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William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879

William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879_36.pdf

Revision as of Jan 29, 2024, 6:53:25 PM
edited by
Revision as of Jan 29, 2024, 8:28:12 PM
edited by
Line 53: Line 53:
   <td>Revd Mr Nicholson preached this morning Mr Conley at night</td>
Line 59: Line 59:
   <td>I split wood & put all we had in the shed & shelled nearly a bushel of corn a little snow & rain Geordy ground an ax at the mill</td>
Line 65: Line 65:
   <td>I went to Marble Rock & laid out a Road on lot No 18 in the fourth concession of Leeds Geordy helped A Cornett to thrash Ad helped Bruce McNiel to thrash fine day</td>
Line 71: Line 71:
   <td>Ad & Geordy helped Bruce with the horses to thrash I spooled for Jennet fine day warm</td>
Line 77: Line 77:
   <td>Ad & Geordy at Bruces thrashing they got done there</td>
Line 83: Line 83:
   <td>they thrashed at Ads today thrashed millet for the cows yesterday & some today fine day</td>
Line 89: Line 89:
   <td>they got done at Ads this forenoon Geordy drew some wood out of our bush it is dead wood in the afternoon I worked at a pair of {illegible} for Geordy</td>
Line 95: Line 95:
   <td>Revd Mr Nicholson preached at night there was a <s>strang</s> Stranger in the morning</td>

Revision as of Jan 29, 2024, 8:28:12 PM


Dec 1 I cut up the pig Geordy brought from the {illegible} and sp{illegible} & illegible}ed Jennet hear illegible}
2 Revd Mr Brown preached this moring Mr Nicholson preached at night Ad took him to fairfax
3 Ad Geordy & Walace went to the south concession to fix there house I atended the council with a Road report & then went to Gananoque on the Mixed to help Mr Heaslep on some liquor cases
4 came home on the Express. Brophy was find the other cases was not proven fine day
5 rain most of the day Wallace brought the horses home last night he had them out with Ad & Geordy yesterday morning he left them out there
6 I spoaled & quiled most of the day
7 split wood & put it the shed
8 snowed about 2 inches last night the ground is all covered I put 3 bolts in the tongue of Wallaces Democrat they lost or brock them out when he out with the Boys he went for them this afternoon they are all well
9 Revd Mr Nicholson preached this morning Mr Conley at night
10 I split wood & put all we had in the shed & shelled nearly a bushel of corn a little snow & rain Geordy ground an ax at the mill
11 I went to Marble Rock & laid out a Road on lot No 18 in the fourth concession of Leeds Geordy helped A Cornett to thrash Ad helped Bruce McNiel to thrash fine day
12 Ad & Geordy helped Bruce with the horses to thrash I spooled for Jennet fine day warm
13 Ad & Geordy at Bruces thrashing they got done there
14 they thrashed at Ads today thrashed millet for the cows yesterday & some today fine day
15 they got done at Ads this forenoon Geordy drew some wood out of our bush it is dead wood in the afternoon I worked at a pair of {illegible} for Geordy
16 Revd Mr Nicholson preached at night there was a strang Stranger in the morning
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