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Olive Philp Diary, 1921


Revision as of Mar 14, 2024, 2:46:57 AM
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Revision as of Mar 14, 2024, 2:52:44 AM
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St.David's day............March 1st.                          Midsummer Day.....................June 24th.
St.David's day............March 1st.                          Midsummer Day.....................June 24th.
St.Patrick's day..........March 17th.                          Dominion Day......................Friday, July 1st.
St.Patrick's day..........March 17th.                          Dominion Day......................Friday, July 1st.
Lady Day..................March 25th.                          Labor Day........................Monday, Sept. 5th.
Palm Sunday...............March 20th.                          Labour Day........................Monday, Sept. 5th.
Good Friday...............Friday, March 25th.                  Michaelmas Day...................Sept. 29th.
Lady Day..................March 25th.                          Michaelmas Day....................Sept. 29th.
Easter Sunday.............March 27th.                          All Saints' Day..................Nov. 1st.
Good Friday...............Friday, March 25th.                  All Saints' Day...................Nov. 1st.
St.George's Day...........April 23rd.                          St.Andrew's Day..................Nov. 30th.
Easter Sunday.............March 27th.                          St.Andrew's Day...................Nov. 30th.
Holy Thursday.............May 5th.                            Conception Day...................Sunday, Dec.25th
St.George's Day...........April 23rd.                          Conception Day....................Sunday, Dec. 8th.
Holy Thursday.............May 5th.                            Christmas Day...................Sunday, Dec. 25th.

Revision as of Mar 14, 2024, 2:52:44 AM

-Diary for 1921-


New Year's day............Saturday, Jan. 1st. Pentecost. Whitsunday.............May 15th. Epiphany..................Thursday, Jan. 6th. Trinity Sunday....................May 22nd. Ash Wednesday.............Wednesday, Feb. 9th. Victoria Day......................May 24th. Quadragesima, 1st Sunday in Lent, Sunday Feb. 13th. Birth of King George V (1865) June 3rd. St.David's day............March 1st. Midsummer Day.....................June 24th. St.Patrick's day..........March 17th. Dominion Day......................Friday, July 1st. Palm Sunday...............March 20th. Labour Day........................Monday, Sept. 5th. Lady Day..................March 25th. Michaelmas Day....................Sept. 29th. Good Friday...............Friday, March 25th. All Saints' Day...................Nov. 1st. Easter Sunday.............March 27th. St.Andrew's Day...................Nov. 30th. St.George's Day...........April 23rd. Conception Day....................Sunday, Dec. 8th. Holy Thursday.............May 5th. Christmas Day...................Sunday, Dec. 25th.

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