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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 12..pdf

Revision as of Jan 13, 2025, 5:57:57 PM
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Revision as of Jan 13, 2025, 6:01:12 PM
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Thursday June 8th
Thursday June 8th
I was very sleepy this morning when Dad called me and have been sleepy all day. After breakfast I sawed enough wood for the day, and then went out and spread manure. I only got one row spread to-day and had several rests and one or two naps. Daddy pitched on to-day and Bill hauled out Huby has not been over at all to-day.
I was very sleepy this morning when Dad called me and have been sleepy all day. After breakfast I sawed enough wood for the day, and then went out and spread manure. I only got one row spread to-day and had several rests and one or two naps. Daddy pitched on to-day and Bill hauled out Huby has not been over at all to-day. After dinner I lay down on the sofa to read "Peck's Bad Boy" and went to sleep and remaind in that state toill two o'clock, when I went out and sofread after dumping Enah's wash water out of the machine. I quit about four and went to rest under an elm back in the gulsh. I could hear them yelling over at the svhool house where they were playing baseball. Dover vs. Simcoe return game.

Revision as of Jan 13, 2025, 6:01:12 PM

Thursday June 8th I was very sleepy this morning when Dad called me and have been sleepy all day. After breakfast I sawed enough wood for the day, and then went out and spread manure. I only got one row spread to-day and had several rests and one or two naps. Daddy pitched on to-day and Bill hauled out Huby has not been over at all to-day. After dinner I lay down on the sofa to read "Peck's Bad Boy" and went to sleep and remaind in that state toill two o'clock, when I went out and sofread after dumping Enah's wash water out of the machine. I quit about four and went to rest under an elm back in the gulsh. I could hear them yelling over at the svhool house where they were playing baseball. Dover vs. Simcoe return game.

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