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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1922

Franklin McMillan Diary 1922 16.pdf

Revision as of Jan 14, 2024, 2:14:32 AM
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Revision as of Oct 21, 2024, 9:02:33 PM
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also / {unit of measurement?} tomatoes peppers sold at 90 {cents sign} tomatoes sold at {dollar sign} 15.0 tomatoes very poor crop this year.
also 1 bskt {basket} tomatoes peppers sold at 90¢ tomatoes sold at $15.0 {$1.50} tomatoes very poor crop this year.
July 12th {Orangemans?} day pickers scarce. only picked too {unit of measurement?} Cherries. heavy rain at five oclock.  
July 12th Orangemans day pickers scarce. only picked 100 bskts {baskets} Cherries. heavy rain at five oclock.  
July 13 Fine + warm picking Cherries + cutting cabbages
July 13 Fine & warm picking cherries & cutting cabbages
July 14th Picking Cherries Have picked 978 {unit of measurement?} up till today Friday night.  
July 14th Picking cherries Have picked 978 bskts {baskets} up till today Friday night.  
July 15 Cut 25 dz cabbage for Hart at 504 dz. Picked 12 crates Rasps. went to market with crates sold at 20 {cents sign}
July 15 Cut 25 doz Cabbage for Hart at 50¢ doz. Picked 12 crates Rasps. went to market with 9 crates sold at 20¢
July 16th Fine + warm, home all day.  
July 16th Fine & warm, home all day.  
July 17th cut 25 crates cabbages + 27 {unit of measurement?} tomatoes. shipped all north. had a couple of light showers.
July 17th Cut 25 crates cabbages & 27 bskts {baskets} tomatoes. shipped all north. had a couple of light showers.
July 18th Picked Cherries at 80 {cents sign}  14 Rasps at 21 cents 23 + 24
July 18th Picked cherries at 80¢ 14 Rasps at 21 cents 23¢ & 24¢
July 19 Picked Cherries 80 {cents sign} 18 Rasps shipped 7 {unit of measurement?} solf at 23 + 24 17 tomatoes at {dollar sign} 15 / 34 peppers @ {dollar sign} 60 to {dollar sign} 100 weather fine + warm  
July 19. Picked cherries 80¢ 18 Rasps shipped Toronto sold at 23 & 24¢ 17 tomatoes at $1 50. 34 peppers @ $60 to $100 { $0.60 to $1.00?} weather fine & warm.
July 20 Fine picking Cherries + Raspberries
July 20. Fine picking Cherries & Raspberries.
July 21 Picking Cherries + Rasps fine + warm.
July 21 Picking cherries & Rasps fine & warm.
July 22 Sat picked Black Currants 9 baskets in all  
July 22 Sat picked Black Currants 9 baskets in all.
July 23rd Sunday. Showery Lillie played organ at Meth. Church.  
July 23rd Sunday. Showery. Lillie played organ at Meth. Church.  
July 24th Picked last of Red Cherries picked first apples 75 {unit of measurement?} sold @ 50 {cents sign}
July 24th Picked last of Red Cherries. picked first apples 75 bskts {baskets} sold @ 50¢.
July 25th Picked Rasps all day 28 crates, also picked first plums 6 {unit of measurement?} Willards shipped north at 75 {cents sign}
July 25th Picked Rasps all day 28 crates, also picked first plums 6 bskts {baskets} Willards shipped north at 75¢

Revision as of Oct 21, 2024, 9:02:33 PM

also 1 bskt {basket} tomatoes peppers sold at 90¢ tomatoes sold at $15.0 {$1.50} tomatoes very poor crop this year.

July 12th Orangemans day pickers scarce. only picked 100 bskts {baskets} Cherries. heavy rain at five oclock.

July 13 Fine & warm picking cherries & cutting cabbages

July 14th Picking cherries Have picked 978 bskts {baskets} up till today Friday night.

July 15 Cut 25 doz Cabbage for Hart at 50¢ doz. Picked 12 crates Rasps. went to market with 9 crates sold at 20¢

July 16th Fine & warm, home all day.

July 17th Cut 25 crates cabbages & 27 bskts {baskets} tomatoes. shipped all north. had a couple of light showers.

July 18th Picked cherries at 80¢ 14 Rasps at 21 cents 23¢ & 24¢

July 19. Picked cherries 80¢ 18 Rasps shipped Toronto sold at 23 & 24¢ 17 tomatoes at $1 50. 34 peppers @ $60 to $100 { $0.60 to $1.00?} weather fine & warm.

July 20. Fine picking Cherries & Raspberries.

July 21 Picking cherries & Rasps fine & warm.

July 22 Sat picked Black Currants 9 baskets in all.

July 23rd Sunday. Showery. Lillie played organ at Meth. Church.

July 24th Picked last of Red Cherries. picked first apples 75 bskts {baskets} sold @ 50¢.

July 25th Picked Rasps all day 28 crates, also picked first plums 6 bskts {baskets} Willards shipped north at 75¢

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