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Ernest Buck Diary, 1927

Ernest Buck Diary 1927 30.pdf

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Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 8:03:52 PM
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Friday 22
Friday 22
We all hoed turnips in the morning even if it was pretty mushy after the heavy rain the night before. Another heavy showe came up at 1.30 so that ended the hoeing. Did some jobs around barn until 3.45 then Dan and I struck out the sod field by the house with the old team.
We all hoed turnips in the morning even if it was pretty mushy after the heavy rain the night before. Another heavy shower came up at 1.30 so that ended the hoeing. Did some jobs around barn until 3.45 then Dan and I struck out the sod field by the house with the old team.
Saturday 23
Rained all morning until 10.30 while we were looking over oats for the show then we plowed with both teams until noon even if it did come onto rain again. I plowed 11 rounds with "Gyp n Fly" in 80 minutes and these were a few nice furrows in the bunch. Jean and I drove to town in rain after dinner and did some shopping for the company & ourselves.

Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 8:03:52 PM

July Thursday 21 1927

Dan and I sharpened a mower knife first thing after breakfast and then hoed turnips for a while. Took in the 20th and last load of hay in field by house and one load from other piece before noon. Drew in 8 loads when Mr. Pifher came over after dinner and we had two teams on the go and we finished the second piece. Hydro men finished building our line. Started to rain just at bed time.

Friday 22

We all hoed turnips in the morning even if it was pretty mushy after the heavy rain the night before. Another heavy shower came up at 1.30 so that ended the hoeing. Did some jobs around barn until 3.45 then Dan and I struck out the sod field by the house with the old team.

Saturday 23

Rained all morning until 10.30 while we were looking over oats for the show then we plowed with both teams until noon even if it did come onto rain again. I plowed 11 rounds with "Gyp n Fly" in 80 minutes and these were a few nice furrows in the bunch. Jean and I drove to town in rain after dinner and did some shopping for the company & ourselves.

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