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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


Revision as of Aug 1, 2023, 10:55:31 PM
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Revision as of Aug 1, 2023, 10:55:52 PM
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1-It does its work both promptly and efficiently-
1-It does its work both promptly and efficiently-
2-It accomplishes its blood regenerative results without producing any of the unfortunate bye-effects (irritation, constipulaation, etc.), which so often follow the use of other iron products-
2-It accomplishes its blood regenerative results without producing any of the unfortunate bye-effects (irritation, constipulation, etc.), which so often follow the use of other iron products-
3-It is palatable and acceptable to patients of all ages
3-It is palatable and acceptable to patients of all ages

Revision as of Aug 1, 2023, 10:55:52 PM


is usually preferred by the discriminating physician because:

1-It does its work both promptly and efficiently-

2-It accomplishes its blood regenerative results without producing any of the unfortunate bye-effects (irritation, constipulation, etc.), which so often follow the use of other iron products-

3-It is palatable and acceptable to patients of all ages

These are pertinent and practical reasons for preferring Pepto_Mangan in all conditions in which a general "building up" regimen is indicated.

ADULT DOSE: One tablespoonful in water, milk or other non-acid vehicle, after each meal. Children in proportion.



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