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Ernest Buck Diary, 1927

Ernest Buck Diary 1927 12.pdf

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Mother went to town with me when I hooked "Gyp"{blurry} up for the first time and got her shod at "Hicks." Spent the morning in the Dentists chair. Had dinner at Barkers and then Jack Dan, Mr Barker and I went to Brantford in the Dodge to see the Better Seed Train. Helped Jean separate when we came home, had supper, helped moved the piano and then drove to J R. {Inkcaters ??} to practice the play and back again through a nasty snow storm.
Mother went to town with me when I hooked "Gyp"{blurry} up for the first time and got her shod at "Hicks." Spent the morning in the Dentists chair. Had dinner at Barkers and then Jack Dan, Mr Barker and I went to Brantford in the Dodge to see the Better Seed Train. Helped Jean separate when we came home, had supper, helped moved the piano and then drove to J R. {Inkcaters ??} to practice the play and back again through a nasty snow storm.
Saturday 26
Jean and I drove to Paris in morning. Completed my appointments with the dentist, got a haircut, and purchased gifts for the singer, pianist, and the best couple.  Ladies of the district gave Jean a surprise shower of wonderful gifts and I had to open them. Tea and a pleasant time after. Helped draw two cars out of snowbanks after and then drove home after the chores were done.

Revision as of Oct 24, 2024, 3:37:25 PM

February Monday 21 1927

An ideal winter day even if it was quite snappy. Slept in until eight o'clock then peeled potatoes and helped Mother wash, and assisted Dad with the chores in the morning. Dad and I took a load of articles to blacksmith shop at Canning and walked over to see Uncle Ern's horses. Tuckers were here for supper but I retired at nine o'clock.

Tuesday 22

Dad and I did the chores in the morning then we motored to Paris after we got Jean. Jean and I got our Marriage License at the town clerk's office. Had dinner at the Dominion Cafe in Brantford and it was a real one. Dad & I went out to see Franklins horses in afternoon. Ordered my flowers and did other shopping afterwards. Had supper with Jean and then walked home after a wonderful day.

Wednesday 23

Dad & I drove to town in the morning and then out to "Bendemere" after my buggy. Had dinner when we got home, did the chores, and then went to see horses at Elmer Barsons, and Camerons. Bought my first horse from A. Cameron for $140. She is an iron grey mare and is rising five years old and her name is "Fly". A real experience for me leading her home.

February Thursday 24 1927

Spent the day cutting wood with Mr Barker and Dan at "Hazel Grove" Cleaned "Gyp" off for the first time and lead her home with me at night. Mrs Barker told me about the shower for Jean on Saturday. I hope next Thursday is as nice as it was to-day until five o'clock.

Friday 25

Mother went to town with me when I hooked "Gyp"{blurry} up for the first time and got her shod at "Hicks." Spent the morning in the Dentists chair. Had dinner at Barkers and then Jack Dan, Mr Barker and I went to Brantford in the Dodge to see the Better Seed Train. Helped Jean separate when we came home, had supper, helped moved the piano and then drove to J R. {Inkcaters ??} to practice the play and back again through a nasty snow storm.

Saturday 26

Jean and I drove to Paris in morning. Completed my appointments with the dentist, got a haircut, and purchased gifts for the singer, pianist, and the best couple. Ladies of the district gave Jean a surprise shower of wonderful gifts and I had to open them. Tea and a pleasant time after. Helped draw two cars out of snowbanks after and then drove home after the chores were done.

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