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James Cameron Diary, 1876

James Cameron 1876 Diary 6.pdf

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3rd Crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Vipond 3 Bunches of Fishing Lines 15 cents settled with Gil Baker  Got 10. 1/4 for him all clear  some one stole one of my Papers out of my Canoe at the End of Ashery I think it a Yankee Boat that came acrofs to Summerstown  Got 2 Bugs of Petode from I House  East Wind a Talk of Matty Nicholson and John James going to have a Lawsuit  The Boys went Down with a Raft Francis came here with an oak stick and Left it here 2 Boys stole it From him and took it up as far as Luke Bowers and he caught them and took it here
3rd Crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Vipond 3 Bunches of Fishing Lines 15 cents settled with Gil Baker  Got 10. 1/4 for him all clear  some one stole one of my Papers out of my Canoe at the End of Ashery I think it a Yankee Boat that came acrofs to Summerstown  Got 2 Bugs of Petode from I House  East Wind a Talk of Matty Nicholson and John James going to have a Lawsuit  The Boys went Down with a Raft Francis came here with an oak stick and Left it here 2 Boys stole it From him and took it up as far as Luke Bowers and he caught them and took it here
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Mr James Cameron Island 4th of June 1876
Whit Sunday East Wind Fine cool Keeping Francis stick from Getting away
5th Making Ashes set fire to an elm that Fell (Bill here) Trowling at the Weeds in the Potatoes
6th Fixing the Little Canoeat the ashes cleaning up stairs trying to catch the sheep
7th had to put the Dog after the sheep before we could Get them caught 2 of them
8th sheared the sheep the other came home to the yard and we caught her caught a Pike Trowling
9th Our Marys Birth Day 1813  A Fine Day
10th Went acrofs for my Papers Gordon stopt at Hamiltons Got a Peice of Tobacco from Charlie Parisha a sack of salt for I Hamilton Mr Spinks Down Took a Picture up for John Hamilton  Walter Campbell Bay City Heard Mary was not well Allen B Alick Told me a Good many Trowling the St Francis  a pleasure Trip out of Dundee up to Cornwall Fixing 2 Pannels of Fence at the Barn Cutting Weeds in the Potatoes the hens and the Grubs at the Potatoes and the Grubs at the Garden  Gordons Calf at Hamiltons Friday came to get it next Saturday
1th  A Raft Went Down St Barnabus
12th I crofsed to Hamilton a very heavy Fog this Morning the Brunston got aground at Hog Island the Alma Monroe turned Back from John Hamiltons up to Renshaw Wharf another Propeller aground the Dominion stopt a While at Renshaws the Bohemian and St Francis went Down in the Fog the St Francis ahead got From George        to 50 Wt of Flour Down on the Jenny i-50  seen D Suple at Summerstown and R. Baker I Hamilton Painting his Waggon
13th took the ashes home from the Bush Fixing them in Bags  Francis here going to sell his stick
14th Francis came took his stick to Rankins Mill I helped him crofs the the channel he came Back and said he Lost it with the Wind Windy Rain Thunder

Revision as of Sep 11, 2024, 12:51:29 PM

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Mr James Cameron Island May 29

Royal Oak Day Went to Summerstown Brought 4 1/2 Doz of Eggs Bought 1 lb of Tea Tobacco camphor Brought 7 Summers s{illegible} Wild Onions some of the Potatoes up Brought AI Bakers Bag home took the Plough Got a Bag of Potatoes from IF Amitton Got a Treat from Tom George Bosele and Pete here for hay for his calf talking to me about the Order I got at Viponds I Vipond in Cornwall high North Breeze Rained some

30th Crofsed with Gordon to hamiltons East Wind Got 12 Perch not Biting

31st cleaning out the Milk -House Randolph and I went to Alexis Island Got some Peices of Fat Pine Working at the Q Runnels at the North West corner of the Barn Mr John Rankin Blacksmith came Brought me my Tongs But not my Steel Butcher-Knife stopt to night

1st of June The Glorious First of June a Fine Day Very warm Day First Fish caught in Front of the Door Got 14 Ranking went of Forgot his Lines and Turned Back

2nd Tried to catch the sheep to shear them could not get them to follow home

3rd Crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Vipond 3 Bunches of Fishing Lines 15 cents settled with Gil Baker Got 10. 1/4 for him all clear some one stole one of my Papers out of my Canoe at the End of Ashery I think it a Yankee Boat that came acrofs to Summerstown Got 2 Bugs of Petode from I House East Wind a Talk of Matty Nicholson and John James going to have a Lawsuit The Boys went Down with a Raft Francis came here with an oak stick and Left it here 2 Boys stole it From him and took it up as far as Luke Bowers and he caught them and took it here

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Mr James Cameron Island 4th of June 1876

Whit Sunday East Wind Fine cool Keeping Francis stick from Getting away

5th Making Ashes set fire to an elm that Fell (Bill here) Trowling at the Weeds in the Potatoes

6th Fixing the Little Canoeat the ashes cleaning up stairs trying to catch the sheep

7th had to put the Dog after the sheep before we could Get them caught 2 of them

8th sheared the sheep the other came home to the yard and we caught her caught a Pike Trowling

9th Our Marys Birth Day 1813 A Fine Day

10th Went acrofs for my Papers Gordon stopt at Hamiltons Got a Peice of Tobacco from Charlie Parisha a sack of salt for I Hamilton Mr Spinks Down Took a Picture up for John Hamilton Walter Campbell Bay City Heard Mary was not well Allen B Alick Told me a Good many Trowling the St Francis a pleasure Trip out of Dundee up to Cornwall Fixing 2 Pannels of Fence at the Barn Cutting Weeds in the Potatoes the hens and the Grubs at the Potatoes and the Grubs at the Garden Gordons Calf at Hamiltons Friday came to get it next Saturday

1th A Raft Went Down St Barnabus

12th I crofsed to Hamilton a very heavy Fog this Morning the Brunston got aground at Hog Island the Alma Monroe turned Back from John Hamiltons up to Renshaw Wharf another Propeller aground the Dominion stopt a While at Renshaws the Bohemian and St Francis went Down in the Fog the St Francis ahead got From George to 50 Wt of Flour Down on the Jenny i-50 seen D Suple at Summerstown and R. Baker I Hamilton Painting his Waggon

13th took the ashes home from the Bush Fixing them in Bags Francis here going to sell his stick

14th Francis came took his stick to Rankins Mill I helped him crofs the the channel he came Back and said he Lost it with the Wind Windy Rain Thunder

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