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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 67.pdf

Revision as of Mar 16, 2024, 12:24:05 PM
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Revision as of Mar 16, 2024, 12:47:30 PM
edited by
Line 122: Line 122:
   <td>repaid Jno Stewart a quart Salt borrowd 24 ult --
Tom hunting after mifsing Calf without succefs - suppose it must have perished in the Snow - chopping firewood &c
Wilfred with Charley to Rankins - thrashing Mill was brought home on horseback after dinner having had part of the third toe cut off by the small wheel of the machine & the Great & second toe much bruised --
Emily walkd to Stratford & back - no letters</td>
Line 140: Line 146:
   <td>W'd sufferd a good deal last night from 10 till 1 am but has been much freer from pain today & going on favorably  - all at home</td>
Line 152: Line 158:
   <td>Tom twice to Stewarts - deliverd 18 & 20 Bush'ls Ashes - 38 B'ls
took Pickle out of Beef Barrel & boild Do  - added Salt
bro in 6 Beets from Garden
Tom brot from Dalys a Phial British Oil & Piece of Salve for Wilfreds foot
  & had a quart Whisky to treat brot also<s> {illegible}</s> our Lumber</td>
Line 164: Line 177:
  <td>Tom twice to Ashery  21 & 20 Bushels --- 41 B'ls  boiling Potatoes
paid Mrs Roy Stewart & Ann Crerar.  M & E to Stratford  </td>
Line 176: Line 191:
   <td>Tom took 24 Bushels Ashes & brot Mr Stewarts mem'r for the whole viz 103 Bushels @ 4d.  <s>L</s>1.14.4
W'd much better to-day & has removed to his usual Dormitory</td>
Line 188: Line 205:
   <td>Tom & Horses to Reynolds thrashing Mill
W'd evening walkd to Crerars & Stewartss</td>
Line 200: Line 219:
   <td>T. Daly had a Load Straw yesterday - Tom hauling firewood
boiling Potatoes &c &c W'd making handle to Saw
had from Rankin Flour 34 lbs includng Sack  by our Steelyards 37</td>
Line 214: Line 237:
   <td>Tom with his nephew <u>Jos. Riley</u>, winnowing Wheat for Market
W'd Chopping firewood - repairing Sleigh &c . Em'y to Stratford
W'ds yearling <s>Hiefer on</s> - & was so a fortnight ago.  </td>
Line 226: Line 253:
   <td>Mrs T Emily & Tom in Sleigh to Stratford - Mr Allan - all dined @ 3 oC
T Daly calld on his return from Galt - gave W'd a com'n to bring 6 or 7 B'ls Salt from Batters on Elliot </td>
Line 238: Line 267:
   <td>Wilf'd left @ 7 1/4 for Ferries & Galt with 17 Sacks Wheat
Tom putting up fence round Straw Stack West - boiling Potatoes
Henry & Lucy Tye  Mr Easton & Mifs Adelaide Smith took a snack with us on their way to Mr Dalys - Alex Orr &  ______Wilson - a glafs Grog even'g</td>
Line 250: Line 283:
   <td>Tom hauling & chopping firewood &c Wilf'd ret'd from Galt about 5 pm
sold to Adam Ferrie  26 1/2 Bush'ls Wheat @ 8/8 yks - 7.3.6 1/2
lefs expences -- .5.7 1/2</td>
   <td>gloomy </td>
   <td>gloomy </td>
Line 263: Line 300:
   <td>Paid for Whip & Stock   ------ 1.10 1/2
1 lb Currants ------------.10.
4 Bush's Wheat ground at Hagersville & brot home Flour &c
over </td>
  <td>8 1/2</td>

Revision as of Mar 16, 2024, 12:47:30 PM

1845 December

below Z
Monday 8 Wilf'd & tom winnowing Wheat & preparing for Market fine 22 27
Tuesday 9 Fenced round Straw Stack West - preparing -- Do thrashing a few Oats

Wilfred & Mrs T. in sleigh to Stratford - got order from Daly & Mickle to bring 6 Barrels Salt from Galt - Carr'se 3/6 yk 1 B'l.

wrote to Mr Daly declining his offer for Lot 38. kept Copy
show'rs rain & snow 26 26
Wednesday 10 W'd left @ 6 .50 for Ferries & Galt with 16 Sacks Wheat - Tom hauling firewood , opening Hill & boiling Wheat & Potatoes for Pigs

Emily in Reynolds Sleigh to P. Office, nothing

Maccullock & Alex pafsd for Hamilton & Tor'to sent letter to Isaac
snow show'rs 14 12
Thursday 11 Tom cleaning up Tailings & Chaff of Wheat in West BArn &c &c

Wilfred ret'd from Galt &c - sold the Wheat to Bucksh

28 1/2 Bush'ls @ 8/6 yor k ---- 7.11.4

lefs expenses " " .5.7 1/2
7 5 8 1/2 gloomy without snow 10 9
paid Forbes Galt for a Barrel Salt $2 1/2 -- pd brought from Do 6 B'ls Salt for Daly & Mickle 12 6
Friday 12 Paid Mrs T for 12 yds Striped Shirting for 3 Shirts 6 1/2 .6.6

4 yrds Do for Christ'n ---- 2.2

a 2 1/2 Bush'l Wheat Sack, ready made 1.3

2 Pocket Handkfs @ 1/yk -- 1.3

W'd to Stratford with 6 B'ls Salt for Daly & Mickle

Debit them for Carriage @ 3/6 yk == C'y 13/ 1 1/2

Tom thrashing Oats - hauling firewood - boiling pigsmeal &c

Mr & Mrs Kirke & Mr & Mrs Reynolds to tea

11 2 fine 4
rec'd of Reynolds for a Lot of Sundries & pd Mr T. 24 d returned to Wm Crerar & Wilf'd Salt in full of what we borrowd from him at different times. 10 ~
11 above
Saturday 13 repaid Jno Stewart a quart Salt borrowd 24 ult --

Tom hunting after mifsing Calf without succefs - suppose it must have perished in the Snow - chopping firewood &c

Wilfred with Charley to Rankins - thrashing Mill was brought home on horseback after dinner having had part of the third toe cut off by the small wheel of the machine & the Great & second toe much bruised --

Emily walkd to Stratford & back - no letters
fine till 8 1/2 pm then Snow 13 above 28
1845 December
Sunday 14 W'd sufferd a good deal last night from 10 till 1 am but has been much freer from pain today & going on favorably - all at home gentle thaw without rain 34 29
Monday 15 Tom twice to Stewarts - deliverd 18 & 20 Bush'ls Ashes - 38 B'ls

took Pickle out of Beef Barrel & boild Do - added Salt

bro in 6 Beets from Garden

Tom brot from Dalys a Phial British Oil & Piece of Salve for Wilfreds foot

& had a quart Whisky to treat brot also {illegible} our Lumber
fine 29 33
Tuesday 16 Tom twice to Ashery 21 & 20 Bushels --- 41 B'ls boiling Potatoes paid Mrs Roy Stewart & Ann Crerar. M & E to Stratford 3 ~ fine 22 14
Wednesday 17 Tom took 24 Bushels Ashes & brot Mr Stewarts mem'r for the whole viz 103 Bushels @ 4d. L1.14.4 W'd much better to-day & has removed to his usual Dormitory gloomy & a little snow 26 34
Thursday 18 Tom & Horses to Reynolds thrashing Mill W'd evening walkd to Crerars & Stewartss day fine ev'g heavy snow 28 20
Friday 19 T. Daly had a Load Straw yesterday - Tom hauling firewood

boiling Potatoes &c &c W'd making handle to Saw

had from Rankin Flour 34 lbs includng Sack by our Steelyards 37
snow show'r a good deal last night 1 4
Saturday 20 Tom with his nephew Jos. Riley, winnowing Wheat for Market

W'd Chopping firewood - repairing Sleigh &c . Em'y to Stratford

W'ds yearling Hiefer on - & was so a fortnight ago.
Snow show'rs 1 6
Sunday 21 Mrs T Emily & Tom in Sleigh to Stratford - Mr Allan - all dined @ 3 oC T Daly calld on his return from Galt - gave W'd a com'n to bring 6 or 7 B'ls Salt from Batters on Elliot fine 10 6
Monday 22 Wilf'd left @ 7 1/4 for Ferries & Galt with 17 Sacks Wheat

Tom putting up fence round Straw Stack West - boiling Potatoes

Henry & Lucy Tye Mr Easton & Mifs Adelaide Smith took a snack with us on their way to Mr Dalys - Alex Orr & ______Wilson - a glafs Grog even'g
Tuesday 23 Tom hauling & chopping firewood &c Wilf'd ret'd from Galt about 5 pm

sold to Adam Ferrie 26 1/2 Bush'ls Wheat @ 8/8 yks - 7.3.6 1/2

lefs expences -- .5.7 1/2
6 7 11 gloomy 16 12
Paid for Whip & Stock ------ 1.10 1/2

1 lb Currants ------------.10.

4 Bush's Wheat ground at Hagersville & brot home Flour &c

2 8 1/2
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