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Andrew McFarland Learn Diary, 1873-1877


Revision as of May 19, 2023, 3:05:27 PM
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Revision as of Jul 28, 2023, 8:46:22 PM
edited by
Line 1: Line 1:
18 fryday wind S rain
18 fryday wind S rain Took D Barber and wife and Margret Cullver To The
Cars for home fore noon Drawed 3 load of hay after noon
Took D Barber and wife and
19 Saturday wind NW Rain Drawed hay in drive Barn 5 load 1 in Barn Randall Took jane home at night pide cow to Bull
Margret Culluer To The
20 Sunday wind NW clear To 2 church Wolverton preached. To W Bass To Diner james Learn and W AugusTine Adaline gracy and jane Stevenson to Tea. Randalls horse Ran away
Cars for home fore noon
21 Monday wind S clear Drawed in 4 load of hay Peter Tutnam Set up Mashine. Calista picked cherys Randall took his Bugy to Belmont to get mended Midge hefer To Bull
Drawed 3 load of hay
22 Tuesday wind SW clear cut and Bound wheat Mrs Tralon here and Mrs foster and Ed for cherys let james Camble have joies156 for $2,49 cts not paid
after noon
19 Saturday wind NW Rain
Drawed hay in {drie?} Barn
5 load 1 in Barn Randall
Took jane home at night
hide cow to Bull
20 Sunday wind NW clear
To 2 church Walueston
preached. To W Bass
To Diner james Learn
and W AugusTine
Adaline gracy and
jane STevenson
to Tea. Randalls horse
Run {illegible}
21 Monday wind S clear
Drawed in 4 load of hay
Peter {Tutnam?} Set up
Mashine. Calista picked
cherys Randall took
his {Bugy?} to Belmont
to get {meneled?}
Midge hefer To Bull
22 Tuesday wind SW clear
cut and {Baund?} wheat
Mrs Trelen here and Mrs
foster and Ed fer cherys
let james {Cawlle?} have
{illegible} 156 for $2.49 cts
not paid

Revision as of Jul 28, 2023, 8:46:22 PM

18 fryday wind S rain Took D Barber and wife and Margret Cullver To The Cars for home fore noon Drawed 3 load of hay after noon

19 Saturday wind NW Rain Drawed hay in drive Barn 5 load 1 in Barn Randall Took jane home at night pide cow to Bull

20 Sunday wind NW clear To 2 church Wolverton preached. To W Bass To Diner james Learn and W AugusTine Adaline gracy and jane Stevenson to Tea. Randalls horse Ran away

21 Monday wind S clear Drawed in 4 load of hay Peter Tutnam Set up Mashine. Calista picked cherys Randall took his Bugy to Belmont to get mended Midge hefer To Bull

22 Tuesday wind SW clear cut and Bound wheat Mrs Tralon here and Mrs foster and Ed for cherys let james Camble have joies156 for $2,49 cts not paid

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