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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1922

Franklin McMillan Diary 1922 13.pdf

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Revision as of Oct 14, 2024, 7:07:35 PM
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June 8th Picked first strawberries 3 crates slipped to Toronto sold at 274 box  
June 8th Picked first strawberries 3 crates shipped to Toronto sold at 27¢ box  
June 9th. Three men cultivating others hoeing very warm over 90 in the shade  
June 9th. Three men cultivating others hoeing. very warm over 90 in the shade  
June 10th. Had a very heavy rain in the night. lightning and thunder. very bad. Sowed Turnip seed. sowed half way past 7 Turnip hole in the drill.  
June 10th. Had a very heavy rain in the night. lightning and thunder. very bad. Sowed Turnip seed. sowed half way past Turnip hole in the drill.  
June 9th {(<s>con</s>?)} Uncle Archie died this afternoon funeral on Sunday.  
June 9th (con) {continued} Uncle Archie died this afternoon funeral on Sunday.  
June 11th Sunday. everything flooded in the night. Thunder storm started about 10 oclock last night and kept up one after another all night Till after 4 this morning. it is now about 10 oclock and Thundering again went to Uncle Archies funeral weather turned out fine  
June 11th Sunday. every thing flooded in the night. Thunder storm started about 10 oclock last night and kept up one after another all night till after 4 this morning. it is now about 10 oclock and Thundering again went to Uncle Archies funeral weather turned out fine.
June 12th Picked 30 crates strawberries off the old patch. they were awful sandy. stripped to Toronto sold at 28 {cents symbol} and 30 {cents symbol}
June 12th Picked 30 crates strawberries off the old patch. they were awful sandy. shipped to Toronto sold at 28¢ and 30¢
June 13th. Picked strawberries guess they dropped in price sold in Toronto at 20 and 22 {cents symbol}
June 13th. Picked strawberries guess they dropped in price sold in Toronto at 20 and 22¢
June 14. Picked 41 crates sold some north at $5 {00 in superscript} crate and some to {Rors?} Hart at 15 {cents symbol}, Sold in Toronto at 16 {cents symbol}
June 14. Picked 41 crates. sold some north at $5.00 crate and some to Ross Hart at 15¢, Sold in Toronto at 16¢
June 15 Picked 49 crates SB. today. only shipped 13 crates north Balance to Toronto. sold at 18 {cents symbol} there
June 15 Picked 49 crates SB. today. only shipped 13 crates north Balance to Toronto. sold at 18¢ there
June 16th. Picked 66 crates {luck?} stopped by rain, did not get nearly over them sold 29 crates north at 15 {cents symbol} and 18 crates to Toronto at 18 {cents symbol}
June 16th. Picked 66 crates but stopped by rain, did not get nearly over them sold 29 crates to Smith at 14¢. 19 crates north at 15¢ and 18 crates to Toronto at 18¢
June 17th Had very heavy thunderstorms again in the night every thing flooded today nothing doing
June 17th Had very heavy thunderstorms again in the night every thing flooded today nothing doing

Revision as of Oct 14, 2024, 7:07:35 PM

June 8th Picked first strawberries 3 crates shipped to Toronto sold at 27¢ box

June 9th. Three men cultivating others hoeing. very warm over 90 in the shade

June 10th. Had a very heavy rain in the night. lightning and thunder. very bad. Sowed Turnip seed. sowed half way past Turnip hole in the drill.

June 9th (con) {continued} Uncle Archie died this afternoon funeral on Sunday.

June 11th Sunday. every thing flooded in the night. Thunder storm started about 10 oclock last night and kept up one after another all night till after 4 this morning. it is now about 10 oclock and Thundering again went to Uncle Archies funeral weather turned out fine.

June 12th Picked 30 crates strawberries off the old patch. they were awful sandy. shipped to Toronto sold at 28¢ and 30¢

June 13th. Picked strawberries guess they dropped in price sold in Toronto at 20 and 22¢

June 14. Picked 41 crates. sold some north at $5.00 crate and some to Ross Hart at 15¢, Sold in Toronto at 16¢

June 15 Picked 49 crates SB. today. only shipped 13 crates north Balance to Toronto. sold at 18¢ there

June 16th. Picked 66 crates but stopped by rain, did not get nearly over them sold 29 crates to Smith at 14¢. 19 crates north at 15¢ and 18 crates to Toronto at 18¢

June 17th Had very heavy thunderstorms again in the night every thing flooded today nothing doing

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