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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923 & 1924

Frank McMillan 1923 & 1924 20.pdf

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Revision as of Dec 1, 2024, 9:42:12 PM
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Dec 24th. Received a couple of letters from Dean this morning he would like to come and spend a couple of days with us. we wired back to come. did not go any place Lillie had a lot of shopping to do. Think we had better move in to the Mission Inn Hotel a {party?} told us it cost a friend of his $45.00 to stay one day. Some fruits very high here. Pineapples 20¢ lb. an average size one 60¢ Bananas 14 & 15¢ lb. Getting milk. at the door for 15¢ quart.
Dec 24th. Received a couple of letters from Dean this morning he would like to come and spend a couple of days with us. we wired back to come. did not go any place Lillie had a lot of shopping to do. Think we had better move in to the Mission Inn Hotel a {party?} told us it cost a friend of his $45.00 to stay one day. Some fruits very high here. Pineapples 20¢ lb. an average size one 60¢ Bananas 14 & 15¢ lb. Getting milk. at the door for 15¢ quart.
{Side note} Elevation at Colton 963 feet
Christmas Day. Dean & Garth arrived about 11 oclock, just took them 2 hours and 5 minutes for 62 miles must have done some. The day was extra fine & warm. He took us for a ride as far as Colton about 8 miles from here it is not a very large place. but lots of oranges around there. took a couple of snaps. by some orange trees. Took a walk down main street after supper. Dean thinks it is a pretty nice place here.
Dec 26th. This morning is cloudy but we packed a lunch and started out for a 60 mile drive. we started out about 11 oclock for a town called Perris the first part

Revision as of Dec 1, 2024, 9:42:12 PM

they all say. when we were here before in Calif there was no wind at all. Lillie went to church tonight to hear the Xmas music.

Dec 24th. Received a couple of letters from Dean this morning he would like to come and spend a couple of days with us. we wired back to come. did not go any place Lillie had a lot of shopping to do. Think we had better move in to the Mission Inn Hotel a {party?} told us it cost a friend of his $45.00 to stay one day. Some fruits very high here. Pineapples 20¢ lb. an average size one 60¢ Bananas 14 & 15¢ lb. Getting milk. at the door for 15¢ quart.

{Side note} Elevation at Colton 963 feet

Christmas Day. Dean & Garth arrived about 11 oclock, just took them 2 hours and 5 minutes for 62 miles must have done some. The day was extra fine & warm. He took us for a ride as far as Colton about 8 miles from here it is not a very large place. but lots of oranges around there. took a couple of snaps. by some orange trees. Took a walk down main street after supper. Dean thinks it is a pretty nice place here.

Dec 26th. This morning is cloudy but we packed a lunch and started out for a 60 mile drive. we started out about 11 oclock for a town called Perris the first part

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