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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 20..pdf

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Revision as of Jan 14, 2025, 2:35:43 PM
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Saturday June 17th
Saturday June 17th
This morning we had quite a hustle. Gilbert got started early to work on the horse-stable and we got a good crowd of Men viz: Huby, Alfred Ryersie, Jim Blakie and Frank Vyse besides ourselves. All came that had promised except Dad. Haymaker; and Walt. McCall the two that Huby had got. Dick went down early to meet a bunch that were going to drive up to the glen for a picnic. He was gone all day and was pretty tired when he reached home although he caught two trout and had a good time. I Rode Enah's wheel down <s>the first time</s> when Dick went down to get some spikes and just got back and found I had to go again after nails. Luint and Ei Brown came over with some cherries. Olivets the first I have tasted this year. - and stayed till the middle of the afternoon. She picked the pigeon that the chickens had killed yesterday. We worked away all day at the building with out any adventure or mishap (excdpot the escaoe of seberal getting bogged oin the manure) and at six o'clock has her all blocked up and sills put under and moved about 3 feet.
This morning we had quite a hustle. Gilbert got started early to work on the horse-stable and we got a good crowd of Men viz: Huby, Alfred Ryersie, Jim Blakie and Frank Vyse besides ourselves. All came that had promised except Dad. Haymaker; and Walt. McCall the two that Huby had got. Dick went down early to meet a bunch that were going to drive up to the glen for a picnic. He was gone all day and was pretty tired when he reached home although he caught two trout and had a good time. I Rode Enah's wheel down <s>the first time</s> when Dick went down to get some spikes and just got back and found I had to go again after nails. Luint and (Evi?}  Brown came over with some cherries - Olivets the first I have tasted this year. - and stayed till the middle of the afternoon. She picked the pigeon that the chickens had killed yesterday. We worked away all day at the building with out any adventure or mishap (except the escapes of several getting bogged in the manure) and at six o'clock had her all blocked up and sills put under and moved about 3 feet.

Revision as of Jan 14, 2025, 2:35:43 PM

Bill went down town and I cut more lawn till dark. The cows got into the wheat fields to-night. There has been a pretty nice breeze all day to-day but fairly hot. Gilbert drove in here with his aparatus about 10 o'clock to-night and is going to stay all night.

Saturday June 17th

This morning we had quite a hustle. Gilbert got started early to work on the horse-stable and we got a good crowd of Men viz: Huby, Alfred Ryersie, Jim Blakie and Frank Vyse besides ourselves. All came that had promised except Dad. Haymaker; and Walt. McCall the two that Huby had got. Dick went down early to meet a bunch that were going to drive up to the glen for a picnic. He was gone all day and was pretty tired when he reached home although he caught two trout and had a good time. I Rode Enah's wheel down the first time when Dick went down to get some spikes and just got back and found I had to go again after nails. Luint and (Evi?} Brown came over with some cherries - Olivets the first I have tasted this year. - and stayed till the middle of the afternoon. She picked the pigeon that the chickens had killed yesterday. We worked away all day at the building with out any adventure or mishap (except the escapes of several getting bogged in the manure) and at six o'clock had her all blocked up and sills put under and moved about 3 feet.

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