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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 73..pdf

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Revision as of Jan 25, 2025, 1:37:37 PM
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Wednesday August 23rd
Wednesday August 23rd
Got up fairly early this morning and found it pretty cool. Daddy, Tige, Marshalls two kittens, and the old grey cat Williams left and I went way back the gulch after the cows. We found them in the wood and the cats followed us all the way. Daddy went over to Blakie's to thrash and stayed all day there. Dick went over but came back to dinner, but went right back again. He ran the blower this morning. Blakie thrashed 640 barrels all to-gether. I sawed a lot of wood up and threw out the chaff I raked up in the barn yesterday. I got some tomatoes and potatoes. Emery was plowing all day I took him some water a couple of times but did not stay. This After noon Enah and I drove Joe down town and got the buggy chuck full of grub for the threshers. Mrs. Flemming gave us about a bushel of vegetables.
Got up fairly early this morning and found it pretty cool. Daddy, Tige, Marshalls two kittens, and the old grey cat Williams left and I went way back the gulch after the cows. We found them in the wood and the cats followed us all the way. Daddy went over to Blakie's to thrash and stayed all day there. Dick went over but came back to dinner, but went right back again. He ran the blower this morning. Blakie thrashed 640 barrels all to-gether. I sawed a lot of wood up and threw out the chaff I raked up in the barn yesterday. I got some tomatoes and potatoes. Emery was plowing all day I took him some water a couple of times but did not stay. This After noon Enah and I drove Joe down town and got the buggy chuck full of grub for the threshers. Mrs. Flemming gave us about a bushel of vegetables. {Margin note} We thought wwe. droipped a cabbage and we went all the eway back to Ognnister's but didfind it. Dick and Paul LeeWoodson came in about six from Blakies ans I we tn down with them to Woodson's for a swim and very nearly froze. We swam all to the island under weater.I had my tea after I came home about eight o'clock. Cool to-day.

Revision as of Jan 25, 2025, 1:37:37 PM

Wednesday August 23rd

Got up fairly early this morning and found it pretty cool. Daddy, Tige, Marshalls two kittens, and the old grey cat Williams left and I went way back the gulch after the cows. We found them in the wood and the cats followed us all the way. Daddy went over to Blakie's to thrash and stayed all day there. Dick went over but came back to dinner, but went right back again. He ran the blower this morning. Blakie thrashed 640 barrels all to-gether. I sawed a lot of wood up and threw out the chaff I raked up in the barn yesterday. I got some tomatoes and potatoes. Emery was plowing all day I took him some water a couple of times but did not stay. This After noon Enah and I drove Joe down town and got the buggy chuck full of grub for the threshers. Mrs. Flemming gave us about a bushel of vegetables. {Margin note} We thought wwe. droipped a cabbage and we went all the eway back to Ognnister's but didfind it. Dick and Paul LeeWoodson came in about six from Blakies ans I we tn down with them to Woodson's for a swim and very nearly froze. We swam all to the island under weater.I had my tea after I came home about eight o'clock. Cool to-day.

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