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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923 & 1924

Frank McMillan 1923 & 1924 53.pdf

Revision as of Dec 7, 2024, 7:06:28 PM
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Revision as of Dec 7, 2024, 7:11:55 PM
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Feby 27th. was going to Hemet today, but there is another norther blowing as they call it here, it is warm but blowing hard, so we did not go. Paid Electric light Bill Jan 20th to Feby 20th $1.75 the rate here is 8 cents for small amounts. Sat around in the Park in the afternoon talked to a man who motored here last May from Iowa. says he would never motor again over the mountains. one place he had to back up to get around a corner. and the bottom was about 400 feet down. does not like it here any way. nothing here only
Feby 27th. was going to Hemet today, but there is another norther blowing as they call it here, it is warm but blowing hard, so we did not go. Paid Electric light Bill Jan 20th to Feby 20th $1.75 the rate here is 8 cents for small amounts. Sat around in the Park in the afternoon talked to a man who motored here last May from Iowa. says he would never motor again over the mountains. one place he had to back up to get around a corner. and the bottom was about 400 feet down. does not like it here any way. nothing here only the Tourists to make any money out of. They think around here money in chickens but I dont see it as eggs are only 25 cts a doz retail in the stores.
Feby 28th. we left this morning on the 10 30 bus for Hemet. fare $2.25 return. it is 34 miles south west of Riverside the first 3 or 4 miles. from Riverside were all oranges then we started climbing the hills all rocks, the road curving around between hills. till we got on top. then from here to La Verde. was all farming country. but looked as if every thing was dried up. at La Verde we saw some

Revision as of Dec 7, 2024, 7:11:55 PM

Feby 27th. was going to Hemet today, but there is another norther blowing as they call it here, it is warm but blowing hard, so we did not go. Paid Electric light Bill Jan 20th to Feby 20th $1.75 the rate here is 8 cents for small amounts. Sat around in the Park in the afternoon talked to a man who motored here last May from Iowa. says he would never motor again over the mountains. one place he had to back up to get around a corner. and the bottom was about 400 feet down. does not like it here any way. nothing here only the Tourists to make any money out of. They think around here money in chickens but I dont see it as eggs are only 25 cts a doz retail in the stores.

Feby 28th. we left this morning on the 10 30 bus for Hemet. fare $2.25 return. it is 34 miles south west of Riverside the first 3 or 4 miles. from Riverside were all oranges then we started climbing the hills all rocks, the road curving around between hills. till we got on top. then from here to La Verde. was all farming country. but looked as if every thing was dried up. at La Verde we saw some

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