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Ernest Buck Diary, 1927

Ernest Buck Diary 1927 28.pdf

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Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 8:15:29 PM
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Monday 11
Monday 11
Had a "raring" time when I had "Gyp" & "Fly" on the mower for the first time, Took Pifler's cultivator home just before dinner.
Had a "raring" time when I had "Gyp" & "Fly" on the mower for the first time, Took Pifher's cultivator home just before dinner.
July Tuesday 12 1927
July Tuesday 12 1927

Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 8:15:29 PM

July Saturday 9 1927


Sunday 10

Attended church in the morning and then we all went up to Cunninghams for dinner and Supper, The Telfers were there and maybe we didn't have a good time and a great feed of strawberries etc. It was 7.30 when we got home so it was late when we finished the chores.

Monday 11

Had a "raring" time when I had "Gyp" & "Fly" on the mower for the first time, Took Pifher's cultivator home just before dinner.

July Tuesday 12 1927

My 22nd birthday and a fine day. We drew in hay most of the day and about milking time Mr Barker & Dan went back after another load. Terrific windstorm came up just as they got in the barn doing damage here and there and was later followed by a heavy rain. U.F.Y.P.O. Garden party had to be called off. My darling wife presented me with 2 pairs of silk socks and a nice tie for my birthday at bed time.

Wednesday 13

Put some new shingles on the barn where wind took them off by the ventilator last night. after dinner then pitched off a load of hay so the other two could gather up the hay blown around the field. I hoed turnips for awhile till milking time and Dan started to cut the timothy hay near the house.

Thursday 14

Sharpened my first mower knife in the morning when Dan turned the emery while I touched two of them up. We went up to Cunninghams after dinner to see some cattle. Called in home on way there with some cherries. Bought 4 cattle for $240.00 and brought them home with us. Maybe it wasn't hot. Picked cherries with Jean till chore time while Dan went after Jack {last line cut off}

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