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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 18..pdf

Revision as of Jan 14, 2025, 12:07:39 PM
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Revision as of Jan 14, 2025, 12:09:58 PM
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Wednesday June 14th
Wednesday June 14th
This morning I sawed quite a lot of wood and then went back and nearly finished planting the corn that the crows got. Daddy and Bill drove up to Marshall's to get the timber. Daddy came back at noon and left Bill there to hew the stick. After dinner I painted the pantry door and Enah started on the whole kitchen while Daddy went down to Vyse's to borrow a cultivator. Then we went back and he cultivated the corn while I hoed around the hills.
This morning I sawed quite a lot of wood and then went back and nearly finished planting the corn that the crows got. Daddy and Bill drove up to Marshall's to get the timber. Daddy came back at noon and left Bill there to hew the stick. After dinner I painted the pantry door and Enah started on the whole kitchen while Daddy went down to Vyse's to borrow a cultivator. Then we went back and he cultivated the corn while I hoed around the hills. About four o'clock we started off to get Bill and the timber, he had one stick nearly done so we waited and after quite a lot of fixing got it fastened to the wagon and started for home. I sat behind and tried to steer the thing and Daddy drove Bill walked most of the way. We reached home about wight, and unloaded our timber and had tea We got the chored finished about a quarter to ten. It has been fairly warm to-day and a little windy

Revision as of Jan 14, 2025, 12:09:58 PM

Wednesday June 14th This morning I sawed quite a lot of wood and then went back and nearly finished planting the corn that the crows got. Daddy and Bill drove up to Marshall's to get the timber. Daddy came back at noon and left Bill there to hew the stick. After dinner I painted the pantry door and Enah started on the whole kitchen while Daddy went down to Vyse's to borrow a cultivator. Then we went back and he cultivated the corn while I hoed around the hills. About four o'clock we started off to get Bill and the timber, he had one stick nearly done so we waited and after quite a lot of fixing got it fastened to the wagon and started for home. I sat behind and tried to steer the thing and Daddy drove Bill walked most of the way. We reached home about wight, and unloaded our timber and had tea We got the chored finished about a quarter to ten. It has been fairly warm to-day and a little windy

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