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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 62..pdf

Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 6:11:21 PM
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Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 6:13:34 PM
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Sunday August 6th
Sunday August 6th
Got up late this morning after all the chores were done and had breakfast alone as the rest were waiting tll Roy gotup and I did not want to be late ringing the bell. However I did not go down till they were half throug breakfast and then I got down about 9.30. I cleaned the {wh...?} I could reach out of the windows. We stayed in t cxommunion and then Daddy Enah and I went up to see Cousin Clare. We went down to Huby's for dinner, Daddy did not want to stay but as dinner was just ready Aunty Maude wanted himto. Harry Battersby was there. Daddy and Enah went home and I stayed at Hubys a little wile till Huby took Lila (in her bathing suit) down to jump off the dock, then I went up town and sat in the market square
Got up late this morning after all the chores were done and had breakfast alone as the rest were waiting tll Roy got up and I did not want to be late ringing the bell. However I did not go down till they were half throug breakfast and then got down about 9.35. I cleaned the {wh...?} I could reach out of the windows. We stayed in to communion and then Daddy Enah and I went up to see Cousin Clare. We went down to Huby's for dinner, Daddy did not want to stay but as dinner was just ready Aunty Maude wanted him to. Harry Battersby was there. Daddy and Enah went home and I stayed at Hubys a little while till Huby took Lila (in her bathing suit) down to jump off the dock, then I went up town and sat in the market square

Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 6:13:34 PM

Sunday August 6th

Got up late this morning after all the chores were done and had breakfast alone as the rest were waiting tll Roy got up and I did not want to be late ringing the bell. However I did not go down till they were half throug breakfast and then got down about 9.35. I cleaned the {wh...?} I could reach out of the windows. We stayed in to communion and then Daddy Enah and I went up to see Cousin Clare. We went down to Huby's for dinner, Daddy did not want to stay but as dinner was just ready Aunty Maude wanted him to. Harry Battersby was there. Daddy and Enah went home and I stayed at Hubys a little while till Huby took Lila (in her bathing suit) down to jump off the dock, then I went up town and sat in the market square

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