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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923 & 1924

Frank McMillan 1923 & 1924 41.pdf

Revision as of Dec 5, 2024, 3:10:46 PM
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Revision as of Dec 5, 2024, 3:12:19 PM
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we sure had a nice walk and just got back to Magnolia ave when we saw the car coming. we got home at 5 oclock. Charlotte does enjoy gling around. she is getting to be some walker and Doris does pretty good too.
we sure had a nice walk and just got back to Magnolia ave when we saw the car coming. we got home at 5 oclock. Charlotte does enjoy going around. she is getting to be some walker and Doris does pretty good too.
Feby 11th. Monday. Fine & warm this morning temperature at 9 oclock was 66. We expected some papers tis morning. but none arrived, they are a whole week behind now. I have been getting some Catalogues of Plants & SeeedsThey have a lot of the same Varieties here as we have in strawberries but prices
Feby 11th. Monday. Fine & warm this morning temperature at 9 oclock was 66. We expected some papers this morning but none arrived, they are a whole week behind now. I have been getting some Catalogues of Plants & Seeds They have a lot of the same Varieties here as we have in strawberries but prices

Revision as of Dec 5, 2024, 3:12:19 PM

we sure had a nice walk and just got back to Magnolia ave when we saw the car coming. we got home at 5 oclock. Charlotte does enjoy going around. she is getting to be some walker and Doris does pretty good too.

Feby 11th. Monday. Fine & warm this morning temperature at 9 oclock was 66. We expected some papers this morning but none arrived, they are a whole week behind now. I have been getting some Catalogues of Plants & Seeds They have a lot of the same Varieties here as we have in strawberries but prices

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