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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923 & 1924

Frank McMillan 1923 & 1924 58.pdf

Revision as of Dec 9, 2024, 1:02:09 PM
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Revision as of Dec 9, 2024, 1:04:08 PM
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take the serum treatment for prevenrtion of colds. Should take about 20 minutes one every other day.
take the serum treatment for prevention of colds. Should take about 20 treatments one every other day.
March 5th. Went to another Dr. this afternoon for another examination as we where not satosfied he says about the same thing only that the troubleis acute Bronchitis and adviswed going to the desert ot live for a year also at Palm Springs, where it is very warm & dry. and sometimes does not rain once in four or five years, nd not to go home until April 15th, at least. so guess it is a show down. looks like we will have to sell out at home.
March 5th. Went to another Dr. this afternoon for another examination as we where not satisfied he says about the same thing only that the trouble is acute Bronchitis and advised going to the desert to live a year or so at Palm Springs, where it is very warm & dry. and sometimes does not rain once in four or five years, and not to go home until April 15th, at least. so guess it is a show down. looks like we will have to sell out at home.

Revision as of Dec 9, 2024, 1:04:08 PM

take the serum treatment for prevention of colds. Should take about 20 treatments one every other day.

March 5th. Went to another Dr. this afternoon for another examination as we where not satisfied he says about the same thing only that the trouble is acute Bronchitis and advised going to the desert to live a year or so at Palm Springs, where it is very warm & dry. and sometimes does not rain once in four or five years, and not to go home until April 15th, at least. so guess it is a show down. looks like we will have to sell out at home.

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