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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


Revision as of Jul 6, 2023, 9:22:25 PM
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Revision as of Jul 6, 2023, 9:36:24 PM
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Saturday, January 3
Saturday, January 3{diarist used extra-large letters}
Modern Ferruginous Therapy.
The form in which to administer iron is distincly important. The old, irritant, astrigent martial medication has had its da, and properly so. The most generally acceptable of all iron product is Pepto-Mangan (Gude), an organic combination of iron and maganese with assimible peptones. It is palatable, readily tolerable, promptly absorbable, non-irritant, and still distinctly potent as a blood enricher and general tonic reconstructive.
Weather Temp
north<s>west</s>east winds with snow 35
Evelyn was over and spent the afternoon
Went for a sleigh ride on the pond
Papa & Eugene went to aylmers
Billy went 3 miles

Revision as of Jul 6, 2023, 9:36:24 PM

Saturday, January 3{diarist used extra-large letters} 3 DAYS PAST 362 TO COME

Modern Ferruginous Therapy. The form in which to administer iron is distincly important. The old, irritant, astrigent martial medication has had its da, and properly so. The most generally acceptable of all iron product is Pepto-Mangan (Gude), an organic combination of iron and maganese with assimible peptones. It is palatable, readily tolerable, promptly absorbable, non-irritant, and still distinctly potent as a blood enricher and general tonic reconstructive.

Weather Temp northwesteast winds with snow 35 Evelyn was over and spent the afternoon Went for a sleigh ride on the pond Papa & Eugene went to aylmers Billy went 3 miles

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