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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 61..pdf

Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 5:59:59 PM
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Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 6:01:16 PM
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Saturday August 5th
Saturday August 5th
As none of our men were here we did not do any thing in particular to-day. I went back the gully first thing this morning to see if the cows had any water and found one pool at the extreme end of the pasture. They were all three standing in it. Daddy took Joe and Ginger down this rnorning to get them shod and brought Greenbury back to trim Davy's feet. Davy kicked up quite a row. Daddy is afraid he is getting ring bone. Daddy wasa gone nearly all forenoon I sawed wood till my saw horse broke and puttered at odd jobs. Dick was down town all day and is down to-night. He brought back at noon 3 letters from Roy Auny and Granddaddy. The Latter said he expected to have Frank start East from Sycamore on the 17th of August.
As none of our men were here we did not do any thing in particular to-day. I went back the gully first thing this morning to see if the cows had any water and found one pool at the extreme end of the pasture. They were all three standing in it. Daddy took Joe and Ginger down this rnorning to get them shod and brought Greenbury back to trim Davy's feet. Davy kicked up quite a row. Daddy is afraid he is getting ring bone. Daddy was gone nearly all forenoon I sawed wood till my saw horse broke and puttered at odd jobs. Dick was down town all day and is down to-night. He brought back at noon {3?} letters from Roy Auny and Granddaddy. The Latter said he expected to have Frank start East from Sycamore on the 17th of August.

Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 6:01:16 PM

Saturday August 5th

As none of our men were here we did not do any thing in particular to-day. I went back the gully first thing this morning to see if the cows had any water and found one pool at the extreme end of the pasture. They were all three standing in it. Daddy took Joe and Ginger down this rnorning to get them shod and brought Greenbury back to trim Davy's feet. Davy kicked up quite a row. Daddy is afraid he is getting ring bone. Daddy was gone nearly all forenoon I sawed wood till my saw horse broke and puttered at odd jobs. Dick was down town all day and is down to-night. He brought back at noon {3?} letters from Roy Auny and Granddaddy. The Latter said he expected to have Frank start East from Sycamore on the 17th of August.

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