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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 2..pdf

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Revision as of Jan 15, 2025, 4:34:02 PM
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Tuesday May 30th
Tuesday May 30th
After breakfast I sawed enough wood for the day, and then shelled seed corn. Daddy and Bill were back discking and rolling the ground for it. Then I tried to put the shelves in the pantry but they fit too tight. After dinner I went back and watched Bill go a couple of rounds with his corn marker. And then started down town to buy a corn planter. I fell in with Chris Owanbury who was going down after eggs for Jack Martin and he offered to drive me down and back
After breakfast I sawed enough wood for the day, and then shelled seed corn. Daddy and Bill were back discking and rolling the ground for it.  
Then I tried to put the shelves in the pantry but they fit too tight. After dinner I went back and watched Bill go a couple of rounds with his corn marker. And then started down town to buy a corn planter. I fell in with Chris Owanbury who was going down after eggs for Jack Martin and he offered to drive me down and back. When I got to Andersons I had to wait about ten minutes for Maud Jameison and then Miss Stamp told me they did have any corn planters except an old one that Mr. Anderson had had on the farm which I could have for 50 cts so I took it. Then I pretty nearly lost Chris. but at last found him and came home. When I got home I started to cut potatoes and went to sleep. When I woke up I found I had been lying on my arm and put it fast asleep and took me a long time to wake it up. Then Bruce came after his plow and Daddy went down as far as Fleming's with him to borrow another corn-planter. I went on cutting potatoes which to me till tea-time. After tea Daddy wanted to go back and plant some more corn so Dick and I had to do the chores. It took me about half an hour

Revision as of Jan 15, 2025, 4:34:02 PM

We let Davie out in the orchard to-day Josie saw him going out and has kicked up a fuss all day. It started out this morning nice and cool but got hot again to the middle of the day but cooled down again at night.

Tuesday May 30th

After breakfast I sawed enough wood for the day, and then shelled seed corn. Daddy and Bill were back discking and rolling the ground for it.

Then I tried to put the shelves in the pantry but they fit too tight. After dinner I went back and watched Bill go a couple of rounds with his corn marker. And then started down town to buy a corn planter. I fell in with Chris Owanbury who was going down after eggs for Jack Martin and he offered to drive me down and back. When I got to Andersons I had to wait about ten minutes for Maud Jameison and then Miss Stamp told me they did have any corn planters except an old one that Mr. Anderson had had on the farm which I could have for 50 cts so I took it. Then I pretty nearly lost Chris. but at last found him and came home. When I got home I started to cut potatoes and went to sleep. When I woke up I found I had been lying on my arm and put it fast asleep and took me a long time to wake it up. Then Bruce came after his plow and Daddy went down as far as Fleming's with him to borrow another corn-planter. I went on cutting potatoes which to me till tea-time. After tea Daddy wanted to go back and plant some more corn so Dick and I had to do the chores. It took me about half an hour

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