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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 32..pdf

Revision as of Jan 16, 2025, 4:38:04 PM
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Revision as of Jan 16, 2025, 7:39:32 PM
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Bill, Daddy and I went out and cocked all the hay there was cut. Then we hauled in what was in the plum orchard and on the lawn in front of the house. In the after noon Bill and I went down town to see the "doins". Bill was going to see his father-in-law to see what he could let us have some sheep for. I had a letter from John Miller Esq. and he said he would let have them for $20 a piece. but we thought if we could get some any cheaper it would be better to grade up.
Bill, Daddy and I went out and cocked all the hay there was cut. Then we hauled in what was in the plum orchard and on the lawn in front of the house. In the after noon Bill and I went down town to see the "doins". Bill was going to see his father-in-law to see what he could let us have some sheep for. I had a letter from John Miller Esq. and he said he would let have them for $20 a piece. but we thought if we could get some any cheaper it would be better to grade up.
I saw Hazen and Mousie Thompson and Skinny {Ryaue?} down town. It was very hot. I went home at six o'clock after seeing the usual races, water sports and steeple chase which Billy Couper won again this year.
I saw Hazen and Mousie Thompson and Skinny {Ryuice?} down town. It was very hot. I went home at six o'clock after seeing the usual races, water sports and steeple chase which Billy Couper won again this year.

Revision as of Jan 16, 2025, 7:39:32 PM

This morning being Dominion Day Dick went down town to celebrated and did not get back home till about 10 p.m.

Bill, Daddy and I went out and cocked all the hay there was cut. Then we hauled in what was in the plum orchard and on the lawn in front of the house. In the after noon Bill and I went down town to see the "doins". Bill was going to see his father-in-law to see what he could let us have some sheep for. I had a letter from John Miller Esq. and he said he would let have them for $20 a piece. but we thought if we could get some any cheaper it would be better to grade up.

I saw Hazen and Mousie Thompson and Skinny {Ryuice?} down town. It was very hot. I went home at six o'clock after seeing the usual races, water sports and steeple chase which Billy Couper won again this year.

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