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William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879

William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879_46.pdf

Revision as of Jan 19, 2024, 10:51:54 PM
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Revision as of Jan 31, 2024, 1:08:48 PM
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   <td>Ad and Gordy moved the fence at the old house field & made a lane up to the new Barn for to bring the cows from the paster to the yard</td>
   <td>Geordy helped Bruce McNiel with the horses at his spring work I mended Jennes boots Albert & his mother came to see David</td>
   <td>David & Vie went to Brockville on the Mixed this morning Geordy went to the Funeral of Wm Kyies Wm McNiels hiered man he was buired at the Ebeezerien Mr Brown preached I planted some of Halls beans</td>
   <td>planted 1 bushel of Early Roses 3 rowses of butter beans & some Pop corn in the garden fine rain last night</td>
   <td>Revd Mr        Preached this morning Mr Nicholson at night</td>
   <td>Geordy drew 2 loads of wood from Bruce McNiels woods here & plowed part of the field East of the Barn for roots fine day</td>
   <td>Ad and Geordy went to the shanty this afternoon to plow & sow a some oats then & fence part of the peace fine rain this forenoon</td>
   <td>Albert Heicock here last night he brought out a Roller for Charles Armstrong he took it to this morning & he brought me some sweet corn I planted it in the garden east side fine day</td>
   <td>heavy rain last night Ad came home from the chanty with a sore eye there is a stic on it</td>
   <td>I planted a row of the horn carrot at the barn that was all a paper would plant I planted a paper of Summer savoury in the garden near the grapevine</td>
   <td>planted      peas & some Mummy peas in the the garden </td>
   <td>Revd Mr Nicholson preached this morning Mr Brown at night</td>
   <td>hard frost this morning Geordy took a Roller to Robert Van{illegible} in Escott he did not take it he brought it back he moaved the midle fence of the East midle field to the North ditch so that we can paster all the field</td>
   <td>Geordy Wallace James Lattimer went to the 6 Concession to work Ads eye is gaining  I intend to go to Kingston this afternoon to the Synad it meets there at 7:30 this evening</td>

Revision as of Jan 31, 2024, 1:08:48 PM


May 1 Ad and Gordy moved the fence at the old house field & made a lane up to the new Barn for to bring the cows from the paster to the yard
2 Geordy helped Bruce McNiel with the horses at his spring work I mended Jennes boots Albert & his mother came to see David
3 David & Vie went to Brockville on the Mixed this morning Geordy went to the Funeral of Wm Kyies Wm McNiels hiered man he was buired at the Ebeezerien Mr Brown preached I planted some of Halls beans
4 planted 1 bushel of Early Roses 3 rowses of butter beans & some Pop corn in the garden fine rain last night
5 Revd Mr Preached this morning Mr Nicholson at night
6 Geordy drew 2 loads of wood from Bruce McNiels woods here & plowed part of the field East of the Barn for roots fine day
7 Ad and Geordy went to the shanty this afternoon to plow & sow a some oats then & fence part of the peace fine rain this forenoon
8 Albert Heicock here last night he brought out a Roller for Charles Armstrong he took it to this morning & he brought me some sweet corn I planted it in the garden east side fine day
9 heavy rain last night Ad came home from the chanty with a sore eye there is a stic on it
10 I planted a row of the horn carrot at the barn that was all a paper would plant I planted a paper of Summer savoury in the garden near the grapevine
11 planted peas & some Mummy peas in the the garden
12 Revd Mr Nicholson preached this morning Mr Brown at night
13 hard frost this morning Geordy took a Roller to Robert Van{illegible} in Escott he did not take it he brought it back he moaved the midle fence of the East midle field to the North ditch so that we can paster all the field
14 Geordy Wallace James Lattimer went to the 6 Concession to work Ads eye is gaining I intend to go to Kingston this afternoon to the Synad it meets there at 7:30 this evening
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