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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 45..pdf

Revision as of Jan 20, 2025, 5:48:08 PM
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Revision as of Jan 20, 2025, 5:53:57 PM
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It was raining when I got up this morning but cleared off and then began to rain again. So Dick and I went down to Sunday-school. I took a pint of cream to Miss Phipps on my way down, and found Mr. Johnsons dog there where it had spent the night. Daddy and Enah drove Ginger and Joe down to church as Enah had to play the accompanyment for Miss Hunt who sang a solo. After church all Huby's family and we went to Hendersons for dinner (Dad's treat). I knocked around with {Frazer?} and Murray all the after noon and went to Huby's for tea. I went off and and did Wiser's chores at the church for him as he wanted to go to church with his girl. Dick and I walked home in the mud and rain after church. It rained hard all through church. Hot the rest of the day. Huby made me a thing to burn worm's nests with.
It was raining when I got up this morning but cleared off and then began to rain again. So Dick and I went down to Sunday-school. I took a pint of cream to Miss Phipps on my way down, and found Mr. Johnsons dog there where it had spent the night. Daddy and Enah drove Ginger and Joe down to church as Enah had to play the accompanyment for Miss Hunt who sang a solo. After church all Huby's family and we went to Hendersons for dinner (Dad's treat). I knocked around with {Frazer?} and Murray all the after noon and went to Huby's for tea. I went off and and did Wiser's chores at the church for him as he wanted to go to church with his girl. Dick and I walked home in the mud and rain after church. It rained hard all through church. Hot the rest of the day. Huby made me a thing to burn worm's nests with.
{The next piece of writing is obscured by a torn off piece of newspaper}
Monday July 17th
{I} did not get p till half past seven this {mo}rning as it was raining. It soon {c}leared off and Daddy and I went out {and} tightened up the track in the big barn. {Then} Daddy rode aold Harry and led Belle {writing clear again} down to the black smith's. The poor horses were nealry drowned last night out in the old stable. I took Ginger and Joe out and put them in the big barn and just as I came out it began to rain. It rained till noon and I wroite a letter to Aunty as I couldnot do any thing outside. Charlie Martin came over and stayed about an hour. Daddy did not get back till after dinner and he had John McCoy with him to lance a horses jaw. Then I went to cut thistles in the garden and I started to burn worm's nests. Mr. Johnson and Huby drove out. They were making a tour notifying

Revision as of Jan 20, 2025, 5:53:57 PM

Sunday July 16th

It was raining when I got up this morning but cleared off and then began to rain again. So Dick and I went down to Sunday-school. I took a pint of cream to Miss Phipps on my way down, and found Mr. Johnsons dog there where it had spent the night. Daddy and Enah drove Ginger and Joe down to church as Enah had to play the accompanyment for Miss Hunt who sang a solo. After church all Huby's family and we went to Hendersons for dinner (Dad's treat). I knocked around with {Frazer?} and Murray all the after noon and went to Huby's for tea. I went off and and did Wiser's chores at the church for him as he wanted to go to church with his girl. Dick and I walked home in the mud and rain after church. It rained hard all through church. Hot the rest of the day. Huby made me a thing to burn worm's nests with.

{The next piece of writing is obscured by a torn off piece of newspaper} Monday July 17th

{I} did not get p till half past seven this {mo}rning as it was raining. It soon {c}leared off and Daddy and I went out {and} tightened up the track in the big barn. {Then} Daddy rode aold Harry and led Belle {writing clear again} down to the black smith's. The poor horses were nealry drowned last night out in the old stable. I took Ginger and Joe out and put them in the big barn and just as I came out it began to rain. It rained till noon and I wroite a letter to Aunty as I couldnot do any thing outside. Charlie Martin came over and stayed about an hour. Daddy did not get back till after dinner and he had John McCoy with him to lance a horses jaw. Then I went to cut thistles in the garden and I started to burn worm's nests. Mr. Johnson and Huby drove out. They were making a tour notifying

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