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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 6..pdf

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Revision as of Jan 11, 2025, 8:06:00 PM
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Saturday June 3rd
Saturday June 3rd
Bill got back about four o'clock this morning. I went out after breakfast to spread manure and got my feet so soaking wet that I came in, and changed my boots and socks and went out and hoed the tomatoes and planted some potatoes Bill Donald came to plow and has been plowing all day. After dinner Bob Blakie came over to get some of his property that he had lent to William's and talked here for about an hour. Then Daddy and I went back and planted carrot seed all the after noon. Bill hauled manure all day and got out 18 loads. Allan and Harry Batersly drove out for a short visit. After tea Dick and I walked in and webt into the sgtump for a swim and then on down town and I got a film abd a collar. We got home about 8 o'clock This was His Majesty's birthday but it was not celebrated here but the coronation will be
Bill got back about four o'clock this morning. I went out after breakfast to spread manure and got my feet so soaking wet that I came in, and changed my boots and socks and went out and hoed the tomatoes and planted some potatoes Bill Donald came to plow and has been plowing all day. After dinner Bob Blakie came over to get some of his property that he had lent to William's and talked here for about an hour. Then Daddy and I went back and planted carrot seed all the after noon. Bill hauled manure all day and got out 18 loads. Allan and Harry Batersly drove out for a short visit. After tea Dick and I walked in and went into the stump for a swim and then on down town and I got a film and a collar. We got home about {10?} o'clock This was His Majesty's birthday but it was not celebrated here but the coronation will be

Revision as of Jan 11, 2025, 8:06:00 PM

and I took it along with our own over. Then Bill loaded up some manure and I went over and spread it which job I have kept all day Old Felix came over to fix the windmill so she will work all right and he fixed it to pump a lot easier. Bob Law brought a couple of loads of sand to-day for the foundation of the horse-stable when it is moved. Bill Donald has been plowing for buck wheat all-day. It began to rain heavily about five o'clock and kept up till after tea. The were a couple of light showers before and it has been fairly hot all day but a nice breeze. All the school had a holiday this afternoon on account of Mrs Liddy's funeral. Bill rode old Harry down town to-night.

Saturday June 3rd Bill got back about four o'clock this morning. I went out after breakfast to spread manure and got my feet so soaking wet that I came in, and changed my boots and socks and went out and hoed the tomatoes and planted some potatoes Bill Donald came to plow and has been plowing all day. After dinner Bob Blakie came over to get some of his property that he had lent to William's and talked here for about an hour. Then Daddy and I went back and planted carrot seed all the after noon. Bill hauled manure all day and got out 18 loads. Allan and Harry Batersly drove out for a short visit. After tea Dick and I walked in and went into the stump for a swim and then on down town and I got a film and a collar. We got home about {10?} o'clock This was His Majesty's birthday but it was not celebrated here but the coronation will be

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