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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923 & 1924

Frank McMillan 1923 & 1924 68.pdf

Revision as of Dec 10, 2024, 9:25:29 PM
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Revision as of Dec 10, 2024, 9:29:05 PM
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{Side note} Soo. wins Senior O.H.A and Championship of Canada.
{Side note} Soo. wins Senior O.H.A and Championship of Canada.
April 2nd getting ready to go home. Took books back to Library and got my $2.00 deposit back, & notified Gas Co & Eletric Light Co. to read meters tomorrow. went out to say Good bye to Mrs Coppley, also saw her two daughters there and one son. Fred, who is laid up with a frog felon. on his hand. he is in bad shape they say, and had an awful time. We leave tomorrow Thursday evening at 649 p.m. G. Union Pacific by Salt Lake and Omaha to Chicago should arrive at Hamilton next Monday a, at 750
April 2nd getting ready to go home. Took books back to Library and got my $2.00 deposit back, & notified Gas Co & Electric Light Co. to read metres tomorrow. went out to say Goodbye to Mrs Coppley, also saw her two daughters there and one son. Fred, who is laid up with a frog felon. on his hand. he is in bad shape they say, and had an awful time. We leave tomorrow Thursday evening at 649 p.m. G. Union Pacific by Salt Lake and Omaha to Chicago should arrive at Hamilton next Monday am, at 750

Revision as of Dec 10, 2024, 9:29:05 PM

back. got our berths at Union Pacific St, a Section Lower & Upper. cost $52.65 also got my hat I had getting cleaned cost $1.50. see in the Herald Montreal won Prof. Hockey Championship. Beat Calgary in the finals. Owen Sound Juniors beat Winnipeg Calgary in first game of finals 5 to 3 Soo Beat Selkirks from Manitoba 6 - 2. in first game of finals at 9 p.m. tonight. raining very hard. Owen Sound tie second game so win Junior Championship of Canada. score 7 to 5.

{Side note} Soo. wins Senior O.H.A and Championship of Canada.

April 2nd getting ready to go home. Took books back to Library and got my $2.00 deposit back, & notified Gas Co & Electric Light Co. to read metres tomorrow. went out to say Goodbye to Mrs Coppley, also saw her two daughters there and one son. Fred, who is laid up with a frog felon. on his hand. he is in bad shape they say, and had an awful time. We leave tomorrow Thursday evening at 649 p.m. G. Union Pacific by Salt Lake and Omaha to Chicago should arrive at Hamilton next Monday am, at 750

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