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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 69..pdf

Revision as of Jan 23, 2025, 1:25:38 PM
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Revision as of Jan 23, 2025, 1:26:26 PM
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Thursday August 17th
Thursday August 17th
Emery did not come to-day so Daddy and I worked around cleaning up all day. This morning we got some lumber out of the old box stall doors to make mangers with and after dinner we hauled out a lot of the old shingles & rubbish in front of the horse stable and piled it out with the brush to burn. We also put in a few more posts for the fence and got another load of rails. The old wind mill came uncoupled some where down in the well last night and Dick went down with Edith & B this morning to get Felix but he could not come to-day as he was going up to hear Mr. Bordenspout to-night. Allan and Miss Brent came over this afternoon for awhile. Dick went down to-night to hear the band but it did not play as it was playing for Mr. Borden, it will {Margin note} likley be hear to-morrow. Dick said there was a great crowd went on up on the the special to hear Borden to-night. Pretty fairly warm but nice breeze.
Emery did not come to-day so Daddy and I worked around cleaning up all day. This morning we got some lumber out of the old box stall doors to make mangers with and after dinner we hauled out a lot of the old shingles & rubbish in front of the horse stable and piled it out with the brush to burn. We also put in a few more posts for the fence and got another load of rails. The old wind mill came uncoupled some where down in the well last night and Dick went down with Edith & B this morning to get Felix but he could not come to-day as he was going up to hear Mr. Bordenspout to-night. Allan and Miss Brent came over this afternoon for awhile. Dick went down to-night to hear the band but it did not play as it was playing for Mr. Borden, it will {Margin note} likley be hear to-morrow. Dick said there was a great crowd went up on the the special to hear Borden to-night. Pretty fairly warm but nice breeze.

Revision as of Jan 23, 2025, 1:26:26 PM

Thursday August 17th

Emery did not come to-day so Daddy and I worked around cleaning up all day. This morning we got some lumber out of the old box stall doors to make mangers with and after dinner we hauled out a lot of the old shingles & rubbish in front of the horse stable and piled it out with the brush to burn. We also put in a few more posts for the fence and got another load of rails. The old wind mill came uncoupled some where down in the well last night and Dick went down with Edith & B this morning to get Felix but he could not come to-day as he was going up to hear Mr. Bordenspout to-night. Allan and Miss Brent came over this afternoon for awhile. Dick went down to-night to hear the band but it did not play as it was playing for Mr. Borden, it will {Margin note} likley be hear to-morrow. Dick said there was a great crowd went up on the the special to hear Borden to-night. Pretty fairly warm but nice breeze.

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