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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 24..pdf

Revision as of Jan 14, 2025, 9:19:34 PM
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Revision as of Jan 14, 2025, 9:21:52 PM
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Dad drove Belle up to Yeager's. He stopped into Flemings on his way back and the cow was up and eating. It was Earne's cow and when he came over this morning he fainted and fell right into the old cow. He has not been very well and jumped right on his wheel out of bed and the consequence was as has been stated above Bill and I got sixteen rows hoed by noon. After dinner Bill plowed with Old Harry and Belle and Daddy and I took Josie to break her in on the cultivator Talk about stepping high wide and fancy Joe certainly took the cake she stepped all over every hill she could see and got her legs over th etraces and every other agravating act She could think of. She could not see the sense of waling up and down the field lugging the old rattly long cultivator behind her. She quieted down after a while
Dad drove Belle up to Yeager's. He stopped into Flemings on his way back and the cow was up and eating. It was Earne's cow and when he came over this morning he fainted and fell right into the old cow. He has not been very well and jumped right on his wheel out of bed and the consequence was as has been stated above Bill and I got sixteen rows hoed by noon. After dinner Bill plowed with Old Harry and Belle and Daddy and I took Josie to break her in on the cultivator. Talk about stepping high wide and fancy Joe certainly took the cake she stepped all over every hill she could see and got her legs over the traces and every other agravating act She could think of. She could not see the sense of walking up and down the field lugging the old rattly long cultivator behind her. She quieted down after a while

Revision as of Jan 14, 2025, 9:21:52 PM

Dad drove Belle up to Yeager's. He stopped into Flemings on his way back and the cow was up and eating. It was Earne's cow and when he came over this morning he fainted and fell right into the old cow. He has not been very well and jumped right on his wheel out of bed and the consequence was as has been stated above Bill and I got sixteen rows hoed by noon. After dinner Bill plowed with Old Harry and Belle and Daddy and I took Josie to break her in on the cultivator. Talk about stepping high wide and fancy Joe certainly took the cake she stepped all over every hill she could see and got her legs over the traces and every other agravating act She could think of. She could not see the sense of walking up and down the field lugging the old rattly long cultivator behind her. She quieted down after a while

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