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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1915-1917

Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917 10.pdf

Revision as of Aug 2, 2024, 3:06:02 AM
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Revision as of Oct 12, 2024, 2:54:48 PM
edited by
Line 1: Line 1:
June 21st picked 68 crates S Berries sold at 4 ¢ and 10 ¢
June 21st Picked 68 crates SBerries sold at and 10¢
June 22nd Had a shower at noon <u>quite</u> a lot of hail but not very large
June 22nd Had a shower at noon <s>quiet</s> a lot of hail but not very large
June 28th Largest picking strawberries 113 crates sold at 7¢ and 8¢ lot
June 28th Largest Picking strawberries 113 crates sold at 7¢ and 8¢ box.
July 2nd started picking Richmond cherries
July 2nd started Picking Richmond cherries
Jult 5th very heavy thunder storm last night and terribble heavy gales today blowed a lot of the tree fruit off
July 5th very heavy thunder storm last night and terrible heavy gales today blowed a lot of the tree fruit off
July 9th finished picking Richmond cherries.
July 9th. Finished Picking Richmond Cherries.
July 10 starting cleaning old strawberr beds
July 10 Starting cleaning old Strawberry beds
July 13 finished picking strawberries and started picking Raspberries
July 13 Finished picking Strawberries and Started Picking Raspberries
July 14th started picking montmorency cherries
July 14th Started Picking montmorency cherries
July 15 picked 109 loht cherries today sold 50¢
July 15 Picked 109 bskt {basket} cherries today sold 50¢
July 19th Busy picking cherries 220 baskets today sold at 50¢
July 19th Busy picking cherries 220 baskets today sold at 50¢
July 23rd picked 14 loht vegetable marrows sold at 35¢ loht.
July 23rd Picked 14 bskt {basket} vegetable marrows sold at 35¢ bskt {basket}.
July 29th finished picking cherries
July 29th Finished Picking cherries.
Aug 2 picked first plums 20 lohts. shipped north at 60¢ raining nearly all last week can't get Raspberry picked
Aug 2. Picked first Plums 30 bskts {baskets}. shipped north at 60¢ Raining nearly all last week can't get Raspberries picked

Revision as of Oct 12, 2024, 2:54:48 PM

June 21st Picked 68 crates SBerries sold at 9¢ and 10¢

June 22nd Had a shower at noon quiet a lot of hail but not very large

June 28th Largest Picking strawberries 113 crates sold at 7¢ and 8¢ box.

July 2nd started Picking Richmond cherries

July 5th very heavy thunder storm last night and terrible heavy gales today blowed a lot of the tree fruit off

July 9th. Finished Picking Richmond Cherries.

July 10 Starting cleaning old Strawberry beds

July 13 Finished picking Strawberries and Started Picking Raspberries

July 14th Started Picking montmorency cherries

July 15 Picked 109 bskt {basket} cherries today sold 50¢

July 19th Busy picking cherries 220 baskets today sold at 50¢

July 23rd Picked 14 bskt {basket} vegetable marrows sold at 35¢ bskt {basket}.

July 29th Finished Picking cherries.

Aug 2. Picked first Plums 30 bskts {baskets}. shipped north at 60¢ Raining nearly all last week can't get Raspberries picked

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