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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


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Revision as of Nov 7, 2024, 9:00:15 PM
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Thursday, January 29
== Thursday, January 29 ==
Grippe Prostraction  
== Grippe Prostraction ==
R Strychnaie Sulph (Gm .00.2)
R Strychnaie Sulph (Gm .00.2) gr. 1/3<br>
<b>Pepto Mangan (Gude).</b> (Cc.330--orignal bottle) 3xi<br>M.Sig-- Tablespoonful after each meal. Children in proportion.
Pepto Mangan (Gude). (Cc.330-orignal bottle )3xi
Weather Thawing Temp
M.Sig- Tablespoonful after each meal. Children in proportion.
I took the girls at school Pouring and went for them was like a spring day, turned very cold at night & froze cold enough to hold a horse next day. Eugeme went & spent the evening. John was home. Drove Bill 10 1/2 milles.
I think the girls at school Pouring and,aren't for them has like a spring day,turned very cold amoung the hold a horse went day. Eugeme went a spent.the evening.Jhon was home. Drove Bill 10 1/2 milles.

Revision as of Nov 7, 2024, 9:00:15 PM

Thursday, January 29


Grippe Prostraction

R Strychnaie Sulph (Gm .00.2) gr. 1/3
Pepto Mangan (Gude). (Cc.330--orignal bottle) 3xi
M.Sig-- Tablespoonful after each meal. Children in proportion.

Weather Thawing Temp

I took the girls at school Pouring and went for them was like a spring day, turned very cold at night & froze cold enough to hold a horse next day. Eugeme went & spent the evening. John was home. Drove Bill 10 1/2 milles.

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