 PM
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Revision as of Mar 12, 2024, 11:35:36 PM
edited by
Line 90: Line 90:
  <td>paid Mrs Crerar for 3 lbs Butter @ 5d  </td>
Line 102: Line 102:
   <td>factory Cotton House use </td>
Line 114: Line 114:
   <td>Mrs J & Roy Stewart washing -----</td>
Line 126: Line 126:
   <td>red'd from Mr Barron (p Mrs T) for Ribbons purchased at Watsons & chargd to my acco't </td>

Revision as of Mar 12, 2024, 11:35:36 PM

1845 September

Monday 22 Reynolds alterd Boar Pigs v.v.o. & 10 Sows @ 1/yk = 6/3 Ch'n W'd & Tom branding up in Chopping - lost my Snuff Box tol. 29 45
Tuesday 23 W'd & Tom thrashing Peas & Oats - Christ'n setting Bl Ashes for Soap & pottering repaid Mr Crerar flour borrowd ins't rain morn. till night 47 47
Wednesday 24 even'g Tom hauling firewood. W'd at Mrs Stewarts Washboard & pottering

aft'n both ploughing - Chr'n to P. Office morn'g brot a Canadian &c

paid letter from Mr Barron inclosing $23 = L5.15.- to pay as under

Mrs Sargint for Cash Butter 230 lb r'd

Cask 21 lb Bag 3 ls -- 24

@ 206 lb @ 6d - L5.3.__

5 15 _ rain foren'n aft'n gloomy 44 45
Mr Dunkin for 9 lb Cheese 7 1/2 ------ ~.5.7 1/2

Self - Bal'ce left unp'd for teaming & ---------.5.~

5.13.7 1/2

remains due to Mr B ______________.1.4 1/2
5 --
Thursday 25 W'd & Tom ploughing Ch'r churning morn'g

aft'n hoeing thistles &c - Emily to Stratford - posted letter

M Jun{illegible} to Mrs Jos T. Dublin & paid Mrs Sargint

as above Pr{illegible}
5 3 ~ gloomy 36 46
paid Mrs Crerar for 3 lbs Butter @ 5d 1 3
factory Cotton House use ~ ~ 6
Mrs J & Roy Stewart washing ----- ~ 3 ~
red'd from Mr Barron (p Mrs T) for Ribbons purchased at Watsons & chargd to my acco't ~ 2 6
Friday 26 heavy show'rs 44 40
Saturday 27 fine 34 48
Sunday 28 showers 48
Monday 29 fine - 67
Tuesday 30 heavy showers 60 54
1845 October
Wednesday 1 showers 48 47
Thursday 2 fine a show'r ev'g 49 52
Friday 3 tol.
Saturday 4
Sunday 5 Showers very heavy in early evening 42 32
Monday 6 fine 26 33
Tuesday 7 34 48
Wednesday 8 heavy rain noon till night 44
Thursday 9 rain all ev'g & early morn'g aft'n gloomy 54 55
Friday 10 slight show'r ev'g 50 56
Saturday 11 fine 46
Sunday 12 Showers
Monday 13 tol. 48
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