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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 7..pdf

Revision as of Jan 11, 2025, 8:16:48 PM
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Revision as of Jan 11, 2025, 8:26:36 PM
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Sunday June 4th
Sunday June 4th
Dick and I walked into Sunday School this morning and were about 10 minutes late. I drove back after church with Daddy and Enah who drove Joe and Ginger into church. This after-noon it looked like rain and I walked in to Huby's. It then cleared off and I walked down to the dock and found Dick talking to Art. Smith, Joe and Greenbury. Then Murry and Roy Dell came along in Dell's row boat and Art. Smith and Greend bury and I got in we went out in the lake. Then we came up and I walked up town andf then went down to Aunty Maude's for tea. After tea I went up to church and then went for a little walk with Murray but it looked very stormy (and is thundery now) that I came home. Bill was here when I arrived. Huby and Harry Battersby have gone up to Billington's to-day. They did not say what for
Dick and I walked into Sunday School this morning and were about 10 minutes late. I drove back after church with Daddy and Enah who drove Joe and Ginger into church. This after-noon it looked like rain and I walked in to Huby's. It then cleared off and I walked down to the dock and found Dick talking to Art. Smith, Joe and Greenbury. Then Murry and Roy Dell came along in Dell's row boat and Art. Smith and Greend bury and I got in we went out in the lake. Then we came up and I walked up town andf then went down to Aunty Maude's for tea. After tea I went up to church and then went for a little walk with Murray but it looked very stormy (and is thundery now) that I came home. Bill was here when I arrived. Huby and Harry Battersby have gone up to Billington's to-day. They did not say what for
Monday June 5th
Got up with much doscomfort being very sleepy this morning a little after six. I sawed some wood before breakfast and a little afterwards. We hooked Joe and Ginger up to the wagon and went down town and got all the stuff out of Enah's and Daddy's room which took us all morning as we had to take up the carpet. Dick drove down with us and took his dinner to s=chool as it was too muddy to ride his wheel. When we got back Bill wwas woerking spreading the manure he hauled out Saturday and it wasa to wet around the manure pile to haul out any more and any way Faulkner had cme and taken his wagon.

Revision as of Jan 11, 2025, 8:26:36 PM

Sunday June 4th Dick and I walked into Sunday School this morning and were about 10 minutes late. I drove back after church with Daddy and Enah who drove Joe and Ginger into church. This after-noon it looked like rain and I walked in to Huby's. It then cleared off and I walked down to the dock and found Dick talking to Art. Smith, Joe and Greenbury. Then Murry and Roy Dell came along in Dell's row boat and Art. Smith and Greend bury and I got in we went out in the lake. Then we came up and I walked up town andf then went down to Aunty Maude's for tea. After tea I went up to church and then went for a little walk with Murray but it looked very stormy (and is thundery now) that I came home. Bill was here when I arrived. Huby and Harry Battersby have gone up to Billington's to-day. They did not say what for

Monday June 5th Got up with much doscomfort being very sleepy this morning a little after six. I sawed some wood before breakfast and a little afterwards. We hooked Joe and Ginger up to the wagon and went down town and got all the stuff out of Enah's and Daddy's room which took us all morning as we had to take up the carpet. Dick drove down with us and took his dinner to s=chool as it was too muddy to ride his wheel. When we got back Bill wwas woerking spreading the manure he hauled out Saturday and it wasa to wet around the manure pile to haul out any more and any way Faulkner had cme and taken his wagon.

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