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William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879

William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879_43.pdf

Revision as of Jan 19, 2024, 8:15:31 PM
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Revision as of Jan 30, 2024, 11:00:50 PM
edited by
Line 3: Line 3:
   <td>Revd Mr Nicholson preached the morning & Mr Brown at night</td>
Line 11: Line 11:
   <td>Ad & Geordy went to the shanty to {two lines illegible}</td>
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   <td>A showr of snow this morning then rain showr on throughout the day I quilled for Jennet </td>
Line 47: Line 23:
   <td>Ad & Geordy came home from the Shantie they finished all that they could do I quilled</td>
   <td>Geordy cut some wood & gathered some sap</td>
   <td>Ad went to Gananoque to Mill he took a barrel of side pork gave it to Mr Brough on accout for fourteen dollars I quilled Robert Beatty came and got the Marchel papers there was only one note I gave him all the letters and recepts that I had Geordy went down to Young with him</td>
   <td>fine day I quiled for Jennet Ad brought out two bags of flour & some cracked wheat </td>
   <td>Mr Smith came from Kingston last night he is a student he preached at Fairfax this morning  James McMullen took him up he preached here at night & then went to Gananoque to go to Kingston
afterwards Mr Brown preached in the morning</td>
   <td>very cold day I did nothing only take care of the cattle Hugh Ellingham came here on Saturday went away on the Express</td>
   <td>I went to Kingston on the Express to atend the Presbytary fine day</td>
   <td>Ad went to Younge for some seed Barley</td>
   <td>got home on the Express this afternoon from Kingston there was a large amount of business to do I stoped at the city Hotel heavy rain all day</td>
   <td>frost last night I quiled Ad got home to night he Brough a load oats with him</td>
   <td>Jennie gathered sap we boiled all day there was a good deal of it</td>
   <td>Mr Glasford a student preached this morning Revd Mr Brown at night fine day</td>

Revision as of Jan 30, 2024, 11:00:50 PM


March 17 Revd Mr Nicholson preached the morning & Mr Brown at night
Ad & Geordy went to the shanty to {two lines illegible}
A showr of snow this morning then rain showr on throughout the day I quilled for Jennet
Ad & Geordy came home from the Shantie they finished all that they could do I quilled
21 Geordy cut some wood & gathered some sap
X 22 Ad went to Gananoque to Mill he took a barrel of side pork gave it to Mr Brough on accout for fourteen dollars I quilled Robert Beatty came and got the Marchel papers there was only one note I gave him all the letters and recepts that I had Geordy went down to Young with him
23 fine day I quiled for Jennet Ad brought out two bags of flour & some cracked wheat
24 Mr Smith came from Kingston last night he is a student he preached at Fairfax this morning James McMullen took him up he preached here at night & then went to Gananoque to go to Kingston afterwards Mr Brown preached in the morning
25 very cold day I did nothing only take care of the cattle Hugh Ellingham came here on Saturday went away on the Express
26 I went to Kingston on the Express to atend the Presbytary fine day
27 Ad went to Younge for some seed Barley
28 got home on the Express this afternoon from Kingston there was a large amount of business to do I stoped at the city Hotel heavy rain all day
29 frost last night I quiled Ad got home to night he Brough a load oats with him
30 Jennie gathered sap we boiled all day there was a good deal of it
31 Mr Glasford a student preached this morning Revd Mr Brown at night fine day
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