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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 63..pdf

Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 6:45:11 PM
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Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 6:46:45 PM
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good after all. We brought the cows up with us and milked before tea. The flys were awful. Dick was here when we came up. We had a late tea and Daddy tended to the horses afterwards.
good after all. We brought the cows up with us and milked before tea. The flys were awful. Dick was here when we came up. We had a late tea and Daddy tended to the horses afterwards.
We have not seen a sign of Roy xsince church except we saw him with Livy going into the drugstore after films to take Things kid on s it has been taken about a dozen times before by amateurs but none turned out. This was just after we came out of Cousin Clare's.
We have not seen a sign of Roy since church except we saw him with Livy going into the drugstore after films to take {illegible}  kid on as it has been taken about a dozen times before by amateurs but none turned out. This was just after we came out of Cousin Clare's.

Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 6:46:45 PM

good after all. We brought the cows up with us and milked before tea. The flys were awful. Dick was here when we came up. We had a late tea and Daddy tended to the horses afterwards.

We have not seen a sign of Roy since church except we saw him with Livy going into the drugstore after films to take {illegible} kid on as it has been taken about a dozen times before by amateurs but none turned out. This was just after we came out of Cousin Clare's.

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