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Andrew McFarland Learn Diary, 1873-1877


Revision as of May 24, 2023, 4:28:45 PM
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Revision as of Jul 28, 2023, 11:29:04 PM
edited by
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17 Wednesday wind SE cloudy
17 Wednesday wind SE cloudy put up corn fore noon finished. to Belmont fore after noon. got from Odle Dyes 1/2 lb tobacoe. 25cts
put up corn fore noon
18 Thursday wind SW clear Drawed. wood killed a pig Done choars got 1 bus potatoes from Sraughton Rain at night
finished. to Belmont fore after noon. got
19 fryday wind NW clear comenced To Tharsh spring wheat $4 bushed Aplefords Thrashed Sraughton and bill and D Moore EV Learn and joe john cullves and galaTon finch to help
from {Odle?} Dyes 1/2 lb
20 Saturday wind N clear Thrashed fall wheat 124 bushed 108 oats Mashine broke dawn james Learn here at night
to bacoe. 25cts
21 Sunday wind S clear to Disiple Church E Shepard preached Randall to 2 church Sler preached
18 Thursday wind SW clear
22 Monday wind SE Rain to Neal taylors. to Old Mr Taylors funeral D Apeford To London for Repairs
Drawed. wood killed a
pig Done choars got 1 bus
potatoes from Sraughton
Rain at night
19 fryday wind NW clear
{come?} need To Tharsh
spring wheat $4 bushed
Aplefords Thrashed
Sraughton and bill and
D Moore CV Learn and
joe john cullves and
galaTon finch to help
20 Saturday wind N clear
Thrashed fall wheat
124 bushed 108 oats
Mashine brake dawn
james Learn here
at night
21 Sunday wind S clear
to Disiple Church E
{Shepart?} preached
Randall to 2 church
SLer preached
22 Monday wind SE Rain
to Neal taylers. to Old Mn
Taylors funed
D Apefond To London
for {Rehairs?}

Revision as of Jul 28, 2023, 11:29:04 PM

17 Wednesday wind SE cloudy put up corn fore noon finished. to Belmont fore after noon. got from Odle Dyes 1/2 lb tobacoe. 25cts

18 Thursday wind SW clear Drawed. wood killed a pig Done choars got 1 bus potatoes from Sraughton Rain at night

19 fryday wind NW clear comenced To Tharsh spring wheat $4 bushed Aplefords Thrashed Sraughton and bill and D Moore EV Learn and joe john cullves and galaTon finch to help

20 Saturday wind N clear Thrashed fall wheat 124 bushed 108 oats Mashine broke dawn james Learn here at night

21 Sunday wind S clear to Disiple Church E Shepard preached Randall to 2 church Sler preached

22 Monday wind SE Rain to Neal taylors. to Old Mr Taylors funeral D Apeford To London for Repairs

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