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William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879

William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879_40.pdf

Revision as of Jan 30, 2024, 4:31:24 PM
edited by
Revision as of Jan 30, 2024, 4:41:24 PM
edited by
Line 23: Line 23:
   <td>Ad brought out the horsepowr this morning & they cut what we had there in the forenoon about 3 1/2 cords they took all home for to cut thre Thomas Stark & Miss Russel two other came on a visit fine day</td>
Line 29: Line 29:
   <td>Ad cut there wood this forenoon Miss Whinnee body came on the Express from Watertown Aunt Jennie came up on the Express from Lyn very fine day</td>
Line 35: Line 35:
   <td>Ad helped Ab McNiel to cut straw unkle Jonney came up on the Mixed this morning fine day</td>
Line 41: Line 41:
   <td>Geordy fixed the old bobslaugh I have done nothing for a week back with a bad cold</td>
Line 47: Line 47:
   <td>I went to Mr Dalings for to take his oath to on account against the Malkomsons for weed Ellen went to Young with Geordy to see them before she gos home they went in the Buggy fine day</td>
Line 53: Line 53:
   <td>cold day with high wind Geordy spit some wood I did nothing it is so cold & blustering with a little snow</td>
Line 59: Line 59:
   <td>the Revd Mr Brown preached this morning Mr Nicholson at night</td>
Line 65: Line 65:
   <td>Ad went to Whites to get his horses shod Ellen went to Brockville on the Express on her way home we got a Telagram that Mr McElhenie is deadd & to be buried tomorrow at 2 oclock I am not able to go</td>
Line 71: Line 71:
   <td>Ad & Geordy went to the Shantie to day Ad brought home a log for a water trough at home theres no slaughing the wind blew the snow off the roads</td>
Line 77: Line 77:
   <td>Ad went to the shanty this morning he intends to stop there I atend the cattle fine day</td>
Line 83: Line 83:
   <td>fine day atend the cattle have a bad cold</td>
   <td>Buggys {illegible}</td>
   <td>Buggys running</td>
   <td>Ad & Geordy came home they all went an oyster super & concert at Westons Hall super at Stewarts house</td>
   <td>they did not go to the Shanty to day beutyfull warm day</td>

Revision as of Jan 30, 2024, 4:41:24 PM


Feb 1 Ad drew one load of wood it is the last till more snow
2 Billie brought Bessie home last night Margret Bilton came with them they came in the Buggy I have been in bed most of the day with a bad cold & cough
3 Revd Mr Nicholson preached this morning Mr Brown at night
4 Ad brought out the horsepowr this morning & they cut what we had there in the forenoon about 3 1/2 cords they took all home for to cut thre Thomas Stark & Miss Russel two other came on a visit fine day
5 Ad cut there wood this forenoon Miss Whinnee body came on the Express from Watertown Aunt Jennie came up on the Express from Lyn very fine day
6 Ad helped Ab McNiel to cut straw unkle Jonney came up on the Mixed this morning fine day
7 Geordy fixed the old bobslaugh I have done nothing for a week back with a bad cold
8 I went to Mr Dalings for to take his oath to on account against the Malkomsons for weed Ellen went to Young with Geordy to see them before she gos home they went in the Buggy fine day
snow 9 cold day with high wind Geordy spit some wood I did nothing it is so cold & blustering with a little snow
10 the Revd Mr Brown preached this morning Mr Nicholson at night
11 Ad went to Whites to get his horses shod Ellen went to Brockville on the Express on her way home we got a Telagram that Mr McElhenie is deadd & to be buried tomorrow at 2 oclock I am not able to go
12 Ad & Geordy went to the Shantie to day Ad brought home a log for a water trough at home theres no slaughing the wind blew the snow off the roads
13 Ad went to the shanty this morning he intends to stop there I atend the cattle fine day
14 fine day atend the cattle have a bad cold
Buggys running 15 Ad & Geordy came home they all went an oyster super & concert at Westons Hall super at Stewarts house
16 they did not go to the Shanty to day beutyfull warm day
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